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教师课堂常用口语窗体顶端窗体底端1. Good morning(afternoon, evening),class(everyone,students). 同学们,早晨 好. 2. This term we have nine subjects: Chinese,Enghish,Politics,History,Geography,Maths,physics,Chemistry and Biology. 这学期我们有九门学科:语文,英语,政治,历史,地理,数学,化学和生物. 3. We also have some other interesting subjects: Music, Fine Arts, Physical Education,etc.我们还有一些其它的有趣的课程:音乐,美术,体育等等. 4. We have one weekly meeting on Monday afternoon.周一我们有一节班会. 5. The head teacher of our class is Mr.Zhang.我们的班主任是张老师. 6. You must be polite and say hi to them when you see the teacher.见到老师要 礼貌,要问好. 7. When you come into our school, you must speak Putonghua.一进学校,你就要 讲普通话. 8. The Chinese lessons are very important.语文课对于我们来说相当重要. 9. We should study it more carefully than before.我们要比以前更加认真地学习. 10. If you study Chinese its very easy, but if you dont its very hard. 对于汉语,你学它就不难,你不学它就显得挺难. 11. Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well.汉语是我们的母语, 我们必须把它学好. 12. This is our first Chinese class of this term. 这是我们本学期第一节语文课. 13. Were going to learn Lesson One (the first Lesson). 我们要学习第一课. 14. Dont make any noise in class,or you may trouble the others.课上不要喧 哗,那会影响别人. 15. Open your text-books to Page 10. 打开课本第 10 页. 16. This text is written by Mr.Luxun.the great man in our Chinese modern literature history.本文由我国现代文学史上伟大的文学家鲁迅先生的作品. 17. Listen to me carefully,let me tell you sth about the writer.请认真听我为 大家介绍一些作者的情况. 18. You may write down sth important and special on your notes.你们可以在自 己的笔记本上记录一些较为重要和特殊的内容. 19. First ,let me read the text aloud .首先让我为大家朗读本文. 20. Put the text-books on your desk, please.请把你的课本放在书桌上. 21. Please read it follow me quietly(lowly).你们可以轻声跟读. 22. Read the text to yourselves.默读本文. 23. Stop here for a while, please.暂停一会儿. 24. Take your text-books.用手端起课本来. 25. Pay attention to them when they read the second paragraph.他们读第二段时, 注意听. 26. Read more distinctly(Speak more clearly), please.请读清楚一点. 27. Would you speak in a little loud (in a slow)voice(louder,please).你 能大一点声音吗? 28. Speak in a little low voice, please.声音低一点. 29. Your voice(timbre, tone) sounds sweet.你的声音很好听. 30. Read louder and slowly so that everybody can hear you.读得声音大一点,慢 一点,让大家都能听清楚. 31. Now, you may read it in class .现在,你们可以课堂上阅读本文. 32. I ask you to read it fluently and clearly as soon as possible.我要求大家 尽量流畅,清晰地阅读本文. 33. About the key sentences, I ask you to study not only the meaning of the words,but also (them)in the line.就这些重点语句,我要求大家有仅了解字面,还要 注意字里行间的深意. 34. You may ask me if you have any questions.有问题可以问我. 35. Ill give you explanations as many as possible(I can).我会尽多地为大 家解释. 36. And then, Im going to ask you sth simple about it. 然后,我会问你们一 些较为简单的有关情况. 37. Where did we stop(learn) off last time(how far did we get last time)? 上一次我们学到什么地方了? 38. Let me remind you of what we have learned last period (refresh your memory last time we talked about).让我提醒你一下,关于上节课所学的内容. 39. Do you know the general mind (main meaning)of the article?你知道这篇文 章的中心意思吗? 40. Say sth about what you have learned from the hero.谈谈关于这个英雄的启 示. 41. You mustnt make faces in class.上课不要做鬼脸,出洋相. 42. Please keep quiet when some other students make mistakes.同学出错时,你 要保持安静. 43. Lets take turns to read.让我们轮流来读. 44. Who can read it aloud first ?哪位能先朗读? 45. Hands up,please.请举手示意我. 46. Dont worry(calm down,slow down).不必紧张. 47. Speak up,please.请大声说. 48. Stand straight,please.站直些. 49. The blackboard is too high for me, I only can write so few words on it. 黑板太高了,我只能写这么多. 50. Youre right(well done ).很不错 51 52 53 54 55 56 Who wants to try? 谁来试试? 请到前面来. 请回座位. Come up to the front, please. Go back to your seat, please. Come on. You can do it. 来吧!你能做到的. Come on, youre almost there.来吧!你快(做/答)对了. Ill give you a clue (hint). 我给你一些提示. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 You can do it this way. 你可以这样来做. Lets play a game. 让我们玩个游戏. Are you tired? Lets take a break.累了吗?休息一下. Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查这个词. Take notes, please.请作笔记. Are you clear ? 明白了吗? Is that right /correct? Can you find the mistakes? 那个正确吗? 你能找出错误吗? Do you know how to correct the mistakes? 你知道怎么改错吗? Can you guess it? 能猜猜吗? Yes. Youre right.对,你对了. Im sorry. Can you say that again? Take your time. 慢慢来. Use your head. 动动脑筋. Good idea! That makes sense. Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了? 现在你们依次朗读. 好主意.有道理. 对不起,能再说一遍吗? Now youre going to read one by one. Whos next? 接下来是谁? Youre next.接下来是你. Its your turn.轮到你了. Just hands. No voices. 不要说,请举手. Do it on your own.自己做. From the very beginning. 从头开始. Please read it to the end. 请读到结尾. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 问题. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Stop here, please. 请停下来. Hands up before you answer. 回答问题前,请举手. Heres your homework for today. 这是今天的家庭作业. Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作业明天交. Please pass the exercise books to the front.请将练习本递到前面来. Who wants to come to the front? 谁愿意到前面来? Come to my office after class. 下课后到办公室找我. Come and see me after class. 课后找我. I want all of you to answer this question. 我请大家一齐来回答这个 Terrific!/ Wonderful! / Excellent! 很棒! Thats all for the new lesson/ revision. 新课/复习就到这儿. I want you to work in pairs/groups. 请大家做对子/小组练习. Im sorry to have kept you so long. 对不起耽搁大家了. Thats all for today. 今天就到这 We stop here for today. 今天就到这. Lets call it a day. 今天就到这. Dont copy others work. 不要抄别人的作业. Class is over. Thank you, class. 下课.谢谢! Good-bye./ See you tomorrow. 再见/明天1.Class begins. 上课。 2. Stand up, please. 请起立。 3. Good morning! 早晨好! 4. Good afternoon! 下午好! 5. Good evening! 晚上好! 6. Sit down, please. 请坐。 7. Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日? 8. I am. 我值日。 9. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 10. Are you all here? 都出席了吗? 11. Yes. 全都出席了。 12. No, Li Ming is absent. 不,李明缺席(没到)。 13. Li Ming is ill. 李明病了。 14. May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 15. Yes, you may. 可以。 16. Of course you may. 当然可以。 17. Yes, please do. 请进。 18. Come in, please. 请进。 19. Dont be late next time. 下次别再迟到了。 20. What day is today? 今天是星期几? 21. Today is Monday(Tuesday,Wednesday, 今天是星期一(星期二,星期三, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日)。 22. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期几? 23. Tomorrow is Monday. 明天是星期一。 24. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几? 25. Yesterday was Monday. 昨天是星期一。 26. Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎样? 27. Its fine. 今天天晴。 28. Its cloudy. 今天多云。 29. Its windy. 今天有风。 30. Its raining. 今天下雨。 31. Dont talk. 别说话。 32. Stop talking. 别说话了。 33. Silence, please. 请安静。 34. Please be quiet. 请安静。 35. Sit up(straight). 坐直。 36. Lett have a daily talk. 我们来进行日常对话。 37. We are going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们上新课。 38. Today we are going to have a revision. 今天我们上复习课。 39. Listen, please. 请听。 40. Listen to me carefully. 仔细听。 41. Now listen and repeat. 现在先听, 然后重复。 42. Listen to the tape recording. 请听录音。 43. Look at my mouth. 请注意我的口型。 44. Say it after me. 跟我说。 45. Read after me. 跟我读。 46. Say these words (sentences) after me. 跟我说这些单词(句子)。 47. Read slowly and clearly. 慢慢地、清清楚楚地读。 48. Louder, please. 请大声读。 49. Dont murmur. 说话声音别太小。 50. Say it again. 再说一遍。 51. Once more. 再来一遍。 52. Think it over. 想一想。 53. Try again. 再试一试。 54. That抯 better. 好些了。 55. How do you pronounce this word? 这个单词怎么发音? 56. Spell this word. 拼这个单词。 57. Spell the word “Wednesday”. 拼单词“Wednesday”。 58. Who can spell the word “brother”? 谁能拼“brother”这词? 59. How do you spell the word “box”? 你怎么拼单词“box”? 60. The letter“a”is pronouced as Z 这个单词中字母“a”读作Z。 in this word. 61. The letter“t”is silent in the word 单词“often”中的字母“t” “often”. 不发音。 62. The letter“e”in “plane” is not “plane”中的字母“e”不发音。 pronounced. 63. Look at this group of words on the 看黑板上的单词。他们含有相同 blackboard. They have the same vowel 的元音,不是吗? sound, dont they? 64. Whats the meaning of this word? 这个单词的词意是什么? 65. Put it into Chinese. 把它译成汉语。 66. Put it into English. 把它译成英语。 67. Say it in English. 用英语讲。 68. Answer in English. 用英语回答。 69. Whats the Chinese for “bike”? “bike”的中文意思是什么? 70. Whats the English for “公共汽车”? 英语“公共汽车”怎么说? 71. Please put up your hands. 请举手。 72. Put down your hands. 把手放下。 73. Come to the front. 到前面来。 74. Come to the blackboard. 到黑板前来。 75. Go to the blackboard. 到黑板那去。 76. Go back to your seat(seats). 回到座位上去。 77. Look at the cards. 看卡片。 78. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 79. Look at the slide. 看幻灯。 80. Look at the pictures. 看图片。 81. Say something about the picture. 谈谈这张图画。 82. Ask your classmates to answer your 请你的同学们回答这个(你的)问 question. 题。 83. Answer my questions, please. 请回答我的问题。 84. Can you answer this question? 你能回答这个问题吗? 85. Let me try. 我来试试。 86. Sorry, I can抰. 对不起我不会。 87. Who can help him (her)? 谁能帮助他(她)? 88. Dont be afraid. 不要害怕。 89. Dont be nervous. 不要紧张。 90. Next, please. 下一个,请。 91. You, please. 你,请。 92. Wholl have a try? 谁愿试一下? 93. Will you have a try? 你来试试好吗? 94. Any volunteers? 谁愿回答? 95. Lets say the dialogue. 我们来对话。 96. Practise the dialogue in pairs. 两人一组练习对话。 97. Read the dialogue. You read part A. 读对话。你读A部分。 98. Lets act out the dialogue. 我们来表演对话。 99. Id like to have two pupils come up 我想请两位同学上来对话。 here and say the dialogue. 100. Wang Hai will be A, and Li Hong 王海充当“A”,李红充当 will be B. “B”。 101. Lets do pattern drills. 我们来做句型练习。 102. Dont look at your textbooks. 别看你的课本。 103. Close your books. 把书合起来。 104. Open your books at page 53. 把书打开, 翻到53页。 105. Turn back to page 50. 翻回到50页。 106. Read by yourselves. 你们自己读。 107. Please read the text. 请读课文。 108. Please read the first paragraph. 请读第一段。 109. Read in chorus. Ready, start. 齐声朗读。准备,开始。 110. Go on, please. 请继续。 111. Thatll do. 可以了。 112. Stop here. 停下。 113. Do you understand? 懂了吗? 114. Any questions? 有问题吗? 115. May I ask a question? 我可以提个问题吗? 116. Any more questions? 还有问题吗? 117. Lets do some written exercises. 我们来做书面练习。 118. Take out your exercise-books. 拿出你们的练习本。 119. Lets have a dictation. 我们来听写。 120. Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗? 121. Ill read again. Please check up. 我再读一遍, 请核对。 122. Have you finished? 完成了吗? 123. Time is up. 时间到了。 124. Stop writing. 别写了。 125. Hand in your exercise-books, please. 请把你们的练习本交上来。 126. Pass your exercise-books to the front. 把练习本传到前面来。 127. Any mistakes? 有错吗? Yes.(No.) 有。(没有。) 128. Correct it(them), please. 请改正。 129. Is that right(correct)? 对吗? Yes. (No.) 对。(不对。) 130. Thats wrong. 错了。 131. All right. 对。 132. Thats right. 对。 133. Very good. 很好。 134. Thats not quite right. 不完全对。 135. Lets sing a song. (Lets sing songs.) 我们来唱歌。 136. Lets play a game. (Lets play games.) 我们来做游戏。 137. For todays homework, make sentences 今天的家庭作业是用黑板上的单 with the words on the blackboard. 词造句。 138. For homework,copy the new words and 家庭作业是抄生词和句型练习, drills. Do Exercise 4 on page 37. 做37页上的练习4。 139. Write from memory the English alphabet 默写英文字母(大小写)。 (both in capital and small letters). 140. Recite the letters from A to G. 背字母A至G。 141. Learn the dialogue by heart. 背对话。 142. Put in the missing letters. 填入所缺的字母。 143. Give the plural forms of these words. 给出下列单词的复数形式。 144. Turn these sentences into interrogative 把下列句子改成疑问句并回答。 sentences and then answer them. 145. Make these sentences negative,then 把下列句子改成否定句和疑问 interrogative. 句。 146. There will be a test on Lesson 6 下周一进行第六课测验。 next Monday. 147. Thats all for today. 今天的课就上到这里。 147. http:/www.youhuiol.com 优惠券网 148. Class is over. 下课了。 149. Goodbye! 再见! 150. See you tomorrow! 明天见!1. Good morning(afternoon, evening),class(everyone,students)。 同学们,早晨好。2. This term we have nine subjects:Chinese,Enghish,Politics,History,Geography,Maths,physics,Chemistry and Biology.这学期我们有九门学科:语文、英语、政治、历史、地理、数学、化学和生物。3. We also have some other interesting subjects: Music, Fine Arts, Physical Education,etc.我们还有一些其它的有趣的课程:音乐、美术、体育等等。4. We have one weekly meeting on Monday afternoon.周一我们有一节班会。5. The head teacher of our class is Mr.Zhang.我们的班主任是张老师。6. You must be polite and say hi to them when you see the teacher.见到老师要礼貌,要问好。7. When you come into our school, you must speak Putonghua.一进学校,你就要讲普通话。8. The Chinese lessons are very important。语文课对于我们来说相当重要。9. We should study it more carefully than before.我们要比以前更加认真地学习。10. If you study Chinese its very easy, but if you dont its very hard.对于汉语,你学它就不难,你不学它就显得挺难。11. Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well.汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。12. This is our first Chinese class of this term. 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。13. Were going to learn Lesson One (the first Lesson)。 我们要学习第一课。14. Dont make any noise in class,or you may trouble the others.课上不要喧哗,那会影响别人。15. Open your text-books to Page 10. 打开课本第10页。16. This text is written by Mr.Luxun.the great man in our Chinese modern literature history.本文由我国现代文学史上伟大的文学家鲁迅先生的作品。17. Listen to me carefully,let me tell you sth about the writer.请认真听我为大家介绍一些作者的情况。18. You may write down sth important and special on your notes.你们可以在自己的笔记本上记录一些较为重要和特殊的内容。19. First ,let me read the text aloud .首先让我为大家朗读本文。20. Put the text-books on your desk, please.请把你的课本放在书桌上。21. Please read it follow me quietly(lowly)。你们可以轻声跟读。22. Read the text to yourselves.默读本文。23. Stop here for a while, please.暂停一会儿。24. Take your text-books.用手端起课本来。25. Pay attention to them when they read the second paragraph.他们读第二段时,注意听。26. Read more distinctly(Speak more clearly), please.请读清楚一点。27. Would you speak in a little loud (in a slow)voice(louder,please)。你能大一点声音吗?28. Speak in a little low voice, please.声音低一点。29. Your voice(timbre, tone) sounds sweet.你的声音很好听。30. Read louder and slowly so that everybody can hear you.读得声音大一点、慢一点,让大家都能听清楚。31. Now, you may read it in class .现在,你们可以课堂上阅读本文。32. I ask you to read it fluently and clearly as soon as possible.我要求大家尽量流畅、清晰地阅读本文。33. About the key sentences, I ask you to study not only the meaning of the words,but also (them)in the line.就这些重点语句,我要求大家有仅了解字面,还要注意字里行间的深意。34. You may ask me if you have any questions.有问题可以问我。35. Ill give you explanations as many as possible(I can)。我会尽多地为大家解释。36. And then, Im going to ask you sth simple about it. 然后,我会问你们一些较为简单的有关情况。37. Where did we stop(learn) off last time(how far did we get last time)? 上一次我们学到什么地方了?38. Let me remind you of what we have learned last period (refresh your memory last time we talked about)。让我提醒你一下,关于上节课所学的内容。39. Do you know the general mind (main meaning)of the article?你知道这篇文章的中心意思吗?40. Say sth about what you have learned from the hero。谈谈关于这个英雄的启示。41. You mustnt make faces in class.上课不要做鬼脸,出洋相。42. Please keep quiet when some other students make mistakes.同学出错时,你要保持安静。43. Lets take turns to read。让我们轮流来读。44. Who can read it aloud first ?哪位能先朗读?45. Hands up,please.请举手示意我。46. Dont worry(calm down,slow down)。不必紧张。47. Speak up,please.请大声说。48. Stand straight,please.站直些。49. The blackboard is too high for me, I only can write so few words on it.黑板太高了,我只能写这么多。50. Youre right(well done )。很不错。Lets read the text aloud together.下面,全体齐读。Now lets begin.开始!Itll take us two periods to grasp(master) these.这些需要我们两课时才能掌握。We have three study tasks to do this class.本课时,我们有三个学习任务。The first is the background and the writer .首先是本文的背景和作者情况。Next,the thought and the writing methods .然后是它的思想内容和写法。Then,the new words and the sentence strctures .最后是本文中的生词和一些句式。Whats more(what else), the feelings and the lauguage style of the text.还有,本文的感情和语言风格。We may analyse the title of the text together. 我们可以一起分析一下本文的题目。Now lets speak freely.现在请大家畅所欲言。Thats all(so much) for the class .Times up.下课时间已到,本课时就讲这么多。After class,youre to read the text again.课后,大家还得再读一会儿。And you ought to hand in the homework in time.大家要及时上交作业。Lets take a break, see you later,everyone.休息一会儿,同学们,再见。According to the study demand (require) and our arrangement,well do an action.根据学习需要和安排,我们要搞一项活动。From now on, at the beginning of every Chinese class, well ask someone to do the oral composition.从现在开始,在每堂语文课上课之始,我们请同学们做口头作文。Do you understand what I said just now ?大家明白我刚才说的意思吗?Now, you may make preparations for it in ten minutes.现在,大家可以准备十分钟。The lecture will begin in a minute, lets get ready.演讲稍候就要开始,准备一下。Whose turn is it today ?轮到谁了?Are you ready now?准备好了吗?Please do it in front of the blackboard.请到黑板前来做这个练习。Lets give him(her) a warm welcome(clap)。让我们用掌声欢迎他(她)。Please write down your title of oral composition on the right of the blackboard.请把你的作文题目写在黑板右面。Thanks for fathers love.感谢父爱。The first unforgetable cut class.难忘那第一次逃学。Youd better do it without draft.最好不要带稿。Good job! You have done it with some grace, but your content isnt much(enough)。做得不错,大方自然,只是内容偏少。Just now our classmate Zhang Ming gave us a lecture, I think it is well done, Id like to ask for some studentsopinion on it.刚才我们的同学张明给我们做了一次演讲,我认为他做得很不错,我想听一听一些同学对它的意见。How do you think of his lecture?你觉得他的演讲怎么样?Because of our learning of text last period, we didnt invite someone to do the lecture, at the begining of the class,well ask our two classmates to do it, who is the first?上节课因为课文学习的缘故,我们没有请同学做演讲,这节课之初,我们要请两个同学做这个练习,哪位是第一位同学?Next class, were going to learn Lesson Five.下节课,我们要学习第五课。I ask you to make preparations for it before class. 我要求大家课前做好一定准备。You gotta(have got to) learn the paragrghs 4-6 by heart.大家还要背诵第46段。Can you recite them now?现在能背诵过吗?Please try to do it as well as you can.尽量做好。Wonderfulvery good-good-not bad-terrible-awful.好极了,很好,好,不错,糟了,很不理想。Now Im sorry Im late.对不起,我来晚了。How foggy it is this morning!今早晨雾迷漫。Sth was wrong with my autocycle on my way to school just now.刚才我的摩托车在路上坏了。My autocycle is in the third bicycle-shed.我的摩托车现在放在第三个车棚里。Lets continue the text.让我们继续学习这篇课文。Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?Great day today, isnt it ?今天天不错,是吧?Its cloudy and rainy today,It has been very cold these days。今天阴雨天,这几天都挺冷。Put on more clothes before you go out.出门的时候多穿点衣服。And you ought to cover yourself well with quilt while sleeping.睡觉的时候,盖好被子。Open the window,please,Its quite airless(the air is not fresh) here.打开窗户,这里太闷了,一点也不通风。Please shut the door, Its very cold today.今天天气真冷,请关上门,好吗?How foggy it is (what a foggy day it is) now!今天雾可真大啊!Its getting chilly(hot, cool,warm).天要变得寒冷(炎热,冷爽,温暖)。According to the weather report(forecast),its going to rain(snow, clear).根据天气预报,天要下雨(下雪,放晴)。Are you going to take your umbrella to the concert.你要拿雨伞去音乐会吗?youd better take your raincoat with you ,it looks like rain.你最好拿着雨衣,天要下雨。The weather changed suddenly, many of us caught cold.天气突变,一些人感冒了。Its said that you were ill yesterday , is it true ?据说你昨天病了,真的吗?Let me feel your forehead.让我摸摸你的额头。How are you feeling now?现在你怎么样?It doesnt matter (amount to) very much.没什么大不了的。Does your classroom have central heating?你们教室有暖气吗?Youd better boil some vinegar.你们最好熬一些醋Get well soon.祝你尽快康复。I have used up all of the chalk, would you fetch.some more from the office?粉笔用完了,你到办公室拿回一些来,可以吗?Please pass (bring) me the red chalk.请给我拿来红色粉笔。Ive used up my ink(toothpaste,paper).我的墨水(牙膏,纸张)用完了。Were all out of money.我们的钱用完了。A dictionary is of great use to students learning a foreign language对于学外语的学生,字典是很有用处的。Will you please fetch me my dictionary?能给我拿过我的词典吗?Youre welcome to use my dictionary.你当然可以用我的词典。Some of you look like sleepy now,they seem to be tired.有些人显得很疲劳,好象挺累了。Youre allowed to have some drink in the evening.class 晚上上课时,大家可以喝水。During the class, I notice some of you looks sleepy。我注意到有些同学课上精神不振。I dont think you had a good rest yesterday。 我想你可能是昨天没有休息好。Now you are allowed to take a three-miunte catnap.现在你可以休息三分钟。And then,all of you must be in good (high) spirits.。然后,大家都要振作精神。This class will be over in a moment, now lets take a nap(break ,catnap).本课时将近结束,大家可以休息一会儿。But you know(should understand), t

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