高中英语 5.3 Reading Practice Cultural Corner课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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.单词识记 1_ vwalk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper 2_ vto take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around something 3_ none of a number of things, or part of a whole, that can be looked at to see what the rest is like,accompany absorb sample,4_ adj.not broken, damaged, or spoiled 5_ vbecome evident; appear; originate 6_ nbehaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically,intact arise violence,.短语天地 1_摧毁 2_摆脱控制 3_据我们所知 4break down_ 5bring.back to life_,knock out get out of control as far as we know,分解 使复活,.句型搜索 1The reason why Brave New World is still so famous is that it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible. 信息提取 the reason why.is that.的原因是 例句仿写我上学迟到的原因是我今早起床晚了。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I got up late this morning.,The reason why I was late for,school is that,2The government also keeps people happy with the use of a drug called soma that makes people happy. 信息提取 make宾语宾语补足语 例句仿写 我们队赢了这一消息使我们大家非常高兴。 The news that our team had won _ _ _ _.,made us very,happy,.课文信息理解 Scan the text on Page 69 and choose the best answers according to the text. 1The first paragraph is written in order to _. Atell us the time when the novel came out Btell us the popularity of the novel Cmake us more interested in the novel Dmake us know why the novel was famous 2In Brave New World, which of the five types of clones are leaders of society? ABetas. BEpsilons. CAlphas. DAlphas and Betas.,3It seems that people in Brave New World _. Alove their nation very much Bhate their nation very much Cdont have any feelings Dare satisfied with their own positions 4How does the government control the society? ABy teaching them what to like or dislike and giving them drugs to make them happy. BBy dividing the whole society into five classes. CBy giving equal rights to the five types of people. DBy strong and cruel methods.,5The writer of the novel takes _attitude to such a society described in the novel. Adoubtful Bsupportive Ccold Dobjective 答案 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A,1accompany v. (1)陪伴,陪同 Please accompany me on the trip to my hometown. 请陪我去故乡走一走。 (2)(为)伴奏;伴唱 Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano. 玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。,【归纳拓展】 be accompanied by陪伴;附有;伴随 accompany sb to sp.陪着某人去某地 accompany sb on a trip 陪同某人一起旅游 accompany sb at/on sth 给某人伴奏,【单项填空】 Mary didnt feel like going shopping alone, so she asked me to _her to the market. Acompany Bmarch Cdischarge Daccompany 答案 D A表示“公司;陪伴”,作名词;B表示“行进,进军”;C表示“排出,释放”。句意:玛丽不喜欢单独购物,所以她叫我陪她到市场。由句子结构和句意可排除前三项,故选D。,2absorb v. (1)吸收;理解;掌握 Plants absorb nutrients from the soil. 植物从土壤中吸收养分。 (2)吸引(兴趣);使专心 Judith lay on the settee,absorbed in her book. 朱迪斯躺在长沙发椅上,专心致志地看书。 【归纳拓展】 (1)absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 (2)absorbed adj.精神集中的 be absorbed in 专心致志于 (3)absorbing adj.十分吸引人的;引人入胜的,【完成句子】 当我走进房间的时候,这个男孩正专心致志地读书。 The boy _ _ _ the book when I came into his room. 录像完全吸引了孩子们的注意力。 The video was totally _ _ _ _.,was absorbed in,absorbing the childrens,attention,【比较网站】,【单项填空】 The committee has decided to hold a meeting to discuss the matter that has_from the recent changes in law. Aaroused Barisen Craised Drisen 答案 B 句意:委员会决定举行一个会议,讨论随最近法律的变更而出现的问题。arise from由产生,由引起,主语常是losses, difficulties等。arouse唤醒,唤起,激发。raise提高,举起。rise上升,升起。,1knock out (1)摧毁,击败,淘汰 Our team was knocked out in the first part of the competition. 我们队在比赛的第一阶段就被淘汰了。 (2)击倒;撞倒 A car knocked him out when he was riding. 他骑自行车时,一辆轿车把他撞倒了。 (3)使入睡;使不省人事;使大吃一惊,使倾倒 The movie just knocked me out. 这电影着实让我赞叹不已。 The blow knocked her out. 这一击把她打昏了。,【归纳拓展】 knock.out of把从中敲出来 knock into撞在某人身上;偶然碰见 knock down把击倒,撞倒 knock over打翻 knock at敲门,【翻译句子】 我昨天在公园里碰见一位老朋友。 _ 这个消息让她大吃一惊。 _,I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park.,The news knocked her out.,2get out of control摆脱控制 The plane got out of control and crashed into the sea. 飞机失控,坠入大海。 【归纳拓展】 (1)be in/under the control of 为所控制 beyond control 无法控制 in control of 控制 out of control 失去控制 (2)lose control of 失去对的控制 take control of 控制,【单项填空】 When I first learned to drive a car, I found it difficult _the car and it was dangerous if the car was_. Acontrolling; out of the control Bin control of; lost control Cto control; out of control Dto take control of; in control 答案 C 句意:当我第一次学开车时,我发觉控制车很难,而且如果车失控了会很危险。第一空是不定式短语作真正的宾语;第二空考查固定短语out of control(失控)。,3as far as we know据我们所知(so/as far as we are concerned) He will come here next Monday,as far as we know. 据我们所知,他会在下星期一到这儿来。,【归纳拓展】,【单项填空】 As _as I know, as _as 100 computers can be sold each day as _as we can bring the price down by 5%. Amuch; many;far Bfar;many; long Cfar; well; much Dmuch; far; well 答案 B 句意:据我所知,只要我们能把电脑价格降低5%,每天卖出电脑的数量就会多达100台。as far as意为“就而言”;“as many/much as”意为“多达”,as many as修饰可数名词;as long as相当于连词,意为“只要”,表示条件,后接从句。,4break down (1)分解 Some rubbish like plastic is very difficult to break down. 有些垃圾比如塑料就很难分解。 (2)出故障;精神、身体等垮掉 He has broken down from overwork. 他因工作过度而累垮了。,【归纳拓展】 break away( from)脱离,背叛;挣脱 break in 强行进入;打断(谈话),插嘴 break into闯入,破门而入 break off突然终止,中断 break out爆发,突然发生 break through突破;克服,战胜 break up解散;结束,【单项填空】 How about your journey to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car _twice on the way. Aslowed down Bbroke down Cgot down Dput down Have you _some new ideas? Yeah. Ill tell you later. Acome about Bcome into Ccome up with Dcome out with,答案 B 句意:你们的峨眉山之旅怎么样?除了我们的车在路上抛锚了两次之外,一切都很完美。break down“(机器等)出现故障”,符合语境。slow down“减速”;get down“下车”;put down”放下”。 C come up with表示“想出,提出”,符合句意。A项是不及物动词短语,表示“发生”;B项表示“进入”;D项表示“说出”。,【归纳拓展】 (1)the reason作主语时表语从句只能用that引导,且that不能省略。 The reason why he is driving so fast is that he will be late for an important meeting. 他开车这么快的原因是他参加重要会议要迟到了。 (2)关系副词why引导定语从句时,也可换为for which。 That is the reason why( for which) he raised the question. 那就是他提出问题的原因。,【单项填空】 The reason _I didnt go there was_ my mother was ill in bed. Awhy; why Bwhy; because Cwhy; that Dthat; because 答案 C reason后的表语从句用that引导,定语从句用why引导,故答案为C。句意:我之所以没有去那儿是因为我母亲卧病在床。,

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