选修九 5.3《Unit 5 Listening》

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)9-5.3,Listening,superstar clothing stores run out singing wide and narrow save money uncomfortable dial the operator latest fashion litres of water,Listen to the tape. Tick the words and expressions.,2. What was each advertisement promoting? Advertisement 1: Superstar shoes and boots Advertisement 2: The importance of saving water Advertisement 3: Star FM radio station,3. Listen again and write its number beside the correct answer. What is the purpose of the advertisement? A. To inform people about something new. B. To sell something.,Ad 3,Ad 1,C. To persuade people to do something. D. To tell people where to get more information.,Ad 1-3,Ad 2-3,2) Which people are the main target? A. Young women. B. Mature men and women. C. Families.,Ad 1,Ad 2-3,Ad 2,3) What is the advertisement appealing to ? A. A desire to do the right thing. B. A desire to be comfortable. C. An interest in classical music. D. A wish to be in fashion.,Ad 2,Ad 1,Ad 3,Ad 1,Listen and write down any facts.,Save water: turning off the tap while brushing teeth saves water; having short showers saves water, our dams are getting low, there is a website with more information about saving water,Star FM: a new radio station, can be found at 104.5 waveband,Superstar Shoes and boots: all sizes, available at shoe stores,A: Cool shoes! B: Thanks. Theyre Superstar. A: Expensive? B: Not at all. Superstars have great styles at reasonable prices. A: But I have big feet.,Ad 1,B: No problem. Superstars come in all sizes. Long and short, wide and narrow. A: Where do you get them? B: All good shoe stores. A: Great. B: Want to dance?,A: Again? Arent your feet sore? B: No way, not when Im wearing Superstars! C: Superstar shoes and boots, latest fashions, all sizes, comfortable. Available at all good shoe stores.,A: Dad, turn the tap off while youre brushing. B: What for? A: It saves water. B: That wont save much water.,Ad 2,A: But if everyone in the whole city turns off the tap while theyre brushing their teeth, think how much water that would save. And if you stop singing in the shower, you wont be in there so long and well save litres of water.,C: Sams right you know. The water in our dams is getting low. We could run out, you know. Besides, your singings terrible! B: OK, OK, youre right. We do need to save water. What other clever ways can you tell me about, Sam?,A: Ill show you. Theres a fantastic website. D: For information and tips on how to save water, visit www. hua ,Woman: Star FM. The new station everyones listening to. Man: Find it on your dial at FM 104.5.,Ad 3,Reading,Keeping Advertisers Honest,The law. Advertising organizations. Complaints organization. The consumer.,Skimming and find out the ways to keep advertisers honest.,Would you complain about any of the advertisements in this passage? misleading information exaggerate the usefulness,go to a lot of trouble to do sth. = take the trouble to do sth. 花费功夫 / 钱财去做某事。 Shed go to any expense for him.,Language points,He went to great trouble to make his guests comfortable.,2. and so 连接并列句。 Thanksgiving is an only American holiday and so neither British people nor Australian people celebrates it.,3. One way to control advertising is to make laws that prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing.,one way to is to (做某事的)方法之一就是,One way to help them is to help them learn to help themselves.,4. decent,She was impressed by his decent behaviour. 他举止得体,给她留下了深刻的印象。,5. make sure “确保;确定;证实”, 后面一般接从句。 I did it to make sure you noticed.,6. when it comes to “谈到;涉及到”。 John is not good at sports, but when it comes to physics, he is the best in the class.,7. claim 未经证实的说法或主张 Nobody believed his claim to be 100 years old.,8. Even though there are laws and advertisers code of conduct, some bad ads do get made. Do 经常用于肯定句和祈使句中,表示强调。 Please! Do be quiet a moment.,He did tell me that but he is denying it now.,At a conference yesterday a _ for the Health Department, Mr Dennis Hall, _ the audience that the government would soon be passing laws to make all _ advertising illegal. He said that some cigarette advertisements were not aimed at,Exercise 1 on P85,spokesman,informed,tobacco,_ audiences but instead _ at children. He said the public could no longer _ on the _ of people in advertising companies to do the right thing. “The only way to stop children taking up smoking is to _ cigarette advertising altogether and to _ our young people about the dangers,mature,targeted,rely,conscience,ban,educate,of cigarette smoke,” Mr Hall said. “The government will also _ a committee to decide on suitable punishments for any tobacco _ that breaks the ban. We have already set up a _ to pay the committee for their work and will now search for _ people to serve on the committee.,appoint,corporation,budget,worthy,1. 我没法将我所有想带的衣服都装进手提箱。( fit into) I couldnt fit all the clothes I wanted to take into my suitcase.,Translation. (Exercise 2 on P85.),2. 自从我在那位女主人的晚宴上打碎了一个昂贵的盘子后, 她就再也没给我发过邀请信。( hostess; invitation) After I broke an expensive plate at her dinner party, the hostess never sent another invitation.,3. 找接线员请拨9。(dial) To contact the operator, please dial nine. 4. 我的衣橱里有很多上班穿的衣服,但是很少休闲装。( casual; garment) I have many garments in my wardrobe that I can wear to work, but few casual clothes.,5. 我非常爱我的狗,所以我并不在乎它摔断腿带来的医疗开支。(expense) I am very attached to my dog so I didnt mind the medical expenses involved when he/ she/ it broke his/ her/ its leg.,6. 当我们听说他被指控犯有故意杀人罪时,我们都不敢相信自己的耳朵。(murder) When we heard that he was accused of murder, we couldnt believe our ears. 7. 警察在市里所有的电台广播说明了那个走失的孩子的模样。(broadcast) The police broadcast a description of the missing child on all the citys radio stations.,8. 那家航空肥公司收了我额外的超重行李费。(overweight) The airline charged me extra for the overweight suitcase. 9. 需要我把你的电视调到新的频道吗?(tune) Would you like me to tune your television to the new channel?,Exercise 3 on P85.,actress,appointed,chairperson,advocating,ban,invitation,appointment,invited,typist,typing,operation,operator,5. It is against the law to serve drinks to teenagers.,alcoholic,Goodbye!,

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