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初一 (上) 期末测试 (B卷) . 语音语调 8A) 找出下列各组单词中划线部分读音与其它三个不同的词。2. 5 1. A. aboutB. American C. black D. banana 2. A. blue B. busC. hundred D. mum 3. A. find B. hill C. kiteD. light 4. A. same B. sitC. son D. please 5. A. yellow B. thirty C. yours D. youngB) 判断下面各组单词划线部分有几种读音。 2. 5A 表示有一种读音, B 表示有两种读音,C 表示有三种读音, D 表示有四种读音。 6. A. wall B. watchC. what D. table 7. A. theirs B. thirteen C. thankD. there 8. A. school B. room C. good D. football 9. A. bedB. eggC. excuse D. home 10.A. hers B. skirtC. turn D. girlC) 下面每组句子的语调有一个与其它两个不同,请找出来。 3 11. A. Whose is this book? B. Is that one yours? C. I dont have a map. 12. A. My watch is at home. B. Its time to go to school. C. Is your sweater new? 13. A. Can I look at your pen? B. What colour are they? C. Are the books on your desk?. 词汇知识 22A) 指出下列单词的正确拼写。 8 14. 黑板A. blackboard B. blackbaordC. blackborad D. blackbroad 15. 颜色A. calour B. colourC. culoor D. coluor 16. 女儿A. deughter B. dawghterC. duaghter D. daughter 17. 五十A. fivety B. fivtyC. fiftyD. fifties 18. 遇见A. meet B. meatC. miet D. maet 19. 橙色的A. oringe B. aringeC. auringeD. orange 20. 鞋A. shoe B. sheoC. shooeD. choe 21. 窗A. windou B. windawC. window D. windoeB) 找出与其它三个单词不属于一类的词。 4 22. A. themB. usC. him D. hers 23. A. giveB. brother C. fatherD. sister 24. A. let B. put C. ballD. play 25. A. Chinese B. China C. JapaneseD. American 26. A. brown B. eightyC. elevenD. forty 27. A. shirt B. blouseC. boatD. trousers 28. A. atB. inC. onD. or 29. A. bananaB. pearC. glass D. appleC) 翻译下列词组。 1030. 去教室 _31. 大约5点半 _32. 你的新毛衣 _33. 在门后面 _34. 看起来像 _35. look after _36. put on _37. the girl in the car _38. a map of China _39. the picture of the Greens family _. 完成句子 15 A) 在下面每个空格内填上一个适当的词,使每一组的上下两个句 子意思基本相同。 1040. The twins are in different classes. The twins _ in the _ _. 41. What grade is Wu Dong in?_ grade is Wu Dong in?42. Dont open your book. _ your book. 43. Whose is this shirt?Whose _ is this?44. I havent a sister. I _ _ a sister. 45. Is this blouse yours? Yes, its mine. Is this _ _? Yes, its mine. B) 用所给代词的适当形式填空。 5 46. Please give _ ( I ) an apple. 47. Those oranges are for _ ( we ) . 48. Excuse me. Is this ball _ ( you ) ?49. _ ( I ) shoes are black and _ ( she ) are white. 50. Their teachers like _ ( they ) very much. . 选择填空 20 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 51. Are there three _ in the picture?A. womans B. woman C. women D. womens 52. We get _ at six in the morning. A. on B. up C. to D. down 53. I go _ at ten in the evening. A. bed B. to the bedC. to bedD. to a bed 54. My coat is _ the room. A. to B. under C. up D. in 55. Is that a watch? _. A. Yes, they are B. It isC. No, it isntD. Yes, its 56. She is a teacher _ English. A. for B. of C. in D. at 57. Look _ the map, please. A. at B. of C. in D. at 58. I _ an English book. A. am B. not haveC. have toD. have 59. Give me _ on the desk. A. the ruler B. a ruler C. an ruler D. ruler 60. They havent pens. I give _ to _. A. my . themB. mine . themC. my . their D. mine . theirs 61. Excuse me. Whats the time please? Sorry, I _. A. dont know B. am not knowC. know D. not know 62. Its time _. A. go home B. go to homeC. to go homeD. to go to home 63. _ blouse is that?A. Who B. WhoseC. Whos D. Which 64. I think the blue one is _. A. Li Lei B. Li LiessC. the Li Lies D. Li Leis 65. Mr Greens trousers are _. A. yellow B. yellowsC. the yellow D. the yellows 66. _ that girl? She is my sister. A. Wheres B. Which isC. Whos D. Whose 67. Whats this _ English? Its a bird. A. for B. in C. on D. at 68. _ are you? Were in Hebei. A. Where B. What C. Which D. How 69. We can see _ in the bedroom. A. any flowerB. any flowersC. some flower D. some flowers 70. Shes a new student. Shes _. A. America B. an AmericaC. AmericanD. a American. 句型转换 10根据括号内的要求改写下列句子。71. I can see some apples in the basket (篮子) (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ apples in the basket?72. He can find his book. (改为否定句) He _ _ his book. 73. This is my watch. (改为复数形式) _ _ my _. 74. Are these clothes yours? (做肯定回答) _, _ are. 75. Whose is the coat? (用Jim回答) _ _. 76. The jeep is green. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ the jeep?77. Wuhan is in Hubei. (对划线部分提问) _ is Wuhan?78. We can see a light in the room. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you see in the room?79. She is my friend. (对划线部分提问) _ friend _ _?80. Its a picture of my family. (对划线部分提问) _ _ it?. 翻译选择 10 根据所给中文句子,从A、B、C、D中选出一句正确译文。 81. 哪一件外衣是我的?A. Which coat is mine?B. Which one coat mine?C. Which coat is my?D. Which one is mine coat? 82. 这杯茶是你的吗?A. This cup of tea is yours?B. Is this cup of tea yours?C. Is this cup of tea your?D. Is your this cup of tea? 83. 我有一个绿盒子。A. I have green a box. B. I have a green box. C. Im having a green box. D. Im have green a box. 84. 我们六点钟回家。A. Were go home at six. B. We go to home at six. C. We go home at six. D. Were go to home at six. 85. 请你把书放在那边。A. Please put there your books. B. Over there you put the book please. C. Put your books to over there please. D. Put your book over there, please. . 阅读理解 15 A) 阅读下列短文,判断下面所给句子的正误(正确的写T,错误的写F)。 10I am American girl. My name is Mary. This is my family. The man is my father. He is a worker in a factory. The woman is my mother. She is a farmer. They work hard. I have a brother and a sister. My brothers name is Jim. Jim and I are students. We are at the same school. My sisters name is Lucy. She is only two. She is a nice little (小的) girl. 86. There are four people in Marys family. 87. Marys father works in a school. 88. Marys mother works on a farm. 89. Her brother is a worker, too. 90. Mary likes her little sister. B) 补全对话 (每空一词) 。 5Tom: 91 me. Is this Class One, Grade One?Jack: 92 , it is. Tom: Im a new student. 93 name is Tom. Jack: My name is Jack. Can I 94 you?Tom: No, 95 . Jack: This is your classroom. Tom: How nice it is!91. _ 92. _ 93. _ 94. _ 95. _


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