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Rural Tourism and Economic Development作者: Martha Frederick 国籍:U.S出处:SAGE Publication Tourism is a popular economic development strategy. The author reviews three diverse books that study tourism from various social science perspectiveseconomic, sociological, psychological, and anthropological. Ryans book is multidisciplinary in approach and covers all major topics of tourism; tourist experience; and marketing. Michal Smith details the negative affects of tourism development in rural areas of the southeastern United States. Finally, Valene Smiths book presents international case studies that document cultural changes caused by tourism development. Despite their different focuses, all three books agree that tourism development has its benefits and costs and that changes to the destination areas are inevitable. Careful planning and marketing can lessen the harmful effects of tourism development.Tourism is an increasingly popular elixir to economic rural and urban underdevelopment. Its current prominence in the array of local economic development strategies can be traced to several features of the tourism industry. Tourism jobs are mostly low-skill jobs, which are a good fit with the job skills of many rural residents. Also, tourism has a potential for creating an export base that builds on favorable local advantages such as a pleasant climate or sites of historic or natural interest. More important, tourism strategies mesh with the current political philosophy and budget realities of minimizing government involvement and investment. The accommodations, restaurants, and entertainment activities that necessarily accompany tourism are assumed to be provided by the private sector. Critics of tourism as a development strategy cite its low-paying and dead-end jobs, its degradation of the local natural environment, and its potential corruption of local culture and customs. Further, not every jurisdiction in need of jobs and a tax base has tourism potential.The study of tourism, like much of the economic development literature, draws from a wide range of disciplines. The forte of economists is in addressing the affects of tourism on the local economy; however, economists fail to describe who tourists are or why they travel. Anthropologists major contribution to defining and studying tourism is in examining the impacts of tourism on local culture. Psychologists are more likely to dwell on the motives for tourism, but they ignore the impacts. Clearly, the complete definition of tourism includes the economic, social, anthropological, and psychological viewpoints. One strength of Recreational Tourism: A social Science Perspective by Chris Ryan is its multidisciplinary approach to the study of tourism. In contrast, the case studies from around the world found in Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, edited by Valene Smith, dwell on tourism from the perspectives of history and anthropology, with its focus on the culture affects of tourism and tourisms role in the acculturation process. Behind the Glitter: The Impact of Tourism on Rural Women in the Southeast, by Michal Smith, focuses on the economic and cultural effects of tourism in the rural Southeast.Benefits of tourismPerhaps chief among the advantages of tourism is that it is seen as obtainable, even for communities with minimal public resources. Most communities envision negligible public investments such as new roads, history markers, town cleanup, storefront rehabilitation, and marketing. The private sector is expected to provide hotels, motels, restaurants, entertainment, and other tourist accommodations.Second, tourism is a relatively easy-to-understand concept for the lay public and can, therefore, generate local support. Community pride leads residents to conclude that their home town has something to offer tourists. Tourism builds on perceived and existing local advantages or amenities, such as sites of historical interest, mountains and other places of natural beauty, pleasant climates, or clean air. Tourism development uses these resources, which are “free” in the sense that the tourism industry has not paid for them. In some cases, these natural resources would have small economic value without tourism development. Mieczkowske cites the Alps, “dying” fishing or mill towns of New England and the Canadian Maritime provinces, and Caribbean islands as places where tourism has given economic value to natural amenities. Thus tourism can have a positive economic effect in such areas of otherwise low economic productivity.Third, decades of experience in smokestack chasing has been disappointing for many communities. The competition for manufacturing plants is intense and as long as manufacturing employment continues its downward trend, competition for the remaining plants will only increase. Also, tourism is perceived as a cleaner industry for the environment than is manufacturing.Fourth, rural tourism havens tend to be growth. This decade became known as the population turnaround as it was the first time in the history of the United States the population of rural areas grew at faster rates than urban areas. In Behind the Glitter, Smith found that 65 of the 84 rural tourism counties in her study of the Southeast had population growth equal to or exceeding the national rate of growth in the 1970s.,these nonmetropolitan counties grew 37.9% and in the 1980s, they grew at a still impressive rate of 24.6%.Fifth, tourism is a labor-intensive industry, creating large numbers of jobs that employ low-skill workers and youths, who may otherwise remain unemployed. The low-skilled nature of tourism jobs is ideal for economies with poorly educated or trained labor forces. These added jobs help cut welfare rolls and provide a source of tax revenue.Finally, tourism development means more income and profits for tourist-related businesses. Local income from tourist expenditures is mostly spent again in the local area, which leads to more local income, and perhaps, to more local jobs. Such indirect benefits of tourism are measured via regional economic impacts of tourism. Ryans book has a section that introduces techniques used to measure the economic impacts of tourism. Many other studies also focus on measuring economic effects of tourism. In contrast, other sources of economic activity, particularly for remote counties, create relatively few direct and indirect benefits. For example, nuclear power plants, waste disposal sites, and many manufacturing plants create relatively few jobs and generate small amounts of local purchases.Aside from the fact that not all communities can be tourist havens, tourism development has its costs. It seems that every benefit of tourism development has a corresponding cost. 乡村旅游和经济发展作者:弗雷德里克国籍:美国出处:SAGE 出版社旅游业是一种十分受欢迎的经济发展战略。作者审查三本不同的书籍,研究了旅游业的各种社会科学观点经济,社会学,心理学,人类学。赖安的新书是综合性的,涵盖几乎所有主要议题例如旅游;旅游体验;销售。米哈乌详细的描述了美国东南部的乡村旅游发展所带来的负面影响。最后,缬草烯的书介绍了因乡村旅游发展导致乡村文化发生改变的国际研究案例。尽管他们有不同的侧重,但是三本书全部都认为,旅游开发具有的成本效益和改变目的地的环境是不可避免的,精心的策划和营销可以减轻旅游业的发展对乡村造成的影响。乡村旅游作为经济农村和城市发展的灵药越来越受到人们的欢迎。目前较为突出的地方经济发展战略中可以追溯到几个工业旅游的特点。旅游相关工作大多是低技能的工作,这是一个适合许多农村居民的较好的工作。此外,旅游业有潜力创造出一个具有有利条件的、气候宜人的,拥有古迹使人产生兴趣的出口基地。更重要的是,旅游业策略与当代政治哲学和减少政府预算参与投资有关。伴随旅游产生的住宿,餐饮,娱乐活动,被认为是必然由私营部门提供的。批评发展旅游业中工资低及没钱途的工作及对当地自然环境和腐败的当地文化及习俗。此外,并不是每一个管辖地区或纳税区域都具有发展旅游的潜力。旅游业的研究,正如经济方面的文献研究,借鉴了一定范围广泛的学科。福特的经济学课运用在处理旅游业对当地经济的影响;然而,经济学家无法描述谁是游客或他们为什么旅行。人类学家的最大贡献是确定和研究旅游发展开发对当地文化造成的影响。心理学家可能对于旅游动机更为关注,却忽视了旅游发展的影响。显然,完整的旅游业定义包括经济,社会,人类学,和心理的观点。一个有力的休闲旅游:克里斯瑞安法是以社会科学的角度观察并以多学科的方法来研究旅游。与此相反,在对世界各地的案例研究发现,主人与客人:缬草烯编辑的旅游人类学,旅游从历史和人类学的角度,发现重点是旅游的影响文化和涵化过程。背后亮点:米歇尔认为乡村旅游对东南亚当地农村妇女产生了影响,旅游业在农村地区的影响侧重于经济和文化影响。旅游的好处:也许是旅游的优势是它被视为即使是最小的社区公共资源。大多数社区考虑的就是较细微的公共投资等例如新的道路,历史标志,镇清理,店面康复,销售。人们期望私营部门能提供酒店,汽车旅馆,餐饮,娱乐,和其他旅游住宿。其次,旅游对于公众来说是一个比较容易理解的概念,需要获得当地公众的支持。社区居民对自身社区骄傲导致居民认为他们的家乡可以为旅游者提供他们所需要的。当地旅游业建设具有较强的本地优势,如历史古迹,山等地的自然美,气候宜人,或清洁空气。旅游开发利用的这些资源,意义上是“自由”的,旅游产业没有为他们支付任何成本。在某些情况下,这些经济价值较小的旅游资源没有被开发。Mieczkowske 引用了阿尔卑斯山,“死亡”钓鱼或英国城镇新工厂和加拿大的沿海省份及加勒比群岛等具有地方旅游经济价值的自然景观。第三,几十年“烟囱追逐”的经验一直令许多社区人们感到失望。竞争是激烈的,只要制造产生产就业继续呈下降趋势,其余生产竞争就会增加。此外,旅游业被视为一个比制造业清洁的环境。第四,乡村旅游发展一直保持增长的趋势。这一年被称为人口转变,因为它是美国在历史上第一次农村人口增长速度高于城市地区。在背后,斯密斯发现,在她对东南地区的 84 个乡村研究中有 65 个旅游县在 70 年代的人口增长等于或超过全国的增长速度。这些县增长了 37.9%,在 80 年代,他们的成长率保持在了一个仍然令人印象深刻的 24.6%。第五,旅游业是劳动密集型产业,创造了大量就业机会,雇佣那些可能仍面临着失业的低技能工人和青年。旅游业的对技能要求较低的工作对于那些教育文化背景较低的人来说是非常合适的。这些工作的增加帮助削减了福利并且提供一个收入来源。最后,旅游业的发展带来更多的收入和利润以及与旅客有关的业务。在局部地区的地方旅游所得又用于旅游支出,从而导致更多的地方收入,甚至更多的地方工作机会。这种旅游的间接的好处是通过测量区域旅游业的经济影响达到的。瑞安的书中有一部分介绍了用来衡量旅游业的经济影响的技术。许多其他研究也侧重于衡量旅游的经济影响。相比之下,其他来源的经济活动,特别是边远县,创造了相对较少的直接和间接的好处。例如,核电厂,垃圾处理场,和许多制造厂创造了相对较少的工作机会和产生少量本地采购。事实上,并非所有的社区都可以成为旅游区,旅游开发需要一定的成本。似乎每一受益的旅游的发展都有一个相应的成本。


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