高中英语 5.2 Listening Everyday English Speaking课件 外研版选修8.ppt

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.单词识记 1_vto punish or hurt somebody in return for something bad or wrong that they have done to you, your family or friends 2_na feeling of great sadness 3_nto take a firm hold of somebody/something,Period Two Listening;Everyday English;Speaking; Reading and Vocabulary;Writing;Reading Practice,4_nthe feeling of happiness that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen 5_nfame,praise or honour that is given to somebody 6_nthe process or result of dividing into separate parts 7_nthe country that you were born in 8_adj.existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reality 答案 1.avenge 2.sorrow 3.grasp 4.relief 5.glory 6.division 7.motherland 8.abstract,.短语天地 1_走捷径 2_支持,赞同 3_浪费 4_列名单 5_一名太空旅行者 6not all _ 7a mixture of _ 8other than _ 答案 1.take short cuts 2.in favour of 3.a waste of 4make a list of 5.a space tourist 6.并非所有的 7的混合物 8.除之外,But at the end of the day,I think it is more important to spend that money on problems nearer home. 信息提取 at the end of the day意为“考虑周详,从各个方面来看” 例句仿写 从各个方面来看,这位新经理并不比前任强。 _,the new manager is no better than the previous one.,1,.句型搜索,Maybe we will be able to take short cuts. 信息提取 take short cuts意为“走捷径” 例句仿写 要是我们打算按时完成这一任务的话,我们得走一些捷径。 Well have to _if were to finish this job on time. Thats food for thought,I think hes right. 信息提取 food for thought意为“值得深思的事情,耐人寻味的道理”。 例句仿写 她这话耐人寻味。 What she has said affords much _,2,3,Saturms biggest moon,Titan,which is believed to be the only body in the solar system other than the Earth with liquid on the surface. 信息提取 sb/sth be believed to.“人们相信, 据相信”。 例句仿写 人们相信他是第一个发现这个山洞的人。 _the first to find the cave. 答案 1.At the end of the day 2.take some short cuts 3food for thought 4.He is believed to be,4,(1)承认(as/ doing/ that) They acknowledge that China is advancing rapidly in industry.他们承认中国在工业上发展迅速。 (2)对打招呼;就表示谢忱 The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。,1acknowledge v.,It is universally acknowledged that 是大家公认的 acknowledge sth/ that从句 承认 acknowledge each other 相互打招呼 acknowledge.as/to be.认为/承认是 acknowledge/ admit doing sth承认做某事 deny doing sth否认做某事 acknowledgement n承认,感谢,【辨析】 acknowledge/admit/recognize,【句型转换】 He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world. He_the best player in the world. _he is the best player in the world. 答案 is widely acknowledged as It is acknowledged that,sorrow n悲痛,悲哀(at/ for/ over);伤心事,不幸的事;悲伤的原因(to)C It was she who had brought on all this sorrow. 这一切的祸殃全是她带来的。 Let me express our sorrow for the accident. 允许我对这起事故表达我们的悲痛。 to ones (great) sorrow使某人(非常)伤心的是 to the sorrow of sb sorrowful adj.悲伤的,伤心的 feel sorrow 悲痛,感到伤心,2,【完成句子】 她对姑母的去世感到悲痛。 She felt _the death of her aunt. 对任何人来说,这都是可悲的日子。 It was a_day for everybody. 答案 sorrow at sorrowful,consistent adj.前后一致的(in);符合的(with) Your action is not consistent with what you say. 你的行为和你所说的不一致。 He remained consistent in his opposition to anything new. 他始终反对一切新事物。 be consistent with与一致/符合 consistently adv.一致地 consistency n一致性,连贯性 inconsistent adj.不一致的,3,【完成句子】 这个说法与你昨天会上的发言不相符。 This statement is not _what you said at yesterdays meeting. 他的陈述前后不符。 He is not _his statement. 答案 consistent with consistent in,sympathy n. (1)同情,同情心U(for/with) I have no sympathy for beggars.我不同情乞丐。 (2)一致,同感;赞同U(with) Many people are in sympathy with your views. 许多人赞同你的看法。 feel sympathy for sb对某人表示同情 have (no) sympathy with sb/ sth对某人/事(没)有同情心 in sympathy with 同意,赞成 show ones sympathy for.对显示同情心 a man of wide sympathies极富同情心的人,4,【完成句子】 我不同情像他那样游手好闲的人。 I_an idle fellow like him. 他们向从战场上归来的士兵表示慰问。 They expressed their_the returned soldiers from the battle. 答案 have no sympathy with sympathy for,Are you accusing me of lying? 你是在指责我撒谎吗? The person was accused of murder. 这个人被指控谋杀。 accuse sb of (doing) sth charge sb with sth 控告/指责某人做了某事 accuse sb for sth 为某事指责某人 be accused of.被控告犯有罪 accuse sb as.控告/指责某人为,5accuse v控告,责备,accuser n原告 the accused n被告“v.sb of sth” 结构归纳:inform sb of sth 通知某人某事 remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 warn sb of sth 警告某人某事 rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物 cheat sb of sth 欺骗某人某物,【辨析】 accuse/charge/blame,【完成句子】 这个士兵被指控在敌人进攻时逃跑。 The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked. 这个故事让我想起了我的童年。 This story _ 答案 accused reminds me of my childhood,leave out 遗漏;排除;忽视,不理会 You can leave out the parts of the story that are not interesting.你可以把故事中无趣的部分省略。 No one speaks to him;he is always left out. 没人跟他讲话,他总被人冷落。 leave it out 住口;别骗人;别装蒜 cross out划掉 leave off 停止 leave.aside忘了带;遗忘,1,用leave的短语完成句子 我们暂时把代理问题搁置到下周。 Well _the problem of agency until next week. 答案 leave aside in favour of 赞成,支持 She has been all in favour of new technology in industry. 她一直主张在工业界实行新技术。 Why I am not in favour of it can easily be answered. 我为什么不支持它的原因能容易地回答。,2,in favour赞同的;得宠的;流行的 in favour with sb受某人恩惠 out of favour不流行的,失宠的 be for支持 be against反对 do sb a favour do a favour for sb帮某人一个忙 owe sb a favour 欠某人情份 do oneself a favour照顾自己 ask a favour of 请求帮忙,【单项填空】 There were 247 votes_of the motion and 87 against. Ain want Bin favour Cin demand Din need 答案 B,Do you have any special interests other than your job? 你除了职业之外,还有什么其他特殊爱好吗? She has never been to a big city other than Chicago. 除芝加哥外她没有去过别的大城市。,3other than 除了;除之外,none other than不是别人而正是 other from不同于 quite other完全不同的 rather than而不是 besides除之外(还有)(常与also,else,any等连用) except除之外没有,不用于句首 except that 从句除外没有 as well as( besides)除外(还有) in addition to除外还有( besides) apart from除外,【单项填空】 You should help me because I have nobody to turn to_you. Arather than Bother than Cmore than Dless than Its what he did _what he said that moved us. Aexcept for Bbut so Cinstead Drather than 答案 B D,The different colours show exactly what the rings are made of: the red means the ring contains tiny pieces of rock and the blue and green is likely to be a mixture of water and frozen gases.不同的颜色准确地显示了光环是什么组成的:红色意味着光环含有微小的岩石块,蓝色和绿色可能是水和冰冻气体的混合物。 (1)本句主语是the different colours,谓语动词是show,后面的what引导的是宾语从句,what在句中作介词of的宾语;冒号后的the red means.起解释说明的作用;,1,The new schoolyard of No.2 Middle School lies in what used to be crop fields. 新校园建在过去是庄稼地的地方。 Pay attention to what you will say at the meeting. 注意你在会上要说的内容。 (2)be likely to do.意为“很可能做”。也可用作“It is likely that.” He is likely to come to the party.Its likely that he will come to the party.他可能来参加聚会。,【辨析】 likely/possible/probable 三者都表可能,但引导的句式不同: It is possible/probable/likely that. It is possible to do sb/sth be likely to do. She is likely to come here tonight. Its possible/probable/likely that shell come here tonight.她今晚可能来这儿。 Its likely that Ill travel to Sanyan. 我有可能到三亚旅行。,【单项填空】 Have you thought about_to give her as a present? Awhat Bwho Cwhich Dwhere The mistakes made by Chinese students are quite different from _were made by the Japanese students in English study. Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dthose,用likely,possible,probable的适当形式填空 It is_to come here before 9 oclock. Rain is possible but not_this evening. They are _to become angry with him. 答案 A C possible probable likely,The probe has sent back pictures of some of Saturns moon,including tiny Phoebe,which has a strange shape.unlike other planets and their moons,it is not perfectly round.and Saturns biggest moon,Titan,which is believed to be the only body in the solar system other than the Earth with liquid on the surface.探测器还发回了土星卫星的一些照片,这些卫星中包括形状奇特的小个子土卫九跟其他行星以及他们的卫星不同的是它没有那么圆还有土星最大的卫星土卫六,人们都认为它是太阳系中除了地球以外唯一一个表面有液体的星体。,2,(1)本句中介词短语including tiny Phoebe.and Saturns biggest moon.surface作定语,修饰some of Saturns moon;介词短语中有两个which引导的非限制性定语从句,两个定语从句分别修饰Proebe 和Titan。 (2)sb/sth be believed to do.,意为“人们认为某人/物, 某人/物被认为”,相当于 “It is believed that.”或 “People believe that.” 。 Friday is believed to be an unlucky day. 星期五被认为是不吉祥的日子。,(3)other than意为“除了(没有)” 注意:other than 后接不定式时,to不可以省略,但前面有实义动词do时,to要省略。 I should not have done so,other than for the most compelling reasons. 要不是出于非常紧迫的原因,我本不应该这样唐突的。 You never come to my office other than to ask me some questions.除了问我问题外,你从不来我办公室。 (4) including sth/ sth included 包括 He can speak many foreign languages,including Russian. He can speak many foreign languages,Russian included. 他会说多种外语,包括俄语。,【完成句子】 据称比萨大约有三千年的历史。 Pisa _about three thousand years old. 他收到很多礼物,包括一本字典。 He received many gifts,_ 答案 is believed to be a dictionary included/ including a dictionary,For example,Luke Skywalker is ever told that his commitment ought to be to finish his training rather than rescue his friends.例如,有人曾告诉卢克斯凯沃克他的责任应该是完成他的训练,而不是拯救他的朋友。 本句中rather than意为“(是)而不是,(与其)倒不如”,通常用于连接平行结构。 I would prefer to start in August rather than in July. 我宁愿八月动身,而不愿七月动身。 I decided to write rather than to telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。,3,I always prefer getting up early rather than going to school without breakfast. 我宁可起床早点,也不愿不吃早饭就去上学。 would rather do sth than do sth would do sth rather than do sth prefer to do rather than do sth 宁可也不 would rather(not)do sth 宁愿(不)做某事 other than除了 or rather或者,更确切地说,【单项填空】 You seemed to have been impressed by his performance. well,not exactly.It was his determination _ his skills that really impressed me. Aas well as Btogether with Cbut also Drather than 答案 D,

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