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英文原文 # C#is a s 002, C# It is on of on in 60 #. s # an in a of #? To a to it its to on well be of on in It is to So in well at # to well of it well a at in #, #? to be or to be by to be or on a # to on of so its of in #. C# is at on is to +, or as as as on A is of a to a of # in of of as of a of + be to to # of in or is in C# a in of # #, C# of of is as # by an of # s a of s of of as as as as a on a as ML S as to we of ; Well in of on a in do to of is a is an is a is by as a of to , so to to I a PI of a of is So a of of in # is on a in of LR As is to of # We C# If PF ll be if #. +, to +, so + + or in In #, do F# is Its a by a L. 991, s L in it so of F# is at of to be a of a It at as of is a of in #- at be It # be in or of to be of to on of a It in we # of a of + re is a +, its to is by s # to its of on of on or Its + s be by its to # of on is do an of L, to it of is a # on 24on s on to or on in 60 If re a of L is a of is to # as a # on to # # a is C# it to at of do on of a is of to a if it of # is # of to S. to is s # S X as s an to is an So of t # on to to So # is # of # of # 4.0 it to OM a # of # an of to in or to s of of of a of of to be a a or a , at an of of of of of on an ER is in of to as a of in of a of in a of to be is a of a is to a by At be a of to of to a of on a of is n of of a to of In a to go a of is to to to be to in of he So a of to do in to a a of be to of a or is to of to to or of of so of in of of of of ER R as a on on of of of to is in 930s, on as a in a in is is to of In 940s, to of is of or to a of is to of of It on of of of is is of of of of is of is to of to of of of of is by of on of in 中文译文 C#介绍 C#,读作“ 是专门为 台设计的编程语言。从 2002 年首次发布以来, C#创建了许多角色。它广泛的应用于网站服务器端以及 面应用程序的客户端和服务器上。你可以用 C#编写智能手机的用户界面和 60 游戏。最近,微软的台使得可以用 C#编写可以在网页浏览器上运行的 用程序。 但是什么样的语言是 C#?为了很好的了解一种语言并且有效的应用,仅仅专注于细节和机制是不够的,虽然在这本书中我们也将花费大量的时间来了解这些东西,但是同样重要的是了解这些细节之后的东西。因此,在本章中,我们将要了解 C#建立一个什么样的问题解决机制。因此,我们将探讨这种语言的风格,并且通过各个方面来区别 C#与其他语言。并且我们将在了解 C#的最新演变 第四个版本。 编程语言的存在,可以让开发人员的开发工作更加的有效率。许多成功的编程语言都简化或 者自动化了以前要靠繁琐的步骤才能完成的任务。有些提供新技术,使得老问题可以比以前更加有效或者在更大的规模上得到解决。当然, C#可以给你带来多大的差异取决于你的编程背景,所以这值得考虑,语言设计人员在开发 C#的时候考虑了哪些种类的人。 C#是针对 台上的开发的,并且其语法跟使用 C、 C+或者其他编程语言的编程人员的编程传统相似,如 制。基本语言元素如语句、表达式、函数声明和流量控制,尽量与 C 家族语言接近。 当然,一个熟悉的语法这个理由并不足够来选择一个语法,所以 C#提供了一个生产增强特性,这个特性在它之前的语言中并没有。垃圾回收机制把开发人员从常见的内存管理问题的暴政中解救出来,如内存泄漏和循环引用。编译代码可验证类型安全机制规则了广泛的错误和潜在的安全漏洞。但是 C 或 C+的 发人员可能不习惯这些功能,他们觉得这是 汰下来的旧帽子,但是无论在对象模型, 者数据库中, 没有任何东西能够媲美 C#为搜集信息工作所提供的“ 能。即使用其他语言编写,从


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