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北京市海淀区高三第一学期期末练习英语第一卷(三大题,共95分)注意事项:1答第一卷前,考生除需将学校,班级,姓名写在试卷上,还必须将自己的姓名,准考证号,考试科目用铅笔涂在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,除需答在试卷上,还需用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案号。3考试结束,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。I单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.Tom offered me banana or an apple. I chose apple.A a; an B the; an C the; the D a;the2.-Do you like traveling?-Sure. I to Australia six months ago, but I anywhere since then.A went; didnt go B have gone; havent gone C went; havent gone D went; hadnt gone 3. The captain told the sailors to their spirits when they were on the point of giving up .A keep up B pick up C take on D go on4. Finding a job in such a big company has always been his wildest dream.A under B over C above B beyond5. A well-written composition a good choice of words and clear organization.A receives B demands C takes D calls6. It was what he meant rather than what he said made me angry.A that B which C what D who 7. -Shall we go to the bookstore immediately?.- .A It doesnt matter B Its up to you C Dont mention it D Thats all right 8. Her companion, for the accident, had not been driving carefully .A blamed B being blamed C to be blamed D blaming9. Prices continually rise. Next year a new car will cost three or four hundred dollars.A other B another C any D more10. -Can you make out it says?-Yes. From Im standing its quite clear. It says No Parking.A which; which B what; which C what; where D that; where 11. He was busy yesterday, he could have helped us. A and B or C so D but12. -I should go to the grocery store.- ? We have enough food here.A What for B Are you C OK D Really13. -Watch!-I but I anything unusual. A watched; have watched B have watched; seeC was watching; wasnt seeing D am watching; dont see 14. sick or well, my grandfather is always cheerful.A Either B No matter C Even if D Whether15. Your performance in the driving test didnt teach the required standard; , you failed.A in the end B after all C in other words D at the same time 16.-Mum, why do you always make me eat an apple every day?- enough vitamin C.A Get B Getting C To get D Having got 17. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party . You have come, but why didnt you?A must B shouldnt C neednt D ought to 18. Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a(n) price of $19 in the shopping center.A regular B special C cheap D ordinary19. Making pies and cakes Mrs. Reeds specialty and what she makes really good.A is; taste B are; taste C are; tastes D is: tastes20. I have to call the man umbrella I accidentally picked up after the meeting.A which B whose C that D whatII.完形填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-45各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Helene Warton and her sister, Charlotte, dont go to school. Instead they are taught in their 21 by their parents, Heidrun and Richard Warton. The Wartons are one of the rapidly growing number of families in Britain who are 22 with the school system. The most famous 23 is probably the Lawrence family, whose home-taught daughter Ruth recently 24 a first-class degree at Oxford University, at the age of 13.Until Christmas 1982, Helene and Charlotte Warton 25 their local village primary school. But Helene, a clever and tidy girl, had difficulties: Im 26 at writing and things like that, she says, I dont like reading aloud; I got left 27 . It was not until Mrs Warton met another family who were members of a(n) 28 called Education Otherwise that she 29 that it was possible for children to be 30 at home.However giving up school can produce an unpleasant feeling and effect on both parents and children. We were very 31 in the beginning. Says Heidrun Warton. We tried to 32 it like school at first. But gradually the family relaxed, and soon noticed the 33 of home education. Helene could work at her own 34 and began to read a great deal. Curiosity and self-motivation became very important. 35 was no longer competitive; it was not divided into subjects and it became more practical. 36 learning from books, Helene and Charlotte started to cook, help in the garden, do woodwork, visit museums and other places of interest with their parents, and go to drama and music lessons. They got more 37 to see what their mother calls 38 life - their parents and other adults 39 everyday things.Heidrun Warton in not a qualified 40 , and she believes that parents dont need special qualifications(资格): Young children want to learn, she says: You dont 41 children at home; you just allow them to learn she says: You dont 41 children at home; you just allow them to learn. She has become very 42 about the normal school system: Education authorities are not willing to really 43. They feel that they are the experts, and the only ones 44 to teach children. But mothers will 45 teach their children more than anyone else-but in a natural way.21. A village B community C class D home22. A pleased B dissatisfied C strict D content23. A school B member C example D character24. A accepted B wanted C gained D passed25. A dropped B attended C finished D left26. A slow B good C quick D dull27. A ahead B behind C alone D over28 A school B organization C project D company29. A realized B recognized C suggested D considered30. A kept B raised C educated D trained31. A unsure B angry C happy D certain32. A put B make C do D get 33. A advantages B differences C convenience D importance34. A time B way C speed D idea35. A Teaching B learning C Training D Educating36. A Instead of B Except for C Inspite of D As well as37. A chances B lessons C places D choices38. A modern B imaginary C real D unusual39. A having B doing C sharing D teaching40. A learner B doing C sharing D teaching41. A expect B encourage C teach D watch42. A moved B satisfied C puzzled D disappointed43. A operate B improve C remain D change44. A able B eager C special D easy45. A never B always C ever D stillIII阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,满足,50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(A)Many university students dislike studying history because there is little to get excited about when historical events are presented in a boring manner. However, Ill never forget my American History professor, Dr Williamson. Each event leaped from the pages of our text and became as real as the daily news report on the radio. My favorite lecture concerned the American Revolution. Dr Williamson set the mood for the story by imitating(模仿) Paul Revere, a well known silversmith, working in his shop. The American colonists(殖民地开拓者) were angry because of the British control over their lives. Revere felt that war between the British and the colonists was to come soon. Then, Dr Williamson told us about Revere rowing across the Charles River from Boston on April 18,1775. I can see the professor now as he raised his hand to his forehead as if he were looking across the Charles River to the Old North Church in Boston. Suddenly, Revere saw two lanterns, a signal which meant that the British would attack by sea. He jumped on his horse to warn the villagers of the attack. Professor Williamson reminded us that the first battles of the American Revolution were fought at Corncord and Lexington, Massachusetts, the year before the Declaration of Independence (独立宣言) was signed in 1776, Never before had history seemed so alive to me. And all because a professor cared enough to put his heart into his teaching. 46. Why does the speaker feel that most students dislike history? He believes that .A history professors are poorly preparedB professors fail to present facts in an interesting wayC most students are lazyD most students feel that history is a waste of time 47. How did Paul Revere earn a living? He was a .A soldier B blacksmith C teacher D silversmith48. Where was the Old North Church located?A In Boston B In Corncord C In Lexington D In Britain49. What did the two-lantern signal tell Revere? The British .A would attack by seaB would attack from the Charles RiverC were willing to sign the Declaration of IndependenceD had won the first two battles of the Revolution50. In which year were the first battles of the Revolution fought?A In 1774 B In 1776 C In 1775 D In 1777(B)Pennsylvania When Connie Beck and her husband awoke to strange noises last weekend, they thought high winds were rattling their home.What they found was even more unexpected: A deer was taking a bubble bath in their bathtub.I wasnt exactly dressed for company, Mrs. Beck said. We were just waking up.The deer burst through the front door early Saturday, ran past the couples bedroom and into the bathroom.Somehow he managed to turn on the water in the bathtub and knock over a bottle of bubble bath into the bathtub.He then got himself into the bubbly water.You could hear the water running over the kicking. Beck said.The Becks called State Game Commission officials, who arrived with tranquilizers (镇定剂) and a lot of laughter. A guy said, theres nothing wrong hes just in there taking a bubble bath, Mrs Beck said.The animal was soon brought under control, removed from the house and released.He was unharmed except for a little cut above the eye, said Mrs Beck. We were also fortunate. There wasnt much damage, except for the front door, some marks on the tub, and a few hoof prints on the floor.51. When did the story take place?A In the late night of Friday B In the midnight of SaturdayC On the early morning of Saturday D On Sunday evening52. When Mrs. Beck said, I wasnt exactly dressed for company, she .A was joking about the incidentB meant she never liked people to visitC explained she was about to go to work in her company D wished she could have new clothes53. After he burst through the door and entered the bathroom, the animal .A managed to cover himself with bubblesB kicked over the tubC began to swim in the tubD happened to turn on the bath taps54. When he was removed from the house, .A the deer was set freeB the deer destroyed the tub and the floorC the official made fun of the coupleD the official discovered he was injured in the eye (C)If youre in charge of a project, the key to success is getting everyone to want to help you. As a director, I point. I suggest. I gently push the actors in the direction I want them to go .In the 1986 movie Nothing in Common, Jackie Gleasons character, Max Basner, gets fired from his job as a clothing salesman. The scene, shot on a boat, shows Maxs despair about being out of work. I was looking for some gesture that would allow Max to show his feelings.Jackie had far more experience at everything than I did, and at first I was frightened. What could I possibly tell The Great One about acting? Out of fear I decided to direct by suggestion, and I sat down with Gleason to talk about the scene. So Max is sad, right? I said.Gleason nodded.And hes probably still carrying his pens with his name on them-the ones he used to hand out to his customers, right?Gleason nodded. So what would you want to do with the pens after you were fired?He was silent for a moment. Why dont I throw them overboard?I stood up and turned toward the crew. Hey, everybody, Jackie has a wonderful idea. Lets shoot it.After filming the scene, Gleason called me over and said with a smile, Garry, what kind of wonderful idea am I going to have tomorrow?You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. When there are no prizes or gold stars for who gets the solution first, youll all benefit when everything turns out right.55. The author tells us that to succeed in a project you are in charge of you should .A make everyone work for youB get everyone willing to help you C let people know you have the final sayD keep sending out orders to them56. It can be inferred that A Jackie Gleason is the director of the film Nothing in commonB Jackie Gleason is very angry when he is fired from his job C Max, a character in a film, is in very low spirits when he loses his jobD Jackie Gleason is the writer of the film Nothing in common57. The Great One in paragraph 3 refers to .A Gleason B the director himself C Max D Maxs boss58. Why did Gleason call the director over and smile at him? Because GleasonA thought his wonderful idea was accepted by the latterB succeeded in hitting upon a wonderful ideaC was confident about his work the next dayD appreciated the latters way of directing films59. The most suitable title for the passage is .A Directing a Film B The Key to SuccessC A Wonderful Experience D Working with Film Stars(D)At present, there are five network firms-China Telecom, China Unicom, Jitong Communications, China Netcom and China Mobile -that are allowed to operate IP services in China. Each company has its advantages in service.ChargeAs the Ministry of Information Industry co-ordinates, the charges of IP calls of the five companies are the same, 0.30 yuan per minute for DDD calls, 4.80 yuan per minute for IDD calls, 2.50 yuan for calls from the mainland to Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, and 1.50yuan from Shenzhen to HK, Zhongshan and Zhuhai to Macao. IP callers dont enjoy discounts on holidays.RangeChina Telecom has the widest coverage. All cities in China with telephone access and most countries in the world are open to China Telecoms IP card.China Unicoms IP card can reach 29 cities nationwide and more than 130 countries and regions worldwide. Jitong IP can access(接通) 12 cities in China and over 70 countries and regions worldwide.China Netcoms IP card can reach 14 cities in China and 149 countries and regions in the world.China Mobiles IP card is open to only six cities nationwide but can access more than 200 countries and regions worldwide.Voice quality China Telecom realizes its IP service by the public Internet, therefore net congestion (拥挤) and voice delay may sometimes disturb conversations. The other four companies have their private data networks, which help to increase transmission speeds and improve voice quality.Other servicesChina Telecom, Jitong and China Mobile offer account transfer services. Users can transfer the remaining sum of money on one card to another card.Jitong and Netcom link their services with bank cards. One can enjoy IPs service without an IP card. Bank card users can make IP phone calls with their bank card numbers, so they neednt buy new IP cards and remember the new numbers again and again.As for customer service, China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile provide free hot line service, while Jitong and Netcom charge for their services.60. What does the passage mainly talk about?A Organization of the five IP firms.B Difference between the five IP firms.C Foundation of Chinas five IP firmsD Development of Chinas five IP firms61. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?A China Unicom charges IDD calls more than the other four firms.B China Mobiles coverage is the least of the five firms.C China Telecom accesses many more cities nationwide than the other fourD China Netcom is the only one to be allowed to operate IP service62. When enjoying IP service, A Jitong users neednt buy IP cardsB China Telecom users neeednt buy new IP cardsC Netcom users have to link with a bankD China Mobile users have to pay for their hot line service63. If you want to access more foreign countries and regions with better voice quality, youd better choose IP card.A China Telecoms B China Mobiles C China Netcoms D China Unicoms(E)The purpose of the information superhighway is to provide remote electronic banking, schooling, shopping, taxpaying, chatting, game playing, video conferencing, movie ordering and medical diagnosing.Heres what it wont do: It wont remove the need to shop at stores, drive a car, visit friends, or do most of the things you normally do now.It might make many things you do easier and more convenient. Movies you now can get only at video stores will be available on your TV 24 hours a day.The information superhighway will carry all kinds of personal matters from your tastes in movies to your buying habits. How this information will be protected is one of the great unknowns.Computer hackers represent another threat (威胁). Last February, high tech marauders were able to steal thousands of passwords from Internet; this would allow them to read hundreds of personal files, including E-mail. Such a break-in could result in anything from a small inconvenience to a loss of privacy.On the other hand, computerized systems give financial institutions (金融机构) and police stations much better tools for picking out patterns of criminal behavior.64. According to the passage , the information superhighway cant be used for A education B conversation C going out dining D medical service65.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A The information superhighway will get rid of the need to shop at stores.B It is possible to do shopping through the information superhighwayC The information superhighway can perform the operation in hospitalD The information superhighway will do most of the things you normally do now.66. From the passage we can learn that A it is hard to protect the privacy of superhighway usersB superhighway has a thousand passwordsC financial institutions can deal with criminal behaviorD nobody knows your buying habits from the superhighway67. In the fifth paragraph, the underlined word marauders means A operators B engineers C thieves D managers(F)The expression burning your bridges means acting in such a way that you destroy any chance of turning back or changing your decision.You can burn your bridges when you are offered a new job. Suppose, for example, that you decide to take the new job. You tell your old boss about your decision. You also tell him how glad you are to leave.With these words, you have burned your bridges. Your boss will never let you return to your old job.The expression burning your bridges gets its name from similar expression, burning your boats. Long ago, military ( connected with armies ) commanders wanted to make it clear to their troops that victory was expected. To make this point, an invading (入侵) force would burn its boats after landing on an enemy shore. This made it impossible to retreat a withdraw (撤退) Only by defeating the enemy would the invading troops be able to return safely to their home country. In burning their boats, the invaders had burned their bridges home.Most people who burn their bridges today do not belong to the military. But like those armies, they move in a new direction with on chance of turning back.One part of a persons life ends suddenly, and another begins .Soon, the new life continues on a path of its own. All that remains of the old path are memoriesThere is another expression that all bridge burners should not forget. It usually is in the form of a warning. Dont cross your bridges until you come to them. The meaning is clear: Dont act until the time is right.68. The best title for this passage is A Giving up Your HopeB Changing Your Last DecisionC Burning Your Boats or BridgesD Thinking Before You Act69. The expression Dont cross your bridges until you come to them. Means A when the time is right it is safe to cross riversB dont waste time thinking difficulties which may never appearC in order to win victory, destroy any chance of turning backD to defeat the enemy, burn your boats soon after landing on its shore70. When burning ones boats, one really shows his great determination to A make peace with his enemy B get back to the old pathC creat a better world D start a


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