高中英语 Unit2 Fit for life Reading2课件 牛津译林版选修7.ppt

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Reading 2,Unit,2,Fit for life,Unit 2,课件描述:,本课件用于Reading第二课时,通过词汇填空,句子翻译,小组讨论以及小组报告的形式帮助学生掌握本课阅读材料中的语言重点难点。本课教学在教师讲解过程中穿插学生活动达到教学效果。,Unit 2 Reading 2,Fill in the blanks with the correct words,Aspirin is a medicine that was _ in 1897. It has saved and brought relief to millions of peoples lives. It is made from a chemical called _ and was first sold as a tablet in 1900. This was the first medicine to be sold as a standardized _. It works by reducing fever and pain. It is now _ for reducing potential heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Many reports have been _ about how aspirin can improve peoples health.,published; recommended; ASA; tablet; invented,invented,ASA,tablet,recommended,published,contemporary; discovered; available,penicillin is a chemical in mould that was first _ in 1928, but it was not until World War II that penicillin was purified to be used as a medicine. It was needed as soon as it was _ because there were many people injured in the war. It was fundamental to saving many thousands of lives and is one of the most important medicines of _ society.,discovered,available,contemporary,Phrases 1.集中于上 L1 2.打开 L2 3.很有可能 L2 4.挽救的生命 L3 5. 建议做 L7 6.由制成 L9 7.发生 L14 8.以粉末形式 L15,focus on,open up,There is a high probability that,recommend doing / recommend sb. to do,save ones life,be made from,take place,in powder form,9.被制成片剂被出售L16 10.标准片剂L18 11.最畅销的止痛药L19 12.减少心脏病的 发作L23 13.进行一项研究L26 14.延长人类 寿命L31 15.被认为是L36,be sold as a tablet,standardized tablet,best-selling painkiller,reduce the risk of heart attack,carry out a study,increase the length of peoples lives,be considered to be,16.在当代L37 17. 在上试用某物L41 18.使变纯L45 19.成功地做成某事L47 20.化学方法L48 21.大量L49 22. 由于被广 泛使用L60 23.梦想实现L51 24神奇的药片L59,in contemporary society,try sth. out on,make it pure,manage to do sth.,chemical techniques,in large quantities,due to the widespread use of,a dream come true,wonder drug,Language points,1.The article will focus on two drugs that started a revolution in medicine.,focus on: to pay much attention to, focus ones attention/efforts/energy on / upon sb./sth. 集中(注意力、努力、精力等)于;把集中在上; focus ones mind/minds on / upon sb./sth 把思想/心思集中在上; focus ones eyes/gaze on 注视着,1. Each exercise_ a different grammar point. 2. In China, scientists have_(努力)cloning animals, as well as stem cells to be used in medical research.,focuses on,focused on,2. If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to medicine counter in the world, it is likely that you will find aspirin and penicillin.,open up 打开(门、容器等);营业,开业;开辟, 开创,开拓,The doorman _(打开) the school gate at six every morning. In this way they _ a favourable situation.,opens up,opened up,Its likely that sb./sth. is likely to do sth.,这趟火车很可能晚点。,The train is likely to be late.,It is likely that the train will be late.,比较:probable: adj. 很可能的,与likely意思相近,有时可以互换;possible的语气稍弱。他们各自的句型如下:Its probable/possible for sb. to do sth. Its probable/possible that ,probability n. 1. The probability of getting all the answers correct is about one in ten. 2. Theres a high/strong probability (that) (= It is very likely that) shell be here. 3. Until yesterday, the project was just a possibility, but now it has become a real probability.,3.Both of these medicines have saved millions of peoples lives and have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented.,adv. 1. 有益的;有利的;有帮助的(+for/to) 2. 【律】有权益的;受益的 beneficial legacy 有权受益的遗产,钙对我们的骨骼有益。,Calcium is beneficial to our bones.,CF: be advantageous to 对有利 be beneficial to 对有益,这两者的区别可以归结为advantageous和beneficial 的区别。 advantageous 指在相对的位置上或成功的机会方面给予改善:提供优势的 beneficial 意为增进健康,增长经验等;,4. Nearly 3,500 years ago, people chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever.,vt. 1. 嚼,咀嚼,嚼碎 He chews gum. 2. 深思,细想,熟虑(+over) Ill chew the problem over for a few days. He chewed over the problem for several days before making his decision.,他嚼口香糖。,这个问题我会仔细思考几天。,他对这个问题详细考虑了好多天才作出决定。,chew on 1. 咀嚼(+on),He was chewing on his meat as he found it hard to swallow.,2. 斟酌,仔细考虑,He took my offer after chewing on it.,仔细考虑后他接受了我的提议。,及物动词 vt. 1. 拥有,持有;具有;占有W The country possesses rich mineral deposits.,这个国家拥有丰富矿藏。,in the possession of和in possession of和take possession of有什么区别呢?,in the possession of 为物做主语, in possession of 为人做主语, take possession of 为人做主语,,eg. We are in possession of those buildings. Those buildings are in the possession of us.,eg The little boy takes possession of the firm.,In the one-year trial, you must work hard and prove your ability.,trial (n.) try (v.): a test to see if something is effective or someone is suitable,5. The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899 when the company Hoffmann worked for began distributing the medicine in powder form to physicians to use with patients.,1) Clinical trials should be done before a new drug can be put into use.,2) The first trial flight has been a great success.,3) They let me have the computer on trial for three months.,4) It was by/through trial and error that I learnt most of what I know about gardening.,distribute vt. 分配; 分给; 分送;区分; 分类;分布; 散布,习惯用语 distribute.over . 把配给到(分配到, 散布于) distribute sth. to 把某物分(配, 发)给 distribute sth. among 把某物分(配, 发)给,distribute books among the students 把书分给学生,distribute seeds over a field 在田间播种,distribute books to students 给学生发书,6.Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.,adv. 1. 生命的;维持生命所必需的 Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。 2. 充满活力的,生气勃勃的 The Chinese I knew were trusting, open, and vital. 我所认识的中国人信赖别人,坦率,充满活力。 3. 极其重要的,必不可少的(+to/for) The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance. 会上提出的那些问题极其重要。 4. 致命的;生死攸关的 He committed a vital error. 他犯了一个致命的错误。,7. Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks, because it helps the blood circulate better.,potential潜在的,可能的 The dispute has scared away potential investors. 这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。,可能性;潜力,潜能(+for) She has acting potential, but she needs training.,Circulate (1)vi. 流行,传播 Rumours began to circulate that the chairman was going to resign.,主席打算辞职的谣言开始流传。,(2)散发,散布 The letter has been circulated to shareholders.,这封信已经发到了各个股东手里。,(3) vt./vi. (使)循环;(使)流通,a machine designed to circulate warm air,为使暖空气环流而设计的机器,slow narrow calm warm dry dirty better lower,1) The train _ down to half its speed.,2) The river _ at the point.,3) I couldnt _ her.,4) Please _ the milk.,5) Nothing _ sooner than a tear.,6) Dont _ your hands, children.,7) He _ his voice not to wake her.,slowed,narrows,calm,warm,dries,dirty,lowered,quiet thin idle empty yellow busy better wrong grey,Please make sentences with the following words:,8. and in 1977, a study carried out in the USA showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke. Lines26-27,1) Chinese astronauts _ the mission in space exploration successfully. 2) Once a plan is made, it should _ no matter how difficult it is.,have carried out,be carried out,carry out; carry away; carry on; carry through; carry off,They are _ urgent repairs. Marsha got so _ when arguing with her husband that she hit him. Jean _ all the prizes. Even after the music started they _ talking. His strong determination _ him _ his illness.,carrying out,carried away,carried off,carried on,carried through,9. aspirin could reduce the risk of some cancers by 40 per cent.,Eating a lot of green food helps _ . If you tell me the truth, you will _. By criticizing the boss he risked _ his job. (lose),reduce the risk of heart disease,reduce the risk of being scolded,losing,减少心脏病的危险,减少挨骂的风险,You have to take/run a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business. Anyone swimming in this lake does so at his own risk. The disease is spreading and all young children are at risk.,冒险,有某人自担风险,处境危险,Guess the meaning of each phrase.,10. He noted that a dish in which he was trying to grow bacteria for an experiment looked abnormal.,note: notice/write down,1) Please note that this shop will be closed on Sundays. 2) He keeps a diary to note what happens to him.,1) We should also read the notes on the text at the back of the book. 2) He took another look and found it was a 10-pound note. 3) We always take notes in class. 4) At first I was going to write Kathy a note, but then I decided to call her instead. 5) Lily has a nice voice but she had trouble hitting the high notes.,Guess the meaning of “note (n.)” .,注释,纸币,笔记,便条,音符,11. He immediately thought that the mould might have an application in treating illness caused by bacteria.,application (n.)apply (v.),Genetic engineering has many applications in agriculture. 2) Our university welcomes applications from overseas students.,应用,申请,Fill in the blanks.,Scientific discoveries are often applied _ industrial processes. 2) I want to apply _ the boss _ this task.,to,for,to,The _ of new scientific discoveries to industrial processes often makes jobs easier to do. 2) He has developed a number of _ software. 3) She put her knowledge of German to good _. 4) I want to write a book on modern English _.,application,application,use,usage,use; usage; application,12. Second, it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective.,effective 有效的 effective resistance 【电】有效电阻 take effective measures 采取有效措施 The description of the fire is very effective. 对大火的描述极其生动,efficient有效率的 ; 能胜任的 efficient methods 经济而有效的方法 an efficient manager 称职的经理,effectual 奏效的 Quinine is an effectual preventive for malaria. 奎宁是有效的疟疾预防药。,13. And managed to make and test the new drugs in large quantities. Lines48-49,1) Buy vegetables _, and youll be given a very good discount. 2) When young at college, dad bought books _, for life was too hard.,in large quantities,in small quantities,大量,少量,Large quantities of goods _ been stored for the winter.,large/small quantities of + n. + pred. pl. a quantity of + /u/ + pred. sing,have,Large quantities of food _ been stored for the winter.,have,A large quantity of beer _ been sold.,has,14. the government approval process for penicillin was accelerated, and mass production was begun in 1944.,approval正误用法 人们都喜欢别人赞同自己所做的事情。 误:We all like others to show approvals of what we do. 正:We all like others to show approval of what we do. 析:approval(批准,认可,赞同)是不可数名词。 我们已得到他的允许可以使用他的汽车。 误:We have obtained his approval to use his car. 正:We have obtained his approval of our using his car. 析:approval 后通常不接不定式,若语义上需要,可 用 of doing sth。,及物动词 vt.,accelerate,使增速 The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car. 司机加大油门,让汽车加速行驶。,促进;促使早日发生 The bad weather accelerated our departure. 糟糕的天气促使我们早日离开。,不及物动词 vi. 加快;增长;增加 The car suddenly accelerated. 汽车突然加快了速度。,The new policy raised a storm of mass protests. The sun makes up about 99% of the mass of solar system. The trains provided cheap travel for the masses. Stored in the computer is a huge mass of data.,大量,质量,群众,许多,mass adj. mass n.,15. Due to the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were saved during World War II. Lines 50-51,The flight will arrive late due to the heave fog. When is the next train due? Please let me know when the rent is due in advance. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday.,16. If sickness of even small wounds,The long sickness wasted his strength. 长期的疾病耗损了他的体力。 A painful sickness cast a gloom over the young girl. 病痛使那个年轻姑娘情绪低落。 The tsetse fly is a bearer of sleeping sickness. 采采蝇为传染昏睡病的媒介。 The holy man healed them of their sickness. 那位圣人治好了他们的病。 The passengers turned quite green with sea- sickness. 旅客们由于晕船而脸色发青.,trial; thin; note; application; mass due to; carry out; reduce the risk of in large quantities; a dream come true not until; it is before ,Group discussion,Presentation,trial; thin; note; application; mass due to; carry out; reduce the risk of in large quantities; a dream come true not until; it is before ,Homework,Review the words and phrases we have learned today.,


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