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张洪学校20152016学年度第一学期五年级英语期末测试卷题号一二三四五六七八九等级得分一. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍的大小写(用标准手写体书写)。(每个0.5分,计10分) Ee Jj Qq Tt Xx 二英汉互译,写出下列短语的英语或汉语意思。(每个1分,计10分)1. do morning exercises 2.上课时间,学校 3. hurry up _ 4.伤心的_5. football team_ 6.咖啡_7. catch the ball_ 8.房间_9.go to bed_ 10.博物馆_三.从下面四个选项中找出不同类的单词,填在括号中(每个1分,计5分)( )1 A run B walk C play D goes( )2 A tea B coffee C rice D milk( )3. A. bored B. angry C. hear D.happy( )4 A shoes B hot dog C shorts D hat( )5. A useful B kind C bored D time四选择合适的词或短语填在横线上。(每个2分,计20分)skipped lost useful comes feeling boxes her when crayons drop1.box(复数形式) _ 2. skip(一般过去式)_3. use(形容词)_ 4. come(第三人称单数)_5. feel(现在分词) _ 6.lose(一般过去式)_ 7.win(同音异形词)_ 8.dropped(动词原型)_9.she(宾格)_ 10.crayon(复数形式)_五选择填空(每个2分,计20分)( )1. We _back last Sunday.A、come B came C comes( )2. This man is_. He cant hear.A、deaf B、 blind C、kind( )3. There _ many books on the desk.A、was B、is C、are( )4. He cant _ the ball well. A catch B catches C caught( )5. Does Daming have lunch at school? _ A Yes, he is. B No, he dont C Yes, he does( )6 I didnt win the game ,I feel _. A.bored B.happy C.sad( )7. I can play football _. A.good B.well C.bad( )8. _milk do you want? A. How much B. How many C. How ( )9.This girl is blind. The dog _ her.A help B helps C helped( )10.-_ does your school start? -At half past seven. A What time B What C Where 六,选择合适的答语连线。(5分) 1.How do you feel? A.Half a kilo.2.Can you run fast? B.He is in the kitchen.3.How much cheese did you buy? C.I get up at six oclock.4.Where is Daming? D.I feel happy.5.What time do you get up? E.Yes.I can.七、我会用漂亮的手写体抄写下列句子(每题2分,计10分)1. How much cheese did you buy? 2. How well do you play basketball? 3. There are too many books on the desk. 4. The dogs are very useful. 5. What time did the bell ring? 八、口语应用(10分)( )1、早上到学校后,和老师和同学打招呼时,说:A、Goodbye. B、Good morning. C、Good evening.( )2、经过了一天的学习,你非常的累,你会说:A、Im very happy. B、Im very,very tired.C、Im bored. ( )3、看到别人球打得好,说:A、You can play basketball well. B、Can you play football well?C、No,I cant.( )4.你想了解对方什么时候睡觉,你应该说:( )A. What do you get up ? B. When do you get up? C. What time do you go to bed?( )5.如果你不小心撞到了别人,你应说: ( )A.Its OK. B. Im sorry. C. Can you walk?九.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(每题2分,计10分)Dear friend,Im Jack. Im from England. I want to tell you something about me.I get up at 8:00 in the morning. Then, I go to school by school bus. School starts at 9:00. We have two lessons in the morning. I have lunch at 12:30. After that, we all play in the playground. I have one lesson in the afternoon. I go home at 3:00. I usually read books and watch TV. How about you?Love from,Jack( )1、Jack is from America.( )2、He goes to school by school bus.( )3、They play in the classroom.( )4、He usually plays basketball.( )5、He goes home at 6:00.


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