必修五 4.1《 Unit 4 Making the News》

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修5-4.1,Unit 4 Making the news,reporters,Look at the following pictures, and guess what they are?,Warming up I ( 4m ),editors,Photographer,designers,printer,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1._ 5Akjurit a.正确的,精确的 2._E5kju:z vt. 指控,控告 3._E5kwaiE vt. 取得;获得;学到 4._ E5pCintmEnt n.约会, 任命 5._ E5pru:v vt.赞成,赞许, 批准,认可 6._keis n. 事实,事例, 案件 7._5kCli: n. 同事,同僚,同行 8._5kCnsentreit vt. 集中;聚集,集结 9._kC:s n. 路线;方向, 过程 10_ di5fend vt. 防御;保卫;为.辩护,accurate,accuse,acquire,appointment,approve,case,colleague,concentrate,course,defend,department,11._di5pB:tmEnt n.司;处;科; 系 12._5i:E a. 热心的,热切的 13._ i5diFEn n.(发行物的)版; 版本 14._5IftId a. 有天资的,有天赋的 15._in5tenFEn n.意图,意向,目的 16._5mi:nwaIl n. ad.其时,其间 17._5nC:mEl a. 正常的,正规的 18._7Ckju5peiFEn n. 工作, 占领 19._prE5ses n.过程,程序;制作法 20._ 5teknikEl a. 工艺的;科技的,eager,edition,gifted,intention,meanwhile,normal,occupation,process,technical,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Please state your name, age, and o_. 2. I thank you very much indeed for you _. (会见,接见) 3. She was sent abroad on a difficult _(assign). 4.If you dont c_ more on your work, you will lose the job. 5.If you are _ (curiosity) about Australia, just read the book.,curious,occupation,interview,assignment,concentrate,6. I went to college, m_, all my friends got well-paid jobs. 7. Sandy could do nothing but _ (承认) to his teacher that he was wrong. 8. Smoking is one of the c_ causes of lung cancer. 9. He is a musician with great t_ skill but not much feeling. 10. David and I are c_. We work in the same company.,colleagues,meanwhile,admit,chief,technical,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. She intends to make teaching her_ ( professional). 2. He was _ (gift) with a good voice. 3. A large office requires (employ) the of many people. 4.It is _ (normal) for a man to walk in his sleep. 5. Our visitors arrived at the _ (appointment) time.,profession,gifted,employment,abnormal,appointed,6. We went to the party with our parents _ (approve). 7. She shows great _ (eager) for success. 8. They _ (reporter) the movements of the enemy troops to the headquarters. 9. He was filled with _(guilty) at having failed his parents. 10He is a _ (photograph)for life magazine.,approval,eagerness,reported,guilt,photographer,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. 随身携带 2. 渴望做 3. 集中精力与 4. 专修一门课程 5. 以后,bring with,be eager to do,concentrate on,take a course,later on,6._ 获得你需要的所有信息 7. 有对新闻非常敏感的 “嗅觉” 8. 依赖 9. 职业诀窍 10._有证据支持我们的故事,acquire all the information you need to know,have a nose for a story,have the evidence to support our story,depend on,a trick of the trade,11. tell the whole truth 12. _find out the missing part of the story 13. get the wrong end of the stick 14 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 15. This is how the story goes.,说出全部真相,查明故事被遗漏的部分,完全搞错了,指控某人做某事,事情是这样的,16. so as to 17. be supposed to have done 18. arrange an interview 19. look forward to (doing) sth. 20. the first assignment as a reporter,当记者的首次任务,为了,理应做过某事,安排采访,盼望做某事,五、词组运用 根据句子提供的语境,或汉语提示,从第四大题中选一个适当的短语并用其适用的形式完成英文句子。 1.I must (集中精力)my work now. 2.Not only am I interested in photograph, but I _at university, so its actually of special interest to me. 3.Only if you ask many different questions will you (获得你需要的所有信息).,concentrate on,took a course,acquire all the information you need to know,4.A footballer for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. 5. You have to prepare the next question _ _ what the person says.(你要根据那个人所说的话准备下一个问题),depending on,was accused of taking money,6.我期盼着当记者的首次任务。 my first assignment as a reporter. 7.麦琪急于来看我。 Maggie . 8.两个见证人都没有讲出全部真相。 Neither witness . 9. He came to school early _(为了) clean the classroom. 10. We say a good reporter must _ (对非常敏感) a story.,have a nose for,Im looking forward to,was eager to visit me.,told the whole truth,so as to,Useful structure ( 30m ),Inversion,一、概述: 英语句子的基本语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后(the natural order) ,当语序颠倒时就成了倒装结构( the inverted order) 。把谓语的全部放在主语之前称为完全倒装;而只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,则称为部分倒装。,二、全部倒装句有:,1. here, there, now, then, thus,out,away, up,down等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be,come, go, lie, run。当其主语为名词时,通常要使用倒装。例如: a. There goes the bell. b. Then came the chairman. c. Here is your letter. d. Away went the boy to the school! e. Off goes the woman! 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went.,2. 以引导词there开头的句子,须使用倒装结构,除 there be 外还有there Live / stand / lie / exist等。例如: a. There are three books on the desk b.There lived an old fisherman near the sea. c.There stands a tall building in the centre of the town.,3. so, neither, nor表示前面所述一件事也适合另一个人或物时.So用于肯定句,neither/nor用于否定句. a.Tom can speak French. So can Jack. b.If you dont go, neither will I. 注意:1) 当 so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时,不可用倒装结构。意为“的确如此“。 Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did. -Its raining hard. -So it is. 2)但如果上文所述两件事也适合另一个人或物,就用 So it is /was with sb.或It is/was the same with sb. Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language. So it was with Engls.,4. 介词短语做地点状语放在句首 Eg. a.In the cottage lives a family of six. b.Near the bridge was an old cottage. c.In front of the house sat a little boy.,三、部分倒装句有:,1. 疑问句 a.Have you seen the film? b.When are we going to drink to your happiness? 注意:如疑问词在句中做主语,则用自然语序。 c. Who is your sister? d.What is our work?,2. so/such.that的so/such位于句首时, Eg.a.So loudly did the students read that people could hear them out in the street. b.So small were the words that he could hardly see them. c.Such a famous man he is that everyone wants to take a photo with him.,3. 否定意义的副词或短语位于句首时,常见的有: in no way, not onlybut also, never, little, rarely, seldom, hardly. When, no soonerthan, scarcelywhen, in no case, not until(当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。)等. Eg. a. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. b.Hardly can I follow you. c.Seldom do I visit USA. d. Never have I seen such a performance . 注意: 如否定词不在句首不倒装。 e. I have never seen such a performance. f. The mother didnt leave the room until the child fell asleep.,4. 由as或though 引导的让步壮语从句。 表语十as主语十系动词be. 动词原形as主语十助动词.例如: eg. a. Young as he is, he knows some of the family . b. Try as I might, I could not lift the stone. 注意:当单数名词位于句首时,名词前无冠词。 eg. c. Child as he is,he knows good English.,5. 省略连词“if”的条件副词分句,如:,a.Were I you, I would not do such a thing. = If I were you, I would not do such a thing. b.Would the machine break down again, send it back to us. = If the machine would break down again, send it back to us. c.Had you worked harder, you would have passed. = If you had worked harder, you would have passed.,6. 有些表示“感叹、祝愿”等语气的句子,也可使用倒装结构 Eg.a. Isnt it cold! 天气真冷! b.May both be happy! 祝你们两位幸福! c. May God bless you. 愿上帝赐福于你。 d. Long live the king! 国王万岁!,7. Only 位于句首,强调句子的状语时。 Eg.a. Only then did I fully understand what my father said. 只有到那时,我才充分理解我父亲讲的话. b. Only when I left school did I realize how important study is. 只有当我离开学校时,我才意识到学习有多么重要。 注意:如果only强调的是句子主语时。不倒装。 Eg. c. Only he can help us.,1. _ to rain tomorrow , they would put off the meeting. A. If it should B. If were it C. Should it D. were it 2. _ got into the room _ the telephone rang. A. No sooner had he, when B. He hardly had, then C. Hardly had he, when D. He hardly had, then 3. _ find out what had happened. A. Until he woke up did he B. Until he woke up to C. Not until did he wake up he D. Not until he woke up did he . 4. Little _ about his own health though he was very ill. A. he cared B. he cares C. does he care D. did he care,D,C,D,D,Practice choosing ( 10m ),5. Early in the day _ the news _ the enemy were gone. A. come, that B. came , that C. comes ,that D. came , what 6. Not only _ strict with us, but also _ for us. A. was the teacher ; did he care B. was the teacher ; he cared C. the teacher was ; did he care D. the teacher was ; did he care 7. _, he knows a lot of English . A. Child as he is B. As he is a Child C. A child as he is D. Child though he was 8. _ the cat , she has to give it to the neighbor. A. As she likes much B. As she much likes C. Much as she likes D. As much she likes,B,B,C,A,9. Be quick! _. A. Here comes the bus B. The bus here comes C. The bus come here D. Here the bus comes 10. If you want to go there, _. A. so will I B. so I will C. I will so D. so do I 11. In front of the farmhouse _. A. does a small boy sit B. did a small boy sit C. sit a small boy D. sat a small boy 12. Scarcely _ down when _ a knock at the door. A. had he sat ; did he hear B. he had sat ; did he hear C. he had sat ; he heard D. had he sat ; he heard,A,A,D,D,13. Here _. A. does he come B. he comes C, comes he D. he come 14. Only _ that. A. can a doctor do B. a doctor can do C. can do a doctor D. can a doctor does 15. Not even once _ a lie. A. has Mike told B. Mike has told C. had Mike told D. Mike had told 16. Up _ into the air. A. went the arrow B. the arrow went C. did the arrow go D. does the arrow go,B,B,A,A,17. Not for a moment _ what he said. A. I believed B. did I believe C. I would believe D. I believe 18. In _ and the students stood up. A. the teacher comes B. the teacher coming C. came the teacher D. did the teacher come 19. No sooner _ begun to speak than I realized that something was wrong. A. he has B. he had C. had he D. did he,B,C,C,1. - I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! - _ . ( 2004全国 ) A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I,答案B。第一个句子使用了would, 用neither表示附和的意义时,助动词应与上文一致。,高考链接,2. I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies. ( 2004重庆 ) A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize,解析:答案为D. 句首为“only + 副词”时,句子要用部分倒装语序;根据语境应为一般过去时态。,3. - Will you go skating with me this winter vacation? - It _ . ( 2002上海) all depended B. all depends C. is all depended D. is all depending,解析:答案B。It all depends 是“不确定”、“看情况”的意思。,Language points for Reading I,Language Data Bank,Words and expressions: occupation n a job or employment 职业 taking possession 占有 occupation, job, work, profession 和 trade辨析 四个词都有“工作”之意。 occupation 较为正式,经常用在填写表格上。 job是可数名词,可指一个单独任务,也可指工作职位 work是不可数名词,泛指一切工作。 profession一般指需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水 平的某一行业、职业,如医生或律师。,Language points for Reading I,Practice: 选词填空 ( occupation, job, profession, work ) a. Please state your name,age and_ below. b. I have a few _ to do in the house this morning. c. Looking after children all day is hard_ d. My husband is at the very to of medical_ .,occupation,jobs,work,profession,2) concentrate vt. to give all ones attention to sth and not to think about anything else.集中 to come or bring together at one place 聚集 concentrate on (doing) sth 专注于(做)某事 concentrate the /ones mind 集中注意力; 聚精会神 concentrate ones effort/attention on sth 集中力量/注意力于某事 concentration n. 专心;聚集,Practice:,完成句子: Stop talking and _ . ( 专心工作 ) b. Nothing _ ( 集中注意力 ) better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow. c. I decided to _ ( 全力以赴 ) finding somewhere to live.,concentrate on your work,concentrates the mind,concentrate all my efforts on,3) meanwhile, during, while 词义辨析,meanwhile意为“同时”,与at the same time意思相同。意为“期间”时,是副词,在句中单独做状语。 during 意为“在、期间”,是介词,后接名词、代词。 while 意为“在、期间”,是连词,引导时间状语从句。,4) accuse, charge, blame 词义辨析,accuse (指控 )sb. of ( doing ) sth. charge ( 指控 )sb. with ( doing ) sth. accuse ( 指责 )sb. of (doing ) sth. blame ( 责备 )sb. for ( doing ) sth.,2. Difficulties,Can I go out on a story immediately? 我可以马上出去采访吗? on 后接一些名词如visit, holiday, business, trip等,常与come, go等动词连用,用来说明活动或状态。 Practice: 她决定今年暑假去一趟英国。 She decided to go _ to England this summer. 他去了长途旅行。 He has been away _ .,on a visit,on a long trip,2) Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.只有等你见习了他们的工作之后,你才能独自去进行新闻采访。,cover 和 interview 的辨析: cover 意为“采访”、“报道”,宾语往往为事。interview 意为“采访”,宾语往往为人。 选词填空:( cover, interview ) I want to _ him about his research work. The best reporters were sent to _ the war.,interview,cover,3) NO need for a camera! 不需要带相机! no need是句型There is no need 的省略形式,need 后面可以接for/of ( doing ) sth 或( for sb ) to do作后置定语。,介词填空: There is no need _ that sort of thing. There is no need _ hurrying; we still have time. There is no need _ you to worry about the matter.,for,of,for,

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