七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit 7,Unit 7 Abilities,Reading 2,Phrases in the text.,save from ,next door,at that moment,put out the fire,be at home alone,1. 从中救出来 2. 独自在家 3. 隔壁 4. 在那个时候 5. 扑灭火,think about,be careful with fire,bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb.,6. 思考,考虑 7. 给某人带来某物 8. 小心火,How much do you know about ,Do you have a good memory?,A brave young man!,Main characters,79-year-old,20,Lin Tao,Mrs Sun,Time,On 10th May,heard someone _.,saw a lot of _.,was not _.,afraid,could not _ because she _ her leg.,shouting,smoke,get out,hurt,In a building,He was at home _.,alone,saved his neighbour _ a fire.,from,burnt,was in hospital,brought him flowers,and presents,How brave he is,is very dangerous,to be careful with,In hospital,1. adj. + enough enough 修饰形容词通常放在其后 面,修饰名词通常放在名词的前面。 e.g. a. 他年龄足够大,可以去上学。 He is old enough to go to school. b. 我没买足够的糖。 I didnt buy enough sugar.,Explanation,2. save from 从中救出 e.g. 他从河里救出了一个男孩。 He saved a boy from the river. 3. alone = by oneself = on ones own 单独,独自 e.g. 他独自一个人在家。 He is at home alone/by himself/on his own.,4. hear/see sb. doing sth. 听到/看到某人正在做某事 e.g. 他听到有人在隔壁唱歌。 He heard someone singing next door. hear/see sb. do sth. 听到/看到某人经常做某事 e.g. 他经常看到一个男孩在操场上打篮球。 He often sees a boy play basketball on the playground.,5. a 79-year-old man 一位79岁的老人 e.g. 他是一位79岁的老人. He is a 79-year-old man. = The man is 79 years old. 6. pour over 把倾倒 e.g. 他把牛奶倾倒在他的衬衫上。 He poured milk over his shirt. 7. rush into 冲进 e.g. 他冲进火里去救一个男孩。 He rushed into the fire to save a boy.,8. put out the fire = put the fire out 扑灭火 9. in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里 e.g. 他住院一个月。 He was in hospital for a month. 他在医院里工作。 He works in the hospital. 10. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物,他给了我一本书。 e.g. He gives me a book. = He gives a book to me. 11. at that moment 在那时 12. have time to do sth. 有时间做某事 e.g. 我有时间做我的家庭作业。 I have time to do my homework. 13. be careful with 小心 e.g. 我们必须要小心火。 We must be careful with fire.,Liu Tao is a 20-year-old young man. He s_ his neighbour from a fire. One day he was at home a_. Suddenly he heard his neighbour, Mrs Sun s_ “Fire! Fire!” He ran to Mrs Suns k_.,Fill in the blanks.,aved,lone,houting,itchen,Summary,He found her there and she couldnt g_ out because she h_ her leg. Liu Tao p_ water over his clothes and r_ into the kitchen to save her.,et,urt,oured,ushed,He was very b_ and p_ a wet blanket over Mrs Sun. The fire b_ his neck, a_, and face. He was in h_ for two weeks. Many people visited him and b_ him flowers and presents. He was g_ that he helped Mrs Sun. Liu Tao said, Fire c_ be very d_. It is i_ to be c_ with fire.,rave,ut,urned/burnt,rms,ospital,rought,an,lad,angerous,mportant,areful,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. We must be _ (care) with fire because it can be very _ (danger). 2. Did you do anything _ (safe) to keep yourself? 3. Do you know what happened to _ (they)?,careful,dangerous,safe,them,Do some exercises.,4. Many _ (visit) visited her and _ (bring) her some flowers that day. 5. When he was reading, he heard her neighbour _ (call) for help. 6. Be careful with _ (match).,visitors,brought,calling,matches,1. The boy is 12 years old. He is _ boy. 2. The girl was eleven years old last year. She was _ girl last year.,a 12-year-old,an eleven-year-old,She is 79 years old.,She is a 79-year-old woman.,二、根据例句写出同义句。,3. The baby is only 6 months old. He is _ baby. 4. The bridge is 100 metres long. It is _ bridge.,a 100-metre-long,a 6-month-old,三、翻译下列句子。,1. 我们应当互相帮助,互相学习。 We should help and study with each other.,2. 汤姆是个勇敢的男孩,他把他的朋友从火中救出来了。 Tom is a brave boy. He saved his friend from the fire. 3. 他妈妈昨天生病住院了。 His mother was ill and in hospital yesterday.,4. 一位80岁的老人住在隔壁。 An 80-year-old man lives next door. 5. 他冲进屋子去救一个女孩。 He rushed into the house to save a girl. 6. 我弟弟弄伤了自己的腿。 My brother hurt his own legs. 7. 那场火烧伤了她的胳膊和脸。 The fire burnt her arms and face.,Recite this article. Remember the language points in this lesson.,Homework,Thank you!,


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