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牛津英语9A 期末测试2一 单选1 “I forget to bring my notebook.” “_. You can borrow some paper from me.”A Help yourself. B Im sorry. C No problem. D So careless.2 I wonder _ you would like to come to my biryhday party. A that B whether C that if D that whether 3 _ useful the information he gave us is! A What an B How an C What D How4 _of the teachers in our school is 130; _of them are young. A a number; two third B the number; most C the number; three fourth a number; some5 Everything has _ wrong. A go B come C gone D become6 The soldiers _ the enemys attack. A put up B put down C broke out D happened to 7 Usually caarelessness _ to failure. A leads B happens C gets D agrees8 He _ to lead us the way, which surprised us. A supplied B offered C provided D asked9 Mr Smiths _ us some good _ on the study of physics. A gave; advice B gave; advices C made; advice D made; advices10 The police offered a _ of $5000 for any information about the robbery. A prize B award C reward D pay二 翻译词组并填空 1 因谋杀而被通缉 2 做记录 3 发生 4 流血而死 5 在的门口 6 到目前为止 7 由于而被控 8 打电话联系1 The sports meeting _ in October.2 _, they have worked in the factory for ten months.3 The man was put into prison because he _ a robbery.4 The soldier was badly hurt and he _ to death.5 If you have some good ideas ,you can _ us _ 557474562.6 The policeman _ what the witness said.7 Look! The man _. Lets call 110.8 Where did you find my purse? Its _ of a bookshop.三 词型变换1 He is only five feet in_ (high).2 He likes reading _(detect)stories.3 It reported that one of the _ (murder)has been arrested.4 Her sudden _ (die)surprised her friends.5 _ (obvious), she is telling a lie.6 His father used to smoke very _(heavy).7 The bank was _ (rob).8 It is _ (high) possible that he has broken into our computer system.9 Can you hear someone _(call) you outside?10 He has been charged with _ (rob) golden watches.四 改错1 The weather today is much more hotter than yesterday. ( )2 Look! Its raining so heavy that we cant go out now.( )3 Have you ever been to else anywhere besides London? ( )4 Zhang Guorong has died for more than two years. ( )5 He said he is going to Shanghai the next day. ( )6 Im interested in watch football matches. ( )7 You havent to answer my question at once. ( )8 Its possible of us to learn English. ( )Unit 5一 单选1 Audureys death was a great _ to film fans. A lost B lose C loss D losing2 The girl devoted all her time she had _ others. A to help B helping C helped D to helping3 _ the end of the match,they had kicked teo goals and we had kicked four. A In B By C At D Till4 Everyone here enjoyed the film _ me. A including B included C which includes D includes5 The medicine he took had no effect _ hom at all. A to B for C on D with6 while _ the street, dont forget the lights. A While crossing B While crossed C While being crossing D While be crdssed7 Until yesterday his family _ from him for six months. A hasnt heard B didnt hear C hadnt heard D heard9 Not only the students but also the teacher _ enjoying the film. A has been B is C are D is10 Its cold outside. You _ better put on more clothes. A had B could C must D need11 “Ive never been to Sandy Beach.What about you?”“_. I think it must br very beautiful.”A Me too B Me either C Id like to D I hope Im able to 二 词型变换1 She is an excellent _ (act)respected by people forrver.2 San Francisco is a city of great _(beautiful).3 They are different in _ (appear)4 Its a _ (realist) plan.5 _ (luck) for me the train was late,so I just caught it.6 People can _ (they) in the mirror.7 You had better _ (put ) on your coat.8 My brother _ (work) in this factory since five years ago.9 Someone who has charm has an _ (attract) quality.10 The novel _ (make) into a play before it was filmed.三 改错1 Farmers devote their lifetime on farming.2 How did Ling feng make the baby to stop crying?3 Beijing Guofootball team is one of the best team in China.4 Mike has to stay at home on Sunday,hasnt he?5 The number of students in our school are more than two thousand.6 I will go to Shanghai instead of he.7 Audrey was born in the morning of 4 May 1929.8 She started to learn French on the age of eight.四 翻译1 他宁愿做个农民。He _ _ _ a farmer.2 他的父亲去年得了癌症。His father _ _ last year.3 他想通过向我们展现自然美来提醒我们去保护环境。He wants to _ us to protect environment by _ _ _ _ _ _. 4 许多人为她的美貌所吸引。Many people _ _ _ her beauty. 4 假如你想看电影,最好买张票。You _ _ buy a ticket if you want to watch film.5 吸烟对身体有坏的影响。Smoking _ _ _ _ _ health.Unit 4 一 单选1 For the next ten years, Mathild had not sent a _ to her friend Jeanne.A information B news C message D advice2 The _ man told us his past days before he _. His _ made us very sad.A dying; died; death B dead; dying; dieC dead; died; dying D dead; dying; death3 Dont lose heart, my friend. Life is _ ups and down.A filled of B full with C full of D fill of4 Computers play an important _ in our studies and work.A use B role C action D business5 The girl is so shy that they darent speak in _ public.A the B a C / D one6 The number of chairs in the room _ ten. Im afraid a number of chairs in the room _ lost.A is; is B is; are C are; is D are;are7 The room is _ too small for ue to live in.A very B quite C near D far8 “would you mind my opening the window?” “_”A Of cours, open it. B Certainly, do pleaseC No,dont do it D Not, at all9 “_ does he take this medicine?” “Twice a day.”A How long B How often C How soon D How much10 She was so angry at _ he was doing _ she walked out without a word.A what; that B that;that C that;what D what; what二 词型变换1 _ (luck), he fell off the bike and broke his right leg.2 June 1st is _ (child) Day.3 Look! The children are playing football _ (noise) on the playground.4 I have many friends,_ (include) Xiao Li.5 Our sports meeting will be held in the _ (come) week.6 Tom is the _ (strong) of the two young men.7 Wed better talk _ (little ) and do more.8 He sang _ (loud) of all the students in the class.9 She would rather _(have) the small one than the large one.10 Id like _(help) others in need. 三 改错1 The programme explains how are these tigers killed for their skin and bones.2 As I am doing my homework, my parents are watching TV.3 I wont miss English New between 10 p.m. to 11 p.m.4 I was reading a old magazine about TV stars.5 Are you agree with me?6 The football match will be hold tomorrow afternoon.7 The bin is full with rubbish.8 Tow thousands fans came to see Twins concert.四 选词填空 such as; are full of; nature habitat; gets angry with him; help each other1 The bottles _ orange juice.2 I like eating many kinds if fruits, _ apples, pears,bananas.3 Wild animals need _.4 Mum _ Mike because he didnt pass the maths exam.5 We should learn from each other and _.

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