《 9AUnit2 MAin TAsk》教学案

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9A Unit2 Main Task 教学案课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义) When I reach the theme connected with coloring, I make a very fascinating discovery- Colors take on a broad significance when used linguistically. They are used to describe moods and they are often reflected in literature.By speaking specifically of the colors and the literary works, the former, in my opinion, look harmonious to the eye, while the latter, like music, is pleasing to the ear. We can make a full use of them to enrich our teaching resources. But both of them are beautiful in color and well matched in theme. Thus it reaches the acme of perfection. The current textbook Fun With English(牛津初中英语), as its name suggests, should have been full of fun. But to my disappointment, it is not up to its users expectations owing to its editorial principal of linguistic orientation. English ought to be at last studied for the enrichment of mind and culture. Nowadays students of the new age who no longer care for kindergarten stuff, have a great need for good reading matters in authentic English. I can safely say that reading for fun is something well worth experiencing and it can also provide food for writing. The use of the supplementary reading, which is tailor-made, brings about breadth of view and thought. Finding the prescribed work dull, the writing unrewarding and the students imagination blunted, I turn to the additional reading,one in a poem, the other in a prose, expecting the students to get a kick from. Fun with English is valued by its learners not only for the words and grammar that it might teach, but also for the fun that it gives. Therefore the study of English not merely is the learning of a foreign language but it means a necessary aspect of humanistic study. If we do away with it, we definitely do away with all that is worth while in English learning, what remains is empty husk lack of its kernel, bare chaff. The main theme of the unit color does give colors to the students. I try to stroke a light but a colorful tinge of art and literature on Main Task, it may not turn out to be a success though.English, as any other language in the world, is not just a grammatical structure or a lexical system, it is the outcome of a living form of expression. Linguists lay a stress on the need to see all the four skills as being complementary. The students can not learn to write well unless they are able to read widely and meaningfully. So the so-called passive skill of reading is essential to the development of writing. But writing is less easy to learn and teach. It may not be a problem when the students deal with short and simple sentences, but once they embark on longer sentences or more complicated ideas, their deficiency glaringly appears. Because they have used up all their accumulation of vocabulary and variety of expression,they can not advance a step further.In the group work, an individual student just writes short and simple sentences about the Task1 and Task2. Following suit, the others gradually lengthen their writings and make them more complex under the joint effort. Unlike Part1, the two tasks are set to explore their ideas and feelings, rather than just writing about facts.问题设计问题: Taking up the Main Task of this unit concerning reading and writing about color and mood, I confine myself to the following points:1、 Why read? A wide range of reading is the solid basis for writing. When the students read, they can linger on the passages and derive the fun from both images that the pages provide and the artistic language that they can obtain. Insufficient reading of literary English blunts their English writing. 2、 What to read? As far as English teaching is concerned, I feel I am quite informed of the students level of English and their reading habits. I am all for wide range reading. Not only should they have an enough dosage of text reading, but an occasional dip into poems and prose is necessary, for the latter can help to cultivate a sense of what is good English. And good English is no excuse for poor reading matter. Therefore I choose Maos poem and Longfellows First Snow which share the common theme of the unit. 3、 How to read? As for the short passages in the text, I call for the art of skipping or fast reading. I advocate a close reading for the Maos poem and Longfellows First Snow in which no single word can pass without a grasp of the exact meaning. Let the student get to know that the words, phrases and expressions in the poem and prose serve as stones and bricks for the construction of their writing. 4、 How to write? Reading goes before writing. But they are closely related. I adopt two kinds of writing-expository and expressive. The part1 and part2 of the textbook are mainly concerned with conveying information, and are therefore logical and rigid organized. While Maos poem and Longfellows prose aim at conveying thoughts and feelings, so they employ figures of speech and make use of imaginative description. By identifying the mode of writing, the students learn to judge which particular skills are required and to adapt the approaches accordingly. 教学构想及目标:知识目标:1. To know how colors are used to depict things and express moods. 2. To write a report about moods and colors and what they represent. 3. To present a report.能力目标:1. Cultivate the students artistic taste in the context of the units theme. 2. Poem-reading and prose-reading broadens the students literary scope and they learn how Mao and Longfellow convey the theme(colors vs mood)in an creative language.3. To learn to express how ones mood is affected by colors.情感目标: Learn to show sympathy to the blind, who have no sense of colors.教学重点: 1. To know how colors are used to depict things and express moods. 2. To write a report about moods and colors and what they represent. 3. To present a specially-designed report for the theme. 教学难点:1. To write a report about moods and colors and what they represent.2. A wide range of reading and a new reading matter pose a challenge to some readers. 教学方法:1. Task-based method with the aid of IT. A whiteboard is used to show colorful images and provide distinctive sounds. It helps to get the contents that the PPT carries across.2. A group-discussion is advocated. The students express their opinions and responses in a written form. It allows the teacher to help the students when necessary. The teacher can see who needs particular help in an interactive way. When discussing, one of the students in a group acts as secretary. He or she keeps full notes while the other students sort the notes and make them better.所需设备:Overhead Projector, audio/visual system and other kinds of media available.教师活动学生活动设计意图StepWarm-up: Writing through pictures. Explain the context. Students are working on a project about the relationship between colors and moods. They will look at pictures of people and assess their moods based on the colors they are wearing.Step .Colors in poem: Select the first part of Maos poemDABAIDI-To the tune of Buddhist Dancers. Learn the bilingual version of the poem for the comparative study of both Chinese and English. The PPT pictures carry a riot of red, yellow, green and blue,etc , stretching out into the rolling mountains.Step . Colors in prose:Present a picture in which a snow dresses the landscape in white.Step .A blind man and his colorless world.A wave of sympathy will wash over anyone that reads the picture. It surely will prompt the students to ask, with a sigh of grief: “What a poor blind man.”Students organize their thoughts and ideas by making a list. Students look at the picture carefully, then answer some questions. After answering them, they are required to work in groups to finish the report. Ss work in pairs to fill in the blanks.Task 11. Read Maos poem and complete the worksheet.ObjectColorMaos mood (which sentence reflects his mood?)rainbowskysetting sunhillsWhich effect does the rain take on?2. Rewrite the poem in prose. Describe all the objects in the worksheet and analyze Maos mood from a readers point of view.a. Read Maos poem and complete the Task1.b. Rewrite the poem in prose and analyze Maos mood from a students point of view.c. Group-discussion. Finish off a short passage writing based on colors and Maos moods.Task 21. Read Longfellows prose and complete the worksheet.ObjectColorChildrens mood(which sentence reflects their mood?)Snow skyriverhillsWhat effect does the sleigh-bell take on?2. Read the prose carefully. Describe all the objects in the worksheet.And from a readers point of view, how do you feel about the quietness and the whiteness in the prose?a.Read Longfellows prose and complete the Task2.b. Read the prose carefully. Describe all the objects in the chart and from a readers point of view, how do you feel about the quietness and the whiteness in the prose?Look at a PPT picture and ask the students the following questions:a. Imagine what a blind mans life would be?b. Write his feelings and the challenges he may face.This process aims at reviewing the basic vocabulary and structures of this unit. The students get to know the colors and what they represent. Maos poem reflects vividly and artistically the time when the first civil war broke out between the CPC and the KMT. The poem serves as the background to the knowledge of history the students will learn in Grade Three. What is more, the poem well illustrates Maos mood which can be seen in the personification of the rainbow. Apparently Maos mood is affected byevents and objects around him. For example, the western sky (the setting sun) is full of red clouds (see ppt pictures). It looks like it is on fire. It signifies Maos earnest passion for Chinese revolution.3.The prose gives an objective and true-to-life description of a white world.The writer expresses the desperately slow passing of things in country life in winter by creating contrastive rhythm of childrens dynamic vitality and that of surroundings seclusive silence.4. We live in a world full of all kinds of matter that are rich and colorful. Sight is the God-sent gift to us. So we are endowed with a world of a riot of colors. A blind man lives in a colorless world, a world of darkness. This process aims to cultivate the students sympathy for the blind and learn to think in their shoes.附1.小组活动评价表: Project:Project Initiator:member:class:contents Group AssessmentTeachers AssessmentTheme(practicability)procedure(suitability)Achievement(creativity)Self-Reflection:Teachers Evaluation:General Evaluation on Co-work Studies:附2. Presentation Assessment for Main Task WritingGrade._Student No._Name_ _Title:_ Score_Assessment ItemsStructure (30%)IntroductionBodyClosureContent (50%)RelevanceReasoningEvidence of ResearchUsage and Expression (20%)VocabularyCohesive DeviceAppropriate RegisterSentence StructureKey notes for the presentation: (copy and paste your writing here in no more than 80words)


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