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_This is Amy. Shes quiet. Shes very hard-working.That is Wu Yifan. Hes very clever. Hes polite, too.Hello. My name is Oliver.Hi.Hello.We have a new PE teacher. Hes a good football player.Cool!Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.Whats she like?Shes very kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know Mr Young?No, I dont. Who is he?Hes our music teacher.Is he young?No, he isnt. Hes old.Is he funny?Yes, he is.Great! I like funny teachers.Whos your English teacher?Miss White.Is she kind?Yes, she is.Whos your art teacher?Mr Jones.Is he young?Yes, he is.Whos Mrs Smith?Shes the head teacher. Shes tall. Shes strict.Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.Really? Whats she like?Shes kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know her?Yes. Shes my mother!Haha. Cool!Whats Chen Jie like?Shes quiet.Whats Wu Yifan like?Hes hard-working.Whats he like?Hes polite.I have a robot! His name is Robin. My grandpa made him。Robin is short but strong. He is really clever. He can speak Chinese and English.He is hard-working. He is very helpful at home.He is strict, too. He makes me finish my homework!Our new PE teacher will come today!Really? Whats he like?I only know hes a good football player.He must be tall and strong.Shoot!Oh, no! I missed!Can I join you?Youre very thin and so short. Can you play football?Sure. Let me show you.Ten to three! We win.Youre great!Our new PE teacher is a great football player, too!I am your new PE teacher!What do you have on Friday?I have a PE class.Do you often play sports?No, I dont. I dont like sports.Do you often read books on the weekend?No, but I often sleep!Grandpa! Look at my picture.Great! What do you have on Thursdays?I have maths, English and music.Oh, I love music! Whos your music teacher?Mr Young.Is he strict?No. Hes funny. What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa?Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma!Haha!What do you have on Mondays?I have Chinese, English, maths and music.I have PE, music, science and English.Is it Monday?No.Is it Friday?Yes!Hi, Sarah. Whats that?Its a storybook.Do you often read books in this park?No, I dont. Do you often play football here?Yes, I do. I like this park very much.Me too.Do you often play ping-pong on the weekend?Yes, I do.Do you often listen to music?No, I dont.Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?Yes, I do.I often do homework, watch TV and draw pictures on the weekend.I often wash my clothes, clean my room and play the pipa on the weekend.I often read books on the weekend.You look tired. What do you have on Friday?I have PE.Do you often play sports?No, I dont. I dont like sports.What do you often do on the weekend?I often watch TV. Sometimes I read books.Its a new school year. I need to do some shopping.Ill help.We have English on Mondays and Wednesdays.I need some notebooks and pencils.We have maths on Tuesdays.I need a ruler.On Thursdays, we have art.I need a box of crayons.We have PE on Fridays.I want a new football, please. We can play with it on the weekend.Im sorry, Zoom. We dont have enough money. Ill put back the football.Oh, no!Whats your favourite food?Salad.The sandwich is delicious.Very sweet. Yum!Dont eat too much!What would you like to eat?Salad. Its healthy.Id like some noodles. Its my birthday today.Happy birthday!Thank you.Im hungry.What would you like to eat?A sandwich, please.OK.What would you like to drink?Id like some water. Im thirsty!Here you are.Thanks.What would you like to eat?Id like a sandwich, please.What would you like to eat?Id like a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger.What would you like to drink?Id like some tea.Whats your favourite food?Noodles. I love beef noodles. Theyre delicious. Whats your favourite food?Fish.Well, lets see. We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Great!Whats your favourite food?Ice cream. Its sweet!Dear Robin,My favourite food is ice cream.it is sweet. I dont like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much. Thank you! Yifan Dear Robin,My favourite food is chicken. It is delicious. I like vegetables but not carrots. Thanks. GrandpaHere you are! Chicken ice cream!Oh, no!Im hungry.What would you like to eat?Id like a salad.No problem. I have tomatoes, carrots, and onions.The vegetables are so fresh!Theyre delicious, too.Please clean the vegetables.OK.Be careful!I will. Thank you.It looks nice!Its healthy, too.Heres some fresh milk.Thank you.Dinner at the farm is great!These are my teachers.Whos your Chinese teacher?Look at that picture. Thats Ms Zhang, our Chinese teacher.Whats she like? Is she kind?Yes. Shes very kind. But shes strict sometimes.It is sunny today. I am at Willow Primary School. It is so pretty. These are many yellow flowers.David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working. He is funny, too. His favourite class is English. The teacher, Ms Brown, is very helpful.Teachers and students often eat lunch at school. Some of them have beef and drink tea. Some love green beans and ice cream. The food is delicious.After lunch, we have a reading class with Mr Reed. What a friendly school!Well have an English party next Tuesday.Great!What can you do for the party?I can play the pipa.Wonderful!I can dance!I can sing! La LaLa.Hi, Mr Li.Hi. Can you play ping-pong?A little.Lets play together!Sorry. I have an English class at 3 oclock.Well have an English party next Tuesday. What can you do for the party?I can sing English songs.Wonderful! How about you, John?I can do some kung fu!Thank you, John.What can you do. Wu Yifan?I can draw pictures.What can you do?I can draw cartoons.What can you do?I can draw cartoons. I can do some kung fu, too!Good afternoon, children. Today well learn some kung fu.Cool!Can you do any kung fu, John?Yes, I can.Wonderful!Can you do any kung fu, Oliver?No, I cant.No problem. I can help you.Can you cook?Yes, I can .Can you cook?No, I cant.Can you swim?Yes, I can. I can do some kung fu, too!I can speak English and Chinese. I can sing English songs. I can dance. I can swim. I can cook. I can play ping-pong. I cant do any kung fu. I cant play the pipa.Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play ping-pong, but I cant swim. What can you do? Please send me an email at robinurfriend.cn.Im hungry. Mmm. Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat.Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you.Oh! What can you do? Can you sing?Yes, I can.Can you dance?Yes, I can. Let me go. Then i can dance for you.Let me see. These is a lake near here. Can you swim?No! Dont throw me into the lake, please!Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye!These are so many pictures!My father can draw very well.What a nice photo!Thats my grandmas garden. These are many pretty flowers in it.Whats in the room?These is a table beside the bed.Your room is really nice!Thanks.These is a big bed.Yes, I like my bed.These is a nice photo, too.Wow! You look cool!Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Lets play!These is a desk in the picture.These is a plate on the desk.These is a banana on the plate.These is my room. These is a clock, a.These is a clock in my room.These is a clock and a plant in my room.These is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room.This is the living room.Wow! These are so many pictures here.Yes. My father can draw very well.These are so many plants here, too. Theyre my grandmothers plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. These are lots of flowers in it.Cool!These are two dogs in the picture.These are some fish.Where is the ball?Its in front of the dog.Dear RobinI am yifans art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. These are pencils and crayons on the floor. These are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh,no! I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry! Mr JonesCan you help me? I want to go home.Sorry. Im busy.Haha!Oh,no!Help!Look at that poor can.Come on! Were late for school.Here comes a can.Lets give it to Zoom. He can help.Let me help you.Thank you. Home, sweet home.Look! There is a big white bird in the sky!There are many pretty fish in the river.Wow!Is there a river in the park?Yes, there is.Im hungry. Is there a restaurant beside the lake?No, there isnt. Look! I have some food. Lets share.Children, lets go to the forest!Yeah!Is there a river in the forest, Miss White?No, there isnt.Is there a lake, Miss White?Yes, there is and there are some small boats.Cool! Lets go boating.Is there a lake in the park?Yes, there is.Is there a forest?Is there a river in the park?Yes, there is.Is there a river in front of the mountain?Yes, there is.The nature park is so quiet!Yes, Zhang Peng. There arent many people.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?No, there arent.Are there any animals?Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.Are there any lakes in the park?No, there arent.Sorry. Youre not my “friend”.Are there any lakes in the park?Yes, there are.How many?Two.Youre my “friend”!Are there any lakes on the mountain?Yes, there is one.Robin is at Mr Jones house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.What a nice day! Lets go to a nature park!Why not? We can take some pictures there.Look at that beautiful bridge.Yes. The mountains and trees are beautiful, too.Look! There is a house over there!Are there any people in the house?Lets go and have a look!There is so much corn! I like corn.Look! There is a koala over there.Hey! Why dont you take a picture of me?Later. Zoom. Lets take a picture of the koala first.Your card is broken!Oh, dear me!Oh, no!Can you cook, Robin?Yes, I can.Are there any lakes in the forest?Yes, there are two.Is there a restaurant in the forest?No, there isnt, but there is one in front of the hill.Are there any villages in the nature park?Let me think. Yes, there is one on the mountain.Is there a robot in the park?Yes, there is one between Zhang Peng and Sarah! Its me!Whats in the nature park?There is a small village.Where is it?ItsIn a dark ,dark wood there is a dark ,dark house.And in the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark hallway.And in the dark, dark hallway there are some dark, dark stairs.And down the dark, dark stairs there is a dark, dark room.And in the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark cupboard.And in the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark box.And in the dark, dark box there is a big mouse!Ouch! My tail!oldyoungfunnykindstrictpolitehard-workinghelpfulclevershyknowourMswillsometimesrobothimspeakfinishMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayweekendwashwash my clotheswatchwatch TVdodo homeworkreadread booksplaypaly footballcookingoftenparktiredsportplay sportsshouldeverydayschedulesandwichsaladhamburgerice creamteafreshhealthydelicioushotsweetdrinkthirstyfavouritefoodDearOnionsingsongsing Enlish sonsplay the pipakung fudo kung fudancedrawcartoondraw cartoonscookswimplay basketballping-pongplay ping-pongspeak Englishwell = we willpartynextwonderfullearnanyproblemno problemwantsendemailatclockplantbottlewater bottlebikephotofrontin front ofbetweenabovebesidebehindtheregrandparenttheirhouselotlots offlowermovedirtyeverywheremouselivenatureforestriverlakemountainhilltreebridgebuildingvillagehouseboatinggo boatingarent = are notrabbithighTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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