高中英语 4.4 Grammar present课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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I have been reading Hemingways A Farewell to Arms recently.最近我一直在读海明威的永别了,武器。 Tom has been working hard since the new term began.自从新学期开始以来,汤姆一直在努力学习。,(2)表示到目前为止的一段时间内时断时续、反复发生的动作。 He has been writing articles for the newspapers and magazines since he became a teacher. 自任教以来,他一直在为报纸、杂志撰稿。 Youve been saying that for five years. 这话你已经说了5年了。,3现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别 (1)现在完成时侧重于曾经发生的动作对现在的影响或动作产生的结果;现在完成进行时则更强调动作的延续性。 He has written a letter.他写了一封信。(已经写好) He has been writing a letter.他一直在写一封信。(一直在写) (2)现在完成时一般不表示动作的反复;而现在完成进行时可表示动作的反复。 Have you met him recently? 你最近见到过他吗? Have you been meeting him recently? 你最近常和他见面吗?,(3)现在完成时通常只是陈述一种事实;而现在完成进行时可表示强烈的感情色彩。 I have waited for you for two hours. 我等了你两个小时。(说明一个事实) I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我一直等了你两个小时。(可能表示不满),【单项填空】 Good heavens! There you are! We _ anxious about you, and we _ you back throughout the night. Aare;expect Bwere;had expected Chave been;were expecting Dare;were expecting Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday? No, but we _ to get in touch with them ever since. Ahave tried Bhave been trying Chad tried Dhad been trying,答案 C 担心是从过去某时到说话时为止一直在进行的动作,用现在完成时;expect 是在过去某一段时间里(整个晚上)正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时。 B 考查时态。根据答语中的时间状语可知自从那对夫妇在山中失踪以后,人们一直在尽力和他们取得联系,所以用现在完成进行时,表示这个动作一直持续到现在,而且还有可能继续进行下去。,电子邮件 【写作任务】 现在有许多的音乐选秀活动,因此有些学生不顾学业去参加这些活动。你的网友Tom发email给你,说他想休学一段时间去参加一个选秀节目。,【写作要求】 词数在120词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,【写作分析】 第一步:认真审题 1电子邮件应属于书信类作文。它要求开始写称谓,如Dear Sir, Gentlemen, Dear Mr. (Mrs.,Miss) Smith等;接着是正文部分:如果你是回复客户的询问或请求,应以感谢开头,如“Thank you for your prompt reply”或“Thanks for getting back to me”;如果你是主动写电子邮件给别人,首先就要表明你的意图,如“I am writing to you for.”;“Im writing in reference to.”;正文最后还要写上感谢收信人的礼貌语,如“Thank you for your consideration.”及“I look forward to hearing from you.”;其次是结束语,如 Yours truly, Yours respectfully, Yours sincerely,Yours faithfully等;最后是签名,附上你的名字。,2文章要首先介绍学生参加选秀节目的情况,然后表明自己的观点。因此文章大体可分为三段。第一段写Mike参加选秀的事,第二段写学生不顾学业参加选秀,第三段表明自己的观点。 3写作时要注重长短句的结合,合理使用复合句。其次要恰当利用关联词,如as a result, in short等以加强行文的逻辑性。,第二步:提炼要点 1disagree with 2give up your study 3be crazy about 4take part in music contests 5concentrate on ones study 6the most important thing 7in a reasonable way 8pay attention to,第三步:扩点成句 1I disagree with you totally. I dont think it is a good excuse for you to give up your study. 2I know that nowadays more and more teenagers are crazy about superstars and want to be a superstar one day. 3A lot of TV shows are designed for teenagers to take part in lots of music contests. 4Many teenagers no longer concentrate on their studies. 5As students, the most important thing we should be doing is studying.,6Developing our hobbies is also important, but we should develop them in a reasonable way. 7In short, it is important that we study to know more. That is why we should pay our attention to our studies.,【参考范文】 Dear_Tom, Ive_heard_that_you_want_to_quit_school_to_attend_the_show_Searching_for_Music_Talents. I disagree with you totally. I dont think it is a good excuse for you to give up your study. I know that nowadays more and more teenagers are crazy about superstars and want to be a superstar one day. A lot of TV shows are designed for teenagers to take part in lots of music contests. As a result, many teenagers no longer concentrate on their studies. As students, the most important thing we should do is study. Developing our hobbies is also important, but we should develop them in a reasonable way.,In short, it is important that we study to know more. That is why we should pay our attention to our studies. Best_regards! Yours, Li_Dong,模板二 Recently_, what amazes us most is_.It is true that _.There are many reasons explaining _. The main reason is_.What is more_.Thirdly _.As a result, _. Considering all these, _.For one thing_;for another thing_. In conclusion,_.,名词性从句易错点分析 一、that引导的定语从句与同位语从句的区别 同位语从句通常是在一个名词,如fact,idea, news, hope, belief, thought, doubt, proof等后,对其作进一步的解释。 I have no idea that you were here. He cant answer the question how he got the money.,Along with the letter was his promise that he would visit me this coming Christmas. Do you still remember the chicken farm that we visited three months ago? 解释:在句中,that引导同位语从句解释说明promise的内容,that不充当任何句子成分,只起连接作用;而在句中,that引导的定语从句对先行词the chicken farm起修饰作用,先行词在从句中作visited的宾语。,二、名词性从句中,关于it作形式主语和形式宾语的易错点 1名词性从句作主语或宾语时,为保持句子平衡,常用it作形式主语或形式宾语。以下是常见的用it作形式主语的复合结构: It is名词that从句 It is a fact/pity/shame/no wonder/good news.that. It is形容词that从句 It is necessary/strange/important/wonderful/possible/likely that.这类句型中的谓语动词多为“( should)动词原形”结构。 It is过去分词that从句 It is said/reported/decided/believed that.,It不及物动词that从句 It seems/happened/doesnt matter/has turned out that. Its a pity that he doesnt come to give a speech. (it作形式主语) We think it possible that you can finish the job today. (it作形式宾语) It happened that her mother was away. It has turned out that he was the murderer. 2谓语动词appreciate, dislike, hate, like, love, make等后接由if或when引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句前加上形式宾语it。 I would appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party.,【单项填空】 It is obvious to the students_ they should get well prepared for their future. A. as Bwhich Cwhether Dthat,D,三、that和what的区别 连词that在从句中不作任何成分;what可作主语、表语或宾语等。 【单项填空】 A modern city has been set up in _was a wasteland ten years ago. A. what Bwhich Cthat Dwhere Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _it was 20 years ago,_ it was so poorly equipped. A. what; when Bthat; which Cwhat; which Dwhich; that,A,A,Is there any possibility _you could pick me up at the airport? No problem. A. when Bthat Cwhether Dwhat,B,四、名词性从句的语序 名词性从句通常用陈述句语序。 【单项填空】 He asked _for the violin. Adid I play how much BI paid how much Chow much did I pay Dhow much I paid,D,五、if和whether的用法比较 if引导宾语从句和条件状语从句。 whether引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。 【单项填空】 At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see_ it got any better. A. when Bhow Cwhy Dif,D,

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