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as to/as for,as for (1) 用以转换话题:as for总是出现在句首,用来引出一方或者新的谈话内容,但与前方内容也有一定的联系,起到补充前文又突出后方的作用,使之与前文形成对照。译作“而”、“可是”、“至于”较合适。 e.g. You can have a bed, but as for the children, they have to sleep on the floor. 你可以睡在床上,至于这些孩子,他们只能睡地板了。 We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty. 在乡下我们度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没有遇到任何困难。 Much pasture land is under water; and as for the grain, most of that has been ruined. 大片草原淹在水里,至于谷物,也大部分被毁。,(2) 用以表现态度:as for还可以用来表示讲话人对某人或某物持有“轻蔑”或“冷淡”的态度,甚至有憎恶之感。讲话时,对引出的词语要加上重音和停顿,以示强调,口气上让人听出带有讽刺意味,译作“某某人嘛”,“一提到”,“至于某某嘛” e.g. As for John, I never want to see again. 至于John,我再也不想见到他了。 As for his performance, I suppose youve read the sarcastic reviews! 要说他表演得如何,我想你已读过那些带有讽刺意味的评论文章了吧! As for going back, that is out of the question. 至于回去,那是不可能的。,as to (1) 表示涉及某点:as to与引出的词语常置于句末,表示“关于”“至于”, 只涉及实际内容而不涉及讲话人的态度,并且常用于否定句之中。但为了突出要提及的人或事情时,常将as to置前,以示强调。 as to可用于引出一个与前文有所不同的话题,此时与as for表示话题转换的意义相似,但比as for更为正式,但一般情况下,as for 更强调话题的转换。 e.g. As to that technical problem, I will deal with it in detail later. 至于那个技术问题,我以后再详细讲。 He has no complaint as to salary. 工薪方面他没意见。 There can be no possible doubt as to their intention. 至于他们的意图,不可能有什么疑问。 As to your ability to overfulfill the target, I never had the slightest doubt. 关于你有能力超额完成指标这一点,我从来未有过半点儿怀疑。,(2) 用以旧事重提:as to引出的内容都是前文曾提到过的或者谈话双方都有所了解的,表示“谈及”,“说到”之义。 e.g. As to the matter you brought up, I think it should be settled as speedily as possible 至于你提出的事项,我认为应当尽快解决。 Sophia made no remark as to Geralds lie to her. 对于杰拉尔德对她撒谎的事儿,索非娅只字不提。 As to(doing) that, I havent decided yet. 说到(是否做)那件事,我还没定下来呢。 As to the question you raised in your last letter, I think that it is unanswerable. 至于你在上封信中提出的那个问题,我认为那是无法回答的。,(3) 用以引出问题:as to必须位于句中,它前面出现的多是表达某种活动的动词、名词或形容词,其后接wh-clause或wh-to do,表示“在的问题上”、“围绕着的问题”,所引出的问题有很强的针对性。也有人认为,这里的as to多余,去之亦通,所以有时不必译出。 e.g. I enquired of the clerk as to which documents were needed. 我问办事员都需要哪些文件。 Hes very uncertain as to whether its the right job for him. 对于这项工作是否适合于自己。 I have often wondered as to where some of the money vanished. 我经常感到奇怪,一部分钱怎么就突然不见了。 Meditating as to what he should do he returned to his office. 他一边思考着应该做的事情,一边返回办公室。,(4) 引出做事依据:as to和后面所接的名词一起放于句末,此时as to的含义是“按照”、“根据”、“依据”,而as for则无此义,不能这样使用。 e.g. The shoes are correctly placed on the shelves as to their sizes and colors. 根据大小和颜色的不同,鞋子整齐地摆放在货架上。 The items on the agenda are listed as to the order of importance. 这些项目是按其重要性排列在议事日程上的。,【注意】 as for后面通常直接名词或动名词,as to后面可接动名词、名词从句或疑问词+不定式的短语 e.g. He asked my advice as to what to do. We made enquiries as to when the next train would be leaving. I am terribly uncertain as to whether he is the right man for me.,

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