高一英语必修4 Unit 1.4《Unit 1 Reading 》课件(新课标人教版-必修4)

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修4-1.4,Reading,简古多尔(Jane Goodall, 1934)生于伦敦。自幼即对动物行为极感兴趣。18岁离开学校,到赴非洲为止,她曾先后担任过秘书以及影片制作助理。此后,她在非洲担任古生物学家路易斯利基的助手,与利基的合作经验使她能于1960年在贡贝溪动物保护区设立一个营区,得以观察该地黑猩猩的行为。1965年获剑桥大学动物行为,学博士学位。1977年她建立了“简古多尔人、动物与环境研究所”。1991年,她倡议并成立了“根与芽”组织,目的是使从幼儿园到大学的年轻一代都能够行动起来,为了环境、动物和他们自己的社区创造一个更加美好的世界。1995年,被英国女王授予勋爵士。简古多尔撰有许多书籍和论文,最著名的是,生活在人类的阴影中(1971), 此著作已被翻译成15种文字。 菲利普伯曼(Phillip Berman), 具有哈佛大学神学院比较;宗教学学位。他的获奖作品有信念的勇气、探索意义和回家的旅程。,Pre-reading,Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university? Do you think her work is important? Why?,A PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE,Reading,First Reading ( get the main idea of each paragraph),A PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE,Janes way to study chimps and her achievement.,Her attitude to the animals.,She has achieved everything she wanted to do.,A day in the park,Watching a family of chimps wake up,Wander off into the forest (feed, clean each other),The mother chimp and her babies play in the tree,Come into mothers chimp arms, go to sleep together in their nest,The first paragraph,The whole day,The second paragraph,She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat,She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it,She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other,True or false,She hopes that chimps can be left in the forest. She supposes that people should not use chimps for entertainment.,The third paragraph,She has spent more than forty years helping people understand her work. She has built many homes for the wild animals to live in.,The fourth paragraph,Working with animals in their own environment. Gaining a doctors degree for her studies. Showing that women can live in the forest as men can.,The achievement of Jane:,Comprehending,What did the group do first in the morning? They_. went into the forest slowly left the chimp family of chimps wake up observed the family of chimps wake up D. helped people understand the behavior of the chimps,C,2. Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild? Because she wanted_. to work with them in their own environment B. to prove the way people think about chimps was wrong C. to discover what chimps eat D. to observe a chimp family,A,3. Jane was permitted to begin her work after_. the chimp family woke up B. she lived in the forest C. her mother came to support her D. she arrived at Gombe,C,4. The purpose of her study was to _. A. watch the wild chimps in cages B. gain a doctors degree C. understand and respect the lives of chimps D. live in the forest as men can,C,Discussion,What made Jane Goodall a great success? What should we learn from Jane Goodall?,There are two points that made her success: one is her way to study chimps, and the other is her true love to the animals. The first one is facile (易做到的), because it is only a way. Everyone can do it. But for the second one, it is,more easily said than done. As a woman, she gave up everything, went to the forest to study the chimps and devoted all her love to these animals. It is really not easy. What we cannot understand is that how she has such great personality.,1. She concerned herself with welfare projects. 关心;关怀,We must concern ourselves with current affairs. 我们必须关心时事。,Language points,2. Our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest. 我们一行人准备去拜访森林里的黑猩猩。 英语中有许多集体名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据集体名词的含义来定。如果名词表示的是一个整体概念,谓语动词要用单数形式;如果名词表示的是集体中的成员,谓语动词要用复数形式。,这类的集体名词有:class, crew, family, public, government等。 A committee of five men and three women is to consider the matter. The class were all out for play when class was over.,3. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our 今天我们的第一件事是,动名词作主语 主语是由不定式、动名词、从句构成的,谓语动词采用单数。 Working with you is pleasant. Seeing is believing.,4. This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before. 由定语从句修饰的place做go的宾语。 leave+宾语+doing 让某人做某事 eg: They went off and left me sitting there all by myself.,5. But the evening makes it all worthwhile. Mandela struggle is very worthwhile. That was a worthwhile trip. 那是很有价值的旅行。 Its worthwhile doing/to do sth.,worth adj. 值的, 值得的 worthful adj. 有价值的,可贵的, worthless adj. 没有价值的,无用的,无益的 worthy adj. 值得,受人敬仰的 worth it 有用,值得 be worth doing. 值得做 be worthy of being done/to be done 值得被做,6. The mother chimp and her babies play in the tree and, after they come into her arms, we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. 我们看到黑猩猩妈妈跟她的幼子们在树上玩耍,后来小猩猩投入母亲的怀里,一起回窝里睡觉了。 in the tree 指树本身以外的事物或人 附着在树上, 如鸟等动物; on the tree 指树本身生长出来的东西, 如果实, 花等。,7. Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities. spend + time (in) doing We spent a pleasant hour or two talking with friends. Hes spent half his life writing this book. He has spent three years in prison.,He observed that feathers fell the ground slowly. 他观察到羽毛落地很慢。 observe用作被动语态时,作主语补足语的不定式须带to。 She was observed to enter the bank. 有人注意到她走进银行。,8. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 将only及其后面的状语提前放在句首,句子要用部分倒装语序,即将be动词、助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。 Only then did we get to know each other better.,如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。 Only after new China was founded was he able to go to school. Only in this way can we learn English better.,only在句首修饰句子的主语时, 不用倒装语序。 Only Mary and Tom failed in the exam.,9. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. 1). I cant work out the meaning of the poem.,(理解,说出),2). Things have worked out badly. 3). Work out his income. 4). Work out a plan.,(发展,进行),(算出),(制定,拟订),a. 1) help do = help to do This will help to reduce production cost.,Then he helped sweep the floors of the waiting rooms. 2) help + adv. phrase/prepositional phrase He helped the children off (out of) the bus. That will help you out of the difficulty.,3) help sb. doing sth. help sb. with sth. helpwith Can you help me with my homework? help与 cant, couldnt 连用,“阻止,避免”。,She cant help herself, she didnt mean to be rude. 她克制不了自己,她并不想那么粗暴无礼。 He couldnt help laughing when he saw my haircut. 忍不住笑起来,b. have/ has been doing,现在完成进行时, 表示动作从过去就已开始, 一直持续到现在, 可能还会继续下去。,He has been reading since this morning. 今早起, 他一直在看书。,He has been writing a letter. 他一直在写信。 He has written a letter. 他已写过信了。,c. the rest of 它之后可以接不可数名词或可数名词,但要注意含义, 以便决定后面动词的单复数形式。 e.g The rest of the money was given to his son. The rest of the apple was thrown away. The rest of the apples were sent to the nursing home.,11. She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. argue for/against sth. 辩论赞成/反对某事,与argue有关的短语: argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事 argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/放弃做某事,12. inspire sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事 His speech inspired us greatly. The teacher inspired us to make greater efforts. The memory of his childhood inspired his first novel.,inspire 促成;赋予灵感 inspired 有灵感的 inspiring 激励人心的,3. 老师的表扬鼓励了全班同学。 The teachers praise _ the class. 4. 你应该自食其力。 You should _ yourself.,inspired,support,Ex. 2 on P5,Dear Xiaoyu: I think everyone _ (is/are) settled in London, although neither the weather nor the food _ (is/are) good. Either rain or snow fell every day this week but everybody _ (has/have) tried to ignore it. My friends and my,is,is,has,mother _ (has/have) visited the theatre almost every night. None of them _ (carry/carries) an umbrella but nobody _ (has/have) let that affect their activities. We are enjoying ourselves so much that I wonder if anybody _ (want/wants) to come home.,have,carries,has,wants,This group of tourists _ (love/loves) the culture and _ (is/are) happy in England and would like to visit London every summer! See you soon, Dong Xianshun,love,are,Homework,1. English weekly. 2. Finish the exercises on Page 4 and 5. 3. Review the words.,goodbye,


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