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小学英语六年级下册复习要点分析及方法对于六年级的老师和学生来说,大约还有九课时的复习时间,面对时间紧、任务多的这一情况,我们要做到复习具有针对性和实效性。现将复习要点归纳如下:重点单词重点句型知识点Unit 13talent show,guitar player,participate,drum,band,best singer,interesting,best,practice,tooyoung,sound,pianist,bring,piano,turn,winner,prize,lookdown,mistake,proud of,need,without,agree with,had betterWhy dont you play the guitar?I dont want to participate in the show by myself.Whos the best singer?Xiaoxiao sings the best.What are you doing?We are practicing for the talent show.We need a pianist ,don,t we?Lets give her a big hand.How was the talent show?It was not bad.1. 反身代词2. 现在进行时3. 简单的形容词的最高级 Unit4turn up,a quarter,turn down,volumeaddress,phonenumber,usually,always,pizza,order, never,sometimes,What do you want for lunch?How about a pizza?We usually eat pizza on Sunday.Could you tell me your address?有关频率的词Unit5cheese pizza,size,by one twenty,turnoff,slice,too much,large,kind,pair,piece,bread,What kind of pizza do you want?How many slices of pizza do you want?What size do you want?How long will it take to get here?量词的用法Unit6parents,miss,visit,Pack,send,leave,kind,someday,finish,keep in touch,zip code,returnI have something to tell you.When are you leaving?You were very kind to me.I hope you can visit me someday.Did you finish packing?finish的用法Unit7mail,aloud,windy,Envelope,weather,wait for,inside,during, letter,vacation, fruit,picture, turkeyIs there any mail for me?There is a letter from Jenny.Whats the weather like there?Its a little windy.some和any的用法.复习形式:一、听力(35分)二、 单词1根据图片提示,将给出的字母重新排列,组成与图意相符的单词。例:igturaguitar2、根据汉语提示,补全单词。 例:假期 v_cat_on三、词组1、 将英语词组和对应的汉语意思连线。例:turn up 以为荣proud of 把音量调大2、 给英语词组选择对应的汉语释意或图片。例:(B)look down ( A)too young ( C)turn down太小了看起来消沉把音量调小A B. C.3、给出汉语提示,将英语词组补充完整。例:电话号码 phone number四、 单项选择:要注意针对知识点、时态、介词、动名词、动词的单数第三人称形式和固定搭配的短语进行练习。例:1Jenny _a letter to you .A.write B.wrote C.writing2.I agree_you. A.of C.with3.Im good _playing the drums. A.for C.to五、阅读理解1、阅读短文,判断给出的句子的正误。2、读短文,将给出的句子补充完整。例:Xiaoxiao is on the phone ordering pizza for lunch。He tells the clerk that they would like to have a cheese pizza。Qiaoqiao shouts at Xiaoxiao to order a large pizza.(1) The children would like to have a cheese pizza.(2) Qiaoqiao shouts at Xiaoxiao to order a large pizza.六、句子(注意标点和字母的大小写)1、连词成句。2、将给出的句子重新排序,使之构成句意连贯通顺的短文。(3)Isnt that too much for you?(2)Five pieces ,please.(1)How many pieces of cake do you want?(4)No! I can eat that much.(5)Do you want one more piece?(6)No,Im full.I cant eat any more.另外,建议大家还要抽出一课时的时间带领学生复习一下上一册书的单词和课文。

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