高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Warming uplanguage points课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Warming uplanguage points课件 新人教版必修4.ppt_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Warming uplanguage points课件 新人教版必修4.ppt_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Warming uplanguage points课件 新人教版必修4.ppt_第3页
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Unit 3,A taste of English humour,Language points,Teaching aims: Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor. Key points: Help students divide the text into several parts according to the meaning. Difficult points: Divide the paragraphs and give the main ideas.,content adj.意为“满足的;满意的”,be content to do意为“乐意去做某事”;be content with sb / sth意为“对某人或某事感到满意”,相当于be pleased with或be satisfied with。,1. content,Im content to help you to set up a website on the Internet.,Those who are not content with the progress they have made will have greater success.,注:worse off是badly off的比较级,意思是“境况比更差”;better off意为“境况比好”。,To my surprise, I found his living conditions were much worse off than mine. With the development of economy, more and more people are better off.,content还可作动词,意为“使满足”;作名词时,表示“满足;心满意足”,也可表示“(书、报纸等的)内容;目录;含量”。,My explanation seemed to content him.,astonish vt意为“使大为吃惊;使惊异”,比surprise程度强,比shock程度弱。,I was astonished to hear that the professor had broken down because of his hard work.,astonish,(1) astonishing adj意为“令人惊异的”。,The astonishing news made the world astonished, and a great many people expressed their opinions on the Internet.,(2) astonished adj指(某人)处于惊异、吃惊状况,常用be astonished at sth。,He was astonished at what Tom had said and done.,(3) astonishment n.意为“惊讶”,可用to ones astonishment表示“使某人吃惊的是”。,To my astonishment, she still remembered my birthday.,particular adj.意为“专指的;特别的;格外的;不寻常的”。be particular about / over sth意为“对某事很讲究 / 很挑剔”。in particular意为“特别地”。,Im not particular about my clothes; I dont mind what I wear.,particular,(1) 意为“磨损的;损坏的;穿破的 (用坏的以至完全无用的)”。,Since your shoes are worn-out, why not buy another pair?,worn-out,(2) 意为“筋疲力尽的;耗尽的”,相当于be tired out。,He was worn-out after the long journey.,(1) failure意为“失败”时,是不可数名词;意为“失败者;失败的事”时,是可数名词。,As we all know, failure is the mother of success.,At last, he was a great success, while she was a failure.,failure & overcome,(2) overcome v.意为“控制(感情);克服(困难);征服;战胜”,可用于to overcome difficulties / obstacles / problems / resistance等。,He made great efforts to overcome the difficulty.,fail还可作动词,意为“失败;不及格;无法做到”,可用fail to do sth或者fail in doing sth。,I failed to persuade him to give up smoking. = I failed in persuading him to give up smoking.,in search of意为“寻找”。类似的词组有:in theaones search forof,make a search forof,在这三个短语中search是名词。,Today, many countryside people have rush to the city in search of good jobs.,注意:in search of 中of不可换用for。,in search of,search还可以是作动词,意为“搜寻”,search 的宾语是寻找的东西所在的处所,即search someplace for sth,意为“搜查某地找”。,They searched the building for the robber.,而search sb for sth意为“搜某人身以找到某物”。,He searched the boy for the lost pen.,People who are searching after inner peace sometimes turn to religion.,search afterfor = look for = hunt for意为“到处寻找”。,cut off意为“切下来;剪下来”。,He cut off piece of cloth and wrapped the wound.,cut off还可译为“切断;停掉;使电话中断”。,Theyve cut off the water temporarily because they are repairing one of the main pipes.,cut off,verbal skill 运用语言的能力,I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement. 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。,verbal,

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