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仙游县2009-2010学年上学期第二教研片区期末联考七年英语试题(实验班)(时间:120分钟,满分150分)第一部分 听力 (30分)I根据你所听到的内容,选择相符的图画。(5分)( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4. A B C( )5. A B CII听句子,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1、A. How do you do ?B. How are you ?C. Fine, thanks.( )2、A. He is Mr. Green B. He is a man. C. He is a doctor( )3、A. Its mine B. They are mineC. Its my.( )4、A. No, thanksB. Thats all right.C. Thats right.( )5、A. Yes, he isnt B. Yes, he is at schoolC. No, he isntIII听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1、A. In the carB. On the car C. We dont know( )2、A.4:40 B.5:10C:5:20( )3、A. Eleven.B. Twelve.C. Thirteen.( )4、A. Jack and Lily.B. Lily and LucyC. Lucy and Jack( )5、Its red B. Its yellow C. Its green.IV听短文,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1、Mr. Green comes from _.A. CanadaB. EnglandC. America( )2、Mr. Green can speak _ Chinese.A. a lot of B. some C. much( )3、_ Mr. Green goes to Chinese classes.A. Every week B. Everyday C. Every morning( )4、Mr. Green has _.A. a son B. a daughter C. a son and a daughter( )5、The children and their father go to _.A. the same school B. different schools C. the same shopV听对话,填入所缺的单词,每空一词。(10分)Mary: What do you want to 1 .Tom: Id like to have a hamburger and some chicken.Mary: So you want any 2 .Tom: No, I dont like it.Mary: Then, 3 to have some fish?Tom: I dont like fish, either.Mary: What 4 some eggs.Tom: Ok. I like eggs.Mary: 5 yourself.Tom: Thank you.第二部分 英语知识运用 (80分)I、单项选择。(15分)( )1、-Is Mr Lee_English teacher? -Yes, _is.A、your;heB、her;sheC、you;he( )2、Look! Lily has a big head _ short hair.A、atB、inC、with( )3、-Whos that?-_.A、Im B、This is Sally C、Im from Shanghai( )4、She doesnt like Chinese_.A、at all B、a little C、much( )5、-What _ you _ to eat? -Hamburger, please.A、does ;like B、would; likes C、would; like( )6、-I want _. -Here you are?A、two pieces of breadB、two piece of bread C、two bread( )7、-Wherere _ Johns? -Theyre at _ supermarket.A、I ; the B、the ; the C、I ; a( )8、-Your English is very good. -_.A、Not at all B、Youre right C、Thank you( )9、May I _ your_ , sir?A、find; order B、take; order C、carry; bill( )10、Its good _ you to go out _after supper every.A、for ; to a walk B、to; to a walk C、for ; for a walk( )11、What about _ shopping _ me?A、going ;to B、to go ; for C、going ; with( )12、Its five oclock . Its time _.A、to go to home B、to go home C、go home( )13、-Do you want _ milk? -Yes, that would be nice.A、any B、some C、a( )14、-whose cap is this? Its _.A、hers B、her C、him( )15、I want _ rice , please?A、two kilos B、half a kilo C、two kilos of II 、口语应用。(15分)(A)、从右栏句子中找到与左栏句子相对应的答语。5分I( )1、What does your mother do?( )2、Would you like some fish?( )3、What color do you like?( )4、Does he speak English?( )5、Lets go to the zoo?II A、Pink and blue.B、No, he doesnt .C、Good idea.D、She is a doctor .E、No thanks. (B)、选择方框中的句子填在横线上,补全对话。(10分)A、Nice to meet you , too C、Whats your name? .E、Oh, Im a teacher B、Yes, I do. D、Im a doctorA、Excuse me. Are you Mr. Clerk?B、No, Im Mr. Jackson . 1 .A、My name is Tom .Nice to meet you.B、 2 .A、What do you do ?B、 3 . I work in No .1 Hospital of our city.A、Do you like your work?B、 4 . I like Chinese medicine (中医)very much .What about you?A、 5 . I teach English in No 4 Middle school of Putian.III 、完形填空。(10分)Shirley is eleven years old. 1 birthday(生日) is on February 8. She lives 2 her family in Nantong. On weekdays, she gets up 3 six thirty. She has a hamburger and a glass of milk 4 breakfast and then goes to school. Classes start(开始) at eight oclock, and she has 5 at twelve. Shirley plays ball games at three thirty. She 6 home at five oclock. 7 Sundays, Shirley doesnt get up early(早). She gets up at about eight, and 8 breakfast for her family. Her father 9 mother like to 10 coffee after getting up.( ) 1. A. SheB. HerC. HersD. His( ) 2. A. inB. atC. onD. with( ) 3. A. atB. on C. in D. for( ) 4. A. inB. atC. onD. for( ) 5. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. dinner ( ) 6. A. get to B. gets to C. get D. gets( ) 7. A. OnB. InC. AtD. With( ) 8. A. doesB. hasC. cooksD. gives( ) 9. A. andB. withC. orD. of( ) 10. A. drinkB. eatC. cookD. waitVI、阅读理解。(40分)(A)I have a classmate, Jeff Green. He is English. He is now in Shanghai. His father and mother work there, too. They are both English teachers. Every day his father takes him to school. Sometimes he goes to school by bike. They like China and Chinese food. We are good friends. This winter holiday (寒假) theyll go back home.( ) 1 Jeff comes from _.A. JapanB. AmericaC. EnglandD. Brazil( ) 2. Are Jeff And “I” in the same class? A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know. D. All right.( )3. Jeffs parents work in _.A. a hospital B. an office C. a farm D. school( ) 4Who takes Jeff to school every day?A. His mother B. His father C. His sister D. His uncle( )5. This winter holiday they will go to _.A. London B. Beijing C. New York D. Toronto(B)On Sunday Kangkang goes out for a picnic with his friends. Marias pet dog goes, too .They take some food there. Jane likes singing very much. She wants Kangkang to go sing a song with her, but he has no time. Kangkang has to cook .Wang ping and Michael would like to help him. Steve carries water for them. And Maria flies a kite with her pet dog .They are all very happy!根据短文内容,判断正(T),误(F)( )1、Kangkang goes out for a picnic with his classmates.( )2、Jane wants Kangkang to sing a song.( )3、Maria and the pet dog fly a kite.( )4、Wang ping would like to carry water.( )5、They are very sad.(C)It is Sunday today(今天). Anna goes shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy her a new coat. In a shop, she finds a green coat. She tries it on. Its too small. She wants a big one, but the big one is not green. Anna doesnt like other(其他) colors.“Lets go to another(另外的) shop to have a look.”her mother says. Then they go to another shop. It is big and there are many kinds of coats in different colors and sizes(尺码). Anna tries on a green one. It looks nice on her. So they take it for forty-five yuan.( )1. Anna goes shopping with her _.A. motherB. fatherC. friendsD. sister( )2. Anna wants a new _.A. shirtB. skirtC. coatD. dress( )3. The first one for Anna is too _.A. longB. bigC. shortD. small( )4. _ is Annas favorite color.A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. Yellow( )5. The new coat is _ yuan.A .55 . .(D)Come and see the Indian elephants and new tigers from the The lions are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting for you, the cute dogs from England are waiting to laugh at(嘲笑) you, and the pandas are waiting to look at you.Tickets(门票) Opening time(开放时间)Grown-ups(成人):29:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. On FridayChildren: Over12 1Under12 Free 10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. On Sunday Keep the zoo clean(保持干净)!Do not touch, give food or go next to the animals.根据上面广告内容,回答下列问题。( )1. How many kinds of animals are in the passage?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.( )2. A child under (以下) 12 can go to the zoo _.A. with a ticket of1B. with a ticket of2C. freely( )3. Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10 on Sunday, howmuch are the tickets?A.2B.3C.4( )4. Which of the following is the visiting time?A. 8:00 a.m. Monday (周一)B. 9:30 a.m. Friday (周五)C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday ( )5. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the fish.B. To take some nice photos.C. To put things everywhere.第三部分 写 (40分)I用所给词的适当形式填空:(6分)1Why not _ (come) and have a look.2Please give these _ (knife) to them.3Thank you for _ (tell) me about it.4Dick wants _ (see) the fat mouse.5There are three _ (hundred) and sixty- five days in a year.6Kangkang has a cat . _ (it) name is Mimi.II根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。(6分)1 What do you _ _ (认为) the book?2I think the boy _ _ (穿绿衣服)is Kangkang.3_ a _(请稍等), please.4We _ _(空闲的)on Sunday.5She _ _ (不得不) look after her sister.6-Dont forget to bring to your guitar. -_ _.(好吧)III任务型阅读。(5分)Miss Wang is my English teacher. She is not tall, but she is very. beautiful (漂亮). She is kind to us like a mother, she often helps us with our English. So our English is good.判断正(T),误(F)。( ) 1.Miss Wang is my mother.写出的同义句。2_.翻译.3_.第句划线部分提问.4_.给文章起个小标题.5_.IV根据首字母提示及文意完成短文。(8分)We have two new students in our school .They are from Canada. They s 1 English. They look the s 2 . Their n 3 are Lily and Lucy. They live with t 4 parents. There are four people in their f 5 . Their father and mother are t 6 . They have milk and eggs f 7 breakfast. They say they want to v 8 Beijing. They like China very much.V书面表达。(15分)A看图写话,根据图画及提示词,写出恰当的句子,(每图一句)(5分) 1Aunt, teacher, Chinese. _ 2He, have, wide, mouth, small, ear._ 3Lucy, pen pal, be from. _ _ 4What time, your mother, usually, go to bed. _ _ 5They, like, have a picnic, very much. _ _B根据提示写一段短文,50-60个单词。(10分)提示:Lucy,女,14岁,英国人。现住在北京,在北京一中读中,她英文讲得很好,她常常帮助我们学习英语,我们帮她学习汉语。她最喜欢的食物是鸡肉、鱼肉,她也喜欢喝牛奶,她非常喜欢中国的食物。我们经常在周日和她一起出去野餐和放风筝。提示词: be from, Beijing No. 1 Middle School, speak English well, have a picnic,favorit food, fly a kite, on Sundays仙游县2009-2010学年上学期第二教研片区期末联考七年英语答案(实验班)第一部分:听力。(30分)I 1_A_ 2_B_ 3_C_ 4_A_ 5_C_II 1_C_ 2_C_ 3_A_ 4_B_ 5_C_III1_A_ 2_C_ 3_B_ 4_C_ 5_C_IV1_B_ 2_B_ 3_A_ 4_C_ 5_B_V 1have 2bread 3why 4about 5Help第二部分:英语知识运用。(80分)I1_A_ 2_C_ 3_B_ 4_A_ 5_C_ 6_A_ 7_B_ 8_C_ 9_B_ 10_C_11_C_ 12_B_ 13_A_ 14_A_ 15_C_II(A) 1_D_ 2_E_ 3_A_ 4_B_ 5_C_ (B) 1_C_ 2_A_ 3_D_ 4_B_ 5_E_III1_B_ 2_D_ 3_A_ 4_D_ 5_D_ 6_B_ 7_A_ 8_C_ 9_A_ 10_A_IV(A) 1_C_ 2_A_ 3_D_ 4_B_ 5_A_(B)1_F_ 2_T_ 3_T_ 4_F_ 5_F_(C)1_A_ 2_C_ 3_D_ 4_B_ 5_B_(D)1_B_ 2_C_ 3_B_ 4_C_ 5_B_第三部分:写。(40分)I1come 2knives 3telling 4to see 5hundred 6Its II1think of 2in green 3Just /Wait moment 4are free 5has to 6All rightIII1F 2She is short 3她经常帮助我们学英语 4How is your English? 5My English teacher. IV1speak 2same 3names 4their 5family 6teachers 7for 8visit V(A)1略

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