2019年最新国家开 放大学电大《高层建筑施工(本科)》和《管理英语2》汇编网络核心课形考网考作业及答案

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2019年最新国家开 放大学电大《高层建筑施工(本科)》和《管理英语2》汇编网络核心课形考网考作业及答案_第1页
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2019年最新国家开 放大学电大《高层建筑施工(本科)》和《管理英语2》汇编网络核心课形考网考作业及答案_第2页
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2019年最新国家开 放大学电大《高层建筑施工(本科)》和《管理英语2》汇编网络核心课形考网考作业及答案_第3页
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2019年最新国家开放大学电大高层建筑施工(本科)和管理英语2汇编网络核心课形考网考作业及答案最新国家开放大学电大高层建筑施工(本科)网络核心课形考网考作业及答案100%通过考试说明:2019年秋期电大把高层建筑施工网络核心课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,它由5次形考任务组成。针对该门课程,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。阶段作业1一、判断正误题(每题0.25分,共1.5分)题目1住宅建筑高度超过24m的建筑就是高层建筑。选择一项:错 题目2高层建筑与低层、多层的结构受力相近,主要承受垂直荷载。选择一项:错 题目3高层建筑的结构受力,除了要考虑垂直荷载作用外,还考虑由风力或地震力引起的水平荷载。选择一项:对 题目4水平荷载作用的建筑物,可视为悬臂梁,对建筑物主要产生弯矩。选择一项:对 题目5钢筋混凝土结构具有承载力高、刚度大、抗震强、耐火耐久性好、造价高的特点。选择一项:错 题目6钢结构具有自重轻、构件断面小、抗震好、施工快;用钢量大、耐火性好的特点。选择一项:错 二、 单项选择题(每题0.25分,共2分)题目7按住宅建筑层数划分,46 层为( )建筑。A. 多层 题目8住宅建筑层数( )及以上为高层建筑。A. 10层 题目9民用建筑设计通则将建筑耐久年限分为( )。A. 四级 题目10高层建筑的一般要求耐久年限为( )以上。A. 100年 题目11框架结构建筑的高度不宜超过( )。C. 60m 题目12框架-剪力墙结构建筑的高度不宜超过( )。B. 120m 题目13高层建筑中的应用最为广泛是( )结构。B. 钢筋混凝土结构 题目14钢筋混凝土结构的特点不包括( )。D. 耐火性差 三、多项选择题(每题0.5分,共3.5分)题目15高层建筑的优势主要有( )。A. 提高人们效率 C. 有利于改善城市环境和居住条件 D. 节约城市建设用地 E. 促进了科技进步 题目16下列哪些属于高层建筑的施工特点( )。A. 结构装修、防水质量要求高,技术复杂 B. 工程量大、工序多、配合复杂 C. 基础深、基坑支护和地基处理复杂 D. 平行流水、立体交叉作业多,机械化程度高 E. 高处作业多,垂直运输量大 题目17下列哪些是高层建筑常用的基础( )。A. 箱形基础 B. 片筏基础 D. 柱下梁式基础 E. 钢筋混凝土柱基础 题目18高层建筑按结构体系分为( )。A. 框架-剪力墙体系 B. 筒体体系 D. 框架体系 E. 剪力墙体系 题目19钢筋混凝土结构具有特点包括( )。A. 自重大、构件断面大 B. 施工周期长 C. 耐火耐久性好 D. 承载力高、刚度大 题目20钢筋混凝土结构具有特点包括( )。A. 自重大、构件断面大 B. 承载力高、刚度大 D. 抗震强 E. 湿作业多 题目21下列属于钢结构的是( )。B. 施工快 C. 自重轻 D. 耐火性差 E. 抗震好 阶段作业2一、判断正误题(每题0.25分,共3.5分)题目1当动水压力等于或大于土的浸水容重时,就会产生“流砂”现象。选择一项:错 题目2当水流在水位差作用下对土颗粒产生向上的压力时,才可能会产生“流砂”现象。选择一项:对 题目3当水流在水位差作用下对土颗粒产生动水压力与重力方向相同时,才可能会产生“流砂”现象。选择一项:错 题目4动水压力 GD 与水力梯度成正比关系。选择一项:错 题目5动水压力的作用方向与水流方向相同。选择一项:对 题目6地下水的治理一般从两个方面进行,一是降低地下水位; 二是改变地下水方向。选择一项:错 题目7当动水压力等于或大于土的浸水容重时,就会产生“流砂”现象。选择一项:错 题目8当水流在水位差作用下对土颗粒产生向上的压力时,才可能会产生“流砂”现象。选择一项:对 题目9集水明排法可以有效的防止“流砂”现象的发生。选择一项:错 题目10集水明排法属于重力式排水。选择一项:对 题目11井点降水的负面影响之一是:坑外地下水位下降,基坑周围土体固结下沉。选择一项:对 题目12井点降水法在粉细砂、粉土层中开挖基坑中,不能有效防止流砂现象发生。选择一项:错 题目13为防止或减少井点降水对邻近建筑物的影响,通常采用抗渗挡墙截水技术和采取补充地下水的回灌技术。选择一项:对 题目14为防止或减少井点降水对邻近建筑物的影响,通常采用抗渗挡墙截水技术和采取补充地下水的回灌技术。选择一项:对 二、 单项选择题(每题0.25分,共4分)题目15地下水一般分为( )三类。D. 上层滞水、潜水和承压水 题目16对深基坑施工的危害较大地下水是( )。D. 承压水 题目17( )一般不受当地气候因素影响,水质不易污染,地下水的补给及水压大小和与其具有水力联系的河流、湖泊等水位高低有关。B. 承压水 题目18动水压力 GD的量纲为( )。B. kN/m3 题目19流砂多发生在的( )中。D. 细砂土 题目20颗粒级配均而细的( )容易发生流砂现象。C. 粉质砂土 题目21防治流砂的途径有不包括( )。B. 回灌地下水 题目22在软土地区基坑开挖深度超过( ),一般就要用井点降水。C. 3m 题目23多级真空井点的降水深度不超过( )。C. 12m 题目24单级真空井点的降水深度一般为( )。A. 3-6m 题目25管井井点的降水深度一般不超过( )。C. 5m 题目26喷射井点的降水深度一般不超过( )。C. 20m 题目27基坑地下水为丰富的潜水,降水深度为4m时,井点降水的方法宜选用( )。A. 管井井点 题目28基坑范围内,地下水为上层滞水和水量不大的潜水,降水深度大于6m,井点降水的方法宜选用( )。C. 喷射井点 题目29如果地基土为渗透系数较小(小于 0.1m/d)的饱和黏土时,井点降水的方法宜选用( )。D. 电渗井点 题目30( )降水属于重力排水。C. 管井井点 三、多项选择题(每题0.5分,共4.5分)题目31由于地下水的存在,给深基坑施工很多问题,包括( )。A. 基坑开挖 B. 边坡稳定 C. 浮力及防渗漏 E. 基底隆起 题目32防治流砂的途径有( )。B. 减少或平衡动水压力 C. 改变动水压力方向 D. 回灌地下水 题目33流砂对基坑开挖施工的危害主要有( )。A. 挖土作业时,边挖边冒,难以达到设计深度 B. 使附近建筑物下沉、倾斜,甚至倒塌 C. 引起边坡塌方 D. 拖延工期,增施工费用 E. 地基完全失去承载力,施工条件恶化 题目34下列属于流砂现象的防治措施有( )。A. 抛沙袋或石块法 B. 打钢板桩法 C. 枯水期施工 D. 地下连续墙法 题目35下列排水方法中属于重力式排水的是( )。A. 深井泵法 C. 管井法 D. 集水明排法 题目36井点降水的主要作用( )。A. 防止管涌 B. 减小横向荷载 C. 防止涌水 D. 防止流砂 E. 防止塌方 题目37井点设备主要由( )组成。B. 集水总管 C. 水泵 D. 动力装置 E. 井管 题目38喷射井点设备主要由( )组成。A. 高压水泵 B. 管路系统 E. 喷射井管 题目39截水帷幕的主要类型有( )等。A. 地下连续墙挡墙 C. 高压旋喷桩挡墙 D. 高压旋喷桩挡墙 阶段作业3一、判断正误题(每题0.25分,共2.5分)题目1基坑开挖一般分为有支护开挖和有支撑开挖两种方式。选择一项:错 题目2相邻基坑开挖时应遵循先深后浅或同时进行的施工程序,挖土应自上而下水平分段分层进行。选择一项:对 题目3相邻基坑开挖时应遵循先浅后深的施工程序,自上而下水平分段分层进行。选择一项:错 题目4有支护(锚拉)的基坑要分层开挖,分层数为基坑所设支撑道数加一。选择一项:对 题目5在软粘土地基采用中心岛式开挖时,由于挡墙的受荷时间长,在软粘土中时间效应显著,有可能增大支护结构的变形量。选择一项:对 题目6软粘土地基采用中心岛式开挖时,由于挡墙的受荷时间短,时间效应不显著,支护结构的变形量较小。选择一项:错 题目7放坡开挖应按上缓下陡原则施工。选择一项:错 题目8盆式开挖方法支撑用量小、费用低、盆式部位土方开挖方便。选择一项:错 题目9盆式开挖方法适合于基坑面积大、支撑或拉锚作业困难且无法放坡的大面积基坑开挖。选择一项:对 题目10盆式开挖方式的挡墙无支撑暴露时间比较短,时间效应不显著。选择一项:对 二、 单项选择题(每题0.25分,共1.5分)题目11基坑挖土应自上而下水平分段分层进行,边挖边检查坑底宽度及坡度,每( )左右修一次坡,至设计标高再统一进行一次修坡清底。D. 3m 题目12放坡开挖深度较大的基坑时,宜采用多级平台( )。C. 分层开挖 题目13放坡开挖时,对深度大于( )的土质边坡,应分级放坡开挖。D. 5m 题目14放坡开挖的第一道施工工序是( )。B. 测量放线 题目15中心岛式开挖多采用( )施工。A. 正铲挖土机 题目16挖方边坡的坡度及放坡形式与( )无关。B. 基坑宽度 三、多项选择题(每题0.5分,共4分)题目17无支护挖土和有支护开挖都有的工作内容是( )。A. 降水工程 B. 监测与环境保护 D. 土方开挖 E. 地基加固 题目18挖方边坡的坡度及放坡形式应根据( ),同时还要考虑施工环境、相邻道路及边坡上地面荷载的影响。A. 地下水情况 B. 场地大小 D. 土质情况 E. 基坑深度 题目19岛式开挖宜用于支护结构的支撑型式为( ),中间具有较大空间的情况。A. 角撑 B. 边桁(框)架式 D. 斜撑 题目20深基坑土方开挖方式主要有( )。A. 逆作法开挖 B. 岛式开挖 D. 盖挖法开挖 E. 盆式开挖 阶段作业4一、判断正误题(每题0.25分,共7.5分)题目1按照建筑基坑支护技术规程,基坑侧壁的安全等级是按照工程地质条件划分的。选择一项:错 题目2支护工程勘察的勘探点深度应穿越软土层。选择一项:对 题目3支护结构选型应保证基坑围护结构构件不应超出基坑用地范围。选择一项:错 题目4按照支撑情况排桩支护结构分为无支撑(悬臂)结构和有支撑(悬臂)结构两种。选择一项:错 题目5悬臂式桩排支护结构的挡土深度一般不超过12m。选择一项:错 题目6桩锚式支护由支护排桩,锚杆及锚头等组成。选择一项:错 题目7单跨压杆式支撑具有受力明确、设计简洁、施工安装灵活方便等优点。选择一项:对 题目8多跨压杆式支撑适用平面狭长,长宽比比较大的基坑。选择一项:错 题目9钢支撑多为工具式支撑,装、拆方便,可重复使用,可施加预紧力。选择一项:对 题目10支撑结构的安装应先撑后挖。选择一项:对 题目11钢板桩钢板桩具有很高强度、刚度但锁口性能较差。选择一项:错 题目12钢板桩施工采用单独打入法时,容易使板桩向一侧倾斜,且误差积累后不易纠正。选择一项:对 题目13地下连续墙有利于施工安全,加快施工速度,降低造价占地少,但不能采用逆筑法施工,占用施工空间大。选择一项:错 题目14在地下连续墙在挖槽结束后清除以沉碴等槽底沉淀物的工作称为清底。选择一项:对 题目15地下连续墙混凝土用溜槽法进行浇筑。选择一项:错 题目16复杂结构的地下工程不适宜采用逆作法施工。选择一项:错 题目17逆作法最大的特点是可以上、下同时进行施工。选择一项:对 题目18土层锚杆适于大型较深基坑,施工期较长,邻近有建筑物,不允许支护,邻近地基不允许有下沉位移时使用。选择一项:对 题目19土层锚杆的设计拉力可由抗拔试验来获得,可保证设计有足够的安全度。选择一项:对 题目20土层锚杆施工中,压力灌浆宜选用混合砂浆。选择一项:错 题目21土层锚杆的验收试验是为了验证设计的锚固长度是否足够安全。选择一项:错 题目22土钉与锚杆受力范围相同,都是全长受力。选择一项:错 题目23土钉与锚杆工作机理不相同,土钉是土体加筋技术。锚杆是一种锚固技术。选择一项:对 题目24水泥土墙常被看做重力式挡土支护。选择一项:对 题目25水泥土墙的的嵌固深度一般是根据管涌或土体整体稳定性安全系数条件确定的。选择一项:对 题目26水泥土墙的的嵌固深度一般是根据抗倾覆条件确定。选择一项:错 题目27水泥土墙较适用于土地区,如淤泥质土、含水量较高的黏土、粉质黏土、粉质土等。选择一项:对 题目28SMW工法最常用的是双轴深层搅拌机。选择一项:错 题目29SMW工法主要适用于软土地基。选择一项:错 题目30旋喷桩根据机具分为单管法、二重管法、三重管法。选择一项:对 阶段作业5一、判断正误题(每题0.25分,共2.5分)题目1基坑施工监测一般应采用第三方监测。选择一项:错 题目2第三方监测侧重对周边环境中可能受到基坑工程施工影响的建构筑物进行监测。选择一项:对 题目3基坑工程监测主要目是保障施工安全与周边环境安全。选择一项:对 题目4监测围护结构内力的传感器采用钢筋计应选用轴力计。选择一项:错 题目5测斜监测点一般布置在基坑平面上挠曲计算值大的位置。选择一项:对 题目6围护结构内力监测是防止基坑支护结构发生稳定性破坏的一种的监控措施。选择一项:错 题目7围护结构内力应将应变计或应力计安装在结构内部或表面进行量测的。选择一项:对 题目8监测报警值是为确保监测对象安全而设定的各项监测指标的预估值。选择一项:错 题目9每个报警值一般应包括两部分:总允许变化量和变化速率。选择一项:对 题目10当监测项目的监测值接近报警值或变化速率较大时,应加密观测次数,当出现事故征兆时,应连续监测。选择一项:对 二、单项选择题(每题0.25分,共2.5分)题目11支撑体系破坏形式主要有不包括( )。A. 坑底隆起 题目12基坑施工监测中,不需要监测竖向位移的项目是( )。B. 支撑体系 题目13竖向位移测量设备主要不包括( )。B. 频率仪 题目14监测水平位移的测试设备是( )。D. 频率仪 题目15水平支撑的主要监测项目是( )。A. 支撑轴力 题目16下列结构内力监测宜选用表面应力计的是( )。C. 钢支撑 题目17墙顶位移监测点的水平间距一般不宜大于( )。B. 20m 题目18基坑的墙顶位移监测点每边不宜少于( )。C. 3个 题目19基坑的墙顶位移监测基准点,应埋设在基坑开挖深度( )范围以外的稳定区域。B. 2倍 题目20测斜监测点水平间距一般为( )。每边监测点数目不应少于 1 个。A. 2050m 三、多项选择题(每题0.5分,共5分)题目21施工监测的目的是( )。A. 为施工和结构长期使用提供风险评估信息 C. 为设计和修正支护结构参数提供依据 D. 为岩土工程的理论研究发展提供实践经验 E. 正确选择开挖方法和支护施工作业时间 题目22基坑监测方案的设计依据包括( )。A. 工程环境条 B. 规范及技术标准 C. 工程地质、水文地质条件 E. 工程设计图 题目23基坑破坏形式主要有( )。A. 支撑体系破坏 B. 环境破坏 D. 围护结构破坏 E. 基底破坏 题目24围护结构破坏形式主要有( )。B. 围护结构折断 C. 基坑整体塌陷 D. 基坑整体失稳 E. 围护结构滑移或倾覆 题目25深基坑工程施工监测的核心( )。B. 周边环境监测 C. 支护结构监测 题目26深基坑工程施工监测对象中的其他监测是指( )。A. 坑底隆起及回弹监测 B. 土体分层沉降监测 C. 孔隙水压力和土压力监测 D. 坑内坑外水位监测 题目27需要监测水平位移监测项目是( )。A. 地表 C. 圈梁、围檩 D. 围护墙顶 题目28下列结构内力监测宜选用钢筋计的是( )。A. 钢筋混凝土支撑 B. 钢筋混凝土围檩 E. 围护结构支撑 题目29监测项目安全报警值的确定应符合要求是( )。A. 满足现有规范、规程要求 B. 满足各保护对象的主管部门提出的要求 C. 不可超出设计值 D. 满足监测对象的安全要求 题目30深层侧向位移监测(测斜)的仪器设备主要有( )。C. 数据采集系统 D. 测斜仪 E. 测斜管 最新国家开放大学管理英语(2)形成性考核册参考资料管理英语(2)是国家开放大学2017年春季新开的课程之一,对国家开放大学的管理专业学生进行统一考试。该资料对学生完成学习任务起着一定的辅助作用。本文库还有国家开放大学其他课程的参考资料,可以参考。作业1一、交际用语 (共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)1-5 题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。1. - I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A.- .A. Thats an easy course.B. Congratulations!C. Mr. White is very good.2. - Hi, Helen, Ill have an interview tomorrow. Im afraid I cant make it. - .A. Sure, you can. Take it easy.B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Thats all right.3. 一 Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning? - .A. Yes, its better to leave earlier to avoid the morning traffic.B. Yes, you will.C. No, you wont.4. 一 How do you think of the theme of our event?- .A. Its pretty good.B. I feel so sorry about that.C. Id like to have some tea.5.- .一 It will be held on the 3rd floor of Shakiraton Hotel.A. When will you give a speech?B. Does your speech still go on?C. What is the address of your speech?二、词汇与结构( 共计 30 分,每小题 2 分)6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A,B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。6. He was alwaysin sharing his enormous knowledge.A. generousB. generation C. generate7. His action is alwayswith his words.A. constantB. continuousC. consistent8. - Can you go skating with us this afternoon?一 Sorry, I cant. Itake care of my little sister at home.A. couldB. mayC. have to9. - Whose textbook is this?- ItJohns. It has his name on it.A. cant beB. must beC. might be10. Im writing toa position as a computer engineer in your company.A. thank forB. wait forC. apply for11. You can try these methods to keep your interview anxietycontrol.A. underB. onC. with12.a company really wants is a candidatehas the right skills.A. What .thatB. That.whatC. That.that13. These tips may help you avoidbad employees for your company.A. to hireB. hiringC. hire14. Write the telephone number downyou forget.A. on caseB. in caseC. under case15. Does his absenceto your work?A. make a difference B. take all the creditC. bring about16. American young people would ratheradvice from strangers.A. getB. gettingC. got17. you prepare cross training plans, you need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefits.A. AlthoughB. Even ifC. As18. The success of our event isto the sponsor.A. relatedB. based C. intended19. Your long-term success in event planning will be based the experience you had.A. toB. onC. of20. the feedback is very helpful for planning future meetings and events.A. GetB. Getting C. To get三、阅读理解(共 40 分,每小题 4 分)21-25 题:阅读下列短文,从 A,B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。Passage 1PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents.Elaine has accepted a job with PPHC. She has a degree in psychology but has never done this type of work before. On her first day, after showing her to her desk and introducing her to colleagues, the director gives her a town map and a list of the names of the families she will be responsible for, and wishes her luck. After lunch, Elaine sets out to contact the families, worried about what shell do or say when she meets them.Mark has a degree similar to Elaines, and has just been hired by Gooseneck. On his first day, he learns that his job will consist of training for the next week. Mark spends two days going on family visits with experienced staff members, and discusses with them what they did and why. He role-plays some situations with other staff members, and gets some direct instruction from them. By the following week, when hes on his own, he feels he has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do, and how to go about it. And he knows that his training will continue.Which situation would you rather be in, being thrown into the thick of things with no training or being trained to prepare for the work youre going to do?21. What are PPHC and Gooseneck?A. They are two companies that do similar business.B. They are two organizations that do different community work.C. They are two organizations that do similar community work.22. Which degree does Elaine have?A. Psychology degree.B. Physiology degree.C. Sociology degree.23. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Elaine has done this type of community work so her organization doesnt provide staff training.B. Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training.C. Mark knows his training comes to an end.24. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work?A. Mark spends two days on family visits with experienced staff members and discuss with them.B. Mark role-plays some situations with other staff members and gets some direct instruction from them.C. Both A and B.25. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of training.B. Different training ways.C. Elaines and Marks work experience.26-30 题:请根据短文内窑判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在题前括号内。Passage 2Hiring the right employee is a challenging process for a company. A bad hire not just wastes your time and money, but also impacts the team spirit and company morale. A good hire, however, pays you back in employee productivity, successful employment relationship, and business culture enhancement. Here are certain rules that you can use to select the right employee.Design an effective advertisement. A clearly targeted ad. attracts qualified candidates and discourages others. You can make your ad. More effective with a precise and specific job description.Ask the right job interview questions. The purpose of the interview is to find out if the candidate is a strong fit to your business. By using a sequence of particularly designed questions, you are able to get a true picture of your potential employee.Check backgrounds and references. Background checking helps you reduce risks and improve the overall quality of hire. You need to verify that all the presented credentials, skills, and experience are actually possessed by your candidate.( F ) 26. Hiring the wrong employee is expensive, costly to a company, and time consuming.( F ) 27. A company has to spend a lot of money hiring a right employee.( F ) 28. An advertisement with a clear target will make all candidates lose courage.( T ) 29. Well designed interview questions can help you know more about the candidates.( T ) 30. Work experience is one of the primary things for an employer to verify in background checking.四、翻译( 共计 20 分,每小题 4 分)31-35 题:选择正确的译文,并将答案序号骂在题前括号内。31. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.A. 一个真实的朋友就是能伸出他的手触碰你心灵的人。 B. 一个真实的朋友就是能伸出他的手理解你心灵的人。 C. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。32. The old saying “practice makes perfect” applies to interviewing too.A. 古话“曲不离口”也适用于招聘。B. 古话“熟能生巧”对面试准备也是适用的。C. 在申请面试资格时我们常常用到古话“熟能生巧”。33. We cant possibly get the work done by October.A. 十月份前我们不可能做完这项工作。B. 十月份前我们不可能做这项工作。C. 十月份后我们不可能做完这项工作。34. They have disagreement on the plan of celebrating the founding of the community.A. 他们对公司的成立资金都有不同意见。B. 他们对庆祝公司成立的方案有异议。C. 他们为了庆祝公司成立的方案而争吵。35. This involves identifying the high-level reasoning behind your intentions for the event.A. 这也包含了此次活动的主要目 的和意义。B. 这些都是用来识别此次活动与其他不同活动的主要区别。C. 这就包括了弄明白你举办此次活动目的背后的高层次的推理。作业2一、交际用语 ( 共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。1. - Would you mind filling the questionnaire for me? - .A. No problem. Just give me your questionnaire.B. Sorry I cant go there.C. I really appreciate that.2. - Can you stay here longer?- but I have to be back tomorrow.A. Id love to,B. No, thank you,C. Im afraid not,3. - Why do you look unhappy. Whats the matter? - .A. Im satisfied with the good performance of the radio Ive just bought.B. Im glad to have bought this radio at such a price.C. Im rather disappointed with the poor quality of the radio Ive just bought.4. - Good morning, Sunshine Community Center ! May I help you? - .A. Id like to book one air ticket.B. Im glad to introduce myself to you.C. I need a plumber to repair the water pipe in my kitchen.5. 一 Hello, is that service center? The elevator of our apartment doesnt work. - .A. Oh, I dont know whats wrong with it.B. Sorry,I11 have it checked out at once.C. OK, I see. 二、词汇与结构( 共计 30 分,每小题 2 分)6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A,B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。6. You need tothose questionnaire papers for your company.A. hand outB. hand inC. hand on7. Questionnaires are not suitablesome people.A. inB. for C. with8. Where are you used tovegetables?A. buyB. boughtC. buying9. Customersrefuse to filling the questionnaire are not permitted to buy the product .A. what B. which C. Who10. The musiclike the singing of a bird.A. hears B. listens C. sounds11. I like cooking for my friends infree time.A. meB. myC. mine12. Youd better have your hairbefore going to your friends wedding.A. cutting B. cut C. to cut13. Her article isin her class.A. better B. wellC. the best14. We feelwith the inconvenience the service center brought us.A. disappointedB. worriedC. surprised15. Our workers have been checking the heating system since you called us. Iyou it will perform well soon.A. argueB. affectC. assure16. I dont know . I just arrived here two minutes ago.A. whats going onB. how is going onC. who is going on17. Theysince last night. They are about to finish the work.A. are cleaning the systemB. have been cleaning the systemC. had cleaned the system18. Im confident in these as long as wethe needs of the community residents and improve our service quality.A. keep an eye onB. keep an eye atC. keep eyes on19. We have toour annual work report to the manager next week.A. hand inB. hand outC. hands up20. the fog, we should have reached the annual meeting site on time.A. Because ofB. In spite ofC. But for三、阅读理解(共 40 分,每小题 4 分)21-25 题:阅读下列短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。Passage 1Questionnaires can be a simple way to get to know your audiences opinions. Though it is easy to write a questionnaire, you need a lot of skill and experience to write a good one. Luckily, good design skills can be learned in a short time.Keep Your Questionnaire Simple and Visually AttractiveKeep your questionnaire short and simple. A short and simple questionnaire is more likely to be completed and returned. It is also important to make your questionnaire as attractive as possible. You should keep the following design elements in mind:Text: Choose a font style that is easy to read, and make sure the font size is large enough for your respondents to read.Paragraphs: Long paragraphs can be daunting for readers, so try to keep your blocks of text to a handful of lines.White space: Ensure that there is space between questions and sections and dont make margins too small.Keep Questions Brief and Easy to UnderstandBe brief and direct with your questions. Do not use any unnecessary words and phrases. Brief questions that use simple language are easy to read and understand, so the participants wont find it difficult to fill in the questionnaire.Make Sure Questions Are In the Right OrderYou should start your questionnaire with general questions and then move to specific ones. Try to avoid jumping back and forth between general and specific questions.Use Open-Ended Questions ProperlyOpen-ended questions mean respondents can answer freely using their own words. They can provide more detailed information, but they take more time and effort to answer and can be more difficult to analyze. You should not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.In a word, taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant “friendly questio

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