高中英语 Unit 1 Section 3 Using Language课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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Great Scientists,Unit 1,Section Using Language,Unit 1,.下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗? 1用所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)The workers are _ the bridge damaged by the flood, and the bridge under _ connects the road with the town.(construct) (2)The famous star has _ a lot of money to the school and has made a great _ to the building of the school.(contribute) (3)The girl student has a _ attitude towards life, and Im _ that she will have a happy life all her life.(positive),(4)In the dim light, something _ fast in the distance, whose quick _ made us shocked.(move) (5)She is _ about designing beautiful dresses, and she also admires all kinds of beautiful clothes with great _. (enthusiastic) (6)_, she drove her car to the main road. Because of the crowd, she drove all the way with great _. (cautious) (7)As soon as his design was _, he also _ the idea that he would stay here for his rest life.(reject) (8)It is _ known that the _ is vast.(universal),2补全下列短语 (1)come _ an end 结束 (2)apart _ 除之外;此外 (3)_ ones own 某人自己的 (4)(be) strict _ 对严格的 (5)lead _ 导致;通向 (6)_ sense 讲得通;有意义,答案:1.(1)constructing;construction (2)contributed;contribution (3)positive;positive (4)moved;movement (5)enthusiastic;enthusiasm (6)Cautiously;caution (7)rejected;rejected (8)universally;universe 2(1)to (2)from (3)of (4)with (5)to (6)make,.重点句式 Only if you put the sun there_the movements of the other planets in the sky_ _. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。 答案:did;make sense,.阅读课文,回答下列问题 1What did Nicolaus Copernicuss mathematical calculations lead to? _ 2Why couldnt Nicolaus Copernicus tell others about his discovery? _ 3When did Nicolaus Copernicus publish his ideas? _,4Did the Christian Church support Nicolaus Copernicuss theory? _ 5How many scientists are mentioned in this passage? Who are they? _,答案:1.They led to a conclusion that the earth was not the center of the solar system. 2Because the powerful Christian Church would have punished him for even suggesting such an idea. 3As he lay dying in 1543. 4No, it didnt. Instead, it rejected his theory. 5Four scientists. Nicolaus Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.,1.positive adj. (1)(about sth.)自信的,积极乐观的 She tries to be more positive about her new job. 她力求对新工作更有信心。 (2)积极的,建设性的,朝着成功的 He has a positive attitude towards life. 他对生活持有积极的态度。,(3)表示赞同的,拥护的 Weve had a very positive response to the idea. 我们对这个想法反应很好。 (4)良好的,有益的,正面的 His family have been a very positive influence on him. 他的家庭对他有十分良好的影响。 (5)(about sth.)|(that.)有绝对把握,确信,肯定 She was quite positive about the amount of money involved. 她对所涉及的钱数十分肯定。,be positive of/about对有把握 positively adv.确实地;肯定地;毫无疑问地 passive adj.消极的;被动的,知识拓展,比较网站 positive,certain,definite与sure (1)positive:语气强烈,指对自己的看法或作的结论的正确性有不可动摇的信念。 (2)certain:与sure同义,但语气比sure强,着重指有确切理由或不容置疑的证据所支持的确信。 (3)definite:指已毫无怀疑的余地。 (4)sure:侧重主观上对某事确信无疑。,There is positive proof that he did it. 有确凿的证据证明他做了这件事。 We are sure of his innocence. 我们确信他是无辜的。 Im quite certain of that. 对那事我完全可以肯定。 Its definite that hell be late again. 他肯定又要迟到了。,活学活用 用恰当词语填空 Her _character didnt help her become an actress. 答案:positive 句意:她积极向上的性格对她成为一名演员来说没有什么帮助。positive表示“积极的,向上的”,符合语境。,2movement n. (1)U & C(身体部位的)运动,活动,转动 She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed. 她观察着他呼吸时胸部的微微起伏。 (2)U & C移动,迁移,转移,活动 Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite. 借助卫星可观察到部队的调动。,比较网站 movement,move与motion (1)movement:通常抽象地指有规则的动作或定向运动,也可用于特指政治性的运动。 (2)move:着重指开始的行动或变化。 (3)motion:指不处于静止状态而在移动的过程中,强调运动本身,而不涉及其动因。,We are starting a movement to clean up the city. 我们正在发动一个清洁城市的运动。 He made a move toward the door. 他朝门口走去。 The object is no longer in motion. 该物体已不处于运动状态。,活学活用 完成句子 我们在树林里寻找走动的痕迹。 We watched the_ _ _in the trees. 答案:signs of movement,3backward adv. & adj.向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的) He took a step backward to let her pass. 他向后退了一步,让她过去。 The technology was backward, but the system worked. 虽然技术落后,但系统还有效。,(1)backward(s)and forward(s)来来回回 (2)bend/lean over backwards(to do sth.)(make a great effort)尽力,竭力 (3)forward adv. & adj.向前地(的),知识拓展,She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair. 她坐在摇椅上前后摇晃着。 Although we bent over backwards to please her, our new manager was still very critical of our work. 尽管我们竭力讨好新经理,但她仍然对我们的工作百般挑剔。 Move forward carefully or youll slip. 小心地往前走,不然会滑倒。 He is forward in his English. 他的英语有进步。,图解助记,活学活用 补全句子 他的话让她很生气,于是她头也不回地走了。 She went without _ _ _because she got very angry with his words. 答案:a backward glance,4spin (1)vi. & vt.(spun,spun)(使)旋转;纺(线或纱) She got up and spun a little turn. 她站起来转了一圈。 The wheels of the car were spinning. 轿车的轮子飞速旋转。 Can you spin thread? 你会纺线吗?,(2) n. C & U高速旋转 Give the washing a short spin. 把洗过的衣服稍稍甩一下。 U (网球、板球)旋转 The pitcher gave spin to the ball. 投手使球旋转。 C (乘汽车等)兜风 Get your bicycle and come for a spin. 骑上你的自行车去兜一圈。,活学活用 补全句子 妈妈过去自己纺线。 Mother _ _ _ her own thread. 答案:used to spin,5enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的 His friends were enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Coopernicus was cautious. 他的朋友们很热情,鼓励他把想法公诸于世,但哥白尼却小心谨慎。 You dont sound enthusiastic about the idea. 你好像对这个想法不太感兴趣。,(1)be enthusiastic about sth. 对某事很热衷,热爱 (2)be crazy/nuts about sb./sth.对某人很迷恋;对某事很热衷,很狂热 (3)enthusiasm n. 热心,热情,狂热 enthusiast n. 热衷于的人,爱好者 enthusiastically adv. 热情地,热烈地,知识拓展,Hes always been enthusiastic about sports. 他一直对运动很热衷。 Hes crazy/nuts about basketball. 他热爱篮球。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 She kept silent at first and I gathered from the way she replied that she wasnt very _(enthusiasm) 答案:enthusiastic 句意为“起初她保持沉默,而且我从她回答的方式判断,她并不热心”。此处需用形容作表语。,6cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的 Losses make us more cautious. 损失使我们更谨慎。 A cautious mind is the half of wisdom. 谨慎小心近于明智。,caution n谨慎,小心;警告,告诫 vt.警告,告诫 cautionary adj.劝告的,告诫的 cautiously adv.谨慎地,小心地,知识拓展,比较网站 cautious, careful 这两个形容词均含有“小心的,谨慎的”之意。 (1)cautious指人因担心某事危险或不明智而缓慢行事或小心谨慎;着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。 People are now more cautious about buying luxuries. 现在人们购买奢侈品都经过认真考虑。,(2)careful侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。其内涵为确保万无一失而做事小心仔细,并非担心害怕。 Be careful not to wake the baby. 注意别吵醒了宝宝。,活学活用 选词填空 cautious;careful (1)男学生们在拼写时比以前更加小心,以避免发生错误。 The schoolboys are more _ not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before. (2)他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。 He was _ enough to check up every detail. 答案:(1)cautious (2)careful,7reject vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃 The suggestion was firmly rejected. 这个建议被断然否决。 She rejected telling us the truth. 她拒不对我们讲实情。 He rejected the old records. 他丢弃了那些旧唱片。 特别提示 reject后面通常跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不跟不定式。,比较网站 reject, refuse, decline, deny 这些动词均含“拒绝”之意。 (1)reject多指由于某物、某事或某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝。 They rejected damaged goods. 他们拒收损坏的货物。 (2)refuse语气较重,指态度坚决,肯定无疑的拒绝。 He refused to take the money. 他拒绝接受此款。,(3)decline指正式地,婉言谢绝他人的帮助或邀请等。 I declined their offer of help. 我谢绝了他们提出的帮助。 (4)deny指坚决地拒绝接受、给予或承认。 She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 因不准她见我,她非常生气。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 I threatened to report the taxi driver for illegally _ (reject)a passenger,but he pointed at his“Not for Hire”sign and drove away. 答案:rejecting 句意:我威胁说要举报出租车司机,因为他非法拒载乘客,但是他指了指“非出租”的牌子,然后开车走了。,1.be strict with.对严格的 He is very strict with his students. 他对学生很严格。 Our manager is very strict with us. 我们的经理对我们要求很严格。,be strict in/about (doing) sth.对(做)某事严格,知识拓展 The teacher is strict about his work. 这位老师对工作严格要求。 The hospital is quite strict about visiting hours. 该医院对探望时间的规定相当严格。,活学活用 用恰当介词填空 Our parents are very strict _ us, but never too hard _ us. 答案:with; on 句意:父母对我们要求非常严格,但从来不对我们太苛刻。be strict with sb.“对某人要求严格”;be hard on sb.“对某人苛刻”。,2lead to (1)导致,造成(结果) This will lead to great trouble. 这将导致极大的麻烦。 Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。 (2)通向,通往 The path leads to the village. 这条小路通向村庄。,lead sb. to do sth.使得某人做某事;引导某人做某事 lead up to sth.是的先导;是导致的原因 lead (sb./sth.) in sth.(在某活动或领域中)领先 result in导致,造成 result from由造成;因而发生 bring about导致,造成,知识拓展,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 It is sleeping late in the evening that leads to_(late)for work. 答案:being late 句意为“正是晚上睡得晚才导致了上班迟到”。lead to意为“导致”,其中to为介词,后跟动词ing形式。该句为强调句型,是Sleeping late in the evening leads to being late for work.的强调形式。,3make sense (1)有道理,有意义,讲得通 I dont think what he said makes any sense. 我认为他的话没有意义。 (2)是明智的,是合情理的 It makes good sense to grow fruit trees on the hillside. 在山坡上种果树是明智的。 (3)表述清楚,易于理解,道理明显 John wasnt making much sense on the phone. 约翰在电话里说得不大清楚。,知识拓展 (1)make sense of sth. 理解,弄懂(不易理解的事物) Can you make sense of this poem? 你能明白这首诗的含义吗? (2)bring sb. to ones senses使某人醒悟过来 Only failure can bring her to her senses. 只有失败才能使她醒悟过来。 (3)come to ones senses恢复理性,苏醒 He waited for Dora to come to her senses and return. 他盼着多拉冷静下来后回来。,(4)in a sense在某种意义上说 In a sense(in one way) it doesnt matter any more. 在某种意义上说,这事已无关紧要了。 (5)in no sense决不 In no sense can you do it. 你决不能做此事。,活学活用 补全句子 有时候需要重新组织故事的段落以使我们弄懂。 Sometimes paragraphs need to be rearranged for the story _ _ _ _ _. 答案:to make sense to us,1.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。 这是一个由only加状语从句放在句首引起的倒装句。句子的正常语序为:The movements of the other planets in the sky made sense only if you put the sun there.。,“only状语或状语从句”置于句首时主句要使用部分倒装,即把主句谓语中的助动词、情态动词或系动词be放在主语之前。但only如果不是修饰状语,即使放在句首,句子也不倒装。 Only in this way can we solve the problem. 只有通过这种方式,我们才能解决这个问题。 Only when the war was over in 1949 was he able to get back home. 只有在1949年战争结束后,他才能返回家乡。 Only some of the children seemed to have understood it. 似乎只有一部分孩子明白。,比较网站 if only, only if (1)if only“但愿,要是就好了”,常引导含虚拟语气的条件句或感叹句。 (2)only if“只要”,only if本身是一个固定词组。only是副词,用来修饰整个if从句。若用于句首,后接从句,主句要部分倒装。 If only I had gone by taxi. 我要是乘出租车去就好了。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 Li Wei failed the job interview because of his poor English. Only then _(realize)how important it was to learn English well. 答案:did he realize “only状语”放于句首时,句子应用部分倒装的形式。根据then可知时态应用一般过去时。,2He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth. 他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星则围绕着太阳转,只有月球仍然绕着地球转。 本句中with the planets going round it and. the earth是with复合结构,在句中作状语。 with复合结构为“with宾语宾补”,在句中作状语或定语。其常见形式如下:,(1)with名词(或代词)现在分词 With prices going up so fast, we cant afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起奢侈品。(原因状语) (2)with名词(或代词)过去分词 The thief was brought in with his hands tied back. 小偷被带了进来,双手捆在背后。 (3)with名词(或代词)形容词 I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢开着窗户睡觉。(伴随情况),(4)with名词(或代词)介词短语 They often go climbing with bags on their backs. 他们经常背着书包去爬山。 We live in a house with many flowers around it. 我们住在一所周围有很多花的房子里。(定语) (5)with名词(或代词)副词 With the manager away, no one knew what to do. 经理不在,没有人知道该做什么。,(6)with名词(或代词)动词不定式,此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。 With a lot of work to do, he wasnt allowed to go out. 因为有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。(原因状语),活学活用 (1)完成句子 他站着,手插在衣袋里。 He stood _. 这个男孩低着头站在那里。 The boy stood there _. 答案:with his hands in his pockets with his head down,(2)用恰当词语填空 _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. 答案:With 句意:担心着两次考试,这个周末我必须努力学习了。“with名词不定式”为with复合结构,不定式表示将要发生的动作,表示原因。,(3)用恰当形式填空 With the rain _(fall)so heavily, it becomes more and more difficult to carry on the rescue work. 答案:falling 句意:雨下得这么大,使救援工作的进行越来越困难。“with名词/代词不定式/分词/形容词等”可在句中作伴随、时间、原因等状语,本题中with复合结构作伴随状语,此处指雨还在下,表示正在进行的动作,故用现在分词形式。with复合结构中,名词/代词后用不定式表示将要发生的动作,用过去分词表示被动或完成的动作。,写作指导 人物类写作指导 一、写作内容 1age,sex,birthplace,background(概况) 2appearance,character(外表、性格) 3education(教育背景) 4big events in his or her life(in order of time)(经历、生平) 5evaluation(评价),二、写作技巧 1介绍概况:同位语结构、分词结构,使文章简洁。如: (1)Ye Shiwen,a world champion in swimming (一位游泳世界冠军),is a girl of 17 from Zhejiang.(同位语) (2)Born in Maryland,USA in 1985 (他1985年出生于美国马里兰州),Michael Phelps is a famous swimmer.(分词短语) 2描写外貌:巧用with短语。如: My history teacher is a beautiful woman,with long hair and big eyes (她长着两只大眼睛,留着长发),3生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短语和倒装等高级语句。如: (1)In his life,he got many honours,one of which is the 2012 CCTV Moving China Award (其中包括获得“2012感动中国年度人物”的称号)(定语从句) (2)In 2012,having broken the world record and got the gold medal (在他打破世界纪录并获得金牌之后),he became the idol of the youth.(分词短语) (3)Not only does he show interest in science (他不但对科学极有兴趣),but also he has a gift for music.(倒装句式),4评价:尽量运用短语。如: Zhang Lili set an good example to us(给我们树立了一个良好的榜样),so all the people show great respect to her (很敬重她),实战演练 根据下列提示,写一篇介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁隆平的文章。 1袁隆平, 1937年9月7日出生在重庆的一个贫困农民家庭。 21953年毕业于西南农学院,毕业后被分配到湘西农校任教。,31964年开始从事水稻研究。1981年荣获我国第一个国家发明特等奖,被国际上誉为“杂交水稻之父”。 4生活简朴,不计名利。 注意:(1)要有标题。 (2)介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。,写作要求:只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 _ _ _ _ _,参考范文: Father of Hybrid Rice Born on September 7, 1937 in Chongqing, Yuan Longping was from a poor farmers family. Having graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, he was sent to work as a teacher in the Agriculture School in the west of Hunan. He began his research in rice in 1964 and got the First National Special Prize for Invention in 1981. He is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” by the international friends. Famous as he is, he cares little for money and fame.,.单词拼写 1I dont make s_ of what you said just now. Could you explain it to me now? 2He was very c_ when he was riding the bicycle. 3The prime minister r_ any idea of reforming the system. 4She was even less _ (热情的) about going to Spain. 5She tried to be more _ (积极的) about her new job.,6He has _ (取代) Mr. Brown as President. 7She sat by the window, _ (纺线) 8Soldiers were sent into the area to report on the enemys _ (动作) 9We are all little in the _ (宇宙) 10The teacher was patient with _ (落后的) children. 答案:1.sense 2.cautious 3.rejected 4.enthusiastic 5positive 6.replaced 7.spinning 8.movement .universe 10backward,.根据汉语提示完成句子 1All his mathematical calculations _ (通向;导致)the same conclusion. 2Saying these words doesnt _ (有意义;讲得通) 3The teacher is_ (对严格要求)her. 4Between 1510 and 1514 he _ (从事;研究)it. 5The earth _ (围绕运转)the sun. 6The bridge is under _(建造),7He _(捐助) a lot of money to the charity(慈善机构) 8The news _(使惊讶)everybody. 9The _(观众)was fascinated(迷住)by her beautiful song. 10He became _(受到鼓舞的)when he thought about helping the poor people. 答案:1.led to 2.make sense 3.strict with 4.worked on 5goes around/round 6.construction 7.contributed 8.astonished 9.audience 10.inspired,.用适当的介词或副词填空 1The quarrel led _ the fighting between the two villagers. 2He is always positive _ trying new ideas. 3His father is very strict _ him and _ his studies too. 4We should base our theory _ facts. 5The photo calls up the memory of his childhood _ times. 答案:1.to 2.about 3.with;in 4.on 5.at,

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