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Register Theory,语域理论是系统功能语法的重要理论之一,源于“英国的语境主义”; Register 这个概念最初是由Raid 在1956年研究双语现象时提出来的; 英籍波兰人人类学家Malinowski在20世纪提出了两个重要的概念:“情景语境”(context of situation)和文化语境(context of culture); Firth 将语境概念发展为“语义存在于语境”的理论; 20世纪60年代,Halliday 继承并发展了Firth的理论。,definition of register Language varies according to the situation in which it is used, and these varieties of language can be referred as registers. Halliday (1964) defines register in terms of field, tenor and mode.,3,4,field(场境),The FIELD refers to the subject matter or content being discussed. The field includes: the topic; the interactants. The topic of discourse can be: specialised/technical(e.g. talking about the environment etc.) everyday(eg.talking about shopping etc.) The interactants may have: specialised knowledge of the field(e.g.a scientist writing for an article for an academic journal); common knowlege off the field(e.g. the readers of a newspaper article).,5,Field,Can also determine syntax certain grammatical constructions may be favoured, or disfavoured Some constructions may deviate from the “norm”,The net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide was meansured by add covarian methods for 3 years in two growth forest sites near Santarem,Brazil. Carbon was lost in the wet season and gained in the dry season, which was opposite to the seasonal cycles of both tree growth model predictions. The 3-year average carbon loss was 1.3(confidence interval:0.0 to 2.0)megagrams of carbon per hectare per year.(Science Magazine 28.11.2003) Failure to take action to combat climate change will cause environmental catastrophe and cost the global economy $20 trillion a year by the end of the century, the pressure group Friends of the Earth says today.In a report based on research from more than 100 scientific and economic papers, the group says allowing global warming to continue unchecked will mean a teperature rise 4C by 2100, causing economic damage worth up to 8% of glpbal GDP.(The Guardian 13.10.2006),7,Mode(语式),The MODE refers to the channel of the communication language can be : written; spoken; written to be spoken (e.g. a political speech) Language can be: spontaneous (e.g.conversation); planned(e.g. a composition or article). conversation is spotaneous, interactive and often accompanies actions. The language of conversation is characterized by: hesitation,interruptions; interrogatives and imperatives;ellipsis,etc.,A:what are you doing this summer?Are you going to beach? Are you going to the mountains? Or.? B:Possibly,yeah.I want to do some traveling. Um,I may go up to Switzerland and visit a friend-check out the mountains there. A. Wow Formality/informality V. Written /spoken eg.formal spoken language I good.Mr.Thompson. it was very pleasant interviewing you and well let you know of decision. I think we can wind up now. well let you know of our decision as soon as Ive decided the matters together with the committee. Youll be hearing from us.(taken from a job interview. informal written language Take a long look at there amazing creatures-because it could be your last chance. for a shocking new report carried out by experts from aroud the globe has found that up to 60,000 specie are becoming extinct EVERY YEAR.,9,Tenor(交际者),The TENOR refers to the type of role interaction, the set of relevant social relations, permanent and temporary, among the participants involved. the relationships between the interactans varies according to: status ; affective involvement; contact,we are very pleased to hear that you have been appointed to represent Cercles at the 7th ELP Seminar in Vilnius, lithuania. I would be very grateful if you could let me have your full postal address so that we can send you a signed invitation. In the meantime, please find attacted the draft programme and other documents concerning the seminal. HIIIIII!thanks sooo much for sponsoring very very are things?so you can probably tell from the late reply of this email that i havent really got myself organised, though i have just send off my accommodation application form for exciting,11,Field,Relates to the subject matter what you are talking about determines vocabulary in particular Specialised meanings of words, especially if a technical field (maybe narrower or broader than the words meaning in another field) Preferred interpretations of ambiguous words Words that are not used outside the field,12,Mode relates to ,Lexis and grammar There are things that you say but you wouldnt write down and vice versa Phonology Euphony (pleasant sound), alliteration are aspects of mode Written representation of dialect,13,Tenor determines ,Vocabulary Choice of synonyms according to level of formality Private slang, “local” clichs, colloquialisms Syntax / orthography Use of contractions, ellipses Certain constructions may be more or less formal Phonology Accent Pragmatics Precision more or less tolerated Use of pronouns and deictic reference Paralinguistic features Intonation Pitch and volume,14,Formality Scale,Quirk et al. (1965) suggest a scale of “Attitudes” (tenor): Very formal, Frozen, Rigid FORMAL Neutral INFORMAL Very informal, Casual, Familiar,My beloved parent has just passed to his heavenly reward. My dear father has just expired. My dear father has just died. My dad has died. My old man just kicked the bucket.,16,17,Thank you!,


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