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Lesson 2 On the Move,一、你去过外地旅行吗?你是怎么去旅行的呢?请参照下面的问题与你的同学讨论你的旅行经历 1.Who in your group has ever been on an airplane? 2.Has any of you ever been abroad?Where did you go? 3.While you were at a foreign international airport,did you have any difficulty understanding their announcements?If yes,how did you solve that problem? 答案:略,二、用正确的单词或短语替换各句中的斜体部分 1.Ladies are usually keenly aware of their ages. 2.The most possible cause of the fire was a cigarette. 3.As a student it is your duty to finish your homework every day. 4.The details of the document remain secret,so we cant know anything about it. 5.Some people are complaining about the wild competition in the job market. 6.Most young people still depend on their parents after 18 years old. 7.She speaks with an Indian way of pronunciation.,sensitive to,likely,responsibility,contents,fierce,rely on,accent,8.The fog disarranges the airline timetable.Some are late,and some are cancelled. 9.It is totally stupid of me to spend so much time on computer games. 10.In order to make ourselves understood by most foreigners that are present at the meeting,we must have somebody to do the translation.,schedule,foolish,interpreters,三、从右栏中找出与左栏短语对应的英文释义 1.take off a.to go to the registration and inform them of your arrival 2.pull out b.to stop the vehicle you are driving 3.check in c.to experience something 4.pull up d.to rise into the air at the beginning of a flight 5.go through e.to leave a station 6.rely on f.to trust someone or something to do something for you 答案:1.d 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.f,四、完成句子 1.Every day,many consumers the hotel about the bad quality of their service. 每天大量顾客向该旅店投诉服务质量。 2.They the old houses and built several new ones. 他们拆除了旧房子,建起了几幢新房子。 3.All eyes were him when he came in. 他进来时大家都注视着他。 4. ,they had nothing left on them. 曾经一度他们身无分文。 5.We are confident that everything will go well if we . 我们相信如果我们认真对待,一切都会顺利。,complain to,pulled down,focused on,At one point,take it seriously,1,2,3,4,5,1.Mary,the American ambassador is a sensitive woman who is very friendly and gets on well with people. 美国大使玛丽是一位非常善解人意的女士,她非常友好,与人相处融洽。 考点sensitive adj. 善解人意的 She is very sensitive to other peoples feelings. 她很能体谅他人的感情。 I learned that a fish is a cold-blooded animal and therefore is very sensitive to water temperature. 我了解到鱼是一种冷血动物,因此对水温非常敏感。 归纳sensitive可与介词to连用,be sensitive to意为“对表示理解”。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会sensitive的含义。 (1)If Id known she was so sensitive,I wouldnt have played a joke on her. 要是我知道她那么敏感,就不跟她开玩笑了。 含义:敏感的 (2)Bats have extremely sensitive ears. 蝙蝠长着非常灵敏的耳朵。 含义:灵敏的,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,2.“Hes most likely still in bed,” thinks Mary. “他很可能还在睡觉,”玛丽想。 考点likely adj. 可能的 Students should listen more to their classmates,thus they will help and learn from each other,and a friendship is likely to be formed. 同学之间应该互相倾听,这样他们可以互相帮助和学习,也可能建立友谊。 Its likely that the weather will be fine.天气可能好转。 归纳likely用作形容词,一般用于两种结构:(1)主语+be+likely+动词不定式;(2)Its likely+that从句。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 (1)辨析likely,possible和probable: possible指客观上有可能性,但往往含有希望很小的意思。probable比possible可能性大,表示“很可能”,指有实际依据或逻辑上合情合理。likely是从外表迹象判断某事有可能发生。 possible,probable不能以人作主语,一般用于It is possible/probable that.或It is possible for sb. to do sth.句式。likely可用于任意句式。 It is possible,though not probable,that he will come tomorrow. 他明天可能来,但也不一定来。 The likely outcome of the match varies from moment to moment. 比赛可能出现的结果每一刻都在变化。(强调看起来时而好像甲方会赢,时而又像乙方会赢) On the probable/possible outcome of the match,everybody is agreed. 大家对比赛可能会是什么结果意见一致。(一方的实力明显高于另一方),1,2,3,4,5,(2)likely用作副词 It will very likely rain tomorrow.明天很可能下雨。 Her flight has very likely been delayed by the snowstorm. 她乘坐的班机大概因暴风雪推迟了。,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,3.And Hao Qi has Marys schedule! 并且郝奇有玛丽的日程表! 考点schedule n. 时间表,进度表 According to the schedule,the first lecture begins at 9:00 a.m. 根据时间表,第一场讲座将在上午九点开始。 I would like to ask your opinion about the schedule. 我想问您一下您对这个日程安排有何意见。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 (1)常用搭配: on schedule 如期,按时间表 ahead of schedule 提前 behind schedule 落后于原定计划 Having worked for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule. 已经工作两天了,斯蒂夫总算设法按时完成了他的报告。 The new bridge has been finished two months ahead of schedule.新桥提前两个月完工了。 The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule. 隧道工程已经晚了工期。,1,2,3,4,5,(2)阅读下面的句子,体会schedule的词性和含义。 The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon. 会议安排在星期五下午召开。 词性:动词 含义:安排 I am scheduled to arrive at 5 p.m. 我预计在下午5点到达。 词性:动词 含义:计划;预计,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,4.“Id better take more responsibility for my own life,” she thinks.“I rely on Hao Qi too much!” “我最好还是为我自己的生活多承担点责任,”她想,“我太依赖郝奇了!” 考点一responsibility n.责任 【高考典句】(2017天津高考)It should involve no human responsibility. 它不应涉及人类的责任。 The government plans to bring in new laws to force parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. 政府计划制定新法律,强制父母对孩子的教育承担更多的责任。 According to the plan,you have more responsibility for finishing the project. 根据计划,在完成这个项目上你承担着更多的责任。,1,2,3,4,5,归纳responsibility用作不可数名词时,表示抽象的“职责,责任,义务”;用作可数名词时,指具体的“职责,责任,义务”。常用于have responsibility for (doing) sth.及take responsibility for (doing) sth.的结构中,前者意为“有的责任”,后者意为“承担的责任”。 考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会responsible的含义。 (1)Parents feel responsible when things go wrong. 出了事时父母会觉得有责任。 含义:有责任的 阅读下面的句子,体会与responsible相关的搭配及含义 (2)Parents must be responsible for their childrens behaviour. 父母必须为他们孩子的行为负责。 搭配:be responsible for 含义:对负责,1,2,3,4,5,考点二rely on 依靠,依赖 People who have visual and hearing disabilities rely on their sense of touch. 视力和听力有残障的人依靠触觉生活。 Chinas space sector has developed by totally relying on its own strength. 中国的航天事业已经完全依靠自己的力量发展起来了。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会rely on的含义。 Sometimes you just have to rely on your own judgement. 有时你只能依靠自己的判断。 含义:依靠 Can we rely on him to help us? 我们能指望他来帮助我们吗? 含义:指望 (2)同义短语:depend on Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep. 健康有赖于良好的食物、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。 You shouldnt always listen to others.You can depend on your own judgement. 你不要老是听别人的话,你可以依赖自己的判断。,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,5.As I ran on to the platform,the train was just pulling out. 当我跑向站台的时候,火车刚刚离站。 She pulled up suddenly at the traffic lights. 在红绿灯处她突然把车停了下来。 考点一pull out (火车)驶离车站,出站 We got there just as the train was pulling out. 火车正要离开时我们到了那儿。 He hopelessly watched the train pull out of the station. 他无奈地看着火车驶出了车站。 考点二pull up (车辆)停止,停车 The driver pulled up at the gate of our school. 司机把车停在了我们校门口。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 与pull相关的其他常见短语:,1,2,3,4,5,

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