必修三 3.6《《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note》(共19页)

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必修三 3.6《《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note》(共19页)_第1页
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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修3-3.6,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-note,Period 5 Listening and Speaking,ACT,1,SCENE,5,Listening & Speaking,Listen to Act One, Scene 5 on the tape and answer these questions: 1. Why does he go back to the two brothers house? 2. Why cant he see the two brothers again? 3. What do they ask him to do?,He goes back to check whether they meant to give him the bank-note.,Because they have gone traveling.,They ask him to go back to their house in thirty days time.,What will Henry do with the Million Pound Bank-Note?,Brainstorming:,buy a house,put it into a bank,open a shop,buy some new clothes!,travel around the world,Speaking,Now, make a dialogue for Act Two, Scene 1 with a partner using all of the following information:,Henry tells a clerk that he wants a coat for a suit. The clerk shows him a cheap coat downstairs. Henry doubts if he should take it. The clerk persuades him to buy it. Henry agrees, but explains that he cant pay him right now as he has no small change.,Discussion:,What will happen in the tailors shop after Henry shows the clerk and the owner the bank-note?,Now listen to Act Two, Scene 2 of the play on the tape to see what really happened. Then answer the following questions:,Why doesnt the clerk give Henry his change right away? 2. Is Henry glad to get more than one suit coat? How do you know? 3. What does the owner offer to do for Henry? Why?,The clerk is shocked after receiving such a huge sum of money.,No, Henry wants only one coat and complains that the others are unnecessary.,He offers to help Henry get a room in the “Ritz”, one of the best hotels in London.,Try to perform the scene of “at the tailors” after class.,Assignment,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-note,Period 6 Writing,Make a dialogue with the partner according to the following situation:,Henry is smiling as he leaves the restaurant. He has had more than enough to eat. As he is walking down the street, he sees a sign for a barbers shop. In a shop window, he looks at his own hair. Since it is too long, he decides to get it cut.,(ask two pairs to present their dialogues ),Knowledge about drama/play,1. Words related to drama/play,Drama/play,tragedy,comedy,opera,stage,character,stage direction,lines,director,curtain,playwright,actor/actress,script,prop,act,scene,hero,heroine,rehearsal,Knowledge about drama/play,2.act &scene,This is a two-act play, meaning that the events of the drama are divided into two main parts. Sometimes the second act of a play changes the setting (ie. time and place) but more often there is some change in the thoughts and actions of the main characters. Each act is made up of various scenes, or specific dramatic situations.,3. Stage direction,Another basic feature in the structure of plays is the stage direction. The word or words, which appear in italics(斜体)provide the director and actors with guidance about how words should be said (ie. tone of voice) or what actions actors should take as they say the words (ie. behavior).,Knowledge about drama/play,Find out some stage directions in Scene 4:,Ex. Seeing Henrys poor appearance. To the waiter. After sitting down and putting the letter on the table. The waiter leaves for the kitchen. Having just finished every bit of food. Sees the look on the waiters face. ,Three students in a group to write down a dialogue between Henry and the barber and add the stage directions to it.,Then choose two groups present their playwright in different roles.,Write a different end to the story.,Assignment,


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