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高二英语第二学期期末阶段调查试卷人教版第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)120 略第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Its important for an employers to know that employees need the of being appreciated .A. senceB. feelC. courageD. force22. My parents had trouble to in an apartment .A. adjust ; liveB. adjusting ; liveC. to adjust ; liveD. adjusting ; living23. Can you recommend a qualified doctor this girl ?A. toB. forC. onD. with24. We were angry that they to include us in the negotiations .A. made every effortB. made no effortC. spare no effortD. put effort25. We admire him although he made some mistakes ; he was a great man .A. in allB. above allC. after allD. for all26. is known to all , China will be an and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time .A. That ; advancingB. This ; advancedC. As ; advancedD. It ; advancing27. Only if I can understand what you are listening to , write it down correctly .A. shall I B. I shallC. I canD. can I 28. You didnt let me drive . If we in turn , you so tired .A. drove ; didnt getB. drove , wouldnt getC. had driven ; wouldnt have gotD. were driving ; wouldnt get29. The child was lost in the forest , where he was the mercy of wild beasts .A. atB. onC. forD. in30. I wonder if she us , but I think if she us we will be able to complete the task ahead of time .A. helps ; helpsB. will help ; has helpedC. helps ; will helpD. will help ; helps31. She didnt answer the telephone , she asleep .A. must fallB. must have fallenC. should have fallenD. can have fallen32. Id just as soon remind those important documents with you .A. that you wountB. you not takingC. please dontD. you not to take33. Was that I saw last night at the concert ?A. you B. not youC. it youD. that youself34. is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language .A. ThereB. ThisC. ThatD. It35. My father suggested a job in a hospital .A. that I getB. that I gotC. me to getD. that my getting第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love . One day while she was walking in the woods she found two 36 songbirds . She took them and put them in a small 37 . She cared for them with love and the birds 38 strong . Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful 39 . The girl felt great love for the birds .One day the girl 40 the door to the cage open . The larger and stronger of the two birds tried to 41 the cage . The girl was 42 he would fly away . As he flew close , she grasped him 43 . Her heart felt glad at her success in 44 him . Suddenly she felt the bird 45 limp(软弱无力的). She opened her hand and stared 46 at the dead bird . Her desperate 47 had killed him .She noticed the other bird moving 48 on the edge of the cage . She could feel his great need for 49 . He needed to soar(翱翔)into the clear , blue sky . She 50 him from the cage and tossed him softly in to the 51 .The girl watched delightedly at the birds 52 . Her heart was no longer 53 with her loss . She wanted the bird to be happy . 54 the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder . It sang the sweetest melody(优美的旋律)that she had ever heard .The fastest way to 55 love is to hold on to it too tightly , while the best way to keep love is to give it wings !36. A. attractiveB. charmingC. heart-warmingD. starving37. A. cageB. houseC. roomD. place38. A. raisedB. advancedC. grewD. made39. A. wordB. songC. musicD. language40. A. desertedB. leftC. abandonedD. quit41. A. fly fromB. awake fromC. hit uponD. run into42. A. afraidB. terrifiedC. scaredD. happy43. A. angrilyB. firmlyC. wildlyD. gently44. A. reachingB. approachingC. capturingD. leaving45. A. startB. goC. makeD. take46. A. in horrorB. with joyC. in dangerD. at risk47. A. admirationB. sympathyC. possessionD. love48. A. back to backB. up and downC. left to rightD. back and forth49. A. rightB. freedomC. foodD. love50. A. liftedB. carriedC. stoppedD. left51. A. skyB. cageC. airD. house52. A. lifeB. escapeC. enjoymentD. victory53. A. worriedB. happyC. excitedD. concerned54. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. UnfortunatelyD. Expectedly55. A. loseB. keepC. getD. forget第三部分 阅读理解(共16小题,5659每小题2分;6071每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA new study shows that fat people in the United States suffer direct economic(经济)and social effects because of their size . The findings are from an 8-year study of about 100,000 people . The people studied were between the ages of 16 and 25 when the research began .The researchers who carried out the study say they consider the people fat if they are in the top of 5% of the measurement in which weight is connected with height . For example , fat women in the study were about 160 centimeters tall and weighed about 90 kilograms . Fat men in the study were about 175 centimeters tall and weighed 100 kilograms . The researchers say that more than 1,000,000 Americans are that big . The researchers found that fat young women were more likely to lose social and economic power even if they were from wealthy families . The fat women also were 20% less likely to get married and they earned an average of about $6,700 a year less than other women . The study showed less severe effect on fat men . They earned an average of about $3,000 a year less than other men . Fat men also were 11% less likely to get married .56. From this passage we know fat people in America were A. admiredB. respectedC. unhealthyD. unpopular57. Which of the following was not mentioned in this passage ?A. The reason why fat people suffered .B. The cause that caused people to be fat .C. The standard of fat people .D. The number of fat people .58. The underlined word “severe” means .A. economicB. socialC. seriousD. favorable59. Fat people were inferior to(比差)other people in .A. brain , human rights and paymentB. income , marriage and political rightsC. brain , education and marriageD. marriage , getting jobs and incomeBIt was a warm April day when a big fat envelope came in the mail from the only college I had never imagined attending . I tore open the packet . My eyes were fixed on the word “congratulations” . I dont remember ever smiling so wide .Then I looked at my finacial package .The cost of Dream Schools tuition(学费), room and board was around $40,000-an impossible sum! How could I afford to attend ? What good reasons did I have to go there when other three fine colleges were offering me free tuition ? My other choices were good , solid schools even if they werent as famous as my first choice .In my mind , attending my dream university would be the only way to realize my dream of becoming a world-class writer . My parents understood how I felt . They told me that even though it would be a finacial problem , I could go wherever I would be happiest . But as I was always careful with money , I wasnt sure what to do .One of the schools that offered me a full ride had an informational dinner one night in the spring . Considering my parents financial difficulties , I decided to drive the 45 minutes and attend . At first , all I had planned to do was smile politely , eat free food , listen quietly . But I surprised myself .At dinner the president of the university talked about the wonderful activities on campus(校园)including guest lectures and social gatherings . He also made it perfectly clear that free food would be offered at all future events . He continued with explanations of professors , class sizes , activities , and sporting events on campus . As he spoke , I began to realize that this school , though not as good as my first choice , might be the best one for me . It seemed small yet with many great programs . It seemed challenging yet caring .As the president ended his speech , we clapped politely and pushed back our chairs . As I waked out that door , a feeling of comfort washed over me . Looking at the campus that night , I realized that I would be spending the next four years right there .In all honesty , my university is not as well-known as my “dream” university . However , it turned out to be the right choice of schools for me .60. How did the author feel when he started to read the letter ?A. He was full of joy .B. He was lost in his dream .C. He was worried about the money .D. He was uncertain which school to go to .61. We can learn from the passage that the parents were .A. honestB. strictC. supportiveD. decisive62. In Paragraph 5 , “offered me a full ride” can be replaced by “ ”.A. would pay for transport to the schoolB. would show me around the campusC. would offer free meals at all eventsD. would charge me nothing for tuition63. What does the author mainly want to say ?A. Your second-choice college may actually be your best fit .B. You should consider comfort in your choice of schools .C. You should try your best to attend your dream school .D. Your choice of schools should be based on their fame .CIts said that today more than $400 billion a year is spent on advertising worldwide . Beyond that , the economic impact of advertising affects just about every consumer-product industry(行业), from cars to chocolate . Advertisement media , in addition to newspapers , magazines , and broadcast madia , include direct mail , billboards , posters , the Internet , etc . No wonder , advertising is often considered one of the incentives that drive the global economy .A successful advertisement involves at least three things . The advertisements will first of all identify the target customers . That is , they need to work out who will buy the product . Then , having identified the market , they will work out the best way to appeal to the target customers . So they will take into account a number of desires or worries the target customers may have . Do they have the desire to be popular ? Are they afraid of falling ill ? Lots of questions like these might be raised . Finally , they will design the advertisement contains and what slogans they intend to make use of . They will also consider employing famous people and quoting(引用)scientific data to support the product .While in everyday life consumers have seen lots of successful examples of advertising like Kodak , Nike , Coca-Cola , and McDonalds , there are still some examples that do not reach the expected goal . One laundry detergent(洗衣粉)company had all its advertisements show dirty clothes on the left , its box of soap in the middle . Unfortunately , since Arabic speakers read Arabic from the right to the left , many potential customers , when seeing the ad , thought to themselves , “Why this soap makes clothes dirty !”Another example was related to McDonalds first arrival in Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢). Their advertisements suggested that people eat McDonalds hot hamburgers “at a picnic at the beach .” By doing this , they had ignored the Brazilian custom of consuming cold things , such as beer , soft drinks , ice cream , and sandwiches , at a beach picnic . Brazilians do not consider a hot hamburger proper beach food .Therefore , advertisers have to be highly culture-conscious when they want to carry out an international advertising program in a foreign country . Study the cultural background of the potential customers , or the advertising program will be ruined !64. What does the underlined phrase “take into account” possibly mean ?A. saveB. calculateC. considerD. aim65. By showing dirty clothes on the left , its box of soap in the middle , and clean clothes on the right , the detergent(使清洁的)ad actually wants to suggest that .A. this soap makes clothes cleanB. this soap makes clothes dirtyC. this soap is specially made for western peopleD. this soap is specially made for the Arabs66. The failure of McDonalds first arrival in Brazil proves that a good advertiser should be .A. responsibleB. culture-consciousC. creativeD. dilligent67. An advertiser should work out the following questions one by one : where can he find some scientific data to support the product what are the desires and worries of the target market who will buy the product what words , images or slogans will be made use of Which of the four choices show the correct order ?A. B. C. D. DThe oil resources which are left will not last very long . This means that all vehicles such as cars , trains , buses , planes and ships that need oil to work will not be able to run . So it will be necessary to develop a new system of transport which uses a fuel more than oil . Electric vehicles are one possibility . In Britain , most families have at least one car and this car is used every day . It could be that only one person in the family drives the car to work or for shopping . The number of cars on the road which are almost empty perhaps helps to explain why the oil is used up so quickly . The family car is a very useful form of transport but it is also a great waste of energy , especially if it is compared with buses or trains . Much petrol is used by a car which is traveling at 120 kilometers an hour . Clearly , it would be better if there were fewer cars on the road and more speed limits so that the oil which is left will last as long as possible .About 25% of Britains total consumption(消耗)of energy is domesticit is used only in the home . Just over 20% is used for transport . Most of the energy is used in industry . It is difficult to suggest any possible energy conservation(保护)in industry because many of the suggestions would mean that some people would lose their jobs . It is important that industry produces the same amount of products using the same amount of workers .Obviously , conservation is not going to the answer to the energy crisis . The most it can do is to give more time for a better solution to be found . The more time which is available for new sources of energy to be developed , the better it is because there is still a lot of work to be done in order to find suitable , safe methods of producing energy .68. In Britain , what reason could help to explain why oil is used up very quickly ?A. People use cars every day .B. Most families have at least one car .C. Many cars on the road are almost empty .D. Electric vehicles are used .69. Which of the following is true ?A. Compared with buses and trains , the family car is useful and can save energy .B. A car driving at the speed of 80 kilometers per hour uses half as much petrol as a car traveling at 160 kilometers per hour .C. It is possible for people to develop vehicles .D. Limitation of the number of cars on the road and their speed will help the oil last longer .70. What does the underlined word “domestic” mean in paragraph two ?A. For household use .B. On the road .C. Slow driving .D. Fast driving .71. What is better way to solve the problem of the energy crisis ?A. Governments should cut down the number of family cars on the road .B. The speed of vehicles must be limited .C. New sources of energy should be found and developed .D. Factories should cut down on production .第II卷(共25分)第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Excuse me , Mrs. Jones . Would you mind do me 72. a favor ? I just going out shopping . But as soon73. as I shut my front door , I realized that I have74. forgotten my key in the house . So when I get back ,75. Ill not be able to get in . That was very silly of me .76. I neednt have come out at all , because of all77. the vegetables and fruits have bought by my78. husband . I only wanted some salty . May I come79. in and climb over the fence into your back garden ?80. Thats very kind of you . I wish I did give you81. So much trouble .第二节 书面表达(满分15分)某英文报“读者来信”专栏正在就高二学生家长是否应该为孩子购置电脑这一话题开展讨论。有赞同的也有反对的。请你以A reader为名给该报编辑写一封英文信,发表你的观点(或赞同或反对)。信的开头已写好。注意:1. 下面的提示可能会帮助你构思:more information , improve English , learning software(学习软件), enjoy oneself , computer games , short-sighted , waste of money , fail the exams 2. 你不必根据上面的提示逐条进行写作,可自由发挥。3. 字数:90以上。4. 文中不得出现真实校名,姓名。Dear editor ,Im a student of Senior Two .参考答案http:/www.DearEDU.com第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)120 略第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)单项选择 2125 ADABC2630 CDCAD3135 BDCDA完形填空 3640 DACBB4145 AACCB4650 ADDBA 5155 ACDBA第三部分 阅读理解(共16小题,5659每小题2分;6071每小题1分,满分20分)(A)5659 DBCD(B)6063 ACDA(C)6467 CABD(D)6871 CDAC第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分) 72. dodoing73. just前加was74. havehad 75. forgottenleft76. ThatIt77. 去掉of 78. have后加been79. saltysalt80. yourmy 81. 在did后加notDear editor ,Im a student of Senior Two . I think my parents should buy me a computer now .As we know , computers have been of great use and will be used more and more in our daily life . Besides computers are also helpful in our English learning . There are piles of learning softwear we can use . I dont see anything wrong for us to spend some time playing games . After all , we need something to enjoy ourselves . One more word , with computers we can get more information and get more knowledge . Dont you agree ?A readerDear editor ,Im a student of Senior Two . I dont think my parents should buy me a computer now . The students in my class are spending too much time on computer games . In my opinion there are many other ways to enjoy myself than playing computer games . If we dont put our hearts into our study , we might fail in the entrance examinations . Besides , if you get a computer and dont make full use of it , its just a waste of money . So I insist they not buy me a computer now . Dont you agree ?A reader


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