八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals reading 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals reading 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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8A Unit5 Reading(1),They are the largest animals on the land.,elephants,a kangaroo,2 . It lives in Australia. It has a big pocket and a long thick tail.,3. It has black and white fur. Its like a bear.,a giant panda,Enjoy the video of Jingjing,a baby panda,a giant panda,What does it look like?,It looks like a white mouse.,It looks like a bear, but with black and white fur.,fur,a baby panda,a giant panda,What does it eat ?,It drinks her mothers milk.,bamboo forest,bamboo shoots,Reserve,special areas for wild animals,zhalong,How can the giant panda survive ? continue to live,hunter,kill,Help! Please protect us!,Keep someone/something safe from danger.,Giant pandas are in danger now. What can we do? How can we protect them? After this lesson, you will know that.,Skim the text as quickly as you can ! And divide the text into 3 parts!,Read,Divide(分成) the text into three parts with the main ideas.,The growth of Xi Wang,The problems Xi Wang may have in the future,The actions we can take to protect the giant pandas,Part1 (para - ),Part2 (para - ),Part3 (para - ),1 3,4 6,7 8,Read for details about Xi Wang:,When she was born, she weighed just .,100 grams,At four months, she weighed about .,10 kilograms,Eight months later, She weighed .,35 kilograms,Read Para1-2 loudly by yourselves and fill in the blanks. The weight of Xi Wang,At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers for up to a day.,milk,14 hours,When she was six months old, she started to eat , and .,bamboo shoots,leaves,Read Para3 together and fill in the blanks. Things she eats,Why is Xi Wang crying?,There are many problems that Xi Wang may have in the future.,_ catch them for their _.,People take baby pandas _ if they are alone.,Hunters,Farmers,nowhere,away,fur,Read para46 carefully and loudly(大声)by yourselves , and try to find out the problems:,_ cut down trees and forests and the pandas have _ to live.,make giant panda reserves bigger,build more reserves,encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves,Read para78 carefully and fill in the table:,Listen and repeat: True or False,( ) 1 When the writer saw Xi Wang, she weighed only 10 kilograms. ( ) 2 When she went outside for the first time, she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves. ( ) 3 Eight months later, she weighed 35 kilograms. ( ) 4 Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day at the beginning. ( ) 5 Farmers kill giant pandas for their fur. ( ) 6 Making bigger reserves for giant pandas will help to protect them.,T,F,F,T,F,T,was six months,Hunters,100grams,Not only pandas, but also many other animals are in danger.,Theyre terrific!,How can we protect wild animals? What other actions can we take?,Discuss with your partners:,We can We cant Dont,Dont kill wild animals. Dont cut down trees and forests. Dont buy the clothes made of animal fur. Dont hunt animals for their fur or bones. (骨头) Dont hunt animals to make medicine(药). Improve animals living areas.,Try our best,Animals are our friends. If we kill them, there will be no animals. If there are no animals ,there will be no people.,Remember:,1.Read the text twice . 2. Remember the new words. 3.Finish the exercises in the workbook.,Homework:,Goodbye,Thanks a lot,

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