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(be concerned about = be interested in) 她为什么对这场比赛这么关注(重视)?3、She said,“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary like most peopledo, but I want this diary itself to be my friend,and I shall call my friend Kitty”她说,“我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账,我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把这个朋友称作基蒂。”set down 放下 = put downset down 记下 = write down = take down = put downHe entered the house, set down his heavy bag, and asked for some water to drink. 他进了屋子,放下沉重的口袋,向人要点水喝。He spoke too fast and I couldnt set down what he said. 他讲得很快,我记不下来他所讲的内容。4、I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long thatIve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。此处的its because . that . 是强调句型,意为“因为所以”It was because he was late again that his teacher scolded him. 因为他再次迟到,所以老师责备了他。Its all because he studies hard that he does well in every subject. 完全是因为他学习努力,所以他各门功课成绩优秀。 在it is 之后表原因的从句中,because不能由since和as替换。 Why isnt Jane speaking to me these days? 简这几天为什么不理我? It was because you spoke ill of her behind her back. 那是因为你背后说了她的坏话。reason n. 理由,原因构成句型 The reason why .is that .构成短语the reason for sth/to do和for the(some)reasonTheres no reason for that.那事没有什么理由in order to = so as to eg: He went to town in order to sell the painting. He went to town so as to sell the painting. = He went to town in order that he could sell the painting. 注意: in order to 与 so as to 相同点:其后均加动词原形,引导目的状语,否定要在to前加not. 即 in order not to /so as not to 不同点:in order to 引导的不定式短语可以放在句首,也可以置于句中,so as to 则只能位于句中。 5、But the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open a window. 但是因为月亮太亮了,我不敢打开窗子。 far经常与too或形容词的比较级连用,意为“过于;得多”。 Im afraid this bus is far too crowded than that one.(=much too crowded) 恐怕这辆班车比那辆拥挤得多。The necklace was far more expensive than I expected.(=much more expensive) 项链比我预料的昂贵得多。注意: much too之后接形容词或副词,much too difficult 困难得多 too much之后接不可数名词,too much water 太多的水6、Another time months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open.有一次,就在几个月前的一天晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。happen to do 恰巧;碰巧;偶然(做某事)When I came back home my mother happened to be asleep. 我回家的时候,妈妈碰巧在睡觉。The police happened to notice him when the thief was just about to run away. 小偷正要逃跑,这时刚好警察瞧见了。7、The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. 漆黑的夜晚,狂风暴雨,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了,这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。Its the first/second/last time . that . 某人第一/二/最后一次做某事,在这个句型中that之后的时态常用完成时态。Its the second time that I have visited your company. 我是第二次来拜访你们公司。It was the third time that she had come into this mountain village to see the children. 这是她第三次来到这个山村看望这些孩子。8、Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.犹太人被纳粹兵抓住并关押起来。put away 把起来;把放好If you dont use the dictionary, put it away. 如果不用字典,就把它放好。He broke the law and was put away. 他犯法了,因此被关起来了。语法:间接引语1、技巧点拨: 间接引语同宾从,“四变”“一加”记心中。 直接引语变为间接引语时,要记住“四变”“一加”: 一变人称、二变语序、三变时态、四变指示代词或时间状语; 一般疑问句变为间接引语时,要加连词if或whether.2、练习: 运用以上技巧做练习: “I dont know the address of my new home,”Said Anne. Anne said that she didnt know the address of her new home.“Are you very hot with so many clothes on?”Mum said to her. Mum asked her if/whether she was very hot with so many clothes on.“I did some homework yesterday,”Tom said. Tom said that he had done some homework the day before.“We are going to see a film this evening,”Mary said to her roommates last Sunday.Mary said that they were going to see a film that evening.“What did you do last Sunday?”Father asked me. Father asked me what I had done the Sunday before.“Will you come here next Monday?”my friend asked me. My friend asked me if/whether I would go there the next Monday.变化规律见课本P88重点词汇1、add, add . to, add to, add up, add up to add 增加 添加 补充说 add . to 把添加到去;add to 增添 “Dont add the sugar to my tea,”she added. “不要把这些糖加到我的茶里面”,她补充道。 Our coming added your trouble. 我们的到来增添了你的麻烦。(=increase)add up 加起来;add up to 加起来总共(up是副词,to是介词,接宾语) The number of the students of our school adds up to 3000. 我们学校的学生数加起来共3000人。 These numbers must be added up as soon as possible. 这些数字应尽快加起来。2、upset vt.&vi.adj. calm vt.&vi.adj. concern vt.n. cheat vt.&vi.n. share vt.n. trust vt.n. point vt.n. list vt.列表;n.名单;表格 共同点:这些词既可以作动词,又可以作名词或形容词。 Look, the cheat is cheating at the gate of the park. 看,那个骗子又在公园门口行骗。The news quite upset him and he is upset now.(upset-upset-upset) 这个信息使他心烦意乱,他现在很苦恼。She isnt calm though we tried to calm her again and again. 她仍然平静不下来,尽管我们再三试图使她镇静。What he said doesnt concern me, but what she said has a concern with me. 他说的与我毫无关系,但她讲的倒是牵涉到我。He isnt a man to be trusted. At least we three dont trust him. 他不是一个可以信赖的人,至少我们三个人都不相信他。Ill take(bear)my share of the expenses. That is, Ill share with you in the expenses. 我将负担我那部分费用,也就是说,我和你分担这些费用。3、have got to(A.E)=have to 不得不;必须 have got(A.E)=have 有 The train is leaving. We have to/have got to hurry.(因客观条件,自己不得不干某事) 火车就要出发了。我们必须快点。The train is leaving. You must hurry.(他人要求,外界要求某人干某事) 火车就要出发了。你们必须快点。Im quite hungry now. Have you anything to eat? =Im quite hungry now. Have you got anything to eat?=Im quite hungry now. Do you have anything to eat? 我饿坏了,有什么吃的吗?4、go through to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究、审查 I went through the students papers last night. 昨晚我仔细阅读了学生的作业。to experience 经历;被通过;遭受或忍受 You really dont know what we went through while working on this project. 你的确不知道我们搞这个项目吃了多少苦。The bill didnt go through. 这议案未被通过。5、in order to do 为了 in order not to do 为了不so as to do 为了 so as not to do 为了不这两个短语都在句子中作状语,意思相同,但so as to do/so as not to do只能位于句中,in order to do/in order not to do句中或句首均可。She studies very hard so as to/in order to catch up with others.=In order to catch up with others she studies very hard. 她努力学习,为的是赶上他人。转换:She studies very hard so that/in order that she can catch up with others.In order not to miss the lecture, we got up very early. 为了不错过那场报告,我们起的很早。6、with the purpose of=for the purpose of 为的是,为了目的 on purpose 故意,特意的 = purposely Did you come to London for/with the purpose of seeing your family or for business purposes? 你到伦敦来看望你的家人还是办事?I didnt hurt you on purpose. Could forgive me? =I didnt hurt you on purposely. Could forgive me? 我不是有意伤害你的。你能原谅我吗?I came here on purpose/purposely to see you. 我专程到这儿来看你。7、face to face 面对面(状语) face-to-face 面对面的(定语) face to face=bead to bead face-to-face=bead-to-bead I really want to have a word with her face to face. =I really want to have a face-to-face word with her. 我确实想和她面对面谈一谈。8、fall in love with sb 爱上某人(动态) be in love with 爱上某人(状态) 前者不能和表示时间的for,since,till,until,how long等词语连用。 The girl fell in love with a foreigner last week. 这女孩上星期爱上了一个外国人。(动态)The girl has been in love with a foreigner for a week. 这女孩和一个外国人相爱已经一个星期了。同类短语(试比较):动态状态catch up with sbkeep up with sbget in touch with sbkeep in touch with sbget into troublebe in troubleget married to sbbe married to sb练习用括号里的词语翻译句子:1.她的成功增添了我们的喜悦。(add to) Her success(has)added to our happiness.2.李东爱上了短篇小说。(fall in love)Li Dong has fallen in love with stories.3.我得把昨天的报纸仔细读读。(have got to,go through)I have got to go through yesterdays newspapers.4.你应该和她面对面谈谈。(face to face) You should have a talk with her face to face.5.为了出国,他拼命赚钱。(with the purpose of) He tries his best to earn money with the purpose of going abroad.Unit 2 English around the world课堂笔记1、more than 多于;不仅 not more than 不多于 no more than 仅仅 less than 少于 not less than 不少于 Did you know there is more than one kind of English in the world? 你知道世界上的英语不只一种吗?Im afraid she is less than eighteen this year. 恐怕她今年不到18岁。There are not more than fifty-four students in each class. 每个班上的学生不多于54人。Her sister is no more than eleven old this year. 她妹妹今年(仅仅)只有11岁。2、play a . role/part in 扮演角色;担任职务 play a . part in take a . part in Women of China play an important role/part in every field. 中国妇女在各个领域都发挥了重要作用。This actor played a leading part/role in this film. 这个演员在那部电影中担任主角。We all take/play an active part in sports. 我们都积极参加体育锻炼。3、then ever before 比以往任何时候更 than before, than ever 比以前 than usual 比平时 这些短语常与比较级连用,例如: Tom got up earlier this morning than ever before. 汤姆今天比以往任何时候都起来得早。Most of us study English much harder than before/ever/usual. 我们大多数人学英语比以前用功多了。4、because of 介词,“因为”的意思,其后接名词、代词或短语等,不能接句子。because 连词,也是“因为”的意思,其后要接句子。The boy didnt come to school yesterday because he was ill.The boy didnt come to school yesterday because of his illness.5、a number of“大量的,很多的”意思,修饰可数名词,其后谓语要用复数;the number of .的数量(数目),谓语要用单数。A number of foreigners are going to our school. 很多外国人要到我们学校来。The number of the students of our school is 2500. 我们学校的学生总数是2500人。6、come up 上来,过来;生长出;出现,发生 Will you come up to Beijing next month? 你下个月能到北京来吗?They got up early to watch the sun come up. 他们早起,为的是看日出。Spring has come and the grass is beginning to come up. 春天到了,草开始长出地面。7、such as, like, for example这三个词语都有“例如”的意思,for example在句首时,后面用逗号隔开,在句中时前后都用逗号隔开;such as和like用于句中,之后不能用逗号隔开。English is also spoken in many other countries, such as South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia. 其它一些国家也讲英语,比如南非、新加坡和马来西亚。(此处的such as可换为like)He likes sports very much, for example, swimming and skating. 他非常喜欢体育运动,比如游泳和滑冰。8、give a command(名词) = give orders 下命令; command sb to do sth(动词) = order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 The soldiers started out as soon as the officer gave a command. 军官一下命令战士们就出发了。The officer commanded/ordered the soldiers to set out at once. 军官命令战士们马上出发。语法:祈使句1、比较:Not politePoliteVery politeOpen the window!Turn off the TV!Please open the window!Please turn off the TV!Would you please open the window?Would you please turn off the TV?2、点拨:(间接引语中祈使句的固定搭配) tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事 tell sb never to do sth 告诉某人千万别做某事ask sb to do sth 请某人做某事 ask sb not to do sth 请某人不要做某事 ask sb never to do sth 请某人千万别做某事order/command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事3、练习: “Look at the blackboard, boys!”said the teacher. T:What did the teacher say? S:The teacher told the boys to look at the blackboard.“Dont throw the waste paper everywhere, children!”said the man. T:What did the man say? S:The man told the children not to throw the waste paper everywhere.“Stand in line, please!”She said to the guests. T:What did she say to the guests? S:She asked the guests to stand in line.“Never be late for class again, Li Dong.”Said Mr. Black T:What did Mr. Black say to Li Dong? S:Mr. Black told Li Dong never to be late for class again.“Put out the fire as soon as possible, young boys!”commanded the officer. T:What did the officer commanded? S:The officer commanded the young boys to put out the fire as soon as possible.重点词汇1、include 包含、包括 including(现在分词) included(过去分词) There are seven people in my family, which includes my uncle. 我们家共7个人,其中包括我叔叔。(include指整体中包含部分) =There are seven people in my family, including my uncle. =There are seven people in my family, my uncle included. =There are seven people in my family, and my uncle is included.2、because, because of 因为 because是连词,后面接句子,because of是短语介词,后面接名词或代词。 Our manager didnt attend our party because he was busy. 因为忙,经理没有参加我们的集会。 =Our manager didnt attend our party because of busyness.Jack didnt come to school yesterday because he was ill. 因为生病,杰克昨天没上学。 =Jack didnt come to school yesterday because of his illness.以下短语介词相当于because of的用法,以后会逐渐接触到:thanks to,owing to,due to,as a result of,on account of3、actually 事实上 =in fact=in reality=as a matter of fact=in effect He pretended to be rich. Actually, he has little money. 他假装很富有,其实他没有什么钱。 =He pretended to be rich. In fact, he has little money.=He pretended to be rich. In reality, he has little money.=He pretended to be rich. As a matter of fact, he has little money.4、present adj. 现在的;出席的,到场的 at present 现在=presently=now 易混点:present因意思不同,在句中的位置也不一样。Most people are satisfied with the present government. 大多数人对本届政府感到满意。All the people present agreed to our plan. 所有出席的人都赞成我们的计划。At present, many people enjoy sports in their spare time. 现在,很多人喜欢在业余时间锻炼身体。注意:present出席的,参加的,放在被修饰的名词后边。除此之外,present n. 礼物 present vt. 赠送(注意读音不同)He presented me a present at my birthday party.5、command sb to do sth/order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 command和order均具有“命令”的含义,用法大致相同,二者均指正式下命令,而且这种命令具有绝对权威性,不得违抗,必须服从。不同之处是,command侧重用于军事方面,而order除可用于军事方面外,还可指一般的命令,并含有规劝的意思。试比较:The general commanded/ordered his men to attack the city. 将军命令其战士攻打城市。The doctor has ordered her a months rest in bed. 医生要他躺一个月。If you make any more noise, I shall order/command you out of the hall. 要是你们还吵吵嚷嚷的,我就叫你们滚出大厅。6、request,ask,beg,require 这几个动词都有“请求,要求”的意思,但有区别。当“请求”讲时,ask最通俗,最口语化。 I asked her to shut the window.我请她把窗户关上。request也是“请求”的意思,但主要用于庄重的讲话和文字中,常用于通告中,多用于被动语态。Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in the car.乘客请勿在车厢(或汽车内)抽烟。beg是“乞求”的意思,态度很谦恭。要求他人给予较大的帮助。 He knew he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him. 他自知伤了她的心而央求她原谅。require是上对下,长辈对子女或依法进行的某种要求。 Before the match the police required us to show our tickets. 比赛之前,警察要求我们出示看票。 These books are required reading. 这些书是必读的。7、in the direction of还是to the direction of? 英语中表示方向的介词多用to,但是,朝方向,不能说to the direction of,要用in the direction of。The horse ran away in the direction of the forest. 马朝森林方向跑去了。After school the children went home in every direction. 放学之后,同学们朝不同方向回家了。除此之外,常见的表示方向的介词还有:They will leave for Beijing this afternoon. 他们下午到北京去。The dog is coming at the stranger. 狗朝那个陌生人扑去。They swam towards the island. 他们向小岛游去。The enemy was surrounded from different directions. 敌人被四面八方包围了。Unit 3 Travel journal课堂笔记1、Since high school, my sister Wang Wei and IWang Kun, had dreamed about takinga great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王薇和我王坤就一直想作一次自行车旅行。dream of/about doing sth 梦想做某事Its a small town. You can never dream of doing shopping after 5 oclock in the evening. 那是个小镇,每天下午五点钟以后你别想逛商店。The girl always dreams of becoming a teacher like her mother. 这个女孩总是梦想像妈妈一样当个教师。2、It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from whereit begins to where it ends.首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。It was . who/that .是个强调句型,用来强调句子中除谓语之外的各种成分,以引起听者或读者的注意,强调句型的完整结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+句中原有其它部分。指人是常用who,也可以用that,指物或值时间、地点等时用that。It was Jack who often helped us learn English last year. 是杰克去年经常帮助我们学英语。It was last year that Jack often helped us learn English.(此处that不能换为when)是去年,杰克经常帮助我们学英语。3、Then she persuaded me to buy one.然后她还说服了我也买了一辆(山地车)。persuade . to do=persuade . into doing 说服某人做某事persuade . not to do=persuade . out of doing 说服某人不要做某事I advised him to give up smoking, but I couldnt persuade him(to do so). 我劝他把烟戒掉,说服不了他。Many advertisements try to persuade people into buying their products. 很多广告设法说服人们购买他们的产品。4、Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted thatwe find the source of the river and begin our journey there.虽然她对某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持我们要找到河的源头并从那里开始我们的行程。insist后面的从句中常用虚拟语气,从句的谓语由should+动词原形构成,其中should可以省略。My parents insisted that I(should)learn medicine instead of law. 我的父母坚持要我学医,不要学法律。Zhang Hua insisted that we(should)start at once. 张华坚持要我们马上出发。中学英语中类似的常用动词有10个,都是课程标准要求掌握的词汇,可用一、二、三、四的方法来记。这些动词简称为:一个“坚持”,两个“命令”,三个“建议”,四个“要求”,它们是:1 insist2 order/command3 suggest/advise/recommend4 require/request/demand/desire5、She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she wouldnt change her mind.给了我一个就坚定的眼神这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。determined是形容词,由动词determine变化而来,意为“坚定的,坚决的”,bedetermined to do sth的意思是“决定干某事”。Her mother is a determined woman who always gets what she wants. 他母亲是一个坚定的女人,她总能达到自己的目的。They are determined to send up another man-made satellite. 他们决定发射另一颗人造卫星。相关链接:“作出决定”的多种表达法1 decide to do sth=2 make a decision to do sth3 determine to do sth=determine on/upon sth=be determined to do sth4 make up ones mind to do sth6、Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。once作副词时,有“一次”、“曾经”等意思,此处是作连词,连接条件状语从句,意为“一旦”。Once youve made up your mind, you must go on. 一旦你下定决心,就必须坚持下去。Once you show fear, he will attack you. 你一旦显出害怕,他就会攻击你。7、To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.上山很艰难,而下山却很好玩。此句中的动词不定式短语to climb the mountain road和to go down the hills都是作主语,一定要注意。 造飞机比造火车难得多。误:Make a plane is much more difficult than make a train.正:To make a plane is much more difficult than to make a train.语法:进行时态表将来表示按原定计划进行某事时,可以使用进行时态表示将来(现在进行时表将来,过去进行时表过去将来),这种情况常用于表示运动的动词come,go,stay,arrive,leave等,或者是表示交通方式、行程安排的动词如fly,walk,ride,drive(a bus,a taxi)等。We are leaving at noon. 我们中午出发。(已经决定)I was going to play basketball, but it began to rain. 我本来是打算去打篮球的,但下起雨来了。练习1、In the following dialogue, a newspaper reporter is interviewing Wang Wei abouther plans for the trip along the Mekong River. However, they are not sure aboutsome of the verb tenses. Please help them complete their conversation.R:Miss Wang, I hear that you are going to travel along the Mekong River. Thats really exciting. Have you got everything ready?W:Almost.R:When are you going/leaving?W:Next Monday.R:How far are you going/leaving each day?W:Its hard to say. If the weather is fine, I think well be able to ride75 km a day.R:Where are you staying at night?W:Usually in our tent, but sometimes in a small hotel in town.R:Do you think you are coming back here soon?W:0h, we are not coming back to this place. We are going home. Thatll be amonth later.R:Thank you for your time, Miss Wang. Good luck on your journey!W:Thank you.重点词汇1、diary/journal 日记diary只有“日记”的意思,是指daily of events,thoughts,etc.(对已发生的事件或产生的思想等记载),keep a diary 记日记;journal的意思较多,“记日记”也可以说keep a journal,但journal多指daily record of news,events,business accounts(新闻,事件或商业日记帐等)。He writes a diary in English every day. 他每天用英语记日记。We know it from his travel journal. 我们是从他的旅行日记中知道这件事的。2、fare/cost/expense 费用fare:车费,船费等交通费用cost:成本;代价;某方面的费用expense:(金钱、时间、精力等的)花费,指具体费用时常用复数用括号里的词填空:The battle was won at a great cost of life, only after many soldiers

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