七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Amazing things Revision》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit 5 Amazing things,Revision,Task 11 根据下列中英文提示填空.,Every year, a large number of _ (旅行家) want to _ (旅行) to Nanjing. There will be no plant life w_ lightning. Are you a_ (害怕) of that f_ ending of the film? He is one of the most _ (仔细的) student here, he always listen to teachers _ (仔细地). Your mother is an e_ bird, she always gets up _ than I to cook breakfast. Here I have the _ (two) question. How many _ (two) are there in a minutes? I dont understand your words, can you tell me _ (简单地)?,earlier,arly,carefully,careful,righening,fraid,ithout,travel,travellers,sceond,seconds,easily,Task 12 选词填空.,Its _ UFO . ( an ; a ) Fish sleep _ (with; have) their eyes _. (open ; opened) Elephants walk _ ( on; by ) tiptoe. On their way _ (to ; / )home, they met us. What _ (was; / ) happened _ ( to; with; on) you? The last dodo _( died; dead) in 1681.,a,with,open,on,/,/,to,died,Task 12 选词填空.,_ (Its ; Its) name is Eddie. It is _ (Sandys ; Sandy). It belongs to _ (Sandy; Sandys). I know that ants can smell things as _(well ; good) as dogs can. How much do you _ (weight; weigh)? My _ (weight ; weigh) is 90 Kg. 10. Yesterday, he _ (lose; loss; lost) his wallet. The _ (lose; loss; lost) of his wallet made him very sad. He doesnt understand why he always _ (lose; loss; lost) his wallets.,Its,Sandys,Sandy,well,weigh,weight,lost,loss,loses,Task 13 表达与运用. (讲解),(1) voice 指人发出的声音 noise 指噪音,令人烦躁的声音 sound 指东西发出的声响 whisper 指悄悄话,低语,voice; noise; sound; whisper fail; lose search; find; look for; find out,(2) fail 失败(不及物) fail in sth; fail to do sth lose 失败(及物) 丢失,Task 13 表达与运用. (讲解),(3) search for sth = look for sth 强调过程,是个动作. *search sp. for sth search 后加寻找范围,在sp寻找sth find 表示结果 find out 表示经过一翻努力,而得到某种答案或结果,Task 13 表达与运用. (练习),Suddenly, they heard a _ from the bush. The baby is sleeping. Dont make any _. _ travels slower than light. The piece of music _ nice. Anybody in? She said in a low _.,voice; noise; sound; whisper,Answer sheet: whisper; noise; Sound; sounds; voice,Task 13 表达与运用. (练习),What are you doing? I am _/ _ my Science book. What are you doing? I am _ my desk _ my Science book. You wont _ the answer of the question until the end of the story. Can you _ your money? No, I cant.,search; look for; find; find out,Answer sheet: searching for/looking for; searchingfor; find out; find,Task 13 表达与运用. (练习),He _ in the exam last term. = He _ his exam last term. = He _ _ _ the exam last term.* He always _ his way in a new place. Tim _ himself in the beautiful music just now.,fail; lose,Answer sheet: failed; lost; failed to pass; loses; lost,Task 21 用下列词组适当形式填空,say to oneself, without lightning, search carefully, on ones way, travel from the Earth to the Moon, run into, as usual, be afraid, something unusual,1.It takes 10-12 days to _ by rocket. 2.Theres no plant life _. 3. _, they sat under the tree. Suddenly, they heard _. 4. _to school yesterday, I _ Millie. 5. I tried to be brave, I _, Dont _.,travel from the Earth to the Moon,without lightning.,As usual,something strange,On my way,ran into,said to myself,be afraid,Task 22 用下列词组适当形式填空,be fond of , wake sb up, belong to, be crazy about bark at, take turns to do, return to, hear the strange noise,He dances from morning to night, he _ dancing. The dog isnt polite at all, he always _ Sandy. There is something wrong with my robot, it never _ on time. Lets _ read out the fact sheets. After that, dont forget to _ them _ the guide. The shirt is Amys. It _ Amy.,belongs to,return,to,take our turns to,barks at,wakes me up,is crazy about,Task 3 用所学过的词组翻译下列句子.,Amazing things about animals and humans,鱼睡觉时睁着眼睛.(两种) 1)Fish sleep with their eyes open. a) with 表示状态 b) open 是adj. 2)Fish sleep and keep their eyes open at the same time. a) and 连接两个相等的成分 b) keep sth + adj (使保持某个状态),2. 蛇能够用舌头来听.(两种),Snakes can/are able to hear with their tongues. Snakes can use their tongues to hear.,3. 乌龟能够活到150岁.,Tortoises can live up to 150 years old.,4. 金鱼不记得三秒钟前在他们身上发生了什么.,Goldfish cant remember what happened to them three seconds ago.,5. 大象用脚尖走路,并且他们能在泥潭里轻易地走动.,Elephants walk on tiptoe, and they can walk in the mud easily.,How to add “ed” to regular verbs,7,1,Millie wants to write about the past .Help her write the simple past tense form of the verbs below .,1 search _ 2 kick _ 3 start _ 4 answer _ 5 love _ 6 use _ 7 play _ 8 carry _ 9 chat _ 10 live _ 11 cry _ 12 stop _,searched,kicked,started,answered,loved,used,played,carried,chatted,lived,cried,stopped,We form the simple past tense of irregular verbs differently. We do not add “ed” .,7,Complete the sentences. Use the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets,My father_(listen) to the radio every day. Mike_ (study) in a middle school. She_(take) Eddie for a walk after supper. He_(wash) clothes with his hands. Simon _ (pass) the ball to Daniel. Miss Li_ (teach) Chinese. Look at the animal, it _ (has) four legs.,listened,took,studied,washed,passed,taught,had,8,3,The Class 1,Grade 7 students visited the Funny World Museum yesterday. Here is Sandys diary .Help her complete her diary entry with the simple past tense form of the verbs in brackets.,This morning ,we _(go) to the Funny World Museum .When we _(get) to the museum, the guide _ (give) us an introduction . We _(find) it very interesting. Then we _(spend) three hours walking around the museum .We _(see) many amazing things . We _(have) a great time there!,went,got,gave,found,spent,saw,had,3,Daniel did not go to the Funny World Museum .Millie is telling him about the visit .Complete their conversation.,Daniel : _ you _ (go) to the Funny World Museum yesterday ? Millie : Yes, I _. Its interesting ! Daniel : What a pity ! I _ (go) with you . Millie : Dont worry . I can tell you everything. Daniel : _you _(see) a strange bird ? Millie : Yes ,I _(see) a dodo. The last dodo_ (die) in 1681. Daniel : What else_ you _(see) ? Millie : Frogs .They are beautiful but poisonous . Daniel : _ the guide _ (tell) you anything interesting? Millie : Yes. She also _(give) each of us a fact sheet about the amazing things in the world . Daniel : _ you _ (take) photos ? Millie : No, we _(do) .,Did,go,did,tell,Did,see,saw,did,see,did,Didnt go,gave,Did,take,Didnt,died,Complete the sentences. Use the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets:,1. Jordan _(play) basketball. He _(not play) football. 2. I _(go) swimming last Sunday. But I_ (not go) shopping. 3. My cousins _(enjoy) computer games. But they _(not enjoy) ball games. 4. You _(like) fish. But he _(not like) fish.,played,didnt play,went,didnt go,enjoyed,didnt enjoy,liked,didnt like,12,Thanks for joining us,


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