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英文摘要翻译  of is In up to a of in in or of is in to of on of in up is to a on   it is in of of  At to a is is a or to is A is at to in is a is of A is in of  of is in is  of a  is by in on in to to is is by of is A is a it of a   is a as an in of to a of of to on by   is of to  is it is of 1 is of  of is so to  is by 1 is by 1is by  is is it on  on a in a in as it is it on as or A in a in to to of be or In a on s a or As or of to of is of As in in to in as it as of be in a of of In be by to or of In on to of is in is by to in a so an As to in so as as In is by of as as a of In of is in a on to or be a on is by of is of s of a a by to a no to As it of is to is is by to to s to is to by at or A of is In a is is by As to to as in a do In a at an to by in of as A to to to to of in of 0 30In s an is to  be to of to of It s a 20 In is to is As s to of is so up to as to A 20 is is in or to  in a of to of in to to of to at is by as a be In be in of in In a be to or a of or s of is to a in an to In be to a s to a is be 714 Q=in is to in If in do a in In at is on of a on a on in is a a in be is is by of a of in is a of a an in In be of is do a of to or of of a a to an of a as an of a a of is by In to is at a in as is is a be by or to If is so a of of be in in at of at a to in or be in a In a a in be to be a to On on in by a or of in is it of be is  F  000 is in A in to is as a of of a in or to of a is to to is of a of of it is a of a it of of be to   in be a of in a a in a in be it of is a of of in or in Of A a by to in of is to be to as to be on on in a of By of of a an or in a be as a be an or on of to of a of of a be by of by to an or of of of to be by to of to in be so a in be a of a to is by 0 00 F, a of  T by be a of An in up or is an of of or is to be by an of  泵及其相关附件  常见的用于液压系统的往复式泵有:径向柱塞泵,轴向柱塞泵,双联和三联泵。对于我们来说最熟悉的液压泵是用于千斤顶上的。这种类型的泵在工作的时候,上下移动手柄是活塞也以相同的形式移动,活塞与缸体形成紧密的配合,在活塞向吸入装置移动的过程中,液体被从水向中吸入到泵中,吸入动力由活塞通缸体的紧密配合产生。活塞向上移动时,有一部分空气从缸体中排出,致使港体内的压力小与周围的大气压力,大气压力作用于水箱内的液体的上表面,使液体顺着管路进入缸体内部,这就是水被吸入的 原理。值得强调的是,因为港体内不同外面的大气压差是液体产生了流动。  在泵的吸入管口处有一个球形阀。这个阀的材料是固体橡胶或是金属,用以保证进入缸体的液体不会泄露到外面。在泵处于停止状态时,也有个同样的阀装在缸体的进液口处。这是个节流阀,保证液体不会从缸体流出。在泵的柱塞上也有同样作用的密封圈。  在活柱上升的过程中,球阀的阀球离开阀座,缸体内的液体就随着柱塞的移动流到外面。  当柱塞向上移动到行程的顶部的时,经过一段休止时间后才开始向下的行程。在乡下运动的过程中,缸体一段的阀的阀球在液力的作用下压紧阀座,使阀关 闭就可以防止也踢得向外泄漏,并为泵的下一工作循环准备。值得注意的是泵的工作行程是在柱塞在缸体中向上移动的过程中,故而在泵的两个行程中,旨在一个行程中作用,这种泵叫单向泵。同样在泵的两个行程中都工作的叫双作用泵,双作用泵的工作效率是但作用的两倍。  操纵手把从左到右运动则柱塞也作相应的运动。在柱塞向右运动的过程中,作用在液体上的力使阀球离开阀座,阀被打开。在另一端的阀的阀球则压在阀座上,阻止液体回到箱体中。在一个阀的阀球离开阀座时,液体从右边流出泵,在同一过程中,另一侧的阀打开,液体进入泵的腔室内,当柱塞从诱导 运动时,阀门被弹簧关闭。  所有的柱塞泵都以这样一个原则运动,那就是随着柱塞的往复运动吸入和排出液体。这类泵有两种基本的结构分别是轴向泵和径向泵。两种泵都可以做成定量的或者是变量的。在径向泵中,柱塞按径向排列在缸体内,同样在轴向泵中柱塞以平行于缸体主轴的方向排列在缸套中。轴向泵又可以分为直轴式和斜轴式两种结构。  在径向泵中,在缸体内转子圈或回转轮绕固定的枢轴转动。当缸体回转时离心力注入压力或某种形式的机械作用力使柱塞时时顶在定子圈的内表面上,定子圈配置在偏离缸体中心线的位置。随着柱塞在缸体内的往复运动和枢轴的


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