高中英语 语法专题 反意疑问句课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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反意疑问句,By Ivan,1.1) Mr. Li never punishes his students _? 2). She seldom watches TV during the weekdays,_?,(scarcely/ hardly /never/ seldom /few /little rarely),2. 1) Tom dislikes playing basketball,_? 2) Lucy is unable to finish the work,_?,(impolite unknown impossible unnecessary),3.1) I dont think he has finished the work yet , _? 2) I believe he will come on time,_? 3) He did think that she was right,_?,(I think /believe /suppose /imagine ),does he,does she,doesnt he,isnt she,has he,wont he?,didnt he,4. 1)Jim had a very good time at the party last night,_? 2) They have breakfast at 7:30 every morning , _?,didnt he,dont they,have breakfast /lunch/ supper have a meeting/ have a good time / have a cold,5.1)He has to finish the work before 12:00,_? 2)We have to start our work at once,_?,doesnt he,dont we,6.1) He oughtnt to read the story book,_ _? 2) They ought to get there before 6:00 in this afternoon _they?,should /ought,he,oughtnt /shouldnt,7. He used to be energetic,_?,usednt / didnt he,8.1) lets listen to the tape_? 2) Let us do some exercises, _?,shall we,will you,9. I wish to go shopping with you this afternoon, _?,may I,10.I am honest ,_?,arent I,11.Everything will be all right, _?,wont it,12. 1)To go swimming in summer is great fun,_? 2) That he has been chosen to Beijing University is known,_?,isnt it,isnt it,13. 1) he must have finished the work now, _? 2) he must have finished the work last night, _? 3) It must be our teacher , _? 4) He couldnt have finished the work last night , _?,hasnt he,didnt he,did he,isnt it,1) When they arrived at the station, the train had already left,_? 2) When the teacher speaks , you have to listen carefully_?,hadnt it,dont you,15. 1) What a fine day , _? 2) How beautiful those flowers are, _?,isnt it,arent they,16. 1) Mary is a good girl but she often comes to school late, _? 2) Steve is clever but he doesnt do his homework carefully,_?,doesnt she,does he,If you want help money or anything, let me know, _you?( 2013 上海春季) A. dont B.will C. shall D. do 2. Mrs. Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _? ( 2013 上海) is he B. isnt he C. doesnt she D. does she 3. Brian told you that there wasnt anyone in the room at that time, _? (2013 上海春季) A. was there B. wasnt there C. didnt he D. did he,B,D,C,高考题反意疑问句,4. I dont suppose anyone will volunteer, _? (2013上海) A. do I B. dont I C. will they D. wont they 5. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,_? (2013上海) did they B. didnt they C. did it D. didnt it 6. Alice , you feed the bird today, _? But I fed it yesterday.(2013 广东) A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you,C,D,B,


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