八年级英语下册 Unit 7 International Charities grammar课件1 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit 7 International charities,Passive Voice,n. 传单, 散页印刷品,hand out the leaflets,分发, 提出,1. About 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented and cured. 2. The plane is also used as a training center. 3. Also, local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations. 4. 150 patients are operated on.,把句子翻译成中文,被动语态,We call the boy Tom.,The boy is called Tom.,Active voice主动语态,Passive voice被动语态,The lights were turned off by Tom. The windows are cleaned every week. Millie closed the door. The TV was turned on. The boy made a model plane. A total(总数) of 8 questions were answered.,or,Active,Passive,Passive,Passive,Active,Passive,Active,Passive,语态是动词的一种形式,表示的是主语和谓语之间的关系。英语中的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 当主语是谓语的执行者时,用主动语态。当主语是谓语的承受者时,用被动语态。如: We clean the classroom every day. 我们每天都打扫教室。 The classroom is cleaned (by us) every day. 教室每天都被(我们)打扫。,被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时,The cake was eaten by Daniel. 2. Nancy bought a book yesterday. 3. The little dog is looked after very well by Simon. 4. He is reading English. 5. The computer is bought by my uncle. 6. I am woken up by my father every morning.,Underline the passive voice in the following sentences.,None of the books was taken away.,没有一本书被拿走。,动作的执行者是泛指或者不言自明时。,被动语态的基本用法,The toy is designed for children.,在不知道动作的执行者是谁时。,这款玩具是为孩子们设计的。,需要强调动作的承受者时。,My bike was repaired.,我的自行车修好了。,The problem was talked about just now.,出于委婉或礼貌而避谈动作的执行者时。,这个问题刚才被讨论过。,Mr Wu is liked by all of his students.,所有的学生都喜欢吴老师。,在被动语态的句子中, 如果我们需要指出动作的执行者, 可以由by引出。,有些动词常用于被动语态。如: He was born in Nanjing. 他生于南京。 The mobile phone was made in China. 这部手机是中国制造的。,注意:,1. Today English _ all over China. A. teach B. teaches C. is taught D. are taught 2. The meeting _ two weeks ago. A. hold B. was held C. were held D. is held 3. The thief _ by the police last night. A. caught B. is caught C. was caught D. were caught,4. The photos _ when I was young. A. were taken B. was taken C. are taken D. is taken 5. Millie is my best friend. I _ often _ to her party. A. is invited B. am invited C. are invited D. was invited 6. Last year Beijing _ by a big sandstorm. A. is hit B. were hit C. will be hit D. was hit,用动词的被动语态填空: English _(speak) by many people. The trees _(plant) by them last year. That building _(build) two years ago. This kind of computer _(make) in China. The games _(sell) in many shops.,is spoken,were planted,was built,was made,are sold,用所给动词的被动语态填空: 1) your room _ (clean) every day? 2) Our classroom _ ( not clean ) yesterday. 3) Both of the two books _ ( lose) last Sunday. 4) The students _ ( ask ) to hand in their homework on time every day. 5) -When this kind of computer (make) in Hong Kong? - In 2000.,Is cleaned,wasnt cleaned,were lost,are asked,was,made,抓关键词确定时态!,are planned to help the poor,What they do every year,1. Charity activities _ (plan/to help the poor).,are handed out to people,Leaflets _ _ (hand out/to people in the street/ volunteers).,in the street by volunteers,Toys and CDs _ (sell/to raise money).,are sold to raise money,What they did last week,New books _ _ (send/to children in poor areas/the Class 1, Grade 8 students).,were sent to children in poor,areas by the Class 1, Grade 8 students,Warm clothes _ (collect/for poor people).,were collected for poor people,A charity show _ (hold/the Students Union).,was held by the Students Union,Amy and Daniel are talking about charities. Complete their conversation with the words in brackets using the passive voice.,Amy: Im reading a book about Oxfam. Daniel: Really? Please tell me about it.,Amy: OK. Oxfam _ (set up) in the UK in 1942, and the first Oxfam shop _ (open) in 1948. Now it has about 15,000 shops in all over the world. A lot of things _ (sell) in Oxfam shops, including books. The money _ (use) by Oxfam to help poor people.,was set up,was opened,are sold,is used,Daniel: Thats good. There are also some charity projects in China. One of them _ (call) Project Hope. It _ (start) in 1989. With its help, millions of poor children all over the country _ (give) basic education.,is called,was started,were given,Amy: Yea. Many schools _ (build) in poor areas each year.,are built,Tree Planting Day,on March 12th,We plant trees.,Trees,are planted,by us.,主动语态和被动语态的句式转换,1. She held a charity show yesterday.,Students and teachers plant many tress every year.,A charity show was held by her.,2. Many trees are planted by students and teachers every year.,3. I bought a computer last week. A computer was bought by me last week. 4. The whole cake was eaten by Eddie yesterday. Eddie ate the whole cake yesterday.,Attention I.感官动词,使役动词, help 不定式前添加 to,a.感官动词 see, hear, etc b.使役动词 let, make, etc c.help help sb (to) do,sb be seen/heard to do sth,sb be let/made to do sth,sb be helped to do sth,The boss made the workers work all day. I often hear her sing in the room. We saw some boys playing football .,The workers were made to work all day.,She is often heard to sing in the room .,Some boys were seen playing football .,II. 双宾语结构 主语为物,添加to/for,He teaches us English. 主语 谓语 间宾 直宾 注意:常把间接宾语(即sb)变为主语。 We are taught English (by him). 若把直接宾语(即sth.)变为被动句的主语时,常在保留宾语前加to或for。 English is taught to us (by him).,V.不能用被动的情况,vi. 无被动 happen, cost, die, begin/start(开始), finish(结束), rise, appear 2. link v. 联系动词无被动 3. sell well, grow well ,write well 4. take place ,break down, come out .,IV.短语动词 要完整,The boy _. (常受到嘲笑) The children _. (应该得到良好的照顾),is often laughed at,should be looked after well,1.A traffic accident _(happen) yesterday. 2.My watch _ (break down) several times so far. 3.What time _ the meeting _(begin)? 4.It _ (cost) 100 yuan. 5.Water the flower soon, or it _(die).,happened,has broken down,will,begin,costs,will die,The cakes _ (eat) just now. The photo _ (take) by my mother last weekend. We _ (teach) Chinese by Miss Han this term. The cat _ (feed) by him before he left. The library _ (set) up last year.,were eaten,was taken,are taught,was fed,was set,They use the plane as a training center. The teachers let us come to school on time every day. Our government built the bridge last year.,The plane is used as a training center by them.,We are let to come to school by the teachers on time every day.,The bridge was built by our government last year.,他的眼睛几个月前被治愈了。 每年在山上种许多树。 许多人被邀请参加这次慈善活动。 需要更多的钱来支持这项工作。 在他们的帮助下,这家公司于上周成立了。,His eyes were cured several months ago.,Many trees are planted on the hill every year.,Many people are invited to take part in this charity.,More money is needed to support the work.,With their help, this company was set up last week.,1. Review the contents of this lesson. 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook. 3. Preview the next lesson.,


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