《U1M2 Reading 》设计方案

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镇江市中小学中青年骨干教师现代教育技术实践活动教学设计方案教学目标分析(结合课程标准说明本节课学习完成后所要达到的具体目标): 知识目标: To enable the students to know typical writing features in news articles and learn how to read a newspaper article .能力目标: To encourage the students to express themselves in both written and oral English so that your language learning abilities can be improved. 情感目标: To let the students realize imagination is more important than knowledge.学习者特征分析(结合实际情况,从学生的学习习惯、心理特征、知识结构等方面进行描述):高一学生阅读习惯正逐渐养成,对所学内容外星人充满好奇,对知识充满渴求,思维积极,想象力丰富。教学过程(按照教学步骤和相应的活动序列进行描述,要注意说明各教学活动中所需的具体资源及环境):1. Warming-up2. Leading-in3. Fast reading4. Careful reading5. Task-based reading6. Summary7. Creation8. Additional reading教学资源(说明在教学中资源应用的思路、制作或搜集方法):1. varieties of pictures2. A short video3. The multimedia评价方法或工具(说明在教学过程中将用到哪些评价工具,如何评价以及目的是什么):1. Design a team competition to encourage the Ss imagination.2. Let several Ss to write the answers( task-based reading) on the blackboard, and evaluate their performance.

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