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20152016学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试出题人:通榆县明德 刘大军听力部分 30分 一、听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里(每小题1分,共10分)( )1. A. fisherman B. actress C. artist( )2. A. bikeB. bus C. busy( )3. A. do word puzzles B. collecting leaves C. going hiking( )4. A. comes fromB. come on C. comes out( )5. A. differentB. difference C. dictionary( )6. A. driveB. dive C. diving( )7. A. science museumB. post office C. bookstore( )8. A. fallB. four C. feel( )9. A. get onB. get off C. get to( )10. A. happyB. hobbyC. hospital二、听问句,选答语.每小题2分,共分( )1. A. Shes going this Saturday. B. Shes going by car. C. Shes going to the nature park.( )2. A. By plane. B. By car. C. By bus( )3. A. He lives in Canada. B. He likes playing the piano. C. He goes to school by taxi.( )4. A. He likes drawing. B. His hobby is swimming. C. Hes a doctor.( )5. A. You can a coach. B. You can a police offecer. C. You can a doctor.三、根据听音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,每空只填一词,共10分1、Excuse me. How can I get to the _ , please.2、I am going to buy some _ books. 3、Are the _ the same in every country.4、First, go _. Then at the cinema. The _ is on the .笔试部分 70分四、按要求写出词语。(10分) 1. 下周三 2.study(第三人称单数) 3.right (同音词) _4. pen pal (同义词) _ 5.hobby (复数)_ 6.visit(名词) 7.学习努力 8.保持健康 9.hear (同音词) 10.worry(形容词) 五、根据括号内的单词填写适当的形式,(10分) 1. She likes _(read) books.2. My father often _(watch) TV after supper.3. Tom and Alice _(like)listening to music.4. Amy _(not)g to school on the weekend5. Ifyoulikescience.Youcanbea.(science)六、单项选择 (10分)()1.Sarahgoingtosupermarketthisevening. A.areB.amC.is()2.-Wheredoeshework?-.A.Hishobbyispainting.B.Heworksinagym.C.Heisaheadteacher.()3. -What is Johns hobby?-_.A. I like drawing. B. He likes drawing. C. He like drawing. ()4.-Howhegotoschool? -Hetoschoolbybus. A.dogoesB.doesgoC.doesgoes()5.Dont.Youshouldtakeadeepbreath. A.happyB.afraidC.angry()6. Im going to _(buy) a story book.A. buyB.buysC.buying.( )7. You must _ at a red light. A. go B. wait C. Stop( )8. I live _ England _ my parents.A. and; in B. with; at C. in; with( )9.The hospital is _ the left. A. for B .in C. On ( )10. You must _ at a red light. A. go B. wait C. stop 七、(读一读,找答语) (5分)( )1.Where is the museum, please?( )2. How does Li Lin go to work?( )3. Where are you going this weekend?( )4. What does your father do?( )5. Are you going to the bookstore?A. He is a fisherman.B. Its near the school.C. Yes, we are.D. She goes to work by car.E. Im going to HongKong.八、连词成句(10分)1.his,is,afraid,he,father,of(.)2.mother,my,me,is,angry,with(.)3.goes,by,to,school,bus,Sarah(.)4.go,the,at,dont,red,light(.)5.do,you,to,come,school,how(?)九、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1.My aunt is a factory worker.(对画线部分提问)_ _ your aunt _ ?2.He goes to work by car. (对画线部分提问)_ _ he go to work?3.My grandpa lives in a small village. (改为一般疑问句)_ your grandpa _ in a small village ?4.He goes to school by the No.6 bus. (同义句)_, _ _.5.angry the mice The with cat is (.) (连词成句) .十、读短文,回答问题 (10分)MypenpalisLily.ShelivesinNewZealand(新西兰).ItsnexttoAustralia(澳大利亚).Sheisaquietgirl.Shelikesfootball.Shewantstobeafootballcoachinthefuture.Shegoestoschoolonfoot.Shehasabrother.HisnameisJill.Heisonlyfive.Helikessinging.Herfatherisabaseballplayer.Hermotherisareporter.SheworksinTVstation.Shelikesusingcomputers.Theybothgotoworkbycar.Theyareveryhappy. A.读一读,选一选()1.WhereisNewZealand?A.ItsnexttoAmerica.B.ItsnexttoAustralia.C.ItsnexttoChina.()2.Howdoesherparentsgotowork?A.Onfoot.B.Bybus.C.Bycar.()3.Wheredoeshermotherwork?A.Sheworksinastation.B.Sheworksinauniversity.C.Sheworksincinema.B.回答以下两个问题4.Whatdoesherfatherdo?5.- Whatdoyouwanttobeinthefuture?Why?-Iwanttobe.BecauseIlike.十一、写作(5分)假如你是XX,请介绍一下自己的家庭成员以及每个人的爱好,不少于5句话。 w W w . w W w .


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