高中英语 Unit3 Science and nature Task课件1 牛津译林版必修5.ppt

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牛津高中英语,(模块五 高二上学期),Advance with English,Task,Unit,3,Writing a formal letter,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件目的是让学生了解如何写一封正式的书信,并通过听、说、读、小组活动等多种方式让学生对以克隆动物为原料的食品有较为充分的了解,为下一节课写信做好内容方面的准备。,Task Writing a formal letter,Task to be completed: write a formal letter.,Scan the following sample letter and find out the main idea.,Dear Mr. Brown, I am writing about your plans to start cloning human beings in the UK. I believe this technology is horrible and must be stopped immediately. I understand that other countries have already begun trying to clone human beings, but this does not mean that we should follow in their footsteps. I am sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens, it would show that the majority of people would not support this type of scientific research. In summary, I insist that you take the opinions of the people of the UK into consideration, and end this practice immediately. Yours sincerely, Jim Davidson,Cloning,The company plans to start cloning human beings.,Its horrible and needs to be stopped./ opinions and supporting details.,Topic: Situation: Main idea:,Cloning,A local supermarket is planning to sell cloned food.,Your opinions on cloned food and supporting details.,Topic: Situation: Main idea:,Todays learning objective:,Pile up information and form general opinions.,Cloned food,Food from cloned animals,GM knowledge QUIZ,Have a go!,Tick the answer that you think right. Growth hormones are used in meat/ eggs/ vegetables. Growth hormones make animals grow faster/ fatter. Growth hormones dont help keep/ keep animals healthy. GM food is more expensive / cheaper than natural food. GM food technology is / isnt a new scientific development. GM food tastes the same as/ better than/ worse than natural food. Free-range food comes from animals that arent / are given drugs. Free-range food is cheaper/ more expensive/ as expensive as GM food. Free-range animals are kept in dark sheds/ are not kept in sheds. Most people dont mind paying/ would not pay more for free-frange food.,Listen and check,Tip 1: Proofread by correcting some information like grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and some major data.,More information about GM food:,As is mentioned in the two short passages on P57, GM food:,Is nutritious, healthy, cheaper and not easily has a longer shelf life, and has a longer shelf life. Besides, more extra food is being produced thanks to this technology. It could be harmful. The safety cant be ensured.,1. Whats your personal attitudes towards GM food?,Time to hear your voice!,2. Can you find out about the views held by your classmates?,Conduct an interview,Interview form Safety of GM food Possible side effects Taste compared with normal food Cost Need for government control .,Work with your group members and come up with one more question. Try to use the useful expressions suggested on page 54 and ask and answer questions. Please write down the conclusions on the blanks.,Tip2: Vary your ways of asking for and giving opinions.,summary,What have we learned today?,

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