必修三 2.2《Unit 2 Healthy eating》课件(新课标人教版-必修3)

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修3-2.2,Unit 2 Healthy Eating warming up &Listening,Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4,French fries / potato chips/crisps, hamburgers,fast food,dumplings, corn, noodles, rice,Chinese street food,cabbages, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers,peanuts, fried bread, nuts,vegetables,beans and nuts; bread and grains,Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8,bananas, apples, pears, oranges, grapes,fruits,beef, chicken, pork, fish,ice cream, candy, candy bars/chocolate bars, chocolates,tofu/ bean curd, mushrooms,desserts,vegetables; beans and nuts;,meats,2. Decide whether it is junk food or healthy food and whether it is healthier to eat each of them in “smaller amounts less often” or in “larger amounts more often.” e.g. I think _ are (is) junk /healthy food because they (it) contain (s)_ and it is healthier to eat them (it) in smaller/larger amounts less/more often.,( protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, water ),They are junk food!,healthy food,Free Talk,Ask your partner about his /her diet and give him /her some suggestions if necessary.,Listening:,Two pieces of chocolate, a glass of coke, two cookies,An apple, a bag of potato chips,A couple of sandwiches,Two hamburgers, two large orders of French fries, an apple pie, a large milkshake,2. Continue to listen to the tape and answer the questions below.,Which side of Mikes stomach hurts? Does Mike have a fever? Whats the doctors advice?,3. Listen to another conversation and fill in the blanks.,Couldnt sleep well last night; Got a pain,Get some rest, take the medicine three times a day, not to eat fruit which is not ripe,Ate the green peach after lunch,Useful expressions,Patient,Doctor,Can you help me, doctor ? 2.What should I do? 3.What do you suggest? 4. Ive got a pain here. 5. Theres something wrong with my 6. I dont feel well. 7. I have a headache/cough.,1. Let me have a look. 2. Take the medicine three times a day. 3. I advise you to 4. I suggest that you should do 5. Why not do? 6. What about doing? 7. Youd better do 8. You ought to do,Doctor : What can I do for you? Whats the matter? What seems to be the trouble? Where does it hurt?,Patients problems Ive got a pain here. This place/It hurts. Ive got a stomachache/ headache/ backache. There s something wrong with my I dont feel well.,Doctors advice : Lie down and let me examine you. Let me have a look. You ought to be careful with Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day. I advise you (not) to Drink plenty of water and get some rest.,Extension(延伸),Dear friends, Nowadays, I have a big problem. I always eat too much, and I like to eat ice-cream so much though I know it is junk food. As a result, I become fatter and fatter. Whats more, I have a poor appetite(胃口). I often feel tired. I have seen the doctor who said that is just because of my eating habit. Could you give me some suggestions and give me a healthy recipe for me? Please help me. Look forward to receiving your reply. yours, Ren Lina,Possible writing:,Dear Miss Ren, Firstly, I think you ought to do Secondly, youd better do Thirdly, it is better for you to do Fourthly, I suggest that you should do Whats more, yours, ,Thank you! Goodbye!,What is junk food?,Junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value. Every person has their own list of foods that they call junk foods.Usually foods that are high in salt, sugar, fat or calories and low in nutrient content are called junk foods.,goodbye,


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