高中英语《Unit2 English around the world grammar》课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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高中英语《Unit2 English around the world grammar》课件 新人教版必修1.ppt_第1页
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高中英语《Unit2 English around the world grammar》课件 新人教版必修1.ppt_第3页
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unit2 Grammar,She said she had been to many countries.,She said she would call on you the next day.,I am good at dancing.,I have been to many countries.,I visited the Great Wall yesterday,She said she had visited the Great Wall the day before.,She said she was good at dancing.,She said she had been to many countries.,Do you like flowers?,She asked me whether/if I liked flowers?,Where are you going for your holiday?,She asked me where I was going for my holiday.,He ordered/told me to be quiet!,Be quiet!,He ordered/told me not to make noise.,Dont make noise,Follow me, please!,He asked me to follow him.,For example:,Clean your room!,Would you please clean your room?,Summary commands Dont close the door! Get me something to eat! Speak louder.,requests,Would you please Could you please Please,Make clear the difference between commands and requests and finish the following exercises:,Go and collect the wood right now. Could you go and get the shopping bags, please? Shut the door at once. Go and get my coat. Would you please get that book for me?,(C),(R),(C),(C),(R),Rules,当直接引语为祈使句时,转换为间接引语要用一个带动词不定式的简单句表示: 直引:主语+动词+“祈使句” 间引:主语+ tell / ask sb + (not )to do 表示命令,用tell,order,command等。 表示请求,用ask,beg,request等。 表示忠告,用 advise。,Open the window.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,Miss Hu told * to open the window.,Will you please open the window?,Miss Hu asked * to open the window.,told,to,asked,to,Dont open the window.,Miss Hu told * not to open the window.,not,“Write a letter to your parents.” “Dont play games in the classroom.” “Can you pass on the book to Tom?” “Will you please not smoke here?”,The teacher told me to write a letter my parents,The teacher ordered me not to play games .,The teacher asked me to pass on the book to Tom,The teacher asked me not to smoke there.,Try to do this:,直引:主语+动词+“祈使句” 间引:主语+动词+to Verb The teacher said to me, “Come in .” The teacher told me to go in 。 John said to me , “Please shut the window。” John asked/ordered me to shut the window。 The teacher said to me, “ Dont be late again.” - The teacher advised me not to be late again.,1.He said to Tom, “Dont do the work any more.”,He told Tom not to do the work any more.,Practice,2.Mrs. Green said, “Please sing us a song, Miss White.” 3. “Be quiet, children.” said Mrs. Wilson.,Mrs. Green asked Miss White to sing them a song.,Mrs. Wilson told the children to be quiet.,4.The teacher said to me, “stand up and dont be afraid to say what you think.”,The teacher told me to stand up and not to be afraid to say what I thought.,课堂测试 “ Come here quickly.” he said. 2. “ Please sit down.” My teacher said. 3. “ Would you please close your book?” he asked. 4. “ Where is the doctor?” He wanted to know.,He told me to go there quickly.,My teacher told/ordered us to sit down.,He asked me to close my book.,He asked me where the doctor was.,

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