高中英语 Module2 My New Teachers单元基础知识整合课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修1,My New Teachers,Module 2,.单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格) 1n.icadj. energy(n.)精力;活力_(adj.)精力充沛的 类记 drama(n.)戏剧;戏剧艺术_(adj.)戏剧的,富有戏剧性的 organ(n.)机关;器官_(adj.)器官的,有机的 system(n.)系统;体系_(adj.)系统的 prehistory(n.)史前时期_(adj.)史前的 language(n.)语言_(adj.)语言的,energetic,dramatic,organic,systematic,prehistoric,linguistic,基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络,2adj.lyadv. complete(adj.)完全的_(adv.)十分地;完全地 类记 grave(adj.)重大的;严肃的_(adv.)沉重地;严肃地 immediate(adj.)立即的;即刻的_(adv.)立即地;即刻地 slow(adj.)慢的_(adv.)慢地 happy(adj.)幸福的_(adv.)幸福地 extreme(adj.)极端的_(adv.)极其,非常;极端 final(adj.)最终的_(adv.)最后;终于,completely,gravely,immediately,slowly,happily,extremely,finally,3inadj.adj.(反义词) correct(adj.)正确的_(adj.)不正确的 类记 active(adj.)活跃的_(adj.)不活跃的 direct(adj.)直接的_(adj.)间接的 formal(adj.)正式的_(adj.)非正式的 complete(adj.)完全的_(adj.)不完全的 convenient(adj.)方便的_(adj.)不方便的 dependent(adj.)依靠的_(adj.)独立的,incorrect,inactive,indirect,informal,incomplete,inconvenient,independent,.连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子,每空一词) 1我承认我有一点害羞和紧张。 I _ that I was a bit/little _ and _. 2事实上,那时候我非常欣赏我的英语老师。 _, I _ my English teacher very much at that time. 3在校长的帮助下,我在纪律方面取得了很大的进步。 With the help of the _, I _ in _.,admitted,shy,nervous,In fact,appreciated,headmaster,made much progress,discipline,4汤姆将教我们如何和别人建立正确的关系。 Tom will teach us how to establish a _ with others. 5我父亲风趣、睿智、精力充沛,我从心底里敬佩他。 My father is _, _ and _, and I _ him from the bottom of my heart. 6复习了很长一段时间后,他们谈论一些轻松的话题来放松自己。 After _ for a long _, they talked about several relaxing topics to relax themselves.,correct relationship,amusing,intelligent,energetic,respect,revising,period,.句式点拨 1如果你把收音机音量关小一些,我将不胜感激。(True or False) I would appreciate you if you would turn the radio down.( ) I would appreciate it if you would turn the radio down.( ) 思路点拨 appreciate表示“感激”时,后面的宾语一般是事物或用it作形式宾语,不跟人作宾语;如果表示“感激某人”,则用thank sb.。,句式训练 如果你能指出我的不足之处,我将不胜感激。 _,2她除了自己谋生外别无选择。(True or False) She has no choice but to make a living by herself.( ) She has no choice but make a living by herself.( ) 思路点拨 have no choice but to do sth.意为“除了做某事外别无选择”,为固定句式,注意but后面的to不要漏掉。 句式训练 敌人别无选择,只好投降。 _,答案:1.F T I would appreciate it if you could point out my shortcomings. 2T F The enemy had no choice but to give in.,.词汇串记 After a long summer vacation, I attended Senior High school. Now Id like to introduce you two of my new teachers. My first impression of our physics teacher, Mrs Wang, also our headmistress, was that she was serious and a little too strict. Though being 45, she is still energetic. Before class, if we dont obey the discipline, she will criticise us and make sure that who broke the rules. We feel very nervous with her. But Mrs Wang is intelligent and experienced. Her teaching is so organised and she speaks loudly and clearly that we all like to take her lessons. As a result, we have made great progress in scientific experiments.,We appreciate her very much. In fact, many students admit they like her. Before the exams, Mrs Wang instructs us how to revise our lessons, hoping that we can get a good grade. There is a good relationship between us and Mrs Wang. However, Mr Liu, who teaches us English literature, is completely different from Mrs Wang. He is a little shy, amusing and patient. He hates blaming us and often avoids punishing us. Mr Liu often tells jokes so that we dont fall asleep. He is quite relaxed with us. He likes waving his hand when he gets excited during his class. In his class, he never gives us translations about the text. When we make a summary of the text, he asks us to write with our own words rather than copy the text. After a short period, all of us respect him a lot.,译文: 经过一个漫长的暑假,我上了高中。现在我给你们介绍一下我的两位新老师。 王老师,我们的物理老师,也是我们的女校长,我的第一印象是她很严肃,甚至有点太严厉了。尽管已经45岁了,但她依旧精力充沛。在上课前,如果我们不遵守纪律,她就会批评我们,并且弄清楚是谁违反了纪律。与她在一起,我们感到很紧张。但王老师很聪明,很有经验。她的课很有条理,她声音又大又清楚以至于我们都喜欢上她的课。结果,我们在科学实验方面都取得了进步。我们都很欣赏她。实际上,很多同学承认喜欢她。在考试前,王老师会指导我们复习功课,希望我们能取得好成绩。我们与她之间关系非常融洽。,然而,教我们英国文学的刘老师与王老师完全不同。他有点害羞,很有趣而且很有耐心。他不喜欢责备我们,经常避免惩罚我们。刘老师经常给我们讲笑话,因此我们在他的课上不会睡觉。他与我们的相处很轻松。他讲课激动时喜欢挥舞双手。在他的课上,他从不给我们翻译。当我们对课文进行总结时,他要求我们用自己的话写,而不是模仿课文。很短的一段时间后,我们都很尊敬他。,科学构建 高效作文 一、写作指导 1确定体裁:名人简介一般是要求介绍某个著名人物的成长历程、主要事迹和社会贡献等,属于记叙文中的写人。 2确定主体时态:一般来说,名人的成长、事迹和贡献等都是已经发生或存在的,可考虑把一般过去时作为主体时态,也应根据具体内容在必要时变换时态。 3确定中心人称:介绍他人应用第三人称。 4确定结构:可采用三段式。第一段引出中心人物;第二段介绍经历和贡献;第三段总结全文。也可以按照给出的提示灵活处理结构。,二、常用句式 1介绍成长经历: He was born in. and grew up. He graduated from. and then. After graduation, he became a(n) He liked. and devoted his spare time to. 2介绍成就和贡献: He was awarded the Nobel Prize. He made a great contribution to society. He is one of the most famous. in China/the world. His works are popular around the world, such as.,三、范例展示 题目要求 假如你是刘菲,升入高中已经两月有余。请你给美国的笔友Bob写一封email,向他介绍你最喜欢的老师。包括以下要点: 1.老师的相貌特征; 2.老师的教学态度; 3.老师的教学方法和主张; 4.同学们对老师及课堂的评价。 注意:词数120个左右(开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数)。,Dear Bob, Ive been in my new school for more than two months. Im getting on well with. _ _ _ _ _ Best wishes! Yours, Liu Fei,审题谋篇 1确定体裁、时态、人称 1)体裁:描写人物的记叙文 写人物记叙文的目的就是要写出个性鲜明的人物,通过对其面貌、语言、行动、思想和性格的描写,使人们对其有所了解。文章要写得生动形象,给人留下深刻印象。 2)时态:主体用现在时,描述过去的事情时用过去时。 3)人称:第三人称,穿插第一人称。,2明确记叙文的格式。 1)开头部分:点出文章主题,对人物进行简单概括。 2)主体部分:根据写作要求详细介绍所描述人物的特点:老师的体貌特征;老师的教学态度;老师的教学方法和主张。 3)结尾部分:概括人们对该人物的评价。本文应是同学们对老师的评价。,遣词成句 1词汇: 我最喜欢的英语老师 _ 精力充沛的 _ 使我们放松 _ 受的欢迎 _ 给某人举个例子 _ 教学方法 _ 取得很大进步 _ 尊敬某人 _,my favorite English teacher energetic make us relaxed be popular among/with sb. set sb. an example method ofteaching/teaching method make much/great progress respect sb.,2句式:一句多译 他认为阅读对我们来说是非常重要的。 He thinks _. He thinks _. 他的教学方法与我原来初中老师的教学方法完全不同。 His method of teaching is _ the teachers at my Junior High school. _ the teaching method of the teachers at my Junior High school,his teaching method is _ .,that reading is very important for us,it is very important for us to read,nothing like that of,Compared with,very different,他的课如此活跃而有趣以至于我们大家都喜欢上他的课。 He makes his classes _ we all like to work with him. We all like to work with him _ his lively and interesting classes.,so lively and interesting that,as a result of,连词成篇 Dear Bob, Ive been in my new school for more than two months. Im getting on well with my English teacher. Mr. Liu, a handsome young man,is my favorite English teacher.He is kind,energetic and amusing. He is always making us relaxed in class. As a result, he is popular among US.,He explains everything clearly. He thinks that reading is very important for us and we should speak a lot in class, so he is always trying his best to offer us opportunities to practise it. He first sets us an example, then divides us into groups. His method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. We enjoy it. We all think well make much progress with him teaching us.,Mr. Liu is a good teacher. He makes his classes so lively and interesting that we all like to work with him. All of us respect him a lot. Best wishes! Yours, Liu Fei,

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