高中英语 3.2 Reading and Vocabulary Writing Reading 课件 外研版选修8.ppt

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.单词识记 1_na person that you have invited to your house or to a particular event that you are paying for 2_vto invite people to eat or drink with you as your guests,especially in your home 3_na list of the food that is available at a restaurant or to be served at a meal,Period Two Listening;Everyday English;Speaking; Reading and Vocabulary;Writing;Reading Practice,4_vto say or write a comment about something/somebody 5_na remark that expresses praise or admiration of somebody 6_na result of something that has happened 答案 1.guest 2.entertain 3.list 4.remark pliment 6.consequence,.短语天地 1_餐桌礼仪 2_不用说,显然 3_准时地 4_与有共同之处 5_还有的是,加之 6as a rule_ 7in short_ 8by nature_ 答案 1.table manners 2.go without saying 3.on the dot 4have.in common with. 5.whats more 6.通常,一般说来 7.总之,简言之 8.天生地;出于本性地,.句型搜索 The perfect host is the one who saves his guest from embarrassment whatever the cost. 信息提取 whatever引导让步状语从句。 例句仿写 无论代价是什么,我们都要按时完成任务。 _,well finish the task on time.,1,The cleaners werent very happy but in the end most people had to agree that the King had been a perfect host,saving his guest and everybody else from the embarrassment which came from a misunderstanding of table manners. 信息提取 saving.是现在分词作状语。 例句仿写 他一夜没睡,想着这个问题。 All night long he lay awake,_,2,Most Australian homes will have a stove on which you fry or steam vegetables. 信息提取 on which 后跟定语从句。 例句仿写 我永远忘不了加入足球队的那一天。 Ill never forget the day _I joined the soccer team. 答案 1.Whatever the cost is 2.thinking of the problem 3on which,3,entertain vt.招(款)待;给娱(快)乐 vi.招待,请客 We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。 They often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末招待朋友。 entertain sb with sth用招待或款待某人 entertain sb (to sth) 宴请;(用)招待客人,款待某人 entertainment n娱乐,消遣;招待 entertaining adj.愉快的,有趣的 n款待,招待 entertainer n演艺人员;专业表演者,1,【完成句子】 我父亲喜欢在家里招待他的朋友。 My father likes to_his friends at home. 我忙了几个月了,我将度个周末好好款待自己一下。 I have been busy for several months,and I shall_myself to a good weekend holiday. 答案 entertain treat,His story amuses me.他的故事使我发笑。 We were all amused at his foolish behaviour. 我们对他那愚蠢的行为都感到好笑。 amusing adj.可笑的,有趣的 amused adj.快乐的,愉快的 amusement n娱乐,2amuse v逗乐,使娱乐,【辨析】 amusing/interesting,【单项填空】 Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues_with her stories. Aamused Bamusing Cto amuse Dto be amused 答案 A,(1)v.谈到,说起;评论;注意 The editor remarked that article was well written. 编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。 Her father remarked that it was time to leave. 她的父亲说该走了。 (2)n.意见,评论 It was bad manners to make a remark on his/her appearance.对别人评头论足是不礼貌的。 He had a habit of making humorous remarks. 他有说幽默话的习惯。,3remark,remark on/upon 就发表意见;评论 remark that.谈到;说起 make a remark on/about就发表意见;对品头论足 remarkable adj.引人注目的;突出的,不平常的 He has a remarkable memory.他有着惊人的记忆力。,【辨析】 remark/state/say,【完成句子】 关于你的计划的评论是很合理的。 The remarks_your plan were quite reasonable. 请你说说自己对北京奥运主题口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”认识。 Please_“One World One Dream”,the theme of Beijing Olympics. 答案 on make a remark on,(1)拯救save sb/sth from sth/from doing sth She saved a little girl from falling into the water. 她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。 (2)避免,免得(出现困难或不愉快的事) The prize money saved her from having to find a job. 她得到的奖金,使她免于去找工作。 (3)储蓄;攒钱 save (sth) (up) (for sth) Weve been saving up to go to Australia. 我们一直在攒钱,打算去澳大利亚。,4save v.,(4)保存;保留save sth(for sth/sb) Save some food for me.给我留点吃的。 (5)节省;节约save (sth) on sth Well take a cab to save time. 我们坐出租车好节省时间。 save sb doing sth 节省某人某物 save sb sth 节省 save sth for 为节省;留给 save sth to do 节省某物去做,【完成句子】 步行上下班可以节省我的公共汽车费。 Walking to the office _money on bus fares. 打电话购物免得亲自跑一趟。 Order the goods by phone and_ 现在别把苹果都吃了,留点给弟弟吃。 Dont eat all the apples now,_ 答案 saves me spending save yourself a journey save some for your little brother,before long 不久,不久以后 Before long he came to Canada to go on with his education.不久以后他去了加拿大继续深造。 His plan seemed to be too difficult,but before long it proved to be practical. 他的计划看起来太困难,但是没多久就被证明很实用。,1,【辨析】 before long/long before,【单项填空】 John thinks it wont be long_he is ready for his new job. Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince 【完成句子】 看起来一会儿就要下雨了。 It looks as if it will rain_ 我们没等多久她就来了。 We had not waited_she came. 答案 C before long long before,as a rule 通常,在多数的情况之下 As a rule,Im home by six.我通常六点钟到家。 As a rule,young people like beer. 年轻人通常都喜欢喝啤酒。 He is as a rule not fussy about what he wants. 他通常不挑剔自己的穿着。 break/obey a rule违反/遵守规定 as a general rule一般说来 make it a rule to do sth 做某事成为一种惯例,2,【完成句子】 通常,是男士伸出手来邀请女士跳舞。 _,its the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance. 【翻译句子】 As a rule we have no trouble. _ 答案 As a rule 一般来讲,我们还没有遇到什么麻烦。,It goes without saying that .理所当然;不用说,不言而喻;自不待言 It goes without saying that success is the product of hard work. 成功来自勤奋, 这个道理不言自明。 It goes without saying that knowledge is power. 知识就是力量,这个道理是不言而喻的。 as the saying goes 常言道,正如俗话所说 As the saying goes,practice makes perfect. 常言道,熟能生巧。,3,【单项填空】 不需说,工作而不休息会对健康有害的。 _work without rest will do harm to health. 俗话说: 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友,这话不错。 _,a man depends upon his parents at home and upon his friends abroad.Its really true. 答案 It goes without saying that As the saying goes,The cleaners werent very happy,but in the end most people had to agree that the King had been a perfect host,saving his guest and everybody else from the embarrassment which came from a misunderstanding of table manners.虽然清洁工们很不高兴,但是最后大多数人却不得不承认国王是一个完美的主人,他把他的客人和其他的人从因为对餐桌礼仪的误解而产生的窘境中解脱出来。,1,本句是由but连接的两个并列句,其中第一个句子中动词agree又带了一个that引导的宾语从句。现在分词saving作原因状语,介词from的宾语embarrassment后又跟了一个定语从句。save.from.,把从中解救出来。 Their car was caught in a traffic jam,thus causing the delay.他们的车陷入交通堵塞,耽误了。 He sat in the armchair,reading a newspaper. 他坐在椅子里,读报纸。 He jumped into the river to save the child from drowning. 他跳进河里把溺水的孩子救了起来。,【单项填空】 The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running,_meant spending tens of thousands of pounds. Awho Bthat Cas Dwhich We often provide our children with toys,footballs or basketballs,_that all children like these things. Athinking Bthink Cto think Dthought 答案 D A,Even if you are on close terms with the host,you should wait to be offered something.Do not help yourself.Its not really the done thing in Britain,though in other countries people might be more relaxed.即使你和主人的关系很好,你也应该等着主人让。不要太随便,这在英国是不符合礼仪的,虽然在其他国家人们可以放松一点。 (1)Even if you are on close terms with the host作让步状语从句,even if even though。 though in other countries people might be more relaxed.也是让步状语从句。,2,(2)be on good/friendly/bad terms with sb (与某人)关系好/友好/不友好 He is still on excellent terms with his friends. 他仍然和朋友保持着极好的关系。 I havent been on speaking terms with her after that quarrel.那次争吵之后我就一直没跟她讲话。 (3)the done thing符合传统的或可以容许的行为 For most people,marriage is still the done thing. 对大多数人来说,结婚仍然是天经地义的事情。 in terms of就而言;从的观点(角度) in the long/short term就长(短)期而言 Be on equal terms关系平等,【完成句子】 我不知道你和他关系这么密切。 I had no idea that you and he were_ 从长期来看,这项工程会让地方政府受益。 The project will benefit the local environment_ 这是不能用金钱衡量的。 It can not be measured _money. 即使失败多次,我们也不会放弃。 We wont give up_we should fail many times. 答案 on such close terms in the long term in terms of even if,

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