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_8A Module 1 My LifeUnit 3 Trouble The First Period Reading Language Targets:1.Using the simple past tense to write a diary.2.Using the adverbs of frequency to describe the action.3.Using formulaic expressions to organize a diary.4.Learners can know how to help others in an indirect way.Language focus:1. Vocabulary: 1) deal, trouble, argument, crowd, steal, hurry, afraid, ever, unusual, purse, quietly2) deal with, wait for, shout at, move through the crowd, stare at, hurry aboard, happen to, hold out, be going on2. Function: They stole my friends purse five minutes ago.Teaching aids: 1. A recorder, a cassette2. Students book 8A page 39.Teaching steps:PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation1.Daily talk2. Name the things in his sack that the robber stole from the people3.Answer the questions.Topic;What did you do last Sunday?Bob the robber stole 12 things from these people. Can you name the things in his sack? Can you say who he stole each thing from?Example:He stole a ball from the dog.What do you know about?1.Have you ever been on a ferry?2.What number do you dial to call the police?3.What is a diary?4.Do you keep a diary?5.What do you usually 6.write in your diary?7.How often do you write?Students would like to share it with classmates and will make the atmosphere of English. Review the simple past tense and ask students to learn to express correctly in real life in EnglishHelp students know something about diaries.II. While- task procedure1. Read the title and the introduction on the next page. Topic: Dealing with troubleIntroduction: Here is a page from Pauls diary. Paul is writing about an unusual thing that happened to him one day. 2、Learn the new words. 3、Learn the article.4. Look and think5. Exercises D1: Help Paul to complete the letter to Kurt.6. Exercise D2: Find the factsTell Ss to look at the title, subtitle and pictures before they read the whole article, they can get a general idea of the topic.Give a short answer to the question below. 1What do you think Paul will write about?2What is the man doing with the bag?3.Which person is Paul?Ask Ss to read the text by themselves and find out the new words, and try to guess the meanings by reading the words around them.1.Read the text after the tape.2.Read the text together.3. Match the paragraphs with their main ideas.1. Read the text together.2. Ask students to finish exercises C1, C2, C3.3.Have a check.4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about Pauls diary. S1 asks the questions and S2 tries to answer his or her questions. Later, Paul wrote a letter to his penfriend, Kurt. Some words are missing from his letter. Use information from Pauls diary to complete the letter. Put one word in each blank.Work alone or in pairs. Read Pauls diary againto find the answers to these questions.Help Ss understand the article easily.This is part of the skill of predicting, It is good for Ss to make intelligent guesses about what might be in the article.Develop the skill of guessing and working out the likely meaning of a word from the study of its context.Check the understanding of the text.Train the Ss reading skills.The exercise practices using different forms of the simple past tense.III. Post-task activity1. Retell the story. Suppose you are Pauls father. Retell the story.To review what they have learned IV. AssignmentRead and copy the new words.Workbook 8A, pages 11, 12, 18, 19 and 20.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Second Period Grammar ALanguage Targets:1. Practise the simple past tense and adverbial expression.2. Students can use the simple past tense correctly.Language focus:1. Vocabulary: jump over a stream, blow down your tents, carry guns2. Forms of the simple past tense of irregular verbs.Teaching aids: 1. A recorder, a cassette,2. Students book 8A page 42Teaching steps:PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparationDaily talkTopic: A story happened on the busLet students become interested in this topic and make the atmosphere of English. II. While- task procedure1.Introduce when to use the simple past tense. 2.The different forms of the past tense verbs.3.Practise 4.Forms of the simple past tense. 5. Language Exercises Complete their conversation. 6.Complete their dialogue by writing the verbs in brackets in the past simple tense. 1. Ask Ss when we should use the simple present tense.We can use the simple past tense to refer to things that happened in the past.Here are some common time expressions, e.g., a minute ago, yesterday, last week/month/year.1.Regular verbs:1).We add -ed to the past form of most regular verbs in positive sentences.2).We only add -d to verbs that end in e.3).We change the -y to -i and add -ed to some of the verbs that end in y.4).Some verbs double their final consonants when -ed is added,Write the past forms of the given verbs.Tips:Verbs ending in a vowel + y form the simple past tense by adding -ed, e.g., enjoyed, stayed.We form the simple past tense of irregular verbs differently. We do not add -ed.We use the simple past tense to make positive and negative sentences like this.We can use the simple past tense to ask and answer questions like this.Structuree.g.I heard the argument.I didnt hear the argument.Did you hear the argument?Yes, I did. No, I didnt.Tips:The simple past tense is the same for all persons.Later, Paul told his friend Julia about thetheft. Here are some of Julias questions and Pauls answers. Put one or more words in each blank. The first one has been done for you.1、Last month, Leo went on a school campingtrip. Now, he is showing Ling some photos. Work in pairs and role-play Leo and Ling. Complete their dialogue by writing the verbs in brackets in the past simple tense.2、Work in pairs. S1 is a police inspector. S2 saw a robbery in the Pizza Palace. S1 asks about the robbery with the verbs in brackets. S2 uses the pictures and the words given to answer S1s questions.Revise the basic use of the simple past tense.Let the students remember the rules and make sure Ss understand them.Help the students to remember the tips. Tell the students we use the simple past tense to talk about things we used to do.Examine whether Ss have grasped the simple past tense.Train the students speaking ability.III. Post-task activity Complete the newspaper report.Work alone to complete the newspaperreport below. Use the questions and answers you gave in C1.Work alone or in pairs to complete the newspaper report below. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.To review what they have learnedIV. AssignmentWorkbook 8A, pages 23, 24, 25 and 26.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Third Period Grammar BLanguage Targets:1. To use the adverbial phrases of time with the simple past tense to show when something happened. 2. Students can use the simple past tense correctly.Language focus:1. Vocabulary: jump over a stream, blow down your tents, carry guns2. Forms of the simple past tense of irregular verbs.Teaching aids: 1. A recorder, a cassette,2. Students book 8A page 43Teaching steps: PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparationDaily talkTopic:On my way to school Get students interested in the topicII. While- task procedure1.Introduction: the adverbial phrases of time in the simple past tense. We can use the adverbial phrases of time with the simple past tense to show when something happened.2.Using lastThe word last refers to the week, month, year, etc. before the present one. 3. Using in, on or at with time. 4. Using ago. 5.Practise asking and answering 4.Complete Pauls diary by using the correct adverbial phrases.Write down the adverbial phrases of time in the simple past tenseLast month, On Saturday, In 2005, Ten days agoAdverbial phrases can go after or before the main clause.Tips:We dont say last morning/afternoon/evening, but yesterday morning/afternoon/evening. We use in, on or at with time phrases. Read the following examples.We do not use in, on or at before these words: every last next this tomorrow yesterdayThe word ago refers to a period of time before now. It always comes after the time word(s).Look at this time-line and read the questions. Answer questions 3 and 4. Then in pairs, practise asking and answering six more questions like these.Last Wednesday, what was the date?What was the day six days ago?What was the date two days ago?What was the day four days ago?Paul is reading his diary. It is now 9 p.m. on30 June. Complete Pauls thoughts by using the correct adverbial phrases. The first one has been done for you.Help Ss use the adverbs and adverbial phrases correctly. Examine whether Ss have grasped tthe adverbial phrases of time of the simple past tense. III. Post-task activity1.Additional exercises.Use the simple past tense to describe what students did at the past times.1.Write the following adverbial phrases on the board.two hours agoyesterday last weekone month ago2.Ask the students to write what they did at those times. To review what they have learnedIV. AssignmentWorkbook 8A, pages 26 and 27.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:1. To learn to catch the main information you need while listening.2.To describe a persons appearance correctly. Language focus:1.Vocabulary: description, rather, baseball2. Functions: It was black and brown in color. He had quite long hair.Teaching aids: 1. A recorder, a cassette,2. Students book 8A page 45 Teaching steps: PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1.Look at the picturre and answer the question. 2.Review how to describe a persons appearance. Question:Who is the man in the picture?1.Do you still remember what you learned in the LISTENING section in Unit 1? When we describe a persons appearance, what do we usually talk about?hair colour, hair length, hair style, clothes2.Now, pretend that you are Simon. You are telling the police about the thief. Think about what you will probably say.To motivate the students interest by guessing the pictures. Help students to know how to describe a persons appearance.II. While- task procedure 1. Listen to the recording. Complete some notes of descriptions of the other two thieves. 2. Find the two thieves in the line of people below according to the descriptions.1.Now you are going to complete some notes of descriptions of the other two thieves. What should you do when you need to complete the notes of descriptions of people?2.Listen to the recording. You will hear one of the women, from the story on page 39, talking to a policeman. She is describing the two other thieves. Listen carefully and complete the descriptions below by writing one word in each blank.Thief A: Thief B:Age:Height:Build:Hair:Clothes:Shoes:Now use the descriptions in A to help you find the two thieves in the line of people below. Circle the correct numbers.Let students learn to take notes while listening. Develop the students listening skill.III. Post-task activity1.Finds out the suspect.2.Describe one of the your classmates.Work in pairs. S1 describes one of the other suspects and S2 takes down the notes and finds out the suspect.Now, describe one of the your classmates, then let others guess who he or she is.To motivate the students interest by guessing the pictures.IV. AssignmentWorkbook 8A, page 27.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:The Fifth Period SpeakingLanguage Targets:1. Learn three pronunciations related to the past tense forms of verbs.2. Be able to say the sentences with correct intonation . 3. Introduce a historical figure usinthe grammar learnt in this unit. Language focus and difficult points:1. Three different ways of pronouncing the past tense forms of verbs.2. Vocabulary: mend downstairs India press the buttonTeaching Aids:1. Students Book 8A page 46.2. Multi-media PROCEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation Revision Review three forms of the simple past tense of regular verbs Help students to learn the following better.II.While-task procedure A: Talk time A1. /t/, /d/ or /Id/ Read and compareA2: Read the sentences correctly. A3. Work in pairsThere are three different ways of pronouncing the past tense forms of verbs.Practise saying the following verbs. Try to say the endings correctly./t/ crossed helped laughed pressed asked/d/ agreed realized carried turned used/Id/ ended needed started lifted visitedTips:When the verb ends in a/t/ or /d/ sound, the /Id/ sound is added as an extra syllable.1、Listen to some verbs in their past forms.Write them in the correct columns.2、Summary.Show the rules for pronouncing simple past (and past participle) endings.3、Pronounce the endings of these words. Write /t/, /d/ or /Id/ in the blanks.1 listened _2 liked _3 wanted _4 hoped _5 started _6 chatted _7 finished _8 organized _9 stopped _10 raised _11 walked _12 turned _4.Listen and say these sentences.She pressed the button.She lifted it up.She carried it downstairs.1.Write the examples on the board:Did she switch it on?Yes, she switched it on.2.Ask Ss to repeat them.3.Tell Ss to make their voice rise of the end of the questions and fall at the end of the answers. Students practise speaking skills and learn more skills of speakingLet the students use the rising and falling intonation correctly.III.Post-task activitiesB.Speak up 1.Imagine you are a famous person in history. Say four or five sentences about yourself to the class but do not tell your name. After you have finished speaking, ask the class to guess your name. Use the clues below to help you.2. Ask the class to guess your name. Ss practice speaking English and it can arouse their interest. 教学反思:The Sixth Period WritingLanguage Targets:1. To finish Judys diary by using correct verbs and other words.2. To use the simple past tense to write a diary.3. To express their own ideas in English fluently.Language focus and difficult points:1.The simple present tense.2. Vocabulary: helicopter, out of, up to, climb upTeaching Aids:1. Students Book 8A page 472. Multi-media PROCEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation1、Daily talk 2. Have a discussion.3.Learn how to write diaries.Talk about what you saw yesterday.Read Pauls diary on page 39 again. The introduction section says that Paul is writing about an unusual thing that happened to him one day. Discuss:What is the unusual thing?We are going to learn to write diaries in this lesson. Can you answer the following questions about diaries?1.What is a diary?2.What do people usually write in their diaries?3.What tense do people usually use when writing a diary?Review the simple past tense and practise the students speaking ability.Let the students express their own ideas in English.Help students learn more about writing diaries.II.While-task procedure 1. Look at the picture and answer the questions 2. Complete the sentences by using the pictures and the words in the boxes. Before we write our own diaries, we are going to complete an entry from Judys diary. Look at the picture on the right and answer the two questions below.1.Who came in the morning?2.What did he give to Judy?Now you are Judy. Every day you write a diary. Yesterday was your birthday, and you saw a robbery.Work in pairs. Complete the sentences by using the pictures and the words in the boxes. Remember to put the verbs into the simple past tense. Work alone complete Judys diary entry for yesterday.Ask Ss what Judy did in each picture, meanwhile, read the words in the box on page 45. Learn to write some sentences by using some key words with the help of the pictures. III.Post-task activities1.Work alone to complete Judys diary entry for yesterday.2.Students work on their own to write their diaries. Look at Judys diary and complete the table1、What happened to you last Sunday? Use the questions to help you. Then write your own diary. Remember to use the simple past tense.What was the date last Sunday?In the morningAt noonIn the afternoonIn the evening2、Read it to the partner after having finished. Then ask him/her to correct it.Students will practise writing skills by learning how to make an article betterTrain the Ss writing skills and practise the simple past tense. V. AssignmentWorkbook 8A, pages 29 and 30.教学反思: The Seventh Period More PracticeLanguage Targets:1. To learn some funny side of police work. 2. To be able to collect information and find the imformation about funny side of police work. around you.3.To express their ideas in English fluently.Language focus and difficult points: Vocabulary: admit, arrest, case, customs, rare, refund, release, smuggle, tellerTeaching Aids:1. Students Book 8A page482. Multi-media Teaching steps:PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1、Learn some new words about criminals. A.These people are all criminals. Match the names with the crimes in the pictures Use a dictionary if necessary.Students will know more about the criminals. It will make the students become interested in the learning.II. While- task procedure1.Show the introduction, the title and the pictures, Title:The funny side of police workThe introduction:Paula wanted to write an article about the funny side of police work for her school newspaper. She interviewed Detective Smith and he told her these stories.2.Listen and read the stories. 3.Look quickly through the three stories onpage 48 again to find answers to these questions. 4.Answer these questions.1、Try to answer these questions.Who told these stories?What is his job?2、Explain what the title means. Think: What do you think these sto


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