南京大学课程描述Course DescriptionNanjing University 学生姓名: Name: 学号:0000000000000Student ID.: 00000000000专业:计算机科学与技术(计算机科学与技术方向)Specialty: Computer Science and Technology 学期 1-1Term 1-1毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论:Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System Introduction 学分6.0Credit: 6.0学时: 48Hours: 48课程内容:是一门思想政治理论课,其主要任务是帮助学生学习毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系的基本内容,帮助学生理解毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系是马克思主义的基本原理与中国实际相结合的两次伟大的理论成果。内容包括:马克思主义中国化的历史进程和理论成果、马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓、新民主主义革命理论、社会主义改造理论、社会主义的本质和根本任务、社会主义初级阶段理论等等。Content: This is an ideological and political course which helps students to learn the basic contents of MAO Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System, and understand that is great theoretical achievements in the integration of basic principle of Marxism and Chinese reality. This course introduces historical progressing, theoretical achievement and essentials of Sinicization of Marxism, new-democratic revolution theory, socialism nature and ultimate goal, as well as theory of the socialism primary stage 大学英语(一)College English 1学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:64Hours: 64课程内容:该课程以范文为基础,涵盖听,说,读,写四个方面,结合词汇和语法讲解,旨在提高大学生的英语综合能力,以达到英语四级的水平。Content: The course based on model essays, covering listening, speaking, reading and writing, combined with vocabulary and grammar explanations, aimed at improving students English ability in order to achieve the level of CET four.工程数学(一)微积分Engineering Mathematics 1 Calculus 学分:5.0Credit: 5.0学时:96Hours: 96课程内容:工程数学(1)微积分,内容包括函数与极限、导数与微分、不定积分与定积分、级数、空间解析几何、偏微分学、重积分、曲线积分、曲面积分理论和广义积分,着眼于基本概念、基本原理和基本方法,强调直观性和应用背景Content: The Calculus includes function, limit, derivative, differential, indefinite integral, definite integral, series, space analytical geometry, differential calculus, multiple integral, curved line calculus, surface integral and improper integral. This course focuses on basic concept, principle and method, and pays attention to intuition and application background. 体育(一)Physical Education(1)学分: 1.0Credit:1.0学时: 32Hours: 32课程内容:全面地阐述了体育运动与健康的基本理论知识,如体育运动对人体生理和心理活动的影响、运动损伤的预防与处理、一些常见疾病的预防、运动处方的制定等,并对一些基本的体育技能作了详尽的描述,使学生在了解基本理论的基础上,能科学地进行体育锻炼,提高自己的运动能力,掌握常见运动创伤的处置方法。Content: This course introduces basic theories on sports and health including influences of sports in peoples physiology and psychology status, prevention and resolution in case of sports injury, prevention from regular illness, formulation of sports prescription. It also introduces basic sports skills to help students launch exercise scientifically, improve sports ability and to handle regular sports injury. 程序设计基础(C语言)Program Design Fundamental (C Language)学分4.0Credit: 4.0学时: 96Hours: 96课程内容:以标准C为框架,以Visual C+6.0为编程环境,按照紧扣基础和面向应用的原则,介绍了C语言程序设计的基本规范、思路和方法。从培养学生的实际编程能力出发,注重实例教学和实践练习,突出重点讲解和难点分析.Content: Framed by Standard C, within the Visual C+6.0 programming environment, this course introduces the basic standard, ideas and method of C language programming according to the foundation and application principle. Starting from cultivating the practical programming ability, it pays attention to the case study and practice exercise, especially on the analysis of key points. 数字逻辑及数字系统实验Digital Logic and Digital System Experiment学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:配合数字逻辑及数字系统课程,以实验的方式培养学生分析和设计数字电路系统的动手能力。Content: Cooperated with digital logic and digital system, this course cultivates students operational ability in analyzing and designing digital circuit system by experiment. 数字逻辑及数字系统Digital Logic and Digital System学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:本课程的教学目的是使学生掌握数字逻辑与系统的基本工作原理、基本分析方法和基本应用技能,使学生能够对各种基本逻辑单元进行分析和设计,学会使用标准的集成电路和可编程逻辑器件,并初步具备根据实际要求应用这些单元和器件构成简单数字电子系统的能力,为后续专业课程的学习奠定坚实的基础。Content: This course enables students to acquire the digital logic and system basic operating principle, analysis method and application skills. It helps students to analyze and design various basic logic units, learn to use standard integratedcircuit and programmable logic device. According to practical needs, the students can apply such units and device to constitute simple digital electronic system; so that to laid solid foundation for further specialty study. 计算机导论Introduction to Computer学分:3.0Credit: 3.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:计算机科学与技术专业本科生的一门先导课程。主要讲述计算机科学的特点,历史渊源,发展变化,知识组织结构和分类体系。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解计算机科学的意义、内容及研究方法;了解算法、数据存储、计算机硬件基础、操作系统、网络、程序设计语言、数据结构、软件工程、数据库、信息安全等领域中的基本概念;形成基本的计算机实验与应用能力。Content: This is the header course for computer science and technology major. It introduces the computer sciences characteristics, history, development, and knowledge frame and classification system. This course enables students to know the meaning, content and research method of computer science, the basic concept in calculation, data storage, computer hardware foundation, operation system, network, programming language, data construction, software engineering, database, information security and so on, to form basic computer experiment and application ability. 学期1-2Term1-2体育(二)Physical Education(2)学分: 1.0Credit: 1.0学时: 32Hours: 32课程内容:全面地阐述了体育运动与健康的基本理论知识,如体育运动对人体生理和心理活动的影响、运动损伤的预防与处理、一些常见疾病的预防、运动处方的制定等,并对一些基本的体育技能作了详尽的描述,使学生在了解基本理论的基础上,能科学地进行体育锻炼,提高自己的运动能力,掌握常见运动创伤的处置方法。Content:This course introduces basic theories on sports and health including influences of sports in peoples physiology and psychology status, prevention and resolution in case of sports injury, prevention from regular illness, formulation of sports prescription. It also introduces basic sports skills to help students launch exercise scientifically, improve sports ability and to handle regular sports injury. 军事理论与军事高科技Military Theory and Technology学分:2.0 Credit: 2.0学时:32Hours: 32课程内容:军事科学的定义及其研究对象军事思想概述毛泽东军事思想侦查监视技术军事高端技术概述。Content:The definition of military science and its study object, overview of military thought, Mao Zedongs military thinking, investigative surveillance technology, overview of military high-end technology. 工程数学(2)复变函数 积分变换 线性代数 数值方法Engineering Mathematics 2 Complex Function, Integral Transformation, Linear Algebra, Numerical Method 学分:5.0Credit: 5.0学时:96Hours: 96课程内容:第2册内容包括复变函数、积分变换(傅里叶积分变换和拉普拉斯积分变换)、线性代数以及数值方法。本书在编写过程中力求做到以应用为目的,以“必须、够用”为原则,以讲清概念和方法为前提,强调应用为重点,在保留传统体系的基础上力求创新,特别注重应用Content: This course included complex function, integral transformation (Fourier integral transformation and Laplace integral transformation), linear algebra and numerical method. On the principle of necessary and sufficient, this course clarifies concept and method, and pays attention to application. On the basis of traditional system, it strives for innovations. 大学英语(二)College English 2学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:64Hours: 64课程内容:该课程以范文为基础,涵盖听,说,读,写四个方面,结合词汇和语法讲解,旨在提高大学生的英语综合能力,以达到英语四级的水平。Content: The course based on model essays, covering listening, speaking, reading and writing, combined with vocabulary and grammar explanations, aimed at improving students English ability in order to achieve the level of CET four.马克思主义基本原理Basic Principle of Marxism学分:3.0Credit: 3.0学时:32Hours: 32课程内容:世界的物质性及其发展规律,事物的普遍联系与发展,客观规律性与主观能动性Content: It focus on the materialism of the world and its development law, the general relationship and development of things, objectiveregularity and subjective initiative. 普通物理实验General Physics Experiment学分:2.0Credit: 2.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:普通物理实验是非物理专业的必修课程,是学生进入大学后受到系统试验方法和实验技能训练的开端。通过一定数量的普物实验,使学生在物理实验的基本知识、基本方法和基本技能方面受到较系统的训练。Content: This is the compulsory course for non-physics major, as the beginning for students in systematic testing method and experiment skills training. A certain number of general physics experiment can help students get a systematic training in physics experiment knowledge, method and skills. 计算机组成原理Computer Composition Principle学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:64Hours: 64课程内容:主要学习计算机科学与技术方面的基本理论和基本知识,接受从事研究与应用计算机的基本训练,具有研究和开发计算机系统的基本能力。Contents: The students learn the basic theory and knowledge of computer science and technology, receive the basic training in computer research and application, to get ability to explore computer system. 高级程序设计(C+)Advanced Program Design (C+)学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:80Hours: 80课程内容:本课程为高级语言程序设计的入门课程,完全针对零起点的学生,可作为其他信息类相关课程的基础课。目标是使学生通过本课程的学习,掌握面向对象程序设计的基本概念和方法、C+ 的基本语法和编程方法;学会使用集成开发环境;掌握程序调试方法;初步了解常用数据结构和非数值算法;初步了解C+标准模板库的使用方法。Content: Its an access course for advanced language programming, for students from zero, and is also foundation course for other information related courses. This course enables students to acquire the basic concept and method of programming design, the basic grammar and programming method of C+, learn to use intergrated development environment, acquire the debugging method, and touch the common data structure and non-numerical algorithm, and learn to use C+ standard template library. 学期2-1Term 2-1思想道德与法律基础Moral Education and Law Basis学分:3.0Credit: 3.0学时:32Hours: 32课程内容:以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”和“树立社会主义荣辱观”的重要思想为指导,注重对当代大学生进行思想道德修养和法律的教育。内容包括大学生活和人生发展,保持身心健康和建立和谐的人际关系,创造有价值的精彩人生,弘扬民族精神和爱国主义传统,加强自我道德修养,遵守社会公德、家庭美德和职业道德,增强法律意识和树立法治精神,我国的宪法精神与法律制度。 Content: This course is instructed by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Representatives” and “set socialistic honor and disgrace concept” important thoughts, pays attention to ideology and law education for modern college students. This course includes college life and life development, maintaining physical and mental health and the establishment of harmonious interpersonal relationships, creating valuable life, carrying forward the national spirit and patriotic tradition, strengthening self moral accomplishment, abiding by social morality family virtue and professional ethics, strengthening the legal consciousness and set ting up the rule of law spirit, the constitution spirit and legal system. 大学英语(三)College English 3学分:4.0Credit: 4.0学时:64Hours: 64课程内容:该课程以范文为基础,涵盖听,说,读,写四个方面,结合词汇和语法讲解,旨在提高大学生的英语综合能力,以达到英语四级的水平。Content: The course based on model essays, covering listening, speaking, reading and writing, combined with vocabulary and grammar explanations, aimed at improving students English ability in order to achieve the level of CET four.体育(三)Physical Education(3)学分: 1.0Credit:1.0学时: 32Hours: 32课程内容:全面地阐述了体育运动与健康的基本理论知识,如体育运动对人体生理和心理活动的影响、运动损伤的预防与处理、一些常见疾病的预防、运动处方的制定等,并对一些基本的体育技能作了详尽的描述,使学生在了解基本理论的基础上,能科学地进行体育锻炼,提高自己的运动能力,掌握常见运动创伤的处置方法。Content: This course introduces basic theories on sports and health including influences of sports in peoples physiology and psychology status, prevention and resolution in case of sports injury, prevention from regular illness, formulation of sports prescription. It also introduces basic sports skills to help students launch exercise scientifically, improve sports ability and to handle regular sports injury. 工程数学(3)概率统计 离散数学Engineering Mathematics 3 Probability Statistics, Discrete Mathematics学分:5.0Credit: 5.0学时:96Hours: 96课程内容:本课程包含概率与统计和离散数学两部分内容。其中概率与统计部分包括概率论的基础知识、条件概率与事件的独立性、随机变量及其分布、二维随机变量及其分布、随机变量的函数及其分布、随机变量的数字特征、统计基础、统计量和抽样分布、参数估计、假设检验;离散数学部分包括数理逻辑、集合、关系与函数、代数系统、图论。Content: This course includes two parts: probability statistics and discrete mathematics. The former contains the basic knowledge of probability, conditional probability and independence of events, random variables and probability distribution, 2D random variables and probability distribution, random variables functions and distribution, digital features of random variables, statistic basics, statistical magnitude and sampling distribution, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing;. The discrete mathematics contains mathematical logic, set, relationship and function, algebra system and graph theory. 计算机组成原理实验Computer Composition Principle Experiment学分:1.0Credit: 1.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:本课程是计算机科学与技术一门专业必修课,它的目的是使学生了解计算机系统的硬件和软件构成方法,掌握其硬件系统中运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备的实现方法。培养学生分析和设计计算机各部件的能力,特别是动手能力,使学生做到理论与实践相结合、硬件与软件相结合,逐步达到能运用理论知识设计一些性能良好的指令系统,提高自行设计、调试、分析问题和解决问题的能力。Contents: As a compulsory professional course of computer science and technology, this course helps students to understand the hardware and software composition method of computer system; acquire the implementation of ALU, controller, RAM, input and output device in the hardware system. This course cultivates students ability, especially the operation ability, to analyze and design various computer elements, so that to combine theory and practice, hardware and software, to get the skill on designing well performing instruction system with theory knowledge, and improve the ability of designing, debugging, analyzing the problems. 编译技术Compiling Technology学分:3.0Credits: 3.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:本课程属于计算机科学与技术专业的一门重要的专业选修课。通过本课程学习,使学生掌握编译程序的一般构造原理,包括语言基础知识、词法分析程序设计原理和构造方法。各种语法分析技术和中间代码生成符号表的构造、代码优化、并行编译技术常识及运行时存储空间的组织等基本方法和主要实现技术。它有一定的理论性,又有一定的实践性,尤其是本课程的知识与计算机应用中很多领域有紧密联系与广泛应用。了解与掌握本课程的基本内容将有利于学生提高专业素质和适应社会多方面需要的能力。Contents: this is an importance professional course for computer science and technology major. It enables students to acquire the general construction principle of compiling program including basic knowledge of language, lexical analysis, programming principle and construction method; various grammatical analysis, intermediatecodegeneration symbol table, code optimization, parallel compiling technology knowledge and the basic method and implementation of storage organization in processing. This course is theoretical and practical, and has closely connection and massive use with computer application field. By acquiring the basic knowledge of this course, the students can improve professional quality and ability to adapt to the social needs. 数据结构与算法Data Structures and Algorithms学分:4.0Credits: 4.0学时:96Hours: 96课程内容:本课程分理论和上机实验两部分,通过学习,学生可掌握数据结构的基本概念、基本原理和基本方法。掌握数据的逻辑结构、存储结构及基本操作的实现,能够对算法进行基本的时间复杂度与空间复杂度的分析。能够运用数据结构基本原理和方法进行问题的分析与求解,具备采用C或C+或 JAVA语言设计与实现算法的能力。Content: Divided into theory part and experiment part, this course helps students to acquire the basic concept, principle and method of data structure; logical and storage construction of data and basic operation, basic analysis on time and space complexity of algorithms; besides, the students can analyze the problems with basic principle and method of data structure, and get the ability of applying for C or C+or JAVA language. 面向对象技术Object-oriented Technology学分:3.0Credits: 3.0学时:48Hours: 48课程内容:要求学生全面、系统地掌握面向对象方法与技术的基本原理,包括面向对象的基本概念、C+语言、Windows编程基础及MFC开发、面向对象软件工程、组件技术、设计模式、Java技术等内容。Contents: This course required students to acquire the basic principle of object-oriented method and technology, including the basic concept of object-oriented, C+ language, Windows programming foundation, MFC development, object-oriented software engineering, component technology, design pattern, Java technology and so on. JAVA程序设计JAVA Programming学分:3.0Credits: 3.0学时:96Hours: 96课程内容: 通过本课程的教学,帮助学生掌握面向对象的编程设计思想和Java的基本语法、常用技术,并能运用Java技术和基本开发工具JBuilder9.0进行程序设计。培养学生用面向对象程序设计思想和“计算机思维”方式进行计算机编程,尤其强调对学生“计算机思维”方式的训练,使学生能够运用Java语言作为一种思维工具解决处理现实问题。启发学生的创新意识,提高学生在程序设计过程中分析问题和解决问题的实际动手能力,使学生的理论知识和实践技能得到共同发展。Content: This course helps students to acquire the object-oriented programming design idea, basic grammar and common technology of Java, apply Java technology and JBuilder 9.0 for program design. It teaches students to conduct programming by object-oriented programming idea and “computer idea” method, which is emphasized on the training, so that the students can apply Java language as thinking tool to deal with real problems. This course also inspires students innovation consciousness, improves their practical ability to analyze and deal with problems in programming process, so that to get common development on theory and practice. 美国市场经济概论Introduction to US Market Economy学分:2.0Credits: 2.0学时:32Hours: 32课程内容:通过本课程的学习,使广大学生能对经济学的理论有一个基本的认识,并能初步形成一种市场经济的思维模式,掌握经济学的基本分析方法,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,并能熟练地运用市场经济学的基本理论来指导工作和生活。Contents: This course introduces economy theory to students so that they can form initial market economy thinking mode, acquire the basic analysis method of economics, improve their ability of solving problems, and can guide life and work with the market economy theory.