高中英语 Unit3 A Healthy Life P4 Listening rcise课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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Listening,Unit 3 A healthy life,Listen to Part 1.,Using Language,Two college students are chatting. Tina wants Sara to go to a disco with her, but Sara is nervous about going. (T=Tina S=Sara),Part 1 T: Hi Sara! S: Hello, Tina. T: Im going to Belles Karaoke Bar and Disco tonight with some _. Why dont you come too? S: Im sorry Id _ not. T: Oh, come on. Why not? You never go _.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,friends,rather,anywhere,S: To tell you the _, Im too nervous. T: What are you nervous _? S: Well, suppose someone offers me _? T: Just say “no”. You dont have to do anything you dont _ to. S: Maybe theyll think Im _.,truth,about,drugs,want,stupid,T: _. Many people dont take drugs. I dont. And who _ what they think anyway? S: You know Ive never drunk _ either. T: Well, its OK to drink orange juice or something _. S: Yes, but Id really like to try _, only Im frightened I might get _.,Nonsense,cares,alcohol,instead,beer,drunk,T: Then only have one beer and drink it _. And it would be a good idea to have something to eat _ you go out, like rice or _. S: Thanks.,slowly,before,noodles,Listen to Part 2.,Part 2 T: Any more _? S: Another thing that worries me a lot is that I might start _ again. I used to smoke and it was really hard to _. T: Yes, I know what you mean. I found the _. So we need to help each other. If someone _ you a cigarette,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,worries,smoking,stop,same,offers,dont take it. And Ill _ you not to smoke and you can remind me. S: Thats a good idea, thanks. T: Is there anything _ youre worried about? S: Umm, just one _ thing. T: What? S: I cant _. T: (laughing) Well, Ill _ you. Lets get my CD player and start _ now. Its not difficult (fades).,remind,else,more,dance,teach,practising,Workbook-Listening,A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR,Listen to the text.,(D=Doctor L=Li Yue),D: Hello, Li Yue. What can I do for you today? L: Well, Ive been getting a lot of _ lately. D: Mmm?,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,headaches,L: And I feel _ all the time. The problem is that Ive got so much _ to do, but my head aches and I keep wanting to go to _. D: I see. Are you sleeping _? L: No, not really.,tired,work,sleep,well,D: Mmmm. Now lets see. Youre _ the College Entrance Exams, arent you? L: Yes, thats right. Ive got so much to do _ I cant do it when Im feeling so _. D: Well. Dont get _. Well sort it out. L: I hope so.,preparing,but,ill,upset,D: OK. Well, I have to do some _ to rule out anything _, but I really think the problem is _. L: Stress? D: Yes. How much time do you _ each day? L: I dont know. As _ as I can. D: And how much time do you take to _?,tests,physical,stress,study,much,relax,L: None at all. I dont have _ time. D: I know its difficult. I remember when I was studying for _, study seemed more _ than anything else. But you will actually do better in your exams if you _ study with some relaxation. L: Really?,relaxing,exams,important,balance,D: Yes. Look, how about this? Let me do these tests and then you come back in a few days for the _. If the problem is stress, we can talk about _ to relax and still get your schoolwork done. L: Thatll be good. Thanks. D: Not at all. And in the _, relax a bit. L: Ill try.,results,ways,meantime,Workbook-Listening Task,Listen to Part 1.,LI YUES TALK TO THE STUDENTS,Part 1 Good morning, teachers and _, and thank you for coming to listen to me. I know this is a very _ time for you now that you are preparing for the College Entrance Examinations. So I want to tell you about what _ to me last year, and hope you dont make the,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,busy,happened,students,_ I made. Are some of you worried about your exams? Well, I am here today to tell you that its OK to worry a little, but be _ about worrying too much. You see, what I did was to worry so much that all I did was study from _ to _. I never _ properly and in the end I,mistake,careful,morning,night,relaxed,became ill. I started to have _, I didnt sleep well, I didnt feel like _ and I was tired all the time. In the end I couldnt study any more _ my head hurt so badly that I kept _ asleep in class. Finally I went to the _ and thats how I learned about stress.,headaches,eating,because,falling,doctor,Listen to Part 2.,Part 2 The doctor _ to me that to do well in your exams you should keep _ balance in your life. If you dont take time out to relax and _ yourself, you may become ill. You must balance work with _. You need to have fun. You need to keep in _ with your friends and do some _ every day.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,explained,a,enjoy,rest,touch,exercise,You may be _ to find how much better you feel after even a small _. So, my advice to you today is to think carefully about your _ and _ health. Just take _ minutes a day to get some fresh air, do some exercise or meet friends. That will make all the _.,surprised,break,physical,mental,30,difference,Dont feel _ if you see a film, go riding in the country or go _ once a week. I promise you it will _ your schoolwork. Thank you for listening to me and I hope you find my advice _. (sound of audience clapping),guilty,hiking,help,useful,

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