高中英语《Unit1 Living with technology》Reading课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

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Unit 1 Living with technology,MP5,Lead-in,Electrical and electronic products,digital camera,cell phone,TV set,laptop,refrigerator,washing machine,microwave oven,air-conditioner,electric rice cooker,electromagnetic oven,kitchen ventilator (油烟机),vacuum cleaner,MP3,MP4,tape recorder,The development of audio devices,MP5,MP8,The development of TV sets,black-and-white TV,colour TV,LCD screen,LED screen,desktop,palm,The development of computers,laptop,The development of dictionary,dictionary,electronic dictionary,The development of communication,letter/telegram,telephone,beeper,cell phone,Unit 1 Living with technology Reading The evolution of video and sound devices,Headings appear before each section of a text. They can show you how a text is organized, and give an idea as to the contents of each section.,Reading Strategy: understanding headings,You may not need to read the whole text if you can find what you are looking for under one or two headings.,TV (in order of time),Early history of TV,The modern age: satellite TV,Structure of the article:,Sound and video recorders (in order of time),Early history of sound recorders,Sound and video go digital,Sound and video recorders,The future,New technology will soon make recorders, cassette recorders, CDs, DVDs and even TVs things of the past.,Fast Reading,Careful Reading,Read the article carefully and finish Part C1 and Part C2 (P4).,Part C1: 1. Colour TV became popular within just a few years after it was invented. 2. People without satellite dishes do not benefit at all from satellite TV broadcasts. 3. Some of the first tape recorders used plastic tape to record on. 4. Records and cassettes do not offer as good a sound quality as CDs. 5. New technology will soon make many of the things talked about in the article out of date.,F,F,F,T,T,The first recording of a human voice was made.,Emile Berliner invented a record player that used discs to record on.,Part C2:,The first public TV broadcasts were made in the USA.,Regular public broadcasting began in London.,The first colour TV programme was broadcast.,Satellites were used to broadcast TV.,Regular colour TV broadcasts began in the UK.,The first CDs were made available.,The VCD was born.,The DVD was invented.,If you could own only one electrical or electronic device, what would you choose? Why?,Discussion,Keys to Part D: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _,e,d,h,c,f,a,b,g,Keys to Part E: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _,foresaw,drawbacks,constructed,delayed,percentage,receiver,Eventually,Language Points,1. (P1) Technology has seen some amazing developments in the last few decades.,in the last few decades in the last/ past + 段时间 (常与现在完成时连用),近以来;在过去的里,近几年来,我的家乡已经发生了惊人的变化。,My hometown has seen amazing changes in the last few years.,Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last few years.,2. (P1) keep in touch with 和保持联系( = stay in touch with.);了解,get in touch with be out of touch with,和取得联系,和失去联系; 不了解; 不懂,touch : v 触摸,接触,碰,感动,触动 Her story touched us all deeply.,contact: vt contact sb. 联系,联络,n make contact with sb. keep in contact with sb. lose contact with sb.,与取得联系,与保持联系,与失去联系,3. (P1) over time over: = during 在期间 我们吃午饭时商量此事吧。 Well discuss it over lunch. 这些年来她没有多大变化。 She has not changed much over the years. 4. (P1) improve peoples lives 改善人们的生活,5. (L6) contribute to 把贡献/捐赠给; 有助于 ;是的原因之一;撰稿 他捐了很多钱给慈善机构。 He contributed a lot of money to the charity. 我投了几首诗给那本杂志。 I contributed several poems to the magazine. 充足的新鲜空气有助于身体健康。 Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 司机的粗心大意造成了这次事故。 The drivers carelessness contributed to the accident.,6. (L6) Most early TV broadcasts were made using a system developed by John Logie Baird in the UK.,状语,定语,7.(L10) in the late 1920s and early 1930s 在二十世纪二十年代末、二十世纪三十年代初 读作: in the late nineteen twenties,8. (L12) John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.,(L3638) It was not until the early 1950s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today.,It was not until that,I did not go to bed until eleven oclock.,I did not go to bed until it was eleven oclock.,It was not until eleven oclock that I went to bed.,It was not until it was eleven oclock that I went to bed.,10. (L15) delay v. & n. 耽搁,延迟 delay sth. / doing sth. 推迟(做)某事 without delay=quickly 毫不迟延地, 立即,马上,9. (L14) though (1) conj. 尽管,虽然 (引导让步状语从句,也可以像 as引导的让步状语从句一样倒装) Though he is young, he knows much about the world. = Young though he is , he knows much about the world. (2) adv. 然而,可是,不过 He promised to come. He didnt turn up, though.,11. (L19) Satellite allow TV to be broadcast live over vast distances, with everyone receiving the same broadcast at the same time.,live: v 居住,生活 adj 活的,现场直播的,现场演出的 adv 在现场直播, 在现场表演(录制),12. (L21) accessible: adj access: n have access to,可使用的,可接触到的,可到达的,易理解的,通道,通路,(使用或见到的)权利/机会,有机会或权利使用或利用,13. (L22) distribute vt.分布; 分散;分发;分配;分销 distribute sth. to/ among 把某物分配给 这个机构向地震灾民分发了食品。 The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims.,14. (L24) However, most people still benefit from satellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population living nearby.,benefit (v) sb. benefit (v) from sth. be of benefit (n) to be beneficial (adj) to ,使某人受益,有益于某人,从受益,受益于,对有益,有益于,对有益,有益于,原因状语从句,定语从句,定语,15. (L29) However, in 1887 Emile Berliner, a German living in the USA, invented a record player that used discs as alternatives to tubes, and so the modern record player was born.,16. (L31) wind (wound, wound) up by hand,上发条 用手,同位语,定语从句,17. (L34) Most early recorders employed steel tape to record on, which made them heavy and difficult to use, or paper tape, which was easier to use but often broke.,定语从句,定语从句,employ employment employee employer,雇用,使用,运用 雇用,使用,利用,工作,就业 受雇者,雇工,雇员 雇用者,雇主,老板,18. (L43) available: adj.,可获得的, 可购得的, 可找到的, (人)有空的,19. (L48) with the development of 随着的发展 20. (L51) keep pace with 与并驾齐出;与步调一致,Homework,To complete A1 and A2 on page 98 of the Workbook. To read the article in Part A on page 103 and in Part B on page 104 of the Workbook.,

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