高中英语 Unit5Inside advertising-Listening课件 新人教选修9

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高中英语 Unit5Inside advertising-Listening课件 新人教选修9_第1页
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高中英语 Unit5Inside advertising-Listening课件 新人教选修9_第3页
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Listening,superstar clothing stores run out singing wide and narrow save money uncomfortable dial the operator latest fashion litres of water,Listen to the three radio advertisements. Tick the words and expressions.,2. What was each advertisement promoting? Advertisement 1: Superstar shoes and boots Advertisement 2: The importance of saving water Advertisement 3: Star FM radio station,3. Listen again and write its number beside the correct answer. What is the purpose of the advertisement? A. To inform people about something new. B. To sell something.,Ad 3,Ad 1,C. To persuade people to do something. D. To tell people where to get more information.,Ad 1-3,Ad 2-3,2) Which people are the main target? A. Young women. B. Mature men and women. C. Families.,Ad 1,Ad 2-3,Ad 2,3) What is the advertisement appealing to? A. A desire to do the right thing. B. A desire to be comfortable. C. An interest in classical music. D. A wish to be in fashion.,Ad 2,Ad 1,Ad 3,Ad 1,Listen and write down any facts.,Save water: turning off the tap while brushing teeth saves water; having short showers saves water, our dams are getting low, there is a website with more information about saving water,Star FM: a new radio station, can be found at 104.5 waveband,Superstar Shoes and boots: all sizes, available at shoe stores,A: Cool shoes! B: Thanks. Theyre Superstar. A: Expensive? B: Not at all. Superstars have great styles at reasonable prices. A: But I have big feet.,Ad 1,Listening text,B: No problem. Superstars come in all sizes. Long and short, wide and narrow. A: Where do you get them? B: All good shoe stores. A: Great. B: Want to dance?,A: Again? Arent your feet sore? B: No way, not when Im wearing Superstars! C: Superstar shoes and boots, latest fashions, all sizes, comfortable. Available at all good shoe stores.,A: Dad, turn the tap off while youre brushing. B: What for? A: It saves water. B: That wont save much water.,Ad 2,A: But if everyone in the whole city turns off the tap while theyre brushing their teeth, think how much water that would save. And if you stop singing in the shower, you wont be in there so long and well save litres of water.,C: Sams right you know. The water in our dams is getting low. We could run out, you know. Besides, your singings terrible! B: OK, OK, youre right. We do need to save water. What other clever ways can you tell me about, Sam?,A: Ill show you. Theres a fantastic website. D: For information and tips on how to save water, visit www. hua ,Woman: Star FM. The new station everyones listening to. Man: Find it on your dial at FM 104.5.,Ad 3,Listening on P83,Listen to the tape again and focus on the presidents replies. Before she answers the questions she makes a comment about each question. Complete her comment and discuss why she begins her answer with these comments.,Thats an _ question.,excellent,2. Good _, Ben. 3. Yes, I _, but in fact, wed be a lot worse off without advertising. 4. Thats _ question.,point,understand your feelings,another good,LISTENING TEXT,QUESTIONS ON ADS A senior English class has been listening to a talk by the president, Ms Teflon, of an advertising company. Now it is the students turn to ask questions. (Ms Teflon=M Mr Hall=H Kate=K Ben=B Sarah=S Tom=T),H: Thank you, Ms Teflon, for taking time to come and talk to us about the world of advertising. Im sure weve all learned a lot. Now, students, have you any questions for Ms Teflon? . Kate?,K: Urn. I found your talk very interesting and I can see that the work of an advertising agency is very complicated and also very expensive. But do adverts really work? I hardly ever notice them, and even with the ones I do notice, I usually forget the name of the product.,T: Thats an excellent question. And youre quite right, we dont notice many of the advertisements we see or hear every day. But we do remember ads for products we would like to have. After this lesson, try this experiment. Each of you write down the name of the product that is advertised in the two or three advertisements you do remember.,Then make a list. I guarantee that the list will be quite short because most of you are interested in the same products, such as sports shoes, fashion clothes, movies and so on. I think you WILL remember the names of these products simply because they are relevant to your lifestyle.,H: Another question? Ben. B: Ms Teflon, youve talked about how much money companies spend on advertising. Well, if they didnt spend that money, wouldnt the things we buy be cheaper?,T: Good point, Ben. But you see, a companys advertising cost is a very small part of their overall budget. They spend hundreds of times more money on making the products and getting them into the shops. So you see, saving on advertising wouldnt make much difference to the cost.,S: I find adverts annoying. They interrupt my programmes on television and all those big billboards around town are so UGLY. Advertising benefits the advertiser, but it doesnt benefit ordinary people. Wouldnt our world be better if we made advertising illegal?,T: Yes, I understand your feelings, but in fact, wed be a lot worse off without advertising. For a start, there would be no magazines. You see, it costs a lot to produce a magazine, and theyd be very expensive to buy if the advertisers didnt pay most of the cost by buying advertising space in the magazine. The same thing applies to television. The ads pay for the programmes.,T: How can you tell if an advertisement is telling the truth or not? T: Mmm. Thats another good question. Well first . (fade out),Listening on P88,Read the three advertisements and then in groups discuss the questions below.,1. What is the purpose of these advertisements? To persuade people to come to a concert at Newtown High School.,2. What information do all three ads give? Place, time, date. 3. Which ad targets parents? Explain why. Ad 2 “Come along and see how talented your child is!” 4. Which ad targets students? Explain why. Ad 3 “Students, bring a friend and get in for half price!”,5. Who do you think the first ad targets? Explain why. People in the Newtown community. “Help us to make Newtown a community to be proud of.”,2 The senior students at Newtown High School are having a concert to raise money to help homeless children. Mandy and her friends are in charge of advertising the concert. Listen as they plan their advertisements and then answer the questions.,1. Who do they want to attract to their concert? Name three different groups of people. Students, parents and other people in the community.,2. Why do they need three different adverts? Each group has different needs and interests so they have to target each group separately.,3. What does Sara think is dishonest? Do you agree or disagree with her? Why? Saying that students can get in for half price, but in fact they raised the price in the first place so they could then halve it to bring it back to the price they wanted to charge.,The senior students at Newtown High School have decided to put on a concert to raise money for an organization that looks after homeless children. Mandy and her friends are in charge of advertising the concert. (Mandy=M Danny=D Sarah=S Bob=B),ADVERTISING A CONCERT,LISTENING TEXT,M: I suppose first we should decide who we want to come to our concert. D: Students from this school, of course. S: What about parents? Wed make more money if they come too. B: And maybe we could get other people in the community to come as well.,S: Why would they like to come? D: If they know its to help homeless people, they may want to come. B: We could make some advertisements to tell them what the money is for. M: Yeah. We can make an advertisement that will make them feel good about helping others.,B: Yes and make them feel part of the community. S: Yeah, I like that idea. M: OK. So well make one advertisement for people in the community. B: Mmm. And we can put them at bus stops and in shops and on the noticeboard outside the school.,M: OK. So what about parents? D: Thats easy. The message on their advertisement should be something like: Come and see how talented your child is“. S: But what about the parents of students who arent in the concert?,M: Mmmm. We could explain that theyd be supporting their school. And, urn, maybe we can make them feel sorry for homeless children. We could have a picture of some poor children sleeping on the streets and have a poster that says something like: “Support the homeless. Come to our concert”.,B: We could put that advertisement in the school newsletter. That way, all the parents will see it. M: Good idea. And we could put the ads for the students on classroom noticeboards. S: And we could make an ad for the school radio.,B: Hey, Ive just thought of a great idea for the student advertisements. How about saying: “Bring a friend and youll get in for half price? We could put that ad all around the school. S: But well lose money if we sell half-price seats.,B: Yes, but more people will come. Anyway, we can increase the price of the tickets a bit so we can afford to give some away at half price.,1. Write down the ad in your exercise book. 2. Finish your workbook exercises.,Homework,


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