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初二期末英语试卷(上)一 语音:找出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的词(5%)1Acall B. half C. tall D. ball2Ameal B. sea C. piece D. bread3Agood B. look C. book D. mooncake4Apopular B. far C. farm D. park5Adown B. know C. row D.throw二.单项选择1.Li Yings father likes _books _night. A.to read,in B.seeing,in the C.read,at D.reading,at2.How many _do they have every morning?A.lesson B.lessons C.class D.classes3.There is going to _football game next week. A.be B.have C.has D.is4.Who_on the bus?Jim is. A.getting B.is getting C.does getting D.gets5.Lets find out the answer _the question. A.of B.to C.about D.for6.Kate keeps the door_,and I cant go in. A.close B.closed C.closing D.to close7.There is_milk in this bottle than that one. A.much more B.a few more C.many more D.much more8.The police station is about two kilometres_. A.long B.form C.far D.away9.Are you good at_maps? Yes, I am. A.read B.reading C.see D.seeing10.My father gets back at a quarter past five. A.home B.school C.house D.factory11.Usually I_the No.7 bus to school. A.catch B.get C.sit D.by12.Please _me your English exercise this afternoon. A.take B.taking C.bring D.to bring13._do you get to school early?Sometimes. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How soon14.Its daugerous.Dont too high. A.to climb B.climb C.climbs D.climbing15 _did you live here? For about two years. A.When B.How long C.Why D.How often16.Mr Black found_in Toronto last year. A.works B.work C.a work D.an work17.Which is the eleventh month of the year? _ A.January B.November C.December D.August18.How many hours _sport do you do every week? A.for B.of C.to D.in19.There is_orange in the bottle. A.a little B.a few C. many D.a lot20.Does Jim enjoy_basketball? A.playing B.plays C.to play D.played21.He is a friend of _. A.my B.me C.mine D.I22.You clean your classroom everday, _you? A.do B.dont C.are D.arent23.Who is _of the two? A.young B.the younger C.younger D.the youngest24.I can see he bananas,but I cant _them. A.reach B.to reach C.reaching D.reach to25.She likes to help her mother _. A.cleans the house B.clean housework C.with the housework D.for the housework26.You must _at home. A.stay B.stayed C.staying D.to stay27.He was born _February2,1979. A.in B.on C.at D.of28. _does he do? He is a teacher. A.What B.Who C. Whose D.Why29.I _a new coat last month. A.bought B.buy C.am going to buy D.am to buy30. _sun looks red. A.the B.A C.The D./三 完形填空(10%)In England people (1) talk very much.You can go on a bus, or(2) a train, and everyone sits looking(3) the window.Often they read.They read books and papers.But they dont talk (4) .When you meet English people, they often talk about a thing-the (5) .(6) when you meet someone in England, you can say:“Nice weather (7) the time of year!”“But it was (8) cold yesterday.” Someone may answer,“But it got a bit warmer later!” You can say, Talk (9) this,and the English will think,“How (10) you are!”1. A.cant B.often C.dont like to D.like2. A.over B.take C.on D.by3. A.through B.at C.from D.out of4. A.well B.more C.a little D.much5. A.work B.money C.weather D.food6. A.So B.Or C.But D.And7. A.in B.for C.on D.at8. A.even B.a little C.more D.much9. A.for B.about C.as D.like10. A.interesting B.politely C.friendly D.well四 阅读理解(20%)One day, school is over, Xiao Li is waiting for a school bus.The bus is stopping at the school gate.He is getting on the bus, and taking a seat.In a minute, the bus is coming to the next stop.Two old women are sitting at the bus stop. One is in black, the other is in blue.Now, they are getting on the bus. Xiao Li is saying to the women,“Please take this seat.”The woman in black has his seat.The woman in blue is standing behind him and saying,“Can I sit here for a minute?” “Sorry!”Xiao Li says.“Oh, who is the woman in black?” The woman in blue asks.Xiao Li answers:“Aha! She is my uncle and my fathers mother.She is also my aunt and my uncles mother,too.She is my granny.So you cant sit here.”1.What are the two women doing at the bus stop? They are _. A.reading B.sitting C.standing D.talking2.The woman is Xiao Lis grandmother. A.in blue B.in black C.waiting for a school-bus D.standing behind him3.What does the woman in black say to Xiao Li? _.A. Can I sit here for a moment?B. Please take this seat.C. Sorry. D. She says nothing,.4.The woman in black is _. A.Xiao Lis granny B.Xiao Lis fathers granny C.We dont know D.Xiao Lis uncles granny5.Xiao Li gives his seat to . A.his father B.his uncle C.his granny D.his aunt BLast Saturday Li Hongs family went to see her grandparents.They had dumplings for supper that evening.There was meat and vegetables inside the dumplings. The dumplings were delicious. But Li Ming didnt have any because he didnt like eating dumplings .He had some noodles with chicken .He liked chicken very much,but he didnt like meat at all.That evening they had a nice meal.After supper they had some fruit. Grandfather and Grandmother had bananas.Father and mother had oranges. The children had pears. What a good time they had!6.How many people are there in Li Hongs family? _. A.two B.three C.five D.six7.We can see that Li Ming is Li Hongs _. A.brother B.friend C.sister D.mother8.Li Ming had_for supper. A.pears B.noodles C.meat D.dumplings9.What kind of fruit did the children have after supper? _. A.Pears B.Bananas C.Oranges D.Apples10.Father and mother had _for supper. A.oranges B.meat C.dumplings D.noodles五 英汉互译(10%)1Animal_2.building_3.example _4.practise _5.worse_6.通常_ 7英式足球_8.表格_9.千米_ 10.饥饿的 _ 六 用所给动词的正确形式填空(10%)1.Look!How happily they _(dance)!2.I want _(have) a bottle of orange.3.Where Ann _(go)? Shes going to the zoo.5.Stop _(talk).Listen to the teacher. 6.Its nice_(see) you.7.What the girls often _(do) in the afternoon? They often _(play) games. 七 句型转换(15%)1. He is working now(同义句转换)He is _,_now.2. 那位穿白衣服的妇女想再买些鱼.The woman _wanted to buy fish.3. Her parents were busy yesterday.(用 free组成选择疑问句) _her parents busy _ _yesterday. 4.你多久上学迟到一次? _ _are you _ _school ?5明天为何不去划船呢? _ _go boating tomorrow?


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