高中英语 Unit3 Science and nature Word power课件 牛津译林版必修5.ppt

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牛津高中英语,(模块五 高二上学期),Advance with English,Word power,Unit,3,Prefixes and suffixes Organs of the body,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件分为两个部分的内容,即单词的前后缀和人体器官名称。通过游戏、连线等不同的活动让学生回忆旧知识,巩固新知识。,Word Power,After so many years of learning English, have you found some easy ways to double your vocabulary?,Use prefixes and suffixes,Or you can clone it,brainstorming,Prefix:,Suffix:,anti- dis- in- il- im- ir- un-,pre- re-,-less,-able -ful -al -ent,post- bi- trans- over-,-ness -ist -ment,-en,en-,antifreeze anti-knock,postgraduate post-war,biannual bilateral,Im conquering!,Learning through games!,Boys VS. Girls,How to play: You may choose any prefix or suffix to start the game. You must say one word containing this prefix or suffix. One word a time and you get one sticker. This means you have almost conquered a field. But only when there are three stickers in each blank can we consider that youve completely conquered the field. For example, if you choose “anti-” to start with, your group members can say three words continuously, one at a time per person. Or you can leave it there and try to conquer other fields first and then back to “anti-” to find anther two words. The side which conquers larger field wins!,One word, one sticker!,Im conquering!,Tip,Some words take a hyphen (-) when a prefix is added. We sometimes need to change the ending of a word before we can add a suffix.,Prefix Suffix,organ,vocabulary,humans,Main organs of humans,What are their functions?,Pass the blood around the body.,Control the other organs,Store the food we eat.,Use the oxygen we breathe.,Clean the blood.,Remove waste products from the blood and produce urine.,Activity 1,If you compare our body to our school life, you will be amazed how similar they are!,Believe it or not,Good matching!,school,body,Cleaners, repairman and security guards Headmaster Teacher Notebook Student,brain liver kidney heart stomach,Activity 2,Believe it or not,There can be many more comparisons. Just use your imaginations. Following is a poem. Can you find a proper position for each organ?,Without you, , I would be blind as a car with no driver. Without you, , I would be cold as no warmth could be sensed. Without you, , I would be greedy as I never felt full. Without you, , I would fall silent as I could not sing my favorite songs. Without you, , I would be evil as I didnt have the power to clean wrongness away. Without you, , I would be lost in my own world as nothing, good or bad, could ever find a way out!,brain,heart,kidneys,liver,lungs,stomach,Use the power of word, create your own comparison!,Take care of your organs, and you will be taken care of in turn!,


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