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2014-2015学年度上学期质量考查评价卷六年级英语(A卷) 听力部分(满分43分)一.第一部分.听录音,你将听到一个单词,请选择正确的答案,把序号写在括号里.(5分)( )1.A.work B.walk ( )2.A.quiet B.quite( )3.A.smile B .smell ( )4.A.cheap B.chip( )5.A.woof B.wood ( )6. A.live B.dive ( )7.A.seed B.read ( )8.A.boy B.soil( )9.A.draw B.drop ( )10.A.birds B.boards第二部分,你将听到一个句子,请选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。(5分)( )1.A.put B.pot C.plant ( )2.A.sea B.see C.seed( )3.A.show B.slow C.snow ( )4.A.teach B.beach C.peach( )5.A.sheep B.shop C.ship ( )6.A.cake B.lake C.take( )7.A.north B.south C.mouth( )8.A.house B.horse C.hospital( )9.A.7:15 B.7:50 C.7:05 ( )10.A.foot B.fruit C.food二.听录音,根据你所听到的内容,将正确的答案的编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1.What does the man do? ( )2.How does Mike go to school? A B A B( )3.How is Sarah feeling? ( ) 4.Whats Mr Green? A B A B( )5.What must you do when Its a green light? ( )6. Where is the cinema? A B A B( )7.what are you going to buy? ( )8.Whats Bills bobby? A B A B( )9.When is Liu yun going to school? ( )10 .What does Lily do in the evening? A B A B三.听录音,根据问句选出最佳答句,将其编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1.A. No,I dont.I like making kites. B.Yes,my hobby is making kites.( )2.A.A theme park B.This afternoon( )3.A.Yes ,its far. B.No, its far.( )4.A.At 9:00 p.m. B.At 9:00 a.m.( )5.A.No,he cant B.Sure.( )6.A.Yes,it is . B.Yes,there is.( )7.A. Im plangting trees. B.Im going to plant trees.( )8.A. I see some word books. B.I can see some word books.( )9.A.Yes, he is going with me. B.No,he is going to the library.( )10.A.A teacher. B.A post office.四.听录音,在横线上填入所缺的单词,使句子意思合理,完整,每空只填一词。(8分)1. A:Whats your _? B:I like _Chinese.2. A:How can I get to _ zoo? B:You can go by the No.1_3. A:What does your _ like? B:_ is his_ hobby.4. A:Who _ the street?B:A_.5. A: _your aunt teach English? B:No,she _math. 6. Miss Black and _ Black are _.7. A:_ does your grandpa work?B: He _ in the hospital.8.There is _ end table and _trash bin near the bed.五.听录音,你将听到一段短文,根据短文的 内容判断正误,正确的在括号内写”“,错误的写”“.(5分)( )1.Ann is Lilys sister. ( )2.Ann is quiet. But she likes sports. ( )3.Lily is going to plant a tree this weekend. ( )4.If it is raining,Lily is going to the park. ( )5.If the weather is not fine,Ann and Lily are going to play ping-pong. 笔试部分(54分)六.阅读对话,选择合适的句子填空,将其编号写到横线上(9分)Liu Ying:Hello, Su Lin.Your father looks strong and young._? Sun Lin:Hes a police officer.Liu Ying:Great!_? Sun Lin:He works in the police station in our city.Liu Ying:_? Sun Lin:Yes,he often plays basketball in the afternoon._?Liu Ying;No, he likes playing football._? Sun Lin:He often goes by car_?.Liu Ying:My father often goes by car,too. A. Where does he work? B.What about your father?C.Does your father like playing basketball,too? D.What does he do?E.Does he like doing sports? F.How does your father often go to work?G.Does your father like playing football .7. 阅读理解(每小题1.5分,共15分)(1) 阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“” Miss Yang is a beautiful woman. She works in a supermarket. She often goes by bike.Because its not far.But she is going by subway today,because its rainy.She usually goes to work at 8:00 am and goes back home at 6:00 pm.She likes playing the piano. She likes her job,too.( )1.Miss Yang is a cleaner in the supermarket.( )2.Miss Yang is going to work by subway today.( )3.Miss Yang works for 8 hours a day. ( )4.Miss Yangs home is near the supermarket.( )5.Its rainy today.(2) 阅读短文,选择正确答案的编号写在括号里。Li meiis new in the school. Her home is near.Its about 10 minutes walk.His school begins(开始) at 7:45.But she is often late.“How do you usually come to school?”asks her teacher one day.“I often walk to school.”Says Li Mei.“What time do you usually get up?”“I often get up at 6:30”“Well,Its not late, When do you leave(离开)home?”“I leave home zt 7:40.Because my mom is ill. I must give her medicine zt 7:30 every morning.”“Well,I see.”( )1.Limeis home is _ the school。 A.near B.not near( )2.Limei often goes to school _. A.by bike B.on foot( )3Limei often gets up at _。 A.7:40 B.6:30( )4.Limei often _at 7:30. A.gives her mom medicine B.has breakfast( )5.”Medicine”means_ A.药 B.饭8 阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补充完整,每空一词,每词只能用一次。(10分)(lives comes rides drives works gets riding and take with on is) Kay _from America.Now she _in a big company in HongKong.Every morning,she _up early. She _a car to work.Her hobby is _ a bike.She often _ a bike _her friend _ the weekends.But this weekend,she _ going to _ a trip.9 根据答句写出合适的问句。1.Jack: Yelin is a worker._? Jane:He works on a farm. 2. Mother:Tomorrow is weekend._? Mike:My sister is going to read the new book at 2 pm.3. John:_? Ben:No,her aunt is fisherwoman.4. Lucy:_? Ann:Yes,the cinema is next to the post office.5. Jim:_? Jerry:I study in England.10 小作文:结合图片,发挥你的想象力,给大家介绍你的一位朋友。请写出他的职业,爱好,今天的天气如何?下午他将会去做什么?怎么去?不少于5句话 _ 2014-2015学年度上学期质量考查评价卷六年级英语(I)听录音,你将听到一个单词,请选择正确的答案,把序号写在括号里。1. walk 2.quiet3.smell 4.chip5.wood 6.live7.seed 8.soil9.drop 10.boards(II)你将听到一个句子,请选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。1.Put the seeds in the soil.2.Zhangpengs father works at the sea.3.There is a stamp show in the museum.4.My favourite fruit is peach.5.Chenjie goes to the USA by ship.6.You can take the No.1 bus to CAN.7.Walk south for 10 minutes.8.Lets go to the park ride a horse.9.We have breakfast at seven o five.10.Her favourite food is eggplant,二.听录音,根据你所听到的内容,将正确的答案的编号写在括号里。Number1. Hi,Sarah,Is the man a businessman?No, he is a factory worker.QuestionWhat does the man do? Number2.How do you go to school,Mike?I go to school by subway.QuestionHow does Mike go to school? Number3.Is Sarah feeling very angry?No,she feels afraidQuestionHow is Sarah feeling? Number4.Are you a police officer,Mr Green?No,I am a scientist.QuestionWhats Mr Green? Number5Look!The traffic light means stop,right?No,you can go.QuestionWhat must you do when Its a green light?Number6Is there a cinema near here?Yes,you can turn leftQuestionWhere is the cinema?Number7what are you going to buyI am going to buy a dictionaryQuestionwhat are you going to buy? Number8Do you like going hiking,Bill? No,I like doing kungfu.QuestionWhats Bills hobby?Number9Are you going to school at six oclock,LiuyunNo,Im going at seven.Question When is Liu yun going to school? Number 10Does Lily study Chinese in the evening?Yes,she does.QuestionWhat does Lily do in the evening? 3. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,将正确的答案的编号写在括号里。1.Do you like making kites?2.When are you going ?3.Is the supermarket near here?4.When are you going to bed?5.Can he go with you?6.Is Johns birthday in September?7.What are you doing?8.What can you see?9.Are you going to the library with him?10.What is your mothers job?4. 听录音,在横线上填入所缺的单词,使句子意思合理,完整,每空只填一词。1.Whats your hobby? B:I like studying Chinese.2.How can I get to Guang zhou zoo? You can go by the No.1 bus.3.What does your father like? Riding is his fathers hobby.4.Who cleans the street? A cleaner.5.Does your aunt teach English? No,she teaches math. 6.Miss Black and Mrs Black are policewomen.7.where does your grandpa work? He works in the hospital.8.There is an end table and a trash bin near the bed.五.Liten and judge.听录音,你将听到一段短文,根据短文的 内容判断正误,正确的在括号内写”“,错误的写”“.(5分)I am Lily.I have a twin sister,Ann.Im quiet.But she is active.I like planting.She likes sports.This weekend we are going to the park.Im going to plant a tree there.When I grow up, it growps up,too.But if it is rainy, I cant go.I will go to the gym and playing ping-pong with my sister.

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