高中英语:Unit 5《Music》课件-Vocabulary 新人教版必修2

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Unit 5 Music,Words and expressions,Listen to the tape and sum up the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1. _ _ Para 2. _ Para 3. _ Para 4. _,Dream of being a famous musician or singer.,How musicians form bands.,How the Monkees got their start.,How the Monkees became serious about the music business.,Listening,Part One Word,1. attractive,adj. 有吸引力的,引人注意的;使人愉快的,引起兴趣的,attract v. attraction n.,Ex. 1. The goods are _. (价格低廉诱人) 2. He _. (对我没有吸引力) 3. Her beauty _. (吸引了我的注意力) 4. A magnet _. (吸钢铁) 5. _ (城市繁华灯火的吸引) is hard to avoid.,at attractive prices,has no attraction for me,attracted my attention,attracts steel,The attraction of the citys bright lights,2. match,vt. 和协调,适合,与搭配;与匹敌,势均力敌,match: 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 suit: 多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、款式等。 fit: 多指大小、形状合适。,match, suit, fit的区别:,I want a tie that will _ this suit. Do you have any material to _ this dress? If the army and the people are united as one, who in the world can _ them? Does this time _ you? No fish _ all tastes. The coat doesnt _ me very well; its a bit too small. Try the new key and see if it _ the keyhole.,match,match,match,suit,suits,fit,fits,Part Two Phrase,1. break up,1、分开,分解 2、使结束 (come to an end) 3、使焦虑,痛苦 4、(美)笑破肚皮 5、分开,离开(separate) 6、开始放假,The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. The police broke up the fight. He may break up under all this pressure. Her funny story really broke me up. What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break up? When does your school break up?,break break break break break break break,摆脱,挣脱,逃离,放弃,脱离 破坏,打倒了,捣碎,失败,坏掉 闯入,打断,插入 突然结束,中断,解除,打断 突然发生,爆发 突破,突围,冲垮 闯入;突然起来,away,down,in,off,out,through,into,2. by chance,意外地,偶然地;碰巧,1)他们在飞机上不期而遇。 2)我意外地发现了那件珠宝。 3)他碰巧是她哥哥吗?,They met by chance on a plane. I found the jewel by chance. Is he, by chance, her brother?,得到机会 给某人一次机会 万一;碰巧 由于偶然的机会 碰巧遇见,偶然发现 怀着的希望,期望能 碰巧 碰巧,We went to the cinema on the chance of seeing Peter there.,It chanced that I was out when he called.,I chanced to be out when he called.,3. above all,首先,尤其,最重要的是=most important of all; especially,强调程度。,first of all 首先,第一,强调顺序,相当于at first at first 最初 for the first time 第一次;在句中作时间状语。 the first time 第一次时,用作连词,引导时间状语从句。,e.g. 1) He longs above all to see his family again. 2) First of all, let me thank you for your present. 3) At first it was very hot, but then it got cooler. 4) I came to this school for the first time. 5) The first time I came to this school, I didnt know how to get along with some one else.,4. come true,实现,成真,达到; (不能用于被动),当我赢得了那笔钱时,我的全部梦想似乎都成真了。,When I won all that money it was as if all my dreams had come true.,Part Three Structure,I did not think it would be my hero.,本句为否定转移现象。英语中有些动词,如_等,当它们后面跟具有否定意义的宾语从句时,通常要把主句的动词变为否定式,而宾语从句的谓语动词用肯定式。,在反意疑问句中,若主句的主语为第一人称,则反意疑问部分应与_中的主语和谓语保持一致。第二人称和第三人称,则应与_的主语和谓语保持一致。 I did not think it would be my hero,_? He doesnt believe I can pass the exam,_?,think, believe, expect, suppose, guess, imagine,从句,主句,would it,does he,think 等的一般疑问句的简略回答是 I think so; I dont think so/ I think not. 同样,hope, be afraid等,也可说 I hope so, I hope not; I am afraid so. Im afraid not. 但不能说I dont hope so 和Im not afraid so.,Classical music does not have words. It tries to describe feelings _(介词)notes and instruments. It is called classical music because it was written _(介词) a time when there was no country, pop or rock music. The music had to be very carefully composed to fit a special pattern. Only the cleverest musicians_(compose) beautiful music with this pattern. Mozart was one of these special composers. He began to write his own music when he was very young. His father was a _(music) and he encouraged his son to play music. Mozart played so well that he became very famous while he was still a young boy. He always had the most wonderful music in his head. When he grew older he wrote music for operas which told stories in,with,at,could compose,musician,music. Some people think he is the greatest composer _(引导词)has ever lived. _(限定词)very important classical composer was Bach. He was not famous in his lifetime but became very famous after his_(名词). He worked _(介词)the music master in a small church and had to write new songs to sing every week. He also composed music for people to _(listen) as they left the church at the end of the service. Some of his music is very mathematical, with different parts that repeat each other in a very peaceful way. All his music was written for God and some of it is very_ (move). He never became a rich man but his music has a special place in classical music.,that,Another,death,listen to,moving,as,


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