上海牛津版9年级上册英语 Unit5 同步学案.doc

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_学生姓名 年级 授课时间 教师姓名 李萍 课时 2 教学目标重点难点作业教学效果/课后反思九年级英语同步学案(1期)Unit 5 Action! Warm-up: Speaking(二)情景对话1. What is your maths teacher like?2. What do you often do when you are sad? 3. Whats your favorite TV programm?4. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?5. How do you feel about TV?(三)简短说话 你在校园里看到下面的海报,请把活动的时间、地点告诉班主任王老师,向老师申请参加两项活动,并说明理由。 时间:5月6日下午3点至5点地点:学校操场项目:在A、B中选其一,另外一项自定 ? A. B. C. AAA一、复习展示 (一)默写单词 _ n.赞扬;称赞_ v. 看;观看_ n. 广播(或讲话等)稿_ n. 导演_ n. 化妆_ n. 艺术家_ n. 演播室_ n. 比赛者_ prep. 在之上_ prep. 在.之中_ prep. 向;朝_ adv. 向前_ n. 秒(时间单位)_ adj.放松的;冷静的_ prep. 领先_ adj. 平静的;安静的_ adj. 仅有一个的;单个的_ n. 胜利;成功_ n. 英格兰_ adj. 幸运的;运气好的_ n. 新闻报道_ n. 民意调查_ v. 赢;打败(某人) 过去式_ 过去分词 _(二)翻译下列短语 _ 楼层平面图_ 达人秀_ 昏迷;失去知觉 _ 保持静止;保持不动(的状态)_ 紧急出口 _ 在工作日(周一至周五)_ 照射在上_ 冲上前_ 给某人上妆_ 领先_ 获奖 _ 去理发_ 结束语_ 开场白_ 大吃一惊_ 长话短说_ 说实话_ 小菜一碟(三)词汇与短语运用A: 单词拼写1. Our school football team won the match. We all got very excited when hearing the good n_.2. If we dont prepare for the competition, they will b_ us.3. He is l_ to be active after being in that terrible accident.4. Listening to music is a good way to make us r_.5. We can v_ the problem in different ways and give different opinions.B: 完成句子 1. 他被击中了头部,晕了过去。He _ _ on the head and _ _. 2. 周一至周五我都很忙。I am very busy _ _. 3. 我给你梳头时,请别动。_ _ while I comb your hair. 4. 下周我们学校将举办一场达人秀。There _ _ a _ _ in our school next week. 5. 能告诉我紧急出口在哪里吗? Could you tell me where _ _ _ _?二、知识探究1. Listen to a conversation about the floor plan of a TV station.听一段关于一家电视台楼层平面图的对话。 plan 此处用作名词,意为“平面图”,floor plan意为“楼层平面图”。【拓展】 plan作名词,意为“计划”。 make plans/ a plan for.意为“为.制定计划” make plans/ a plan to do sth.意为“制定计划做某事”例:Have you made plans for your weekend? I made a plan to clean up my room. plan (planning, planned, planned) 做动词,意为“计划,打算”。plan to to sth. 意为“计划做某事”。例:Tom planned to travel to Europe.【即学即练】 He planned _ her by arriving home earlier.A. surprise B. surprising C. to surprise D. surprised 你为十一制定好计划了吗?_ 爸爸计划买一辆新车。_2. sound operator 音响师 sound 此处用作名词,意为“声音”。例:Have you heard the sound of the birds singing?【拓展】辨析sound, voice和noisesound泛指可听到的一切声音voice多指人发出的声音noise通常用于指不悦耳、不和谐的“噪音;嘈杂声”例:All she could hear was the sound of the waves.He was singing in a low voice.Try not to make so much noise.【即学即练】用sound, voice和noise填空。 The baby is sleeping. Youd better not make any_. At midnight he heard a strange _. The girl has a beautiful _. When the teacher came into the classroom,our monitor spoke in a loud_,“Stand up!” I heard the _ of running water. I am always disturbed by the _ of the traffic.3. A woman has won the quiz. 一个女人赢了知识竞赛。win (winning, won, won) 动词,意为“赢得;获胜”。win 作及物动词时,后接表示比赛、奖品、荣誉等的词,但不能接参加比赛的对手。【拓展】辨析win与beatwin及物动词意为“赢得”,宾语是表示比赛、奖品、荣誉等的词不及物动词意为“获胜”beat及物动词意为“击败”,宾语是比赛或竞争的对手,即表示人或团队的词不及物动词意为“敲打;(风雨等)拍打;(心跳)跳动”例:He won the gold medal in the competition. We beat the strongest team in the football match this time.winner 名词,意为“获胜者”例:The winner is a boy called Tom.【即学即练】用win和beat的适当形式填空。 Mary _ the first place in the competition. We _ their team by 54. The athlete _ his competitors and _ the gold medal.4. “We need another contestant,” he shouted. “我们需要另一名比赛者,”他大喊。another此处用作形容词,意为“又一;再一”,泛指三者或三者以上的另一个。其后可接单数名词/基数词+复数名词。例:We need another computer.Weve still got another forty miles to go. 我们还要走40英里。【拓展】another+基数词+复数名词 = 基数词+more+复数名词例:I want to eat another two apples. = I want to eat two more apples.【即学即练】 Both of the T-shirts are too small for me. Please show me _ one.A. another B. other C. the other D. others 小男孩吃完蛋糕后,要求再要一块。_5. He led her onto the stage, and a make-up artist rushed forward.他带她上了舞台,一位化妆师冲上前。forward(又作forwards)副词,意为“向前”,其反义词为backward,意为“向后”。例:He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. 他身体前倾,胳膊肘撑在桌子上。 She took another small step forward. 她又向前走了一小步。【拓展】look forward to 意为“期待;希望”,其后接名词、代词或v-ing形式。例:Im looking forward to your good news.【即学即练】Were looking forward to _ in the river. A. swim B. swimming C. swam D. swiming6. Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. 尽管安杰拉没有准备,但她好像很轻松并发挥得很好。relaxed形容词,意为“放松的;冷静的”,可作表语或定语,其修饰对象多为人。例:Youll feel relaxed when listening to the song.【拓展】 relaxing 形容词,意为“令人放松的”,可作表语或定语,其修饰对象多为物。例:What a relaxing movie! relax 动词,意为“放松;使放松”。例:Everyone needs to relax sometimes.类似的词还有interested/interesting, tired/tiring, excited/exciting等。【即学即练】 Listening to the _ music always makes me _. A. relaxed, relaxing B. relaxed, relaxed C. relaxing, relaxing D. relaxing, relaxed Im not _ in the book beacuse it isnt _ at all! A. interesting, interesting B.intested, intesting C. interesting, interested D. intested, intested After seeing the _ film, he looked very _. (excite)7. success 成功 success 名词,意为“成功”例:The movie made a great success.【拓展】 successful 形容词,意为“成功的,如愿以偿的,达到目的的”。例:She is a successful woman. successfully 副词,意为“成功地”。例:He finished his work successfully. succeed 动词,意为“成功,达到”。succeed (in) doing sth. 意为“成功做某事”。例:He succeeded in passing the entrance examination.【即学即练】 Dont give up. You know hard work leads to _ (成功). -I have great _ in finishing the work by myself. Could you help me?-No problem. A. fun B. success C. advice D. difficulty8. Today I took part in a quiz show at a TV studio. 今天我在一家电视台参加了一个知识竞赛节目。take part in 意为“参加”,多指参加有积极意义的群众性活动。例:You can take part in the party on Sunday evening.【拓展】辨析take part in, join, join in和 attendtake part in动词短语意为“参加”后面跟群众性的活动、会议等,参加者持积极态度,起一定作用join可用作及物动词意为“参加或加入某组织或团体,并成为其中一员”其后常跟表示团体、组织、党派等的词join in动词短语意为“参加(某活动)”in 后接表示某一项活动的名词或动名词attend及物动词意为“参加,出席”指与别人一道出席会议,参加典礼、婚礼等,着重指参加的动作,不一定起应有的作用【即学即练】用take part in, join, join in 和 attend 的适当形式填空。 Lots of workers and students _ the movement. My elder brother _ the army two years ago. The teacher will _ our discussion. Why not _ us in singing? Mr Wang has an important meeting to _.9. I found it difficult to talk to foreigners in English我发现用英语跟外国人交谈很困难“find it + 形容词+ 动词不定式(短语)” 是固定句式,意为“发现做某事是的”。it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式(短语)。例:I find it necessary to eat more vegetables.【拓展】用于此种结构的动词还有think, make, feel, believe等。例:I think it important to learn English well.【即学即练】 一些学生发现英语很难学。_ 我认为那样做是错误的。_10. During these festivals, people not only enjoy the latest films from around the world, but also meet famous film stars and discuss developments in the film industry.在这些电影节期间,人们不仅欣赏来自全世界的最新电影,而且见到电影明星并讨论电影产业的发展。(1)not onlybut also意为“不仅而且”,可用于连接句中的两个并列成分,着重强调后者,also有事可省略,主要用法如下: not onlybut also 连接的成分在句中作主语时,谓语动词通常与其相邻的主语保持一致,称为“就近原则”。例:Not only the students but also their teacher is interested in this movie. not onlybut also 连接两个并列分句时,not only 引导的分句通常使用部分倒装的形式。例:Not only has she been late three times, she has also done no work.(2)development 名词,意为“发展;开发”例:The development of the food industry depends on that of agriculture.食品工业的发展有赖于农业的发展。【拓展】 develop 动词,意为“(使)成长,发展”。例:The child is developing normally. developing 形容词,意为“发展中的”。developed形容词,意为“发达的;成熟的”。【即学即练】 China is a _ country while America is a _ country. (develop) Not only the teacher but also the students _ the plan. A. was against B. were against C. against D. be against 我不仅打乒乓球,而且也打篮球。_三、专项训练(一)单项选择1. of us could understand the article, we could hardly find any new words in it.A. Little; thoughB. Few; becauseC. A few; soD. Few; though2. - She didnt come to school yesterday, did she? - , though she was not feeling very well.A. No, she didnt B. Yes, she didntC. No, she didD. Yes, she did3. the bike isnt expensive, the young man cant afford it.A. BecauseB. ThoughC. IfD. While4. You must leave here now your mother can get some more rest.A. becauseB. so thatC. thoughD. when5. Youd better not buy this bike. Its cheap its not a good one.A. butB. andC. thoughD. so6. the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand.A. ButB. ThoughC. AndD. For7. - Im going to Suzhou for a holiday this weekend. - you are there, could you buy me some green tea?A. BecauseB. WhileC. AfterD. Though8. None of us knew what had happened they told us about it.A. whenB. untilC. whoD. though9. We will have no water to drink we dont protect the earth. A. untilB. beforeC. thoughD. if10. - Tommy, do you know if Frank to the zoo this Sunday if it ?- Sorry, I have no idea.A. will go; is fineB. goes; is fineC. will go; is going to be fineD. goes; will be fine(二)完形填空It is very common for people to hear the sounds of popcorn and cell phones in many nice cinemas, but some people are not 1 about it. As a result, many people dont go to cinema and like to stay 2 to watch DVDs. Its free, but it lets people feel a little sad.So Silent Cinema, a new kind of cinema is in town. People can 3 movies together without any unwelcome 4 . It is very easy when you come into Silent Cinema: You wear wireless headphones (无线耳机) 5 movies. Then you can sit back and relax! You can laugh or cry as 6 as you like. You can even dance or eat French fries if you like because in Silent Cinema 7 can hear you do anything.What you need to do is easy: Just 8 your wireless headphones; and if you dont like it, you 9 take it off. Keep them on when you go to the washroom or have a drink and you wont miss anything.You can still 10 other people in the cinema, but you cant hear them. They will still be there for you to share (分享) your feelings about the movie.()1. A. happyB. sadC. shyD. outgoing()2. A. at schoolB. at homeC. in the cinemaD. in the factory()3. A. goB. comeC. enjoyD. sell()4. A. personsB. thingsC. soundsD. books()5. A. to watchB. to makeC. to thinkD. to buy()6. A. quietlyB. sadlyC. happilyD. loudly()7. A. nothingB. no oneC. anyoneD. someone()8. A. put onB. look forC. give upD. take off()9. A. mustB. have toC. needD. can()10. A. seeB. loseC. findD. kill四、巩固提升(一)阅读理解AHeres some news about the Olympic Games held in Beijing. Rocket man No doubt that Dayron Robles won the gold medal in the mens 110 meter hurdles at the Birds Nest last night. The 21-year-old fellow rushed ahead after rising from the blocks and never forgot his position to come home a meter clear of the field in 12.93 seconds. His win is the second fastest time in Olympic history but 0.06 seconds slower than his own world record. His success is an expected one because defending Olympic champion Liu Xiang gave up because of injury. Underdogs steal gold In a surprising change the US got its Olympic title again after a fierce (激烈的) match at the Workers Stadium. Missing three key players, the US team managed to hold down Brazilians crazy attacks in the last moments of the match. Carli Lloyd scored the US goal making it 1:0 in extra time. In the left minutes the Brazilians fired as many shots as they could, but all in vain. After being defeated by Brazil 4:0 in last years World Cup, the US team was considered the luckiest team in last nights final. Dash to victory A swimmer once on the edge of death has taken gold in the mens 10 km marathon swimming event. Van der Meijden, diagnosed (诊断) with leukemia (白血病) in 2001, made a dash in the last 100 meters seizing the gold medal from Briton David Davies. Van der Meijden won in one hour 51 minutes and 51.6 seconds, 1.5 seconds ahead of Davies. German swimmer Thomas Lurz won the bronze. The Dutchman made a comeback to swimming after taking an operation in 2002. In 2008, he won gold in the 25km event at the World Championships. 1. From the part “Rocket man” we can know Dayron Robles _. A. was lucky to win the gold medal B. ran slower than Liu Xiang C. had a world record of 12.33 seconds D. had ever ran in 12.87 seconds 2. According to the part “Underdogs steal gold”, _. A. three key Brazilian players didnt play in the match. B. the Brazilians lost their chance in the extra timeC. Brazil won the championship at the last Olympics D. the US team defeated Brazil by 4:0 3. According to the last part, we can know _. A. Meijden didnt receive any treatment before Beijing OlympicsB. Meijden won at least two world championships in 2008. C. Meijden was operated on in 2001. D. Thomas Lurz was a Dutch athlete 4. It can be inferred (推断) _. A. Dayron Robles had never done better than Liu Xiang before. B. the US had 3 fewer players than Brazil in the last moments. C. Davis was ahead of Meijden before the last 100 meters. D. the news was reported after the Olympic Games. 5. The best title of the passage might be _. A. The fastest at the Olympics B. The luckiest at the Olympics C. The light spots at the Olympics D. The strongest at the Olympics BOn Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球).They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope(绳子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量).It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand.After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the mens basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so theyclimbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Polandheavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometers from London!6. Three men flew in balloon _.A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers B. to another cityC. to visit Poland D. more than a century ago7. The metal box was used for _.A. carrying the bags of sandB. keeping drinking-waterC. carrying ropes of the basketD. changing weight8. When the balloon went up higher, _.A. the temperature of the balloon began to fall B. They saw the sun go downC. They made a hole in the basket with their knivesD. They could see a black hole on the ground9. The balloon landed _.A. in LondonB. on the sea C. on a lake D. in a foreign country10. Which of the following is NOT true?_A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose.B. The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket.C. When they pulled the box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up.D. The three men had to land because they felt cold.(二)书面表达假设你是学校广播电台英语新闻节目的主持人王大卫。请根据以下提示,写一篇80词左右的广播稿。(开头已给出,不计入字数)1. 上周,你校举办运动会,一等奖的获奖情况如下体育项目一等奖班级The long jumpLi Jun初三6班The high jumpZhou Yong初二7班The 100-meter raceSu Wei初三5班2. 下个月,你校还将举办第十届艺术节,活动包括画画、唱歌、乐器演奏、戏剧表演等,希望大家积极参与。Hello, girls and boys. Now, it is 12:30. Its time for our school English News Program. Heres your host, David Wang._五、学后反思 一定也有疑问吧!学到了什么?Key:Warm-up: Speaking(二)情景对话 1. He is very friendly and kind.2. I often listen to the music.3. I like watching talk shows.4. I usually invite my good friends to my birthday party and we eat cake together.5. I think it gives us enjoyment and helps us get to know the world.(二)简短说话 Miss Wang, there will be a talent show from 3 oclock to 5 oclock on the afternoon of May 6th. The talent show will be held on the school playground. There are many different games such as badminton and chess. Id like to join in the badminton game because I am good at it. I also want to take part in the singing competition since I have a beautiful voice. I hope you can give me the chance to show my talent in the activity. Thank you.一、复习展示(一)默写单词 (略)(二)翻译下列短语 (略)(三)词汇与短语运用 A:单词拼写 1. news2. beat3. lucky4. relaxed5. viewB: 完成句子1. was hit; passed out2. on weekdays3. Keep still4. will be; talent show5. the emergency exit is二、知识探究1.即学即练: C

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